2、掌握。依靠雄厚的技术实力以及多年的大罐施工经验,中国石化集团第四建设公司在短时间内即突破气吹、焊接和罐底板铺设三大技术难题,其编制的施工组织设计文件得到外方充分肯定,并于2006年5月实现1# 、2#储罐竣工并投入使用。,In 2004,FCC won the bid of constructing the 3160 thousand m3 LNG tanks in Dapeng Bay, Shenzhen of Guangdong province, which initiated the large scale cryogenic LNG storage tank construction
3、 in China.The unit volume is 160 thousand m3 ,structure weight 3500 tons, inner diameter 82m, total height 50m, the tank roof self weight some 700 tons. The tank goes by name of Asian Extreme .The tank is structured as inner tank and outer tank, the outer tank is of pre-stressed concrete, the inner
4、tank is of 9% nickel metal. The tank bottom is of three courses, where the first and secondary courses are of nickel, while the third course is of carbon steel. Because of the special structure and unique construction method, especially that roof air raising, nickel steel welding and tank bottom mul
5、ti courses laying out are the arduous tasks in international installation field. The patent construction technology are only grasped by a few companies like STTS in the world. Based on strong technology competence and years of over-size tank construction experience, FCC overcome the difficulty in ai
6、r raising, nickel welding and bottom plate laying out. The prepared construction execution plan was fully confirmed by the foreign side. The whole construction was fluently completed on May, 2005, the two tanks were soon in function.,3,土建基础施工-1,灌注桩钢笼,灌注桩2,基础承台,灌注桩1,4,预应力钢筋混凝土外罐施工,外罐体支模,预应力管安装,内侧模板,外
7、罐体托在承台上,5,罐顶骨架的预制,6,SEGMENT ERECTION UNDER PROGRESS 罐顶骨架片吊装,FINAL BOLTING AND ALIGNEMENT 罐顶骨架螺栓连接成型,拱顶骨架分片吊装,7,顶板安装,顶板由外向罐中心安装,8,罐顶板安装收口,9,承压环预制安装,10,铝浮盘吊杆安装,11,铝浮盘整体提升安装,12,罐顶顶气升,顶气升设备,顶气升过程压力检测,13,顶气升过程监控,14,顶气升就位开始组装焊接,15,外罐防潮板安装,16,内罐角保护安装,17,1_st / 2_nd RING INNER TANK SHELL 1、2圈内罐壁的安装,内罐壁安装焊接,18,罐底安装及保冷,19,罐壁保冷,20,ERECTION OF PUMP COLUMN IN PROGRESS 泵管安装就位,內罐低温泵管预制安装,21,內罐低温泵安装,22,珍珠岩填充,23,投产的LNG罐,24,到达现场LNG运输船,