1、ST v 7?Z Z张平 陈绍慧(SE j 7/ (?)(? g j 3 7 L i)K 1 8 ST v 7?Z , 、 、h 、 A b o # ! 。 3 ? e、z #ZE# P T 7 S/#/ / 7?。4T v 7 e8“、T v Y8“ oy ! C$Z。1oM T v 7 C ZProspectsanddevelopmentsituationinlowtemperaturestorageforfruitandvegetableinChinaZhang Ping Chen Shaohui(National Engineering and Technology Research
2、Center for AgriculturalProducts Freshness Protection (Tianjin)(Tianjin Key Laboratory for Post Harvest Physiology and StorageTechnology of Agricultural Products)ABSTRACT Summarizes development situation in low temperature storage for fruit and veg-etable in China, including mechanical refrigeration
3、storage, mechanical controlled atmospherecold storage, mechanical hypobaric cold storage, mechanical cold storage with high humidityand mechanical iced storage.Describes present support in science and technology and develop-ment in new technology, inducing digitaland intelligent control, environment
4、 friendly refriger-ation working fluid and method of N2-generation and a variety of application methods for tem-perature and controlled atmosphere, and proposes studieson a whole range control system of lo-gistics of fruit and vegetable, improvementsin cold chain and constructions of cold storage ro
5、ombased on logistic modernization.KEYWORDS low temperature;storage of fruit and vegetable;situation ;prospectT v 7C。 S vT j LCv M。1992 M, S ? Xr500,、 o50,S o450,s = 、 j o。 8J s 91979 MF S o,i1979 M11y20C* o1V,1980 M11y100C* o1V。, 8v g ,y/ o1V。 B?Z 7,1977 M4, s。T v ( )ZE,A / :MB b , A / y7 O。 M , A / V80 % ,7 OM 。M b , A / aS D ,N,.t ? . v, 2003,24(4):37-40. 2 6, ,S,. b .:, 2005:99-166.10 b 8