1、中国油页岩资源现状刘招君, 董清水,叶松青,朱建伟,郭 巍,李殿超,柳 蓉,张海龙,杜江峰 v o S,= 130061K1: 2004 2006年我国首次开展了全国性油页岩资源评价工作b为了更好地揭示我国油页岩的分布规律及特征, 按不同地区a不同层系a不同含油率a不同埋深和不同地理环境进行了归类汇总b评价结果表明, 我国油页岩资源丰富,分布范围广, 分布在20个省和自治区a47个盆地, 共有80个含矿区b全国油页岩资源为7 199. 37 亿t,页岩油资源为476. 44 亿t,页岩油可回收资源为119. 79 亿tb全国油页岩主要集中分布在东部区和中部区, 东部区油页岩资源为3 442.
2、48亿t, 中部区油页岩资源为1 609. 64亿t, 青藏区油页岩资源为1 203. 20亿t,西部区油页岩资源为749. 94亿t ,南方区油页岩资源为194. 61亿t, 分别占全国油页岩资源的48%a22%a17%a10%和 3%b全国油页岩主要集中分布在中a新生界,其中,中生界油页岩资源为5 597. 92 亿 t , 新生界油页岩资源为 1 052. 31 亿 t, 分别占全国油页岩资源的 77. 76%和14. 62% , 油页岩形成时代从西北至东南方向逐渐变新b我国油页岩含油率中等偏好, 其中含油率 5% 10%的油页岩资源为2 664. 35 亿t,含油率 10%的油页岩资源
3、为1 266. 94 亿 t, 分别占全国油页岩资源的37%和18%b我国油页岩埋藏深度较浅,埋深在0 500 m之间的油页岩资源为4 663. 51 亿 t,埋深在500 1 000 m之间的油页岩资源为2 535. 86亿t ,分别占全国油页岩资源的64. 78%和 35. 22%b我国油页岩主要分布在平原和黄土塬地区, 分布在平原地区的油页岩资源为 3 256. 53 亿t, 分布于黄土塬地区的油页岩资源为1 562. 86 亿t,分别占全国油页岩资源的 45%和 21%b油页岩资源巨大的盆地有: 松辽盆地a鄂尔多斯盆地a准噶尔盆地, 占全国油页岩资源的76. 79%b1oM: 中国油页
4、岩; 基本术语; 油页岩资源;资源现状; 分布特征ms |: P618. 12 DS M : A cI|: 1671 5888( 2006) 06 0869 08l : 2006 08 20 “:SEv( ZP- Y- 01)Te: q ,( 1951 ) , 3, CW: , q,p V 3 =,1V Yac sa: N8 , Tel: 0431- 8502603, E- mail: liuzj jlu. edu. cnbThe Situation of Oil Shale Resources in ChinaLIU Zhao-jun, DONG Q ing-shui, YE Song-qi
5、ng, ZH U Jian-w ei, GUO Wei,LI Dian- chao, LIU Rong, ZH ANG H a-i long, DU Jiang-fengCollege of Earth Sciences , J ilin Univer sity , Changchun 130061, ChinaAbstract: T he first national evaluating of oil shale resour ce has been completed w ith consumm ation,w hich had lasted for tw o years fr om 2
6、004 to 2006. T he evaluation results w ere classified based on thedifferences of districts, buried stratum, oil yield, buried depth and geogr aphy envir onm ent in order to dis-cover the distributing pr inciples and featur es of oil shale. T he evaluation result indicates that the oilshale resources
7、 are r ich in China and distribute in a broad range. There are about 80 mines have beenfound in 20 provinces and 47 basins by now . In China, the total oil shale resources and shale oil re-sources ar e estimated at 7 199. 37 108 tons and 476. 44 108 tons, r espectively. According to the evalu-ation
8、result, Most of oil shale resource in China is enriched in the east and the mid area. Oil shale re-source of the east area, the m id area, the Qinghai and T ibet area, the w est ar ea and the south area ded-i36 6 2006 M11 v( o S)Journal of Jilin University( Earth Science Edition) Vol. 36 No. 6Nov. 2
9、006 cate 48%( 3 442. 48 108 tons) , 22%( 1 609. 64 108 tons) , 17% ( 1 203. 20 108 tons) , 10%( 749. 94 108tons) and 3% ( 194. 61 108 tons) of the total resources of China, respectively.In China, oil shale r esource is enriched in M esozoic and Cenozoic strata, w hich dedicates 77. 76%( 5 597. 92 10
10、8 tons) and 14. 62% ( 1 052. 31 108 tons) of the total resources of China, respectively.The age of the oil shale in the nor thw est is younger than the southeast. T he grade of oil shale ( oil yield)ranges from m iddling to good. Oil shale resources of middling gr ade ( 5% 10%) took 37% ( 2 664. 35
