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1、 文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 1 of 11Copyright 2011-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished work created in 2011. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. Th

2、e copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains confidential, proprietary information and trade secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tian

3、jin Botro。基于区域匹配的图像白平衡调整Zhou MiRevision 1.0WARNINGThis document contains confidential information that could be substantially detrimental to the interest of Tianjin Botro Electronical Tech Co., Ltd through unauthorized use or disclose.文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 2 of 11Copyright 2011-2

4、015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished work created in 2011. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurr

5、ed. This work contains confidential, proprietary information and trade secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。Table Of Contents1 Open Issues 31.1 Open Feature Issues

6、31.2 Open Implementation Issues32 引言 43 需求分析 .53.1 子区域匹配 53.2 白平衡调整 .74 附录 95 Revision Changes 10文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 3 of 11Copyright 2011-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished work created in 2011. The use of this copyright notic

7、e is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains confidential, proprietary information and trade secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this document may be used, rep

8、roduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。1 Open IssuesList all open issues. Include short description of resolution when closed. This should not be detailed.1.1 Open Feature Issues1)Issue: Resolution: 2)Issue:Resolution:3)Issue: Resolu

9、tion:1.2 Open Implementation Issues1)Issue:Resolution:2)Issue:Resolution:文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 4 of 11Copyright 2011-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished work created in 2011. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide

10、 notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains confidential, proprietary information and trade secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted

11、in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。2 引 言数字视频在 LCD、LCOS 和大屏电视墙显示时,由于液晶分子本身固有的物理性质所造成的特殊光电效应、荧光管亮度不足、数模转换存在噪声、子屏幕显示特性不同以及屏幕老化等因素会造成图像误差和扭曲,加上用户的视觉调节和测试需求,往往需要对图像颜色加以校正。本课题根据数字视频显示原理,提出了一种对彩色图像分区域匹配后进行白平衡调整的方法。文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 5 of

12、 11Copyright 2011-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished work created in 2011. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that pub

13、lication has occurred. This work contains confidential, proprietary information and trade secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。3 需 求 分 析基于区域匹配的图像白平衡调整根据颜色调节需要将一帧图像分

14、为多个不同的子区域,并对这些子区域执行不同的调整方法。要求子区域形状为矩形且可相互重叠,大小和数目可以根据用户需要而改变,只要这些子区域大小没有超过当前显示屏幕最大尺寸,数目没有超过系统存储器数目所支持的最大校正数目,对同一子区域 R、G、B 各个颜色通道的校正相互独立、方法相同,并充分考虑各个子区域不同的白平衡调整参数。调整后的图像在在空间上彼此衔接,形成一幅稳定、完整的图像。3.1 子区域匹配颜色校正方法通常可以分为两类:1)基于图像设备的校正方法,通过确定源颜色空间到目标颜色空间的映射关系实现颜色空间转换,其中的代表方法是矩阵法、查表法、多项式回归法和人工神经网络法,这类方法常用于确定图


16、、行扫描信号(h_in)、列扫描信号(v_in)以及行(col )、列(row)计数信号,很容易得到屏幕中各行、列信息 col、 row。 由于需要颜色校正的子区域行(列)起始、终止位置信息HATART、HSTOP(VSTART、VSTOP )存储在不同的存储器中,我们只需将扫描得到的行(列)信息 col(row )及时的与行(列)起始、终止位置存储器中存储的行(列)信息HATART、HSTOP(VSTART、VSTOP )比较即可实现某个子区域的匹配,该过程如下所示:文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 6 of 11Copyright 2011

17、-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished work created in 2011. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occu

18、rred. This work contains confidential, proprietary information and trade secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。ColRwountf_invih_in rowcol HSTARHSTOPVSTARVSTOPAdresDa

19、t HSTAR Memory512432AdresDat HSTOP Memory512432AdresDat VSTAR Memory512432AdresDat VSTOP Memory5124321212 32 HSTAR bits32 HSTOP bits32 VSTAR bits32 VSTOP bitsRegion Selction图 1 子区域匹配结构一帧开始时 col=0,row=0。HSTART memory、HSTOP memory(VSTART memory、VSTOP memory)代表用户指定校正区域的行(列)起始、终止位置存储器(Region Memory)。因为根

