1、B ZZ T 8 NZE# 张发明(南昌大学经济管理学院)K1:传统的群体评价方法均不考虑被评价对象的参与,针对此缺陷提出了一种新的群体评价方法主客方交互式群体评价方法。首先对主客方交互式评价的过程进行描述;然后给出交互过程中基于优先排序概率的单轮评价结果呈现方式;其次,给出群体评价的稳定性、满意性指标,以此探讨交互终止的条件;最后,定义了2个主客方交互加权算子,以此对各轮交互结果进行集结,得出最终的群体评价结论。1oM: 8 N; ZZ;“ms |:C93 DS M :A cI|:1672-884X(2011)11-1714-05A Group Evaluation Method Based
2、 on Subject-ObjectInteraction and Its ApplicationZHANG Faming(Nanchang University, Nanchang, China)Abstract:The majority of the traditional group evaluation methods takes no account of the in-volvement of evaluated objects, therefore a new group evaluation method, the subject-object interac-tion gro
3、up evaluation method is proposed to fill in this gap. Firstly, the process of the subject-objectinteraction group evaluation method is described;secondly, single-round evaluation results based onthe priority and probability are presented accordingly;thirdly, the indicators of Stability and Satisfac-
4、tion for evaluation are put forward, and conditions under which the interaction between subject andobject come to an end are discussed;finally, two cross-weighted operators are defined in order to ag-gregate the results of interactions between subject and object in each round and reach the final eva
5、lua-tion results.Key words:group evaluation;interaction;subject and object;aggregationl :2010-05-05 “:SE1 S “(71001048); 8 S“ E=”? “(10YB222)65 5, P N5 Z4、 ,1E( %), 8 N。 ,1 8 NX | T1 11。 8NV,Y1 #2 N1 , N$ N, N+,V| Nd NZ,|$ Nd N ZZ,| NZ 8 NZEB“Z T” 8 NZE12,MZE5“Z T”ZE9 11。i ,“Z T” 8 NZE V ?NT$ N s V,
6、 E f ? 3,A1 $ NNV。 y, x M1D$ ,.d 8 N T Z,)B“ NZ N ZZ, N 8 N T“ ZZ T” 8 N。 ZZ T 8 NZE) B k, I ny M1 ,yN LC 4,1451 %: ZZV# T5; NTCZ T5; 5; T“,K N 。 P5 ,V4Z Z 7)。1 主客方交互式评价的过程描述B 8 N5, ! NZ“S=1714 8 11 2011 M11 5 Chinese Journal of Management Vol.8 No.11Nov. 2011 s1,s2,sm, N ZZ“O=o1,o2,on。 B,L ! Vl(l3)
7、 ,ptijV Ut(t=1,2,l) Zsj(j =1,2,m)G z ZZoi(i=1,2,n) N( V s TV U,+Y,p0ijV UKV S N),:t N p(t)( B,!n3,m3), O 7M=1,2,m,N =1,2,n,L=1,2,l,p(t) = p(t)ij nm =p(t)11 p(t)12 p(t)1mp(t)21 p(t)22 p(t)2m p(t)n1 p(t)n2 p(t)nm ZZ T 8 N B + y N T, Kv+ N ZZ NV。 5,) -54/L !:L !1 NZ ZZ ( ?N oV ?5;L !2 V, H,“” Oi ;L !3
8、NV, NZZZi“ ”5;L !4 N ZZ “6 ”。 ZZV1VC: NZ N ZZGQ N,t(tL) Np(t),i “” ; N ZZG “” 4p(t),1 N, ,i Tc(t);M1, NZG w(t)#c(t),p(t),B Np(t+1);N,rHq(“-i”Hq)。, T“(“ 0),K 8 NTc。 ZZ T NV L Bd“ ” T, “ YV NZZw(t)Q , PZ Np(t),KrZ NZZ NT(M) i “。 ZZ T 8 N nm1。2 单轮评价结果的呈现方式 ZL, O B, S+Y , ) p#w (t(tL) m1 ZZ T 8 N m ,p(t
