1、 8 天 九寨沟 /黄龙 /都江堰 /乐山 /峨眉山豪华游 (内陆汽车团 ) 行程特色 住宿 都江堰水利工程 九寨沟风景区 树正群沟 则查洼沟 日则沟 黄龙风景区 松藩古镇 水磨古镇 眉山 中国竹艺城 眉山步行街 乘船游览誉满天下 “ 乐山大佛 ” 峨眉山景区 报 国寺 伏虎寺 成都 新津花舞人间 宽窄巷子 浣花溪公园 春熙路 九寨沟 - 九寨沟新九宾 5*或同级酒店 x 2 晚 茂县 - 茂县国际酒店 4*或同级酒店 x 1 晚 眉山 - 岷江东湖酒店 5*或 同级 酒店 x 2 晚 成都 - 岷山安逸酒店 4*或同级 酒店 x 3 晚 膳食 注明 7 早餐 7 午餐 7 晚餐 景点安排如有
2、先后次序调整 ,以中国当地旅行社确认为准 ,或将随中国内陆航班调整而有所更动 * 酒店参考以当地星级标准。 购物点 : 西部地矿、珍珠、高原蜂蜜、水晶或玉器店、 茶叶店 宝树堂,藏药店、成都丝绸馆 付费 加点 ( 必须配合 ): 九寨沟藏羌歌舞晚会、川剧变脸、大熊猫 . 成人 600 人民币 /人, 儿童 : 1 米 1 以下 300 人民币 /人, 儿童: 1 米 1 以上 500 人民币 /人 。 赠送风味 : 成都小吃 /御膳宫药膳火锅 /外婆家乡川菜风味 / 眉山竹子宴 / 乐山豆腐宴 /东坡肘子 / 新津花舞 人间风情餐 / 藏羌风味 天数 行程 膳食 1 新加坡 成都 都江堰 水利
3、工程 / 九寨沟 齐集新加坡樟宜国际机场,乘客机飞往四川省省会 成都市 ,自古以来这里被称为 “ 天府之国 ” 。 前往 都江堰 , 著名的 都江堰水利工程 建 于公元前 256年,是全世界至今为止,年代最久、唯一留存、以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利工程。两千多年来,它一直发挥着防洪灌溉作用,使成都平原成为水旱从人、沃野千里的天府之国。 游罢,驱车前往九寨沟 。 午餐 晚餐 2 九寨沟 九寨沟瀑布群 / 树正群沟 / 则查洼沟 / 日则沟 早餐后,乘环保车游览被世人誉为童话世界的 九寨沟风景区 。九寨沟是中国唯一同时拥有“世界自然遗产”和“世界生物圈保护区”两项国际桂冠的自然风景区。九寨沟乃因原
4、有九个藏族村寨而得名。其中最著名的是 树正群沟 , 则查洼沟 和 日则沟 。它以 3 沟 118 个海为代表,包括 5 滩, 12 个瀑布, 10 流及数十条泉水等为主要景点,四季景色各有千秋,非常迷人。沟内大量高山湖泊,由于湖底所沉积的物质颜色各异而使水呈现蓝,绿,橙,黄,紫等色泽,形成彩色湖泊。“九寨归来不看水”便是游过九寨沟后最深的感受。 早餐 午餐 晚餐 3 九寨沟 黄龙景区 / 松藩古城 / 茂县 早餐后, 前往 黄龙风景区 游览(缆车自理)。 黄龙自然风光秀丽,它以仙境般的岩溶景观,吸引着中外游人。黄龙寺的景色,出于天然,堪 称奇绝。后寺背倚玉翠雪峰。高出云表,犹如白玉屏障,拱卫着
5、整个黄龙。五色彩池层层相连,恰似龙身上的片片鳞甲,闪闪发光。奇花异草与参天古木遍山中,千层碧水漫流其上 。 游罢,前往游览 松藩古镇 。 它是 四川省历史名城。是历史上有名的边陲重镇,被称作 “ 川西门户” ,古为用兵之地。 方圆十里的城门城墙高大古老,保存完好。进入松潘县城,小桥流水,景观独特。 随后开车前往茂县。 (黄龙风景区从 5 月 1 日到 10 月 31 日出发的团开始参观,之前之后无黄龙风景区由 武侯祠 替代 ) 早餐 午餐 晚餐 4 茂县 水磨古镇 - 眉山 - 中国竹艺城 - 眉山步行街 早餐后,上午前往 水磨古镇 。 水磨古镇位于四川省汶川县南部的岷江支流寿溪河畔,早在商代
6、就享有“长寿之乡”的美誉,时称老人村,后更名为水磨至今。水磨镇既是汉族和少数民族的交融区,赋有厚重的南粤新元素,内地风情和藏羌文化交相辉映,西蜀人文和禅佛文化联袂绽放。 之后驱车前往 眉山 , 游览 中国竹艺城 ,城内竹林密布,各种珍稀竹类上百种。 这里汇集了中华民族竹文化从远古时代到现代社会的上万种竹编艺术精品,堪称竹的艺术宫殿。 夜游有“小香港”之称的 眉山步行街 , 尽情自由购物。 早餐 午餐 晚餐 5 眉山 乐山(乘船游览) - 峨眉山 - 报国寺 - 伏虎寺 - 眉山 随后驱车前往乐山 , 乘船游览誉满天下的乐山大佛 。它是目前世界上最大的石刻佛像 ,素有“佛是一座山 ,山是一座佛”
7、的美名。佛高七十一米 , 依崖端坐 , 俯视三江 , 至今保存完好 . 令中外游客叹赏 . 随后乘车前往 峨眉山景区 。 峨眉山是中国四大佛教名山之一 , 素有 “ 峨眉天下秀 ” 的美称 . 主峰海拔 3099 米 ,景物秀丽 .您将游览峨眉山著名的 报国寺和伏虎寺 。 游罢返回眉山 . 早餐 午餐 晚餐 6 眉 山 新津花舞人间 - 成都 早餐后,前往 新津 花舞人间 ,它 位于成都新津,以大面积的果园、草坪、树林、湖泊等景观为主题, 是中国具有自主知识产权的低碳生态主题公园。 “ 花舞人间 ” 的数十个景观,均呈现出山水交融、情景合一之妙,既节能环保,又生动有趣,都市现代化的匠心独运与乡
8、村自然天成的美丽在这里浑然一体,其中的 “ 美妙又奇妙,好看又好玩 ” , “ 花舞人间 人意醉,醉意花间人舞花 ” ,唯有身临其境才能心领神会。 早餐 午餐 晚餐 7 成都 宽窄巷子 - 浣花溪公园 早餐后,前往 宽窄巷子 , 这里是 “ 最成都 ” 的标志,老成都的城市品位、人文精神,在这里 都 传承下来 前往 浣花溪公园 ,是成都市迄今最大的开放性城市森林公园。 将自然景观和城市景观,古典园林和现代建筑艺术,民俗空间和时代氛围有机结合,以自然、雅致的景观和建筑凸现川西浓厚的历史文化底蕴。 早餐 午餐 晚餐 8 成都 春熙路 - 成都 新加坡 早餐后, 接着前往著名的步行街 春熙路 ,在这
9、里你可尽情享受购物乐趣。随后 乘豪华飞机返回温暖家园新加坡。 早餐 Updated 15 Mar 2012 8D Jiuzhaigou-Mt.Emei-Meishan Tour Tour Highlights Accommodations Dujiangyan Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area Huanglong Scenic Area Songpan Ancient Town Shuimo Town China Bamboo Craft Centre Meishan St Leshan Giant Buddha Mt. Emei Xinjin Flower Garden Huan
10、huaxi Park Wide and Narrow Lanes Chunxi Road New Jiuzhaigou Hotel 5*or similar x 2N Maoxian Int Hotel 4* or similar x 1N Minjiang Donghu 5* or similar x 2N Ane Grand Hotel 4* or similar x 2N Meals Remarks 7 Breakfast 7 Lunch 7 Dinner Shopping: Jewellery Shop, Honey, Tea, Medical Hall, Silk, Pearls M
