分享赚钱 收藏 举报 版权申诉 / 55


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    1、1总有人问我是否认识泰勒德顿 People always ask me if I know Tyler Durden.还剩三分钟 Three minutes.尘埃落定 一切归零 This is it. Ground zero.要不要为这伟大的时刻发表两句感言呢 Would you like to say a few words to mark the occasion?嘴里塞着把枪 你只能嘟嘟囔囔 With a gun barrel between your teeth, you speak only in vowels.我想不出要说什么 I cant think of anything.有一

    2、会 泰勒的控制爆破计划 For a second, I totally forget about我已经忘得一干二净 Tylers whole controlled demolition thing,心里只琢磨着那枪到底有多脏 and I wonder how clean that gun is.越来越刺激了 Its getting exciting now.俗话说 人们总是伤害自己爱的人 That old thing, how you always hurt the one you love.其实也会爱上他伤害的人 Well, it works both ways.这出爆炸大戏 我们坐享头排

    3、We have front-row seats for this theater of mass destruction.混沌行动的爆破组 The Demolitions Committee of Project Mayhem已经在十二栋建筑的地基柱旁 wrapped the foundations columns of 12 buildings布置了爆胶 with blasting gelatin.两分钟内 主引爆器将引爆所有炸弹 In two minutes, primary charges will blow base charges把好几个街区炸成断壁残垣 and a few squa

    4、re blocks will be reduced to smouldering rubble.泰勒知道这些 所以我也知道 I know this because Tyler knows this.两分三十秒 回想下我们的成就吧 Two and a half. Think of everything weve accomplished.忽然间我发现这一切 And suddenly I realize that all of this,枪支 炸药 革命 the gun, the bombs, the revolution,都和一个叫玛拉辛格的女人有关 has got something to d

    5、o with a girl named Marla Singer.鲍勃 鲍勃有一对大奶子 Bob. Bob had bitch tits.pos(187.332,68.444)一起继续做男人这是个睾丸癌患者互助会 This was a support group for men with testicular cancer.这个把我抱个满怀的家伙就是鲍勃 The big moosie slobbering all over me, that was Bob.我们仍然是男人 Were still men.没错 我们是男人 Yes, were men.如假包换的男人 Men is what we

    6、are.鲍勃八个月前切除了睾丸并接受激素疗法Eight months ago Bobs testicles were removed. Then hormone therapy.他睾丸素水平过高 刺激雌激素分泌 He developed bitch tits because his testosterone was too high,导致他长了对大奶子 and his body upped the oestrogen.使我可以. That was where I fit.他们又要给我开刀减胸了 Theyre gonna have to open up my pecs again and dra

    7、in the fluid.把头埋在这对带汗的巨乳中间 Between those huge sweating tits如此之大不禁让你猜想上帝的也很宏伟 that hung enormous, the way youd think of Gods as big.2好了 该你哭了 OK, you cry now.等等 倒回去 让我从头说起 No, wait. Back up. Let me start earlier.整整六个月我都没法入睡 For six months, I couldnt sleep.睡不着 I couldnt sleep.失眠让我如坠梦境 With insomnia, no

    8、things real.一切都飘忽遥远 Everythings far away.一切都是重复 重复 再重复 Everythings a copy of a copy of a copy.随着外太空探索的深入 When deep space exploration ramps up,所有天体都要用企业命名 itll be the corporations that name everything.IBM 星系 The IBM Stellar Sphere.微软银河系 The Microsoft Galaxy.星巴克星球 The Planet Starbucks.这周你得出趟差 Gonna ne

    9、ed you out of town a little more this week.有些要紧事处理 We got some some red flags to cover.那天一定是周二 他系了蓝色矢车菊领带It must have been Tuesday. He was wearing his cornflower-blue tie.你要我在你另行通知前 You want me to deprioritize my current reports先放下手头的报告吗 until you advise of a status upgrade?这些紧急 这是机票折扣券 Make these y

    10、our primary “action items“. Heres your flight coupons.有问题就打我电话 Call me from the road if theres any snags.他精力充沛 肯定又用拿铁灌肠了 He was full of pep. Must have had his grande latte enema.和多数人一样 我也深陷在 Like so many others, I had become a slave宜家室内装潢的广告中 to the Ikea nesting instinct.是的 我想订购那套 Yes. Id like to or

    11、der艾瑞卡贝卡利防尘被套 the Erika Pekkari dust ruffles.-请稍等 -只要看到设计巧妙的东西 - Please hold. - If I saw something clever,好比有阴阳图案的小咖啡桌 like a little coffee table in the shape of a yin-yang,我一定会买 I had to have it.科利浦个人办公组合 The Klipsk personal office unit.牵引式固定脚踏车 The Hovetrekke home exerbike.或是绿色横纹的奥汉莎沙发 Or the Oham

    12、shab sofa with the Strinne green stripe pattern.甚至是采用 Even the Ryslampa wire lamps可再生纸制灯罩的莱斯浪帕吊灯 of environmentally-friendly unbleached paper.我一边翻着产品目录一边想 Id flip through catalogues and wonder“哪种餐具才能展现我的个性“ “What kind of dining set defines me as a person?“结果我全都买了 I had it all.包括那些可以看到内部的气泡和小瑕疵 Even

    13、the glass dishes with tiny bubbles and imperfections,以证明是由淳朴勤劳的手工业者 proof that they were crafted by the honest,亲手制造的玻璃盘子 至于是在哪儿造的simple hard-working, indigenous peoples of.3-请稍等 -管他呢 - Please hold. - Wherever.我等着呢 I was holding.以前找刺激得看色情书刊 We used to read pornography.现在得看家居杂志的产品目录 Now it was the Hor

    14、chow collection.-不 失眠不会致命 -嗜睡症呢 - No. You cant die of insomnia. - What about narcolepsy?突然睡着 醒来时却在完全陌生的地方 I nod off, I wake up in strange places.根本不知道我是怎么到那儿的 I have no idea how I got there.你得学会放松 You need to lighten up.你就给我开点药吧 Can you please just give me something?红蓝相间的吐诺尔安眠药 口红色的速可眠Red and blue T

    15、uinals, lipstick-red Seconals.不行 你需要健康自然的睡眠 No. You need healthy, natural sleep.嚼些缬草根放松肌肉 多锻炼身体 Chew some valerian root and get more exercise.拜托 Hey, come on.-我很痛苦的 -你这也算痛苦 - Im in pain. - You wanna see pain?周二晚上去趟第一卫理公会 Swing by First Methodist, Tuesday nights.看看那些患了睾丸癌的人们 See the guys with testicu

    16、lar cancer.那才叫痛苦 Thats pain.我一直