1、Journal of Asian Midwives( JAM)Volume 1 | Issue 2 EditorialJanuary 2015JAM carries on to serve Midwives and theMidwifery ProfessionRafat Janrafat.janaku.eduFollow this and additional works at: http:/ecommons.aku.edu/jamPart of the Nursing Midwifery CommonsRecommended CitationJan, R. JAM carries on t
2、o serve Midwives and the Midwifery Profession. Journal of Asian Midwives. 2015;1(2):11.Editorial JAM carries on to serve Midwives and the Midwifery Profession Keeping the promise of sharing the voices of regional practicing midwives, and paving the way for midwifery to become an independent autonomo
3、us profession the Journal of Asian Midwives (JAM) brings to you its second and last issue of the year 2014. We are happy to share with you that the journal has now received an ISSN number that is displayed on the front page as you open the journal link. This issue includes nine papers with a combina
4、tion of news, case studies, and original articles on the midwifery front. It is interesting to know, in this issue of JAM, about the impact of the Midwifery Education Program in empowering women in a patriarchal tribal society like Afghanistan where women are being repressed and subjected to gender
5、inequality. The issue also focuses onthe views and perceptions of different stakeholders regarding the service delivery by skilled birth attendantsin Bangladesh and the challenges facedby the Bangla Community Midwives in providing their services in community they serve.This issue also highlights the
6、 role of family members in aiding midwives in Nepal to provide respectful maternity care to birthing women. Moreover, the current issue also provides insight about the factors affecting the Midwifery led Model in Pakistan. Towards the end, this issue presents two case reports from India, one delinea
7、ting the efforts of the Indian Government in establishing Skills Labs to fulfill the theory practice gap and enhance the hands on experience of Indian midwives and the other highlights the associated risks and the management of pregnancies in a bicornuate uterus; these pregnancies are usually high-r
8、isk and require extra monitoring. We hope that JAM will bring Asian midwives together with the common goals of (a) disseminating evidence regardingmidwifery education, practice, research, and policies; (b) advocating for professional midwifery; and (c) consequently, improving maternal, child, and in
9、fant care through enhancing the status, competency, as well as the number of midwives. We wish you a happy New Year and we are looking forward to receiving articles during the year 2015. Rafat Jan, Ph.D, MScN, BScN, RM, RN Professor, Aga Khan University School of Nursing and Midwifery Pakistan President of Midwifery Association Pakistan rafat.janaku.edu 1Journal of Asian Midwives (JAM), Vol. 1, Iss. 2 2014Published by eCommonsAKU, 2014