20、据用户自己的视觉校正需求所指定的不同矩形子区域,在显示过程中有一部分像素可能相互重叠,所以,子区域匹配过程中,与同一个行(列)位置消息比较、匹配后的子区域可能不止一个。而在颜色校正过程中,每次只能选择一个匹配后的子区域进行白平衡调整,因此,当匹配后的子区域数目多于一个时,必须先判断其显示顺序,即通过区域选择(Region Selection)来决定对哪一个子区域先进行颜色校正。4 系 统 方 案 及 实 现根据系统子区域匹配的结构,及时、准确地实现扫描过程中的行(列)信息与行(列)位置存储器中 HSTART、HSTOP(VSTART、VSTOP)值比较,是实现子区域匹配的关键。本方案中,行位置

21、信息比较通过乒乓操作实现,乒乓操作的最大特点是通过输入数据流选择单元和输出数据流选择单元按节拍、相互配合地切换,将经过缓冲的数据流没有停顿地送到数据流运算处理模块实现运算与处理。把乒乓操作当做一个整体,站在这个整体的两端看行数据信息,输入数文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 7 of 11Copyright 2011-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished work created in 2011. The use

22、of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains confidential, proprietary information and trade secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this do

23、cument may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。据流和输出数据流都是连续不断的,没有任何停顿,非常适合对行信息数据流进行流水线式处理。乒乓操作完成了行信息数据的无缝缓冲预处理,实现了低速模块处理高速数据,节约了缓冲区空间。针对本方案中子区域匹配对速度要求高,且容量不是特别大(当前用户显示屏幕的分辨率为2048*2048 时,最大校正区域像素数目 2048*2048),选用静态存储器 SR

24、AM 作为所需的区域位置存储器。以当前用户显示屏幕的分辨率为 2048*2048 时,用户所指定校正子区域为 32 个为例,一帧图像显示前,首先将这 32 个校正子区域按照其起始、终止位置在视频显示中出现的顺序排列,然后以顺序结构依次存储在区域位置存储器 HSTART memory、HSTOP memory、VSTART memory、VSTOP memory 中。SRAM 中 Region Memory 共 44 位,结构定义如下:H star Memory, 4x32=1408Hstarm1(2b)-(32b)-4itsstar32(1b), (32b).tr(), ()Star/stop

25、vlueRegion flags12 bits 32 bits图 2 Region Memory以 HSTART memory 为例,44 位中 4332 位存储值为子区域行起始位置,低 031 位中哪一位为 1 则该位对应区域 HSTART 值即为 4332 位所存储的值,例如,031 位中“i”(i=0,1, ,31)位为 “1”,则 32 个子区域中第 i+1 个子区域 HSTART 值即为 4332 位所存储的值,这样当用户定义两个甚至多个子区域的行(列)起始位置相同时,我们可以根据其匹配后对应的 031 位来决定先对哪个子区域进行白平衡调整,约定匹配后对应的 i 位越低,其白平衡调整

26、优先级越高,即 0 位的白平衡调整优先级最高,其次是 1 位、2 位、31 位。由于 32 个不同子区域的 HSTART 值在 Region Memory 中是按其显示出现顺序排列的,于是,扫描过程中与这 32 个子区域所对应行起始位置可以通过 SRAM 地址(address)直接读到,省略了查找过程,加快了子区域匹配的速度。文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 8 of 11Copyright 2011-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this document constitutes a

27、n unpublished work created in 2011. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains confidential, proprietary information and trade

28、secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。总结一下,HSTART 的区域匹配过程如下所示:col=HSTAR?H goes lwyesnoHSTAR Proces: col=0adres =0read HstrmHSTAR =Hstarm(432)32starbit t10col +adr +S

