1、City of San Jose City Administrative Policy Manual Sick Leave Section 4.2.6 PURPOSE To establish the policy and procedures for the accumulation and use of sick leave for full-time and part-time City employees. AUTHORITY Applicable Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) or Benefit seeking medical attention, ob
2、taining services from a domestic violence shelter; obtaining counseling; or ensuring the health, safety or welfare for himself/herself or his or her child. B. DRUG OR ALCOHOL-RELATED ABSENCES Paid sick leave shall not be allowed for any absence from work occasioned by intoxication, chronic alcoholis
3、m, or the use of narcotics not prescribed by a licensed physician. If approved by the City, an employee who is enrolled and participating in a substance abuse treatment program may use sick leave for absences resulting from participation in such program. C. AUTHORIZATION Sick leave is not a benefit
4、in which an employee may use at his/her discretion; therefore, sick leave will be authorized only in cases where the request for sick leave is reported promptly and used for one of the above reasons. An employee may be required to substantiate any request for the use of sick leave. The Department Di
5、rector, or designee may investigate any request for sick leave, or the facts stated in an employee affidavit, whenever doubt exists as to the validity of a sick leave Revised Date: 09/17/15 Original Effective Date: 07/01/72 Page 1 of 4 City of San Jose City Administrative Policy Manual Sick Leave Se
6、ction 4.2.6 request. Sick leave may be disallowed if: (1) it is not taken for authorized reasons, and/or (2) the regulations as established by the City Manager are not adhered to by the employee. SICK LEAVE ENTITLEMENT A. SICK LEAVE WITH PAY The amount of sick leave entitlement is based on the follo
7、wing conditions of employment: 1. Each eligible employee earns sick leave at a rate of 0.04616 hour of sick leave for each hour worked exclusive of overtime. Employees represented by the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 230 who work twenty-four (24) hour shifts earns sick leave at a
8、 rate of 0.04688 hour of sick leave for each hour worked exclusive of overtime. 2. Unused, earned sick leave time may be accumulated without limit. 3. Any authorized, paid sick leave shall be deemed to be time worked for the purpose of computing sick leave and vacation earned. 4. Unpaid leave (s) of
9、 absence shall not be deemed to be time worked for the purpose of computing sick leave and vacation earned. 5. Payment for accumulated and unused sick leave at the date of a full-time employees retirement or death shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the applicable MOA or Compensation
10、Summary. B. SICK LEAVE WITHOUT PAY Please see applicable Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) information on sick leave without pay. C. SICK LEAVE: USE IN CASES INVOLVING WORK RELATED INJURY 1. An employee may use paid or unpaid sick leave to cover an initial waiting period not covered by Workers Compensat
11、ion Temporary Disability (WCTD). Consult the appropriate MOA or Compensation Summary for detailed information and guidelines. The waiting period generally includes any work time remaining on the date of the injury and the three (3) calendar days immediately following the date of injury. 2. Accrued s
12、ick leave may be applicable in cases where the employee must be absent from work during an interim period between the date an examining physician determines the employees condition to be “permanent and stationary” and the date the employee is so notified. Such accrued sick leave may not be used if t
13、he employee is otherwise entitled to Workers Compensation Temporary Disability for this period of time. Accrued sick leave not exceeding three (3) working days may be granted in circumstances where an alleged job-related illness or injury is involved, but the employee fails to provide medical verifi
14、cation of such job-related illness or injury. Revised Date: 09/17/15 Original Effective Date: 07/01/72 Page 2 of 4 City of San Jose City Administrative Policy Manual Sick Leave Section 4.2.6 SICK LEAVE REQUEST AND REPORTING Types of sick leave requests available to employees are: A. Scheduled Medica
15、l or Dental Appointment When the need for sick leave is known for a scheduled medical or dental appointment, the employee shall request sick leave use and obtain approval of his/her immediate supervisor prior to the date sick leave is to be utilized. Any appointment should be made at a time in which
16、 it minimizes the time away from the job. B. Illness or Injury When the need for use of sick leave becomes apparent during off-duty hours, the employee or someone on behalf of the employee must report such to the employees immediate supervisor prior to or within one hour after the commencement of th
17、e employees next scheduled work day. When an employee becomes ill at work, the employee must notify his/her immediate supervisor or Department Director or designee and obtain approval for the use of sick leave prior to leaving the job. In the event that the nature of illness or non-job related injur
18、y necessitates an extended absence, such as planned hospitalization or surgery, the employee shall submit a request for extended sick leave to the Department Director, or designee, as soon as possible after the need for the extended absence becomes apparent. If an employee does not have enough accru
19、ed sick leave available to cover the extended period, the employee should submit a request for an unpaid leave of absence for the remaining time period or request approval to use other paid leave such as vacation. C. Victim of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking When the need for sick lea
20、ve is foreseeable, the employee shall request sick leave use and obtain approval of his/her immediate supervisor prior to the date sick leave is to be utilized. When the need for use of sick leave is unforeseeable the employee shall provide notice of the need for sick leave as soon as practicable. R
21、evised Date: 09/17/15 Original Effective Date: 07/01/72 Page 3 of 4 City of San Jose City Administrative Policy Manual Sick Leave Section 4.2.6 PROCEDURES SCHEDULED MEDICAL OR DENTAL APPOINTMENT, OR OTHER ELIGIBLE EVENT Employee 1. Contact immediate supervisor to request use of sick leave. 2. Inform
22、 immediate supervisor of date and time of appointment. Immediate Supervisor 3. Maintain record to verify with timecard. Employee 4. Upon return to work, appropriately code timecard to account for use of sick leave. Immediate Supervisor 5. Verify that sick leave usage has been properly coded. Departm
23、ental Timekeeper 6. Verify that sick leave usage has been properly coded on employees timecard. ILLNESS, INJURY, OR OTHER ELIGIBLE EVENT DURING OFF-DUTY HOURS Employee (or someone on his/her behalf) 1. Contact immediate supervisor to request use of sick leave. 2. Inform immediate supervisor of the e
24、stimated date of return to work. Immediate Supervisor Employee Immediate Supervisor 3. Maintain record to verify with timecard. 4. Upon return to work, appropriately code timecard to account for use of sick Leave. 5. Verify that sick leave usage has been properly coded on timecard. Departmental Time
25、keeper 6. Verify that sick leave usage has been properly coded. Approved: Approved for Posting: /s/ Jennifer Schembri September 17, 2015 Director of Employee Relations Date /s/ Jennifer Maguire September 17, 2015 Senior Deputy City Manager Date Revised Date: 09/17/15 Original Effective Date: 07/01/72 Page 4 of 4