11、108 tons) of national total resources and the good grade ( exceed 10% ) took 18% ( 1 267 108 tons) .About 64. 78%( 4 663. 53 108 tons) resour ces are buried from the depth of 0 m to 500 m and 35. 22%( 2 535. 86 108 tons) w ere buried betw een the depth of 500 m to 1 000 m . In China, oil shale resou
12、rce isenriched in the plain and loess land w hich took 45% ( 3 256. 53 108 tons) and 21% ( 1 562. 86 108tons) of the national total resources, r espectively. Oil shale basins w ith large r esources ar e Songliao Ba-sin, Ordos Basin and Jugger Basin, their resour ces covers 76. 79% of the countr yw i
13、de resources.Key words: oil shale in China; basic nomenclatur e; oil shale resources; situation of resource; distribu-ting character s0:( :) Bs%8 V ,3. 5% ,c ,1 Ca, ? B4 187 J/ g 1b: B1 ?, d? ,4 Z ?“ vTb:VZM dMs,SZM 2 ,S1 dMb: HT, v a # 13 17b1 aZEsa Ba SdBa NZE,Q T vsb1: N8“ 1. 1: N8“2004 2006 MS n
14、Q 7Z / S: N0TbQ: NTS S5v u, N9 162 km2, :s870 v( o S) 36 adE9 , 1a= 158. 984 L 18km2b765c u( 2594)aC l“ #17 882 u(m1)bQ: NT, - X 7Z Sa 3T$, s X | NT, Sa NZE, a a Z4 NS: . s? p,: 7? t b1. 2: “ -S B: NS,Q Nu%8 /% s v( GB/ T 17766- 1999)S$,iv NSS=8 17, 18 ,YV L=T,y “dS: N8“ b N8“ s I n y a6y Vy ,| s 8E
15、,S=E,i L s * L *T, P NTSa ab z US:s? p#+,3“ac qa B 9b:( :) Bs%8V ,3. 5%,c ,1 Ca C C, ? B4. 19 kJ/ g 1b: T =T 6il%81 “, Ta V K 7 / Va6 b a a / a+ +G M bvV L, Vs: : .b: TX?C:b: . G 7 *s:b: : : h“g ( ) :sb: u SGv W% 5+a 8 aa? a F a # 7/ Hq, 8X , G W, Vb:/ V :,C Vn/ Hq/ V:9 ( X) ,:/ V“ b :/ V“ :,C Vn/ H
16、q/ Vs s1b: : , S: V l119. 79atb S: :500. 49at(m2,V1)bV S:, b “ T ,S:, :|v4, H?C: b:1sS ua u ub u:3 442. 48at, S:48%; u:1 609. 64at, S:22% ; u:1 203. 20at, S:17% ; u:749. 43at, S:10% ; 2Z u:194. 61at, S:3%b8716 q ,:S:C872 v( o S) 36 8736 q ,:S:CV1 S:/: NTTable 1 Total oil shale andshale oil resources
17、 of China:tv u: : V l V l u34 424 841 3 633 122 1 676 680 192 827 430 929 67 595 u16 096 392 192 700 979 467 12 101 240 225 3 728 u7 494 339 213 258 727 814 13 293 194 585 4 8382Z u1 946 140 956 714 114 592 55 314 47 347 32 901 u12 032 016 9 062 1 265 811 832 284 841 2219971 993 729 5 004 856 4 764
18、364 274 367 1 197 926 109 2833 S:“s+:i“ N,:MS z, S:1“s 3b 3:5 597. 92at, S:77. 66% , : 341. 97at; T|:| :,:317. 29at,: V l77. 65atb 3:1 052. 31at, S:14. 62%, : 152. 79at; T|:| :,:104. 49at,: V l26. 88atb 3:549. 14at, S:7. 62%, : 5. 73at; T|:| :,:54. 65at,: V l15. 27atbsa+4 v 8“ e,: HV 2Z_vM, 3:1s u,
19、3:1sa u, 3:1s2Z u(m2)b4 S: )#s+YVc q ): N, V :,7 O,: 7? 4Mypb S:cq3. 5% 5%W:3 268. 09at,:154. 18at,sY S:45. 39%32. 3%;c q 5% 10%W:2 664. 35at,:182. 24at,sY S:37%38. 25%;c q 10%:1266. 93at,:140. 02at,sY S:17. 6%29. 39%bT:d9,c q 5%:67. 64%bB NTV ,S: zb5 S: sYV : N, V :,iG 0 7Z T( ? 7/ ; 7)# 7?b: sa 7?