9、)w(t)。t(tL) ZZ,Z4Np(t), ZZ VZ N w(t),7w(t) |Y ZZ , L VF 13V U ZZ8 N,5i ZZ8 Ny i =mj=1wijp ij , wij i ZZjZ 。A , B ZZ(nL !4), (4“ P1j( ZZ1+ “”,7 ,yN0j 0. 5, j M) e“ ,Q ZZ NV e(j VG /f Y5s |:j =0. 1,B j ZZ1715 B ZZ T 8 NZE# f? ;j =0. 2, A j ZZ;j=0.3, 0,i N 。i ,n ZZ N ,yN | bW q。l2 !w*=(w*1 ,w*2 ,w*m)T
10、| _ , w*, i2$ Noi、oi,(ii;i,iN),(oi oi)F _ /oioi5 q(oi oi)=P mj =1w*j p ij mj=1w*j p ij (4)T,PV UM Yq q。5 q(oi oi)/ :(1)归一性 (oi oi)+(oi oi)=1;(2)等价性 (oioi) (oi oi)=(oioi)=0.5;(3)自反性 (oi oi)=0.5。Z | bW q+,yNd9ZE pN W5 q,T NTCZ T, 8 /:1 | N“ i2 Noi、oi( n N, n2- nQ1 )。2 !_Q S eM c( SH,c=0)。3 V | bW, 3BF
11、m | _ w*。4 !9 M r( S H,r=0)V U“(oi oi)”Q , mj=1w*j p ij mj=1w*j pij ,5r =r+1。5 c=c+1, c=n(nd99Q, N ZZ? v,nv),56,52。6 5 q(oi oi)d9,(oi oi)=r/n, i 。 X NW 1,5|,51。YV E_,n N5 q ,:ij =(oi ,oj),=ijnn =11 12 1n21 22 2n n1 n2 nn。l3 ci(i=1,2,n)$ Noi(i)85 q,ci = 1n - 1 nj=1ij - 0.5 , (i,j N), (5)T,0ci 1。+Y, c
12、i =1,V ZM Z 5 q, n; , ci=0Z 。!t(tL) $ N85 q_ c(t)=(ct1,ct2,ctn)T,A,c(t)t T。3 交互终止条件 ZZ T 8 N, 1 “ YV ZZW, PZNp(t),KrZ N ZZ NT(M) i。L !3 V, NZ ZZ mB 1“, NZi 1- Vm7pA1,“”#4 ?Z N,Hs ZZM iK NT。kN, ZZHq) VV i2 j I n。l4 tZt inp(t)Mt -1 inp(t -1)8S,t =1 - 1mn ni=1mk=1(ptik - pt- 1ik )2 。 (6) T(6) V, 8in8M1
13、716 5 8 11 2011 M11# Q 8 N %。B,:8_ =(1,2,t)T。:T _ ct=ct-ct -1=(ct1,ct2,ctn)T。 Vn,ct4A U t(tL) V N ZZ qM。 6:t-= ct1( i,cti 0)。l5 vtt ZZ iSvt =sgn ni=1cti |t+|t+|+|t- |, (7)T,sgn( )|f ,V( ) | |。 T(7)V : vt0,5ct1ct -1? N ZZ8F i( V?/ );Q,5F i。 B,: ZZ iS_ v=(v1,v2,vl)T。“- i”= “SHq:t(tL) V, t O vt V SrHq,
14、vt0, t L 。(11) T(11) p, V p Q j _ w=(w1,w2,w l)T。5 应用实例 4m, ? 8 。CB6 (m=6)F NlF5(n=5) , P NT ?$ s, H9 1717 B ZZ T 8 NZE# f? 8C“ ” N X, % $ N9 N,i a“ ”。6 N5,# 1iSv =(0. 873,0. 847,0. 833,0. 954,0.943,0.965,0. 972)T。(4)集结最终的评价结果 p T(10), j =(0. 152,0. 155,0. 145,0.139,0.147,0. 137,0. 125)T,SO-DOWA0“,9
15、 K NT:C=(0. 465,0.301,0.546,0.637,0.696)T,#$ NK :o5 o4 o3 o1 o2。6 结语.d 8 NZE ( I n$ N,.d 8 N T Z,) ZZ NV OZ f ,4ZE /Bt+:YV ZZ NV,8C B N X“ ZZ N”;YVZ T N, ? PZ MZZ M z LCxdB, H,YVZZinW“”,9| P NF Z4、 ; | bW 3 |_ ,d9Z T $ N q, $ N H, V P N V;V,“- i”Hq, N “1 p; 5, 2F “ 0(DOWA 0DOWGA 0), P) Z T 。6, ZZ T
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