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外交部长杨洁篪2009年外交部发言 张璐翻译.doc

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1、- 1 -译资 料: 2009 年 3 月 7 日外交部部 长杨洁 篪新 闻发 布会(中英 对 照) 全国人大常委会副秘书长、记者会主持人曹卫洲: 女士们、先生 们、朋友们,上午好。十一届全国人大二次会 议今天举 行记者会。我们非常高兴地邀请到外交部杨洁篪部长来和大家见面,就外交政策和 对外关系回答大家提问。首先 请杨部长讲几句话。Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to the Press Conference of the Second Session of the 11the NPC. Today, were delighted to

2、have with us Foreign Minister, Yang Jiechi to meet the press and answer your questions related to Chinas foreign policy and Chinas foreign relations. Now some opening remarks from Foreign Minister Yang . 杨洁篪:谢谢曹 卫洲副秘书长。各位记者朋友,大家上午好,很高兴和大家见面。大家从温家宝总理的政府工作报告当中已经了解了中国的对外政策和外交方针。今天我很乐意回答大家的问题。 Thank you

3、, deputy secretary-general, Mr. Cao Weizhou. Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, friends from the press. Im delighted to have this opportunity to meet you here. Premier Wen jiabao gave a full picture of Chinas foreign policy and foreign relations in his Report on the Work of the Government. Now Im r

4、eady to take your questions. 中央电视台记者:杨外长,您好。今年一开局国家领导人高层出访频繁,被媒体称为“元月外交”。在这样的开端之前,今年外交都有哪些思路和规划呢?另外,去年也是中国外交不平凡的一年,您认为有哪些亮点可以总结? Im with CCTV. From the very beginning of this New Year, leaders of China have already made several foreign trips. We have called this a diplomacy in the early beginning of

5、 the year. Whats the plan of the Chinese Ministry Of Foreign Affairs for conducting diplomacy in the New Year? And last year was truly eventful for China, What was some of the bright spots in Chinas diplomacy? 杨洁篪: 是啊,今年年初胡锦涛主席的 “友好合作之旅”和温家宝 总理的“信心之旅”都极大地推进了中国同非洲、同中东国家、同欧洲国家的关系。去年 这一年对中国来讲,是不平凡的一年,同

6、样对中国的外交来讲也是如此。去年 这一年对中国的外交来 讲,可以 讲是“闯关之年”、“开拓之年”、“丰收之年”。 Indeed, the journey of friendship and cooperation by President Hu and the journey of confidence by Premier Wen have given a strong boost to Chinas relations with African countries, the Middle East countries and with European countries. Last ye

7、ar was an eventful for China. It was also an eventful year for Chinas diplomacy. Last year was a year of enormous challenges; yet, we met these challenges head-on and reaped a good harvest. 杨洁篪:所谓“闯关之年”,就是从抗击汶川大地震等自然灾害到排除各种干扰,举办奥运会,再来 应对国际金融危机的冲击,我们的国家、我们的外交所受到的挑战之多、冲击之大、程度之严重是多年罕见的,我们闯过一道道难关,实属不易。

8、In the year of enormous challenges, we fought natural disasters, including the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan. We hosted successfully the Olympic Games; in spite of the various destructive factors. And we worked hard to cope with the impact of the international financial crisis; the challenges t

9、hat confronted our country and Chinas diplomacy last year have been rarely seen for many years in terms of scale, severity and impact. Meeting these challenges was, indeed, not easy. 杨洁篪:在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,在全国人民的 积极支持下,在各部门、各地区的通力协作下,我们努力贯彻落实科学发展观,我们的外交工作取得了重大成绩。 Under the strong leadership of the CPPCC

10、 and State Council, with active support of Chinese people and with close cooperation with other governmental departments, We earnestly implemented the scientific outlook on development and made a lot of achievements on the diplomatic front. 杨洁篪:在许多方面确 实有开拓创新,比如 说我们努力地丰富和发展中国特色的外交理论,我 们紧紧抓住统筹兼顾这个外交工作

11、的根本途径, 这方面我们要谈到,就是要 统 筹好国内和国际两个大局,要统筹好双边和多边关系。 We broke new ground in many areas. We enriched and developed the diplomatic theories of Chinese features. We continued to take a holistic approach in pursuing diplomacy. We took in account both domestic and international situations and attached importan

