1、HELLODSP-DSP 技术开发服务 平台( ) 1. 先安装 sdf28xx_v3_3_serial , 安装时按照默认路径安装, 与 CCS3.3 安装路径 相同; 2. 安装 SDFlash 软件:SetupCCSPlatinum_v30329 ,安装路径与 CCS3.3 安装路 径相同; 3. 编辑 sdopts.cfg 文件,此文件存放在你所安装的 windows 的 System32 目录下 (1) 用记事本的方式打开 sdopts.cfg (2) 在“# End of sdopts.cfg”前加入如下文本: EmulatorId=C1 EmuPortAddr=0xC1 EmuP
2、ortMode=RS232 EmuProductName=SERIAL_FLASH EmulatorId=C2 EmuPortAddr=0xC2 EmuPortMode=RS232 EmuProductName=SERIAL_FLASH EmulatorId=C3 EmuPortAddr=0xC3 EmuPortMode=RS232 EmuProductName=SERIAL_FLASH 1HELLODSP-DSP 技术开发服务 平台( ) EmulatorId=C4 EmuPortAddr=0xC4 EmuPortMode=RS232 EmuProductName=SERIAL_FLASH
3、3. 利用串口线连接 DSP 与 PC 机;配置 F2812 为从 SCI-A 的启动模式,复位 时:GPIOF4=0 GPIOF12=0 GPIOF3=1 GPIOF2=1 ; 4. 打开 SDFlash , 路径为:C:CCStudio_v3.3specdigsdflashbin 下 SDFlash.exe , 如下图所示。 5. 打开 F2812SerialFlash.sdp 工程, 路径:C:CCStudio_v3.3specdigsdflashmyprojectssdf28xx_v3_3_serialf2812 2HELLODSP-DSP 技术开发服务 平台( ) 6. 打开 Pro
4、ject-Settings 菜单,对工程进行配置, _ Driver: This must point to F281xRS232Flash.dll (for F281x devices), to F280xRS232Flash.dll (for F280x, F2801x, and F2804x), or to F2833xRS232Flash.dll (for F2833x and F2823x devices). _ Emulator Address/ID: This is the COM port on your PC that you are using to connect to
5、the DSP. If COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4 do not appear as options, modify the sdopts.cfg file as described previously in step 4. _ Board file: Leave as ccBrd028x.dat _ Processor name: Leave as cpu_0 3HELLODSP-DSP 技术开发服务 平台( ) Algorithm File: Use the same algorithm file that you specified on the Erase T
6、ab. _ Flash Data File: This is the .out file that you want to program into the flash. _ Timeout: Leave as 0. This option has been superseded by Programming User Options 4. _ User Options 1 through 3: Unused. _ User Options 4: : Program acknowledge retry specifier. After sending the DSP a packet of d
7、ata to program into the flash, the PC runs a loop that checks for a 4HELLODSP-DSP 技术开发服务 平台( ) program acknowledge from the DSP. This option controls the maximum number of times the PC will loop. It can generally be left at the default value of 0. Algorithm File: Use the same algorithm file that you
8、 specified on the Erase Tab. _ Timeout: Leave as 0. _ User Options 1 and 2: Unused. Note: In the JTAG version of SDFlash, these options specify the wait-states for the OTP and Flash memory to be set before the verify operation starts. The serial version of SDFlash does not use these options however, and instead the wait-states remain set to their reset defaults (which are the maximum values). _ User Options 3 and 4: Unused 8 保存SDFlash 工程, 9.DSP 上电或复位,以启动 SCI-A 模式 5HELLODSP-DSP 技术开发服务 平台( ) 10. 复位 SDFlash ,单击红色按钮。 11. 开始编程 注意:本系统采用的晶振是 30MHz 的,如果不是该频率需要对工程重新编译, 具体步骤参考 TI 相关文档。 6