1、1 是英国人: am British2 业余时间:in ter free time3 喜欢玩电脑游戏:like playing computer4 16 点 35 分到达:arrives at 6:355 她妻子的家乡:his wifes hometown6 喝杯咖啡:to have a coffee7 吃一个三明治:have a sandwich8 告诉我您的车牌号 tell me your car number9 5 点半下班:finish work at half past five10 不喜欢看电视:doesnt like watching TV11 葡萄酒:any wine12 在五
2、楼:are on the fifth floor13 这位是:this is14 从四点到五点:from four to five15 一杯橙汁:An orange juice16 做保险业:work in insurance17 负责:is responsible for18 正在等:is waiting for19 简的丈夫:janes husband20 兄弟姐妹:any brothers and sisters21 租一套新房子:renting a new flat22 一间独立的书房:a separate study23 又乱又吵:is busy and noisy24 坏了:isn
3、t working25 您想:would you like26 在户外烧烤:having a barbecue27 邀请:the invitation28 乘:to take29 祝你旅途愉快:a good journey30 留口信:leave a message31 停车:park32 做饭:cooking dinner33 听音乐:listening to music34 刮风:windy35 旁边:near36 在隔壁:is next to37 锻炼身体:work out38 一名健身俱乐部的成员:: a member of the health club39 蓝眼睛、短胡须:With
4、 blue eyes and short beard40 开朗、爱说话:outgoing and talktive41 把那荔枝给我:give me those lychees42 炒一下这些洋葱:fry these onions43 一瓶酒:a bottle of wine44 两公斤苹果:2 kilos apples45 带些矿泉水来:to bring some mineral water46 与不同:different from47 更喜欢:prefer48 觉得:think of49 借书:borrow books50 借车:lend their car51 练健美操:do aerob
5、ics52 下下个星期:the week aften next53 从九月到十二月:from September till December54 适合于你:suit you55 跑步机和举重机:running machines and weights machines56 要一份申请表:ask for an application form57 答复:replying to58 培训方面的经验:experience of training59 友好、随和的:friendly and outgoing60 不擅长:is bad at 61 在周末加班:do overtime at the wee
6、kend62 至少一天两次:at least twice a day63 停车场不够用:not enough parking places64 取决于:depends on65 跟平常一样:As usual66 牙疼的厉害:ve got bad toothache67 咳嗽、打喷嚏:coughing and sneezing68 处理一些小病:treat some minor probiems69 开一些药片:prescribe some tablets70 把手提包交给警察:give the handbag to the police71 互相帮助:help each other72 与不同:is different from73 与一样重:Are as heavy as74 做生意:doing business75 做蛋糕:making cakes