20、 1ilbQ N“9 : 01 000 mW,S =B 0500 m500 1000 m: d9bNTV , 0 500 mW:4 663. 51at, S:64. 78%bT|:| :,:333. 09at,: V l84. 18atb 500 1 000 mW:2 535. 86at, S:35. 22%b:143. 35at,: V l35. 62atb NTV ,S: 0, : 7? b6 S: s+S:1i aa m 3 ,: 0,:7? 7/ Hq(m2)b :sY S:45. 23%32. 7% , QCb ,:3 256. 53atb:155. 82at,: V l38. 83
21、874 v( o S) 36 at;,:1 211. 45at,:127. 09at,: V l28. 61at;m 3,:416. 70at,:24. 49at,: V l9. 35at; ,:584. 81at,:56. 95at,: V l15. 92at;C,:167. 02at,:16. 23at,: V l3. 65at;r,:1 562. 86atb:95. 86at,: Vl23. 43atb71 NTS:1s47 bB: ? i OX 7? 1 a a ;: v 1 a4: a:3 , S:76. 79% (m2)b :? V|47c: s4 : B: ? i OX 7? ;
22、 B:? 7? ; X : 7? ; : . (V2)bV2c: s Table 2 Classificationof oil shale basinss 4 a a a0 10 a4: a aayazZa aZa a 26:aG HYa av aaa26 7 a ga +aa aaa :222. 45at, S:3. 1%, : 112. 70at, S: 22. 5% ; :4 922. 80at, S:68. 4%, : 372. 57at, S: 74. 4%; :1 228. 07at, S:17. 1%, : 15. 22at, S: 3%; :826. 06at,S:11. 5%
23、bA ,Saa :bV S: , vb8 ( 1) S:,sS5% 10%:2 664. 35at,c q 10%:1 266. 94atb( 5) S: 0, 0 500mW:4 663. 51at, 500 1 000 mW:2 535. 86atb( 6) S:1s r u,s u:3 256. 53at,sr u:1 562. 86atb该成果是在国土资源部a国家发展和改革委员会及财政部联合组织开展的新一轮/全国油页岩资源评价0国家专项基础上完成的b在该研究中,得到上述三部委有关领导和专家的指导和帮助b特别感谢国土资源部油气战略研究中心领导和专家给予的大力指导与支持b感谢以首席专家孙枢
24、院士和翟光明院士为首的专家组, 感谢李廷栋院士a沈成喜教授a田克勤教授a李思田教授及有关专家给予的耐心指导b感谢吉林大学地球科学学院在人力a物力方面给予的帮助b ID(References): 1 q , A .S:+# 7? -s J . -, 2005, 12( 3) : 315 323.LIU Zhao- jun, LIU Rong. Oil shale charact er and ex-ploitation & utilization prospect J . Earth Science8756 q ,:S:CFrontiers, 2005, 12( 3) : 315 323. 2
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