11、eals: Meishan bamboo banquet, Herbal steamboat, Leshan tofu feast, Chengdu local delights, Qiang specialties and more Compulsory Tour & fee: Tibetan-Qiang sing-dance performance + Sichuan Face-changing Opera + Giant Panda = RMB600/person Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notic
12、e In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese itineraries, the Chinese version shall prevail Hotel ratings are based on local standards Day Itinerary Details Meals 1 Singapore Chengdu - Dujiangyan- Jiuzhaigou Assemble at Singapore Changi International Airport for your flight to C
13、hengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan. Head to Dujiangyan, the oldest and only surviving no-dam irrigation system in the world that was completed more than 2,200 years ago. The system brings the vast Chengdu plains under irrigation and protects it against droughts and water- logging. The project
14、 consists of three important parts, namely Yuzui, Feishayan and Baopingkou scientifically designed to automatically control the water flow of the rivers from the mountains to the plains throughout the year. Be amazed by the wisdom of ancient people. Lunch Dinner 2 Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area After breakf
15、ast, head to Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area.This primitive valley covers an area of 720 sq km. There are 118 green seas (mountain lakes), 17 groups of waterfalls, large amount of calcified flood plains and many endangered species. With its large number of lake groups, waterfalls and rich variety of endanger
16、ed plants and fauna, Jiuzhaigou was awarded the status of UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1997 and was also recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. In 2000, it was appraised as a national AAAAA scenic area, the highest accolade possible for a China tourist area. Breakfast Lunch Dinne
17、r 3 Jiuzhaigou - Huanglong Scenic Area - Songpan Ancient Town Maoxian After breakfast, visit Huanglong Scenic Area. It was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1992. Due to its layered calcium carbonated deposit patterns, the valley resembles a golden dragon winding its way through the virg
18、in forest, stone mountains and glaciers. Along the valley are numerous colorful ponds of different sizes and shapes, which are strewn with gold-colored limestone deposit giving a shimmering golden hue to the waters, giving the impressions of a golden dragon surging forth from the forest. Thus it was
19、 named Huanglong Valley (Yellow Dragon Valley. With the virgin forest as its backdrop, the travertine scenery holds colorful ponds, beaches, lakes, springs, waterfalls, caves, etc. Head to Songpan Ancient Town. Due to its advantageous geography, it functioned as a military base in the Tang Dynasty (
20、618-907). The city gates and city wall of the town have all been fairly well-preserved through the centuries. (Due to weather condition, the Huanglong Scenic Area are open for tours departing 1May to 31 Oct 2012 only. Other departures will be replaced by The Wuhou Temple.) Breakfast Lunch Dinner 4 M