12、ce to both bilateral and multilateral diplomacy.- 2 - 杨洁篪:我这里要特 别提一下,一年多来我们是在努力地统筹地理区域外交和具体领域的外交, 对这一点多讲几句。地理区域外交大家都很清楚,比如说大国外交、周 边外交,与广大 发展中国家外交,乃至于相当程度的多边外交。但是具体 领域的外交,我们现在需要更重视,那就是,比如 说像经济外交、安全外交、人文外交、公共外交等等。Over the past year, we worked hard to combine regions diplomacy with diplomacy in specifi

13、c areas. I believe you know well what regions ? diplomacy means. Its about developing relations with major countries and with neighboring countries, with other developing countries and also it involves a large part of our multilateral diplomacy. Let me say a few more words about what I mean by diplo

14、macy in specific areas, an area that I believe we should pay more attention to, this diplomacy means economic diplomacy, security diplomacy, cultural diplomacy and public diplomacy. 杨洁篪:去年我 们举行的奥运会,应该讲是一个大文化的盛会,也是人文外交。年初的时候,我和一些同事就谈到,如果把奥运会搞好,把人文外交搞好,2008 年的中国外交就成功了至少一半。The Olympic Games we held las

15、t year was a big cultural event; it was also a large part of our efforts to promote cultural diplomacy. As I told my colleagues at the beginning of last year, if we could successfully host the Olympic Games and make further progress in conducting cultural diplomacy. Then our diplomatic work in 2008

16、would have a very good beginning and would already have the success of the whole year. 杨洁篪:同时我 们也加强了外交工作体制和机制的完善,这一年来,中国的国 际地位、作用、影响 显著提高,我们为 世界和地区的和平、 稳 定和发展作出了重要贡献。去年这一年,有多达 180 多位的国家元首、政府首脑和其他政要纷纷来到中国进行正式访问,或者参加奥运会、残奥会的开闭幕式和其他活动,或者参加亚欧首脑会议。We continue to improve the mechanisms and institutions in

17、 our diplomatic work. The international influence, role and standing of China have visibly increased. We have continued to make important contribution toword regional peace, stability and development. Last year, over 180 foreign heads of state, heads of government and other political leaders come to

18、 China on official visits, attending the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Parliament, or attending the 7th ASEM Summit. 杨洁篪:来的国家元首、政府首脑、其他政要人数之多、之重要,在中国外交史上是空前的。应该讲,去年这一年也的确是中国外交的“开拓之年”、“丰收之年” 。 This has been truly unprecedented in the history of Chinas diplomacy in terms of the num

19、ber of foreign guest. We received and the ranking of the foreign visitors. So in a word, last year, the year of 2008, was a year in which we worked hard and reaped a good harvest. 杨洁篪:大家都很关心今年的中国外交,应该讲现在当今世界正在发生着冷战结束以来最深刻的、最复杂的国际形势变化,国际金融危机 还没有见底,中国的外部 环境更趋 复杂。I know you all have a keen interest in

20、Chinas diplomacy this year, the international situation is undergoing the most profound and complex exchanges since the end of cold war. The international financial crisis has yet to his its bottom and Chinas external environment has become more complicated. 杨洁篪:我想对 中国今年的外交工作可以讲四点:第一,抓住“一条主线”,那就是要全力

21、为确保国内经济平稳较快发展服务。On Chinas diplomacy this year, let me make the following 4 points. First, we should stay focus on one overarching objective. This is to make every effort to serve the goal of ensuring steady and rapid economic development in China. 杨洁篪:第二,要抓好“两大重点”工作。一是要积极应对国际金融危机,要为“保增长、保民生、保稳定”服务好;

22、二是要抓好中国国家领导人参加重大的国际多边会议活动的准备工作和实施。我想到的是,比如即将在伦敦举行的金融峰会, 7 月份在意大利举行的八国集团与发展中国家 领导人对话会,此前要进行的上合组织的峰会,此后要 举行的上合组织总 理会议, 11 月份要举行的亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议等等,我们要通过中国参加这些活动,推动 国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。 Second, we should pursue 2 priorities, the first one is to make every effort to properly handle the impact of internation

23、al financial crisis so as to serve the goal of preserving economic growth, the well-being of our people and stability in China; the second priority is to make full preparations for the participations of Chinese leaders in a series of important multilateral activities to ensure their success. These m

24、ajor multilateral activities include, among others, the upcoming Financial Summit in London, the G8 plus 5 outreach sessions to be held Italy in July this year, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit - 3 -and the meeting of Prime ministers of the SCO member states as well as the APEC economic

