1、 Material Compatibility with OzoneUsing ozone for periodic shock treatments or for mold and smoke remediation should not cause concern with materials damage. The ozone materials compatibility chart is for choosing ozone room construction materials / seals, or for industrial uses where constant conce
2、ntrated high levels of ozone will be used.Material Rating (Cole Parmer)(Ozone Concentrations not specified)ABS plastic ABS B GoodAcetal (Delrin) POM 聚甲醛 C FairAluminum AL 铝 B GoodBrass 黄铜 B GoodBronze 青铜 B GoodBuna-N (Nitrile) 丁腈橡胶 D - Severe EffectButyl 丁基合成橡胶 A ExcellentCast iron 铸铁 C FairChemraz
3、A ExcellentCopper 铜 B GoodCPVC 氯化聚氯乙烯 A ExcellentDurachlor-51 A ExcellentDurlon 9000 A ExcellentEPDM EPDM A Excellent up to 100-deg FEPR EPR A ExcellentEpoxy 环氧树脂基 N/AEthylene-Propylene 乙烯丙烯 A ExcellentFluorosilicone 氟硅橡胶 A ExcellentGalvanized Steel 镀锌钢 In Water (C - Fair), In Air (A - Excellent)Gla
4、ss 玻璃 A ExcellentHastelloy-C 耐蚀镍基合金 A ExcellentHypalon 海帕龙 A ExcellentHytrel 杜邦海翠 C FairInconel 铬镍铁合金 A ExcellentKalrez 氟弹性体 A Excellent up to 100-deg FKel-F (PCTFE) 氟化橡胶 A ExcellentLDPE LDPE B GoodMagnesium 镁 D PoorMonel 蒙乃尔铜 C FairNatural rubber 天然橡胶 D - Severe EffectNeoprene 氯丁橡胶 C FairNORYL NORY
5、L(PPO) N/ANorprene(一种软管材质) A ExcellentNylon 尼龙 D - Severe EffectPEEK 聚醚醚酮 A ExcellentPolyacrylate 聚丙烯酸脂 B GoodPolycarbonate PC A ExcellentPolypropylene 聚丙烯 C FairPolysulfide 聚硫化物 B GoodPolyurethane, Millable 聚氨酯 A ExcellentPPS (Ryton) PPS N/APTFE (Teflon) 聚四氟乙烯 A ExcellentPVC PVC B GoodPVDF (Kynar)
6、偏聚二氟乙烯 A ExcellentSantoprene A ExcellentSilicone 硅树脂 A ExcellentStainless steel 304 304 B - Good/ExcellentStainless steel 316 316 A ExcellentSteel (Mild, HSLA) 铁 D PoorTitanium 钛 A ExcellentTygon 聚乙烯 B GoodVamac 乙烯 A ExcellentViton 氟橡胶 A ExcellentZinc 锌 D PoorOzone Compatible Materials Ratings - Chemical Effect A. Excellent. - No effect B. Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration. C. Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended for continuous use. Softening, loss of strength, swelling may occur. D. Sever Effect - Not recommended.