21、aoxian - Shuimo Town - China Bamboo Craft Centre - Meishan Street Breakfast After breakfast, start the journey to Shuimo Town. You can see exquisite tile-roofed wooden buildings featuring a typical style of the local Qiang people as well as stores selling all kinds of Qiang-style handicrafts arrayed
22、 along winding stone alleys in the small town. The reconstruction plan of Shuimo Township received the “Global Best Implementation of Post-Disaster Reconstruction“ award in the Sixth Global Forum on Human Settlements held at the United Nations headquarters. Shuimo has become an environmentally-frien
23、dly tourist attraction showcasing authentic Qiang culture. Continue the journey to Meishan. Tour China Bamboo Craft Centre. The centre is located amongst a dense bamboo forest with hundreds of valuable bamboo types. It serves as the centre of a fine collection of Chinese bamboo craft and products fr
24、om ancient to modern times, otherwise known as “Bamboo Arts & Crafts Palace”. At night, you can shop at leisure at Meishan Street. Lunch Dinner 5 Meishan - Leshan Giant Buddha - Mt. Emei - Meishan Start your tour by visitng Leshan Giant Buddha. It is a statue of Maitreya in a sitting posture, carved
25、 from the precipice of the Qixia Peak of Lingyun Mountain by the river. The carving project started in the first year (713) of the reign of Kaiyuan in the Tang Dynasty and lasted for more than 90 years. It is the worlds largest stone-carved Buddha statue. It is also the worlds largest sitting statue
26、 of Maitreya carved in stone. In 1996, Leshan Giant Buddha was officially put on the World Cultural and Heritage List by UNESCO. Thereafter, head to Mt. Emei. It is one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China. Since the 1st century, Mt. Emei has turned out many eminent Buddhist masters. In 19
27、96, Mt. Emei was included in the World Natural and Cultural Heritage List. In 2001, it was appraised as a national AAAAA scenic area. Breakfast Lunch Dinner 6 Meishan - Xinjin Flower Garden - Chengdu After breakfast, visit Xinjin Flower Garden. It is one of the largest flower parks with fruit garden
28、, grassland, botanic gardens and lakes. Breakfast Lunch Dinner 7 Chengdu - Wide & Narrow Lanes - Huanhuaxi Park Today you will visit Wide & Narrow Lanes. In the old lane, there are various quadrangles high and low in a particular order. This part of the city is representative of the old Chengdu. Hea
29、d to Huanhuaxi Park. An ideal park to relax, it is also the biggest open-spaced garden in Chengdu which combines the city scenery with the natural landscape. Breakfast Lunch Dinner 8 Chengdu - Chunxi Road Singapore After breakfast, proceed to Chunxi Road for shopping. Going to Chengdu without visiti
30、ng Chunxi Road is like going to Paris without visiting Champs Elysees, New York without visiting 5th Avenue, or more locally, Shanghai without visiting Nanjing Road. With a history of 70 years, Chunxi Road boasts the most prosperous commercial pedestrian street in Chengdu. Transfer to airport for your flight back to Singapore. Breakfast Updated 15 Mar 2012