25、leaders meeting to be held in November this year. What we hope is that with Chinas participation in these activities will help contribute to making the international order more fair and equitable. 杨洁篪: 第三,要抓好 “三项工作 ”。一是搞好安全外交,切 实维护中国的主权、 领土完整和安全利益;二是要加强人文外交, 进一步增进中国人民和世界各国人民的友 谊和合作;三是继续抓好领事保护工作,要切实维

26、护中国公民和企业在海外的合法权益。总之, 现在中国的国民出国越来越多,中国企业同其他国家的合作越来越多,这方面的 领事保护工作我 们一定要做的更好。 We should continue to work hard on the following three fronts. First, we should continue to advance security diplomacy to safeguard Chinas sovereignty, territorial integrity and security interest. Second, well continue to pur

27、sue cultural diplomacy to increase the friendship and cooperation between the Chinese people and people of other countries. Third, well strengthen consular protection to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals and companies overseas. As more and more Chinese are traveling abro

28、ad and more and more Chinese companies are doing business overseas. We must do an even better job with consular protection. 杨洁篪:第四,要做好“四个方向”工作。就是要促进我们同大国的关系 稳定发展, 进一步搞好同周边国家的睦邻友好关系, 进一步加强同广大 发展中国家的团结与合作,要更加积极地参加有关全球性的和地区热点问题的妥善解决。 My 4 points is that we should continue to work hard in the following

29、4 areas. Well continue to promote the steady growth of Chinas relations with major countries, strengthen friendship with neighboring countries, enhance solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries, and take a continued active part in seeking proper settlement of global and regional hot

30、spot issues. 杨洁篪:我相信,通过努力,中华人民共和国建国 60 周年将成为中国外交又一灿烂辉煌的一年。 谢谢! I believe that with our hard work, the year of 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC will be another year of splendid achievements of Chinas diplomacy. 美联社记者:随着金融危机的爆发,国际社会日益关注中国同美国的关系。您是否认为中国现在面临的一些问题从某种程度上讲是由于美国规划不当以及不负责任的行为所造成的呢

31、?也有人认为正是美国的所作所为才使中国陷于被迫不得不一直购买美国国债和支持美国政策的处境,您认为美国在多大程度上应该对这次危机负责?您认为美国应该采取什么措施才能重新获得中国政府和人民的信心? The current financial crisis has bought implications for Chinas relations, particularly with the USA. Many Chinese believed that Chinas problem was the result of poor planning and irresponsible policies

32、of America and some even believed that China has been trapped into buying American government debts and supporting such policies in the US. To what degree do you believe America responsible to this aspect? What does America need to do to win back the confidence of the Chinese government and people t

33、o restore the reputation? 杨洁篪: 关于这次金融危机的起因,我想人 们自有公论,有关的教训是应该汲取的。当务之急是各国应该携手共进,搞好伦敦金融峰会,使得这次金融峰会能够为提振人们 的信心,为加强各国的宏观经济政策的协调, 为稳 定金融市 场, 为实现必要的金融体系和金融 监管体系的改革,为促进广大的发展中国家的发展,以实现“千年发展目标”而努力,在这方面,我 们愿意同美国、同世界其他国家一起在国际金融危机的惊涛骇浪中同舟共济,携手共 进。 I think people have their judgment regarding the causes of the i

34、nternational financial crisis, lessons of the crisis should be learned. The pressing task now is that all countries must work together to make the upcoming Financial Summit in London a success. We believe the upcoming London Financial Summit should play a role in boosting the publics confidence, str

35、engthening the countrys coordination on their macro economic policies, stabilizing financial markets, undertaking necessary reforms in the international financial system and international financial regulatory regime and helping developing countries to achieve the MDGs. In this regard, we are ready t

36、o work with the US and other countries in the world to weather the storm and make a joint effort to tide over the difficulties brought by the financial crisis?中国使用外汇资产所遵循的原则是“安全、流 动、增 值” ,中国将继续遵循这些原则来使用中国的外汇资产。In making use of its foreign exchange assets, China follows the principle of ensuring secu

37、rity, liquidity and value increase. China will make further use of Chinas foreign exchange assets in line with the above-mentioned principles. - 4 - 杨洁篪:我想,自从奥巴马新政府上台以后,中国和美国新政府之间的关系开局是好的。胡锦涛主席与奥巴马总统通了电话,进行了很好的交 谈, 为共同推进中美关系达成了 许多重要的共识。希拉里?克林顿国务卿访华之际,中方也同她 进行了会 见、会 谈,双方都表示了进一步推进中美关系的真诚愿望。In my view,

