1、 最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 http:/ 年 2 月 6 日中午,伦敦特拉法加广场Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Chinese New Year Celebrations in London6 February 2011, Trafalgar Square, London尊敬的伦敦市副市长巴恩斯先生,尊敬的西敏寺市市长华纳女士,尊敬的中国国务院侨务办公室主任李海峰女士,尊敬的伦敦华埠商会主席邓柱廷先生、会长吴国强先生,各位来宾,女士们、先生们:Mr. Richard Barnes, Deputy Mayor o
2、f London,Councillor Judith Warner, Lord Mayor of Westminster,Madam Li Haifeng,最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 http:/ Chu Ting Tang,Mr Leslie Ng,Ladies and Gentlemen,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆向各位嘉宾和朋友们拜年!It is my great pleasure to see so many people joining us in celebrating the Chinese New Year. On behalf of the Chinese E
3、mbassy in the UK, I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit. (Chun Jie Kuai Le, Tu Nian Ji Xiang!)春节是中国的传统佳节,阖家团圆,举国欢庆,人们祈盼风调雨顺,国泰民安。The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration. And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prospero
4、us year, both for their families and their motherland.春节现在不仅是中国人的节日,也正在成为各国人民共同的节日。无论是中国,还是亚洲、美洲和欧洲;无论是伦敦,还是爱丁堡、曼彻斯特和利物浦,各地张灯结彩,舞龙戏狮,普天共庆,四海同春。Today, the Chinese New Year is celebrated not only by the Chinese people, but also by the people in every part of the world. From China and across Asia, to E
5、urope and America, wherever you go, you can feel the joy of celebrating. Here in London, as in Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, and many other cities, people are decorating their homes and streets with colourful lanterns and celebrating with dragon and lion dances.春节与伦敦有个一年一度的约会。在特拉法加广场举行的这场中国文化盛事,
6、今年已经是连续第 10 年。它已成为亚洲以外规模最大的春节庆典活动。中国和英国都有着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、伟大的发明和勤劳的人民,都为人类文明的发展做出了非凡贡献。中国和英国都是当今具有重要影响的大国,都致力于促进世界和平、稳定和繁荣。人类进步和时代潮流告诉我们,相知才能互信,合作才能共赢。让我们携起手来,为构建一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同作出努力。This is the 10th year that we have been celebrating the Chinese New Year here in Trafalgar Square. It has become the l
7、argest event of celebrating the Chinese New Year outside Asia. We feel it important to share our happiness with the UK, a country we in China have so much in common with. We both have time-honoured histories, splendid cultures and hard-working people. We are both proud of the contributions we have m
8、ade to human civilization, and are both playing important role in international arena for world peace, stability and prosperity. History tells us: mutual trust comes from mutual 最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 http:/ and cooperation leads to a win-win in our development. Let us join hands to build a harmonio
9、us world of lasting peace and common prosperity.我要感谢大伦敦市政府、西敏寺市政府和伦敦华埠商会,感谢你们的不懈努力和辛勤付出,感谢你们为增进中英人民的了解和友谊做出的贡献。今天,我也要感谢远道而来的中国国务院侨务办公室主任李海峰女士以及文化部外联局舒晓公参,他们分别从中国带来了两个顶尖水平的艺术团体,与我们共庆新春,为伦敦春节庆典增色添彩。I want to thank the Greater London Authority, Westminster City Council and the London Chinatown Chinese
10、Association for their hard work in organising todays event and for their consistent commitment to mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples. I also want to thank Minister Li Haifeng and Minister Counsellor Shu Xiao for bringing two top-class Chinese art troupes to London. I am sure
11、 their wonderful performances will make today a very special day!最后,在这象征着活力和富庶的兔年,在这春天即将来临的时刻,我衷心地祝中英两国繁荣昌盛!祝中英两国人民幸福安康 !祝中英关系取得新的更大的发展 !The Year of the Rabbit stands for vitality and prosperity. I wish China and Britain continued prosperity. I wish our two peoples greater happiness. And I wish our two countries an even closer friendship.谢谢!Thank you and happy new year to you all!