1、 cI|: 1674- 5086( 2009) 05- 0025- 06准噶尔盆地乌夏地区油气输导体系与成藏模式*吴孔友(S Fv o, 257061)K 1: 乌夏地区在二叠系a三叠系和侏罗系 3个层系的 10个层组发现了油气,依据成因和遮挡条件,将油气藏分为背斜型a断块型a不整合型a稠油封堵型a岩性尖灭型和断层-岩性型 6种类型b多期的构造运动, 在该区形成了多期断裂体系a多个不整合及多套连通砂体, 构成了立体网状输导体系b其中, 中a下三叠统砂体发育广泛, 连通性最好;侏罗系底部不整合分层结构明显,是油气运聚的良好场所; 印支期断层活动与烃源岩排烃相匹配, 构成垂向运移通道, 印支期后活
2、动减弱,油气被阻挡在断裂下盘成藏b根据油气来源a运移通道与方向a成藏期次等, 将乌夏地区划分为/一0字型成藏模式a/ Y0字型成藏模式a/ Z0字型成藏模式和/多0字型成藏模式 4种b1oM: 准噶尔盆地;油气分布; 油藏类型;输导体系;成藏模式ms |: TE122. 1 DS M : A DOI: 10. 3863 / .j issn. 1674- 5086. 2009. 05. 007 1 u: ,)W + -, B sZaa /F 1- 3b u “ 3QJ, ) 1 “d 4 , =“D !F( P1 j)aF( P1 f)/:F( P2w ) 5 ,= Wa W)*W#* W 6b
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4、 21% 1b ,X?C 1 2 a1 a1 2 v s 2bc u,c i Asb:B1/:Fa g Fa X G/F X GFc ;B1Fa10F Fc ;10B1g Fa X G/Fa X G FFc ; B1/:Fg Fc b1. 2 1 u: /MK u 4 , s/aa 8“yY,? bG y Vs4v :/ a a , HqBs31 5 西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) Vo.l 31 No. 52009 M 10 Journal of Southw est Petroleum University( Science 81 S “(Y2008E16)bTe: d( 1971- ),
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10、23 ( 6):24- 28.(编辑助理: 周锦程)30 2 Fv(1 S) 2009 M# 3 #NOLOGYEDITION ), VOL. 31, NO. 5, 17- 20, 2009( ISSN 1674- 5086, in Chinese)Abstract:The conventionalm ethods for testing reservoir pore structure are m ercury penetration and cast th in sliceanalysis. G as bubble- pressurem ethod is based on physical
11、 law of liqu id flow ing in pore, wh ich can truly reflect thereality of liquid flow ing through throats. The results of gas bubble- pressure and m ercury penetration is com paredw ith those ofm ercury in the paper. The tested m ain pore throat diam eter of the latter is 2- 4 tim es larger than thef
12、orm ercs. H ow ever, the d istribution features of effective throat participating in flow through porous m edia tested inthe form er is m ore correspondent to project needs. It can obviously characterize the differences betw een effectivethroat d istribution features of rock samp les before and afte
13、r hydration or acidizing, so the resu lts have pow erful com-parab ility and h igh value. Gas bubble- pressure m ethod provides a new w ay to test reservoir pore structures.Keywords: gas bubb le- pressure m ethod; m ercury penetration m ethods; reservoir; pore structure; effective throatPREDICTION A
14、ND ASSESSMENT OF FRACTURE HEIGHT OFHYDRAULIC FRACTURINGWITHLOGGINGDATAY I X in-m in1, TANG Xue- p ing2, LIANG Tao2, LIU X iang- nan3 ( 1. Logging Compan ies, Chunking Drilling Engineer-ing Com pany, CNPC, Chongq ing 400021, Ch ina; 2. Exp loration and Developm ent Institute, Sou thw est Ch ina O il
15、andGas F ields, SINOPEC, Chengdu S ichuan 610081, Ch ina; 3. College of E arth Sciences, Daqing Petroleum Institute,DaqingH eilongjiang 163318, China) JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY(SCIENCE hydrau lic fractur ing; fracture heigh;t an isotropy; cross- d ipole shearing w ave loggingHYDROCAR
16、BONCONDUCTING SYSTEM ANDACCUMULATIONMODEL INWUERHE-XIAZIJIEAREAOF JUNGGARBASINWU Kong- you ( College of G eo- resources and Inform ation, China U niversity of Petroleum, Dongying Shandong257061, Ch ina) JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY(SCIENCE hydrocarbon d istribution; reservoir types; con
17、ducting system; accum ulation m odelKEY SEISMIC TECHNOLOGY ON OIL-GAS EXPLORATION IN SOUTHERNMARGIN OF JUNG-GAR BASINPaerhati1, Q IAN G en- bao2, JIANG Za-i chao1, Shakir Sham shy3, X IAO L -i xin1 ( 1. Institute ofG eophysics, ResearchInstitu te of Exploration and Developm en,t X in jiang O ilfield
18、 Com pany, CNPC, U rum chi X in jiang 830011, China; 2.Research Institute ofExploration and Developm en,t X injiang O ilfield Com pany, CNPC, K aram ay X in jiang 834000,China; 3. Chevron Com pany, H ouston, Texas USA 77019) JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY(SCIENCE static correction; presta
19、ck m igration; velocity m ode;l structuralm odel build ingPROTOTYPE BASIN AND THE EVOLUTION IN JURASSIC AND CRETACEOUS IN EASTERNNORTH CHINAPENG Zhao-m eng1, PENG Sh-i m i1, WU Zh-i p ing2, LIW ei2, KONG Xu1 ( 1. Facu lty of NaturalR esource 2. College of G eo- resourcesand Inform ation, China U niv
20、ersity of Petroleum, Dongying Shandong 257061, Ch ina) JOURNAL OF SOUTHWESTPETROLEUM UNIVERSITY(SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY EDITION ), VOL. 31, NO. 5, 37 - 42, 2009 ( ISSN 1674-5086, in Ch inese)Abstract: Based on the research of distribu tion, lithologic feature of strata and regional tectonic evolution o
21、f rem nantbasins, prototype basin in Jurassic and Cretaceous in the E astern North Ch ina are reconstructed. The researchesshow that in Early andM iddle Jurassic, the Eastern North Chinaw as in the transitional period from Paleo-Asian sys-tem to Paleo- Pacific system, therew ere a series of sm all i
22、nterm ontane basins in the BobaiBay area, sed im ents filledthe depression form ed by Indosinian thrust fau lts and gentle fold at the early stage and w idely distributed at the latestage. From Late Jurassic to Early C retaceous, tecton ic and basin evolution were influenced by the Izanagi p latecssubduction toA sian continen.t Th is Geotectonic transition led to the form ation of large- scale rifts or faulted basins.2009 Abstract