38、 since the inauguration of the Obama administration in US, relations between China and the new US government have got off to good start. President Hu and Obama had very good telephone conversations. They reached an important agreement on working together to advance China-US relations. State Secretar

39、y had meetings and talks with the Chinese leaders and her Chinese counterparts during her recent visit to China, the two sides expressed sincere wish to advance this bilateral relationship. 杨洁篪:在当前的国 际形势下,中美之间存在着日益广泛的共同利益,我 们愿意同美国新政府共同努力,不断地推进中美关系,我 们希望双方都能 够照顾彼此的核心利益,并且进一步加强交流、协作与合作。我们相信,通过双方的努力,中美

40、关系一定会继续沿着健康稳定的轨道向前 发展。Under the current international environment, China and the US have broad common interests. We are ready to work with the new US administration to push forward China-US ties. We hope that the two sides will accommodate each others core interests and continue to step up their exc

41、hange and cooperation. We believe that with joint efforts, China-US relations will continue to move along the track of sound and stable growth.3. At the G20 in London next month, will Chinas president Hu contribute on Chinas behalf? What will he contribute? And concretely, what does China want for i

42、ts part? And in that context, has the global financial crisis change the balance of power in Chinas favor?英国泰晤士报记者4 月份 20 国金融峰会即将在伦敦召开,胡锦涛主席会不会与会?胡锦涛主席如果与会,将会代表中方提出什么样的建 议?也就是说具体的讲,中方 对于 这次金融峰会有什么样的期待?面对现在的国际金融危机,您是否认为 他使世界权力的天平或者世界力量的天平向中方倾斜? 杨洁篪: 胡锦涛主席将出席伦敦金融峰会,在此期 间,他也会会见一些国家的领导人。最近我将应希拉里克林顿 国务卿的

43、邀 请到美国去 访问,就是 为胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统 在伦敦进行会晤作必要的准备工作,并且将同美方一起进一步规划今年的中美关系的具体工作。我相信在伦敦,胡 锦涛主席也会会见布朗首相。我们对英国为筹备这次金融会议所作的许多准备工作表示赞赏。President Hu will attend the London Financial Summit, during the summit; he will have meetings with leader of other countries. Ill soon pay a visit to the US at the invitation of th

44、e State Secretary to make necessary preparations for the meeting between President Hu and Obama. Ill work with my US colleagues to make plans for China-US relations this year. I believe in London, Hu will also hold a meeting with the Prime Minister Gorden Brown. Were appreciated the many preparation

45、s that the UK has made to get ready for the financial summit. 杨洁篪:中国继续 保持它的经济稳定较快发展, 这本身就是对应对金融危机的最大贡献。中国 继续向广大的发展中国家,特 别是非洲国家提供援助、增加援助,并且呼吁世界各国都要兑现自己的承诺, 这本身也是对应对国际金融危机的重大贡献。我们商务部长陈德铭亲自率团到欧洲去,有关的公司同英国、德国等方面洽谈业务,达成的有关 协议和谅 解多达 150 亿美元。这本身也是 对应对国际金融危机的重大贡献。中国是最早表示要出席华盛顿金融峰会的国家之一,中国也是 积极地同东道主英国合作,努力要共

46、同 举办好这次峰会的国家之一。我们相信在各方的共同努力下,这次伦敦峰会会取得 积极的成果。至于经过这场金融危机到底对谁有利,我看 应该讲是理智占了上 风,广大人民群众的正当要求占了上风。而各国政府都应该以人为本,踏踏实实地 为各国经济的发 展、社会的 进步,为世界的公平正义服务。 To maintain steady and rapid economic development in China is in itself a biggest contribution that China can make to international cooperation in meeting the

47、financial crisis. Our important contribution to international cooperation against the financial crisis is also that weve increased our assistance to other developing countries, particular, African countries. Weve called upon other countries to honor their commitments of assistance. Our commerce mini

48、ster Mr. Chen personally headed a Chinese delegation to visit some European countries, including the UK. During their visits, the Chinese companies had consultations with their European counterparts on how to expand their business cooperation and they inked agreements and intends on further cooperat

49、ion worth a total of 15 billion USD. This is another important contribution that China makes to the international efforts against financial crisis. China was one of the first countries to make announcement that it will attend the WDC Financial Summit and we are also one of the countries which are actually - 5 -cooperating with the host UK to make the upcoming London Financial Summit a success. We believe with the point efforts of all parties, positive results will be achieved a


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