1、2011 M543 3 (S +Y Yq|1? 3”(de Bot 2008)。409 = q/。TVM .Verspoorp V、D.Larsen-Freeman q# G ,E,。 Yq+Y), km.d SBMe (reductionism) Q (sE(means analysis), L、 Ms=?Z E P.d “=” , f?Z Vs Z K(2008),y9,9 |。K* 54 Larsen-Freeman _ P1a“dB , 5 P (Chaos)、(Complexity)、 “d、dL“d V ( 2008)。“d (Dynamic Systems Theory,eDST
2、) VB ,l VS T “d。=、 2.1 对传统科学理念的超越.d S * Q “1 d Bd“ SL、e ”(Larsen-Freeman 1997), 5 “YVsi I s, VKz B8”(Larsen-Freeman D V 3E e “EKeZ”(grammatical minimalism)(Chomsky 1995),s M、Z、 T、 $b, :/E,“ Y L,= L S”(Mac-Whinney 2006)。 Y V e 5V, “E?5 ,M , ,?5 TM “”(Elman 2004), B?5; 、 XZ T (Larsen-Freeman 2010)。Lar
3、sen-Freeman(1997) ,= E WS EZ 4 (uncertainty principle) ?Z e ;7 (de Bot et al .2005:26-27)。 F B 0:“BM ,“d T = ,YV v ?$ X”( :21)。V V A Q:.d4 Q F BK ,M;7 5 H。Larsen-Freeman(inpress) V ,9 ATK ,7 A“ . k” 。xP, il。8 ,DST4 :=“dTB “d, ? 7b, Q 9 1T;VE ,DSTA E, H iB E, L= f E(Verspoor, Y)。、ZE 3.1 对传统科学方法的超越e Q
4、M,.d S“KN d | yT1“ T” (Larsen-Freeman 1997),yx 3Ty。sB %y,“ VyT M“MT”(Gaddis 2002:54),“ V /Ty。“B !9 d。 dM v 4 d K “” ,9 ,“e U, Li1M ,7 O I ”( :55)。“,.d S d“_L !T 3”(Larsen-Freeman de Bot5 :“V il ,DST V=8 e WO B :DST M Z M “, HDST9 e pK “, ” , 0“d ?$ 4,ii“ s Te ”(de Bot et al .2007)。4162011年 外语教学与研究 第
5、3期3.3 DST的主要研究成果DST= 5 HW ,X 3 B ilT。VVZE A, o、 7y :_, K ?8CDST+ 。3.3.1 电脑建模 7y C 9 / MT, “ I L W“dy B 7 ”(Larsen-Freeman de Bot2008)。DST O,?Z$ ATBV, TF C M; T1 !9B L I HW?Z,7 O1 TM I n ,e V ?。YV ET L 1 , VwM HW T(de Bot 2008)。B1 van Geert (2008)v_yT1“ Qy B?Z 。 1 Q: 3(grower) (carryingcapacity)。 3 “
6、d V90V, M“、E; B“d HW9 . 。9V? 3,“1 3”(connected growers)。1 3 HW V ? H9/,1“; 6B HW5 V ?BZ9BZ/,1“;V?ZV A,5Hq1“。“BF Q I?Z1“4 B 。 VYVQQ, E HW M;9 VM ,4T M, EMHq。 “d =TZ T,iw L W。Turner(1997) ,y .dZ T *“4BL !,L_ ;7 YV M W1“,C L S1 7/ CZE, .dZEz 。3.3.2 纵向个案研究Ms$ ATDST,:_ MsZE。1 Ms,Ms AT?Z.;1 sMsy, MsByB %M
7、、 “W。7DSTMs, I Ms B 3VCv MsH, V ? | M。 M,| il5。 IDBarab, S.2006.Design-based research:A methodological toolkit for the learning scientist A .In R.Sawyer (ed.).The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences C .Cambridge:CUP.153-169.Briggs, J.1992.Fractals:The Patterns ofChaos M .New York:Simon and S
8、chuster.Bybee, J.2003.Mechanisms of change in grammaticalization:The role of frequency A .In R.Janda , 20110407; , 20110415Y:100871 gvq08)p V 3421李兰霞 动态系统理论与第二语言发展of different cover types, on the basis of which, theuniversal quantifier dou triggers distributivityof a certain cover-type.Theconsequenc
9、eis that a cover can only participate in theevent as apar-ticular cover-type and in a distributivepattern.Hence, thesemanticfeatureof dou quantificationis thestandardization and distributivity of covers instead of individuals.Unitofmeaningandtherealizationoflexicalcohesion:Acontrastivestudybetweenna
10、tive-speakerandlearnercorpora(p.375)CHEN Pengthe second experiment (between-subjects)com-pares theperformance of the experiment group and thecontrol group, theonly variablebeing theprovision of background knowledge.The Triangulation Model takes theST assessment scores andST transcriptions as core da
11、ta, supported by questionnaires and retrospective interviews.Thisstudy concludes with two main findings:1)linguistic metaphors add greatly to the difficulty ofperformingST, particularly in the accurate understanding of the source text;2)backgroundknowledge markedly reduces the difficulty a metaphor
12、poses toST.TheculturalsignificanceofFuLeistranslations(p.437)XU Jun (School ofForeignStudies, NanjingUniversity, Nanjing210093, China)From a cultural perspective, the paper investigates the translation strategy and lingua-stylis-tics of Fu Leis translations of French literature, which contributes to
13、 the essence and the role ofliterary translation.A study on his choice of texts and consciousness of the public brings readersmuch closer to the social value and cultural significance of Fu Leis translations.A study of hisviews on language and stylistic preferences undoubtedly make a fuller understa
14、nding of the lan-guagestrategy in Fu Leis translations and its impact on local literary writings as well as the liter-ary norms of the receptor culture.Discussionsontranslation-relatedhistoricaldata(p.445)ZHENG Jinhuai (Quanzhou Normal University, Quanzhou 362000, China)YUE Feng (Collegeof Foreign L
15、anguages, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou350007, China)As the availability and accuracy of translation-related historical data have been frequentproblems for the study of translation history in China, this paper points out that the study oftranslation history is a branch of historiography, in which
16、 the collection of historical data is ofgreat importance.It distinguishes first-hand and second-hand translation-related historical dataand illustrate with examples what they are.The authors describe how more valuable translation-related historical datacan be obtained, how such data can be validated
17、 or discredited, and howthey can be reorganized and made full use of.JackendoffsParallelArchitectureAnewperspectiveforlanguagestudy(p.453)GAO Mingle (English Education Center, Beijing LanguageandCultureUniversity, Beijing100083, China)FANG Huanhai (Overseas Education College, Xiamen University, Xiam
18、en 361005, China)This articlesketches theParallel Architecture, an approach to thestructure of grammar thatcontrasts with mainstream generative grammar in ways that (a)it treats phonology, syntax, andsemantics as independent generative components whose structures are linked by interface rules;(b)it
19、uses a parallel constraint-based formalism that is non-directional;(c)it treats words andrules alike as linguistic structures stored in long-term memory.In addition to the theoretical ad-vantages offered by theParallel Architecture, it lends itself to a direct interpretation in processingterms, in which structures stored in long-term memory are assembled in working memory, withalternativestructures in competition.2011年 外语教学与研究 第3期