29、tarcol=ative_pixlser_lin? Endnoyes图 3: Region Detection Process需要说明的是,为了更快地实现行起始(终止)位置信息比较进而实现子区域匹配,扫描过程中每当开始新的一行,可以将前 4 个行起始(终止)位置信息预存入“pingpong”比较器,每当匹配行一个起始(终止)信息,就从存储器中重新读入一个新的行起始(终止)位置信息。3.2 白平衡调整白平衡调整也称灰度调整,包括暗白平衡调整和亮白平衡调整。相对于视频解码芯片,格式变换器 Scaler 属于数字电路,对数字电路中的寄存器进行调整,不仅可以减少画面中图像的纹波干扰,而且调整值的改变更

30、加准确。所以,在产品设计时一般都调整 Scaler 中的寄存器。Scaler 中可供选择的寄存器组有 2 种,第 1 组是三基色 R、G、B 分别对应的偏移(0FFSET)和增益(GAIN)寄存器,共 6 个,第 2 组为伽马校正寄存器。系统一般都是调整 OFFSET 和GAIN。由于电于产品需要向用户开放亮度和对比度的调整功能,OFFSET 和 GAIN 寄存器要被文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 9 of 11Copyright 2011-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this d

31、ocument constitutes an unpublished work created in 2011. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains confidential, proprietary i

32、nformation and trade secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。占用。如果白平衡调整的最终结果仍然使用该组寄存器就会面临冲突。所以,系统软件首先是利用 OFFSET 和 GAIN 寄存器进行自平衡的自动调整,然后再把调整后的值存入 SRAM 中。首先进行暗平衡调整,产生低亮度

33、白信号输入到 LCD 中,调整 OFFSET 使色温与色差都达到要求。然后进行亮平衡调整,产生高亮度白信号输入到 LCD 中,调整 GAIN 使色温和色差都达到要求。由于 OFFSET 和 GAIN 对输出信号改变是相互的,暗平衡和亮平衡需要交替调整数次。当调整完成后,信号改变过程见下式(以 G 通道为例):G_out = g_in*ggain + goffset*(WLg_in*ggain) 式中,ggain 、 goffset 为白平衡调整后所得到的调整系数,WL 为白电平。 开放亮度和对比度的调整后,用户定义白平衡调整系数分别为gain_master、offset_master ,G 通

34、道总的增益校正为 Cont(x,y),偏移校正为 Br(x,y)。对于处于子区域匹配内部的像素点,对 I(x,y)的增益和偏移校正分别为:Cont(x,y) = gain + gain_master + gain_hramp*(x-1) + gain_vramp*(y-1);Br(x,y) = offset + offset_master + offset_hramp*(x-1) + offset_vramp*(y-1);对于位于匹配子区域之外的像素点,可以认为它们对数字图像显示的颜色影响不大,对其白平衡调整为:Cont(x,y) = 1 + gain_master;Br(x,y) = 1 +

35、 offset_master;校正后 G 通道的值 G_out = G_Cont(x,y) * (1 Br(x,y) + Br(x,y) * WL,其中 G_Cont(x,y) = g_in(x,y) * Cont(x,y)。对 B 通道和 R 通道的偏移和增益校正采用和 G 通道相同的办法。文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 10 of 11Copyright 2011-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished wo

36、rk created in 2011. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains confidential, proprietary information and trade secrets of Tianj

37、in Botro. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。4 附 录1 名词缩写: 2 名词缩写: 3 文档模板Last updated: 11/28/2013 10:16 下午Page 11 of 11Copyright 2011-2015, 天津铂创国茂电子科技发展有限公司 版权所有. The material in this docum

38、ent constitutes an unpublished work created in 2011. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that Tianjin Botro owns a copyright in this unpublished work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains confidential, proprietary infor

39、mation and trade secrets of Tianjin Botro. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Tianjin Botro。5 Revision ChangesThis section is optional for changes to the document before the first official release to other groups (rev 1.0). After that point, all changes must be briefly detailed in this section.Rev 1.0 Zhou MiDate: 2013-11-151. Initial revision.Rev 2.0 Zheng TingtingDate: 2011-11-28Modifications:1. 增加章节修改增加第一位,比如 1.0 变为 2.0。2. 修改文章格式和简要修改内容,增加第二位, 比如 1.0 变为 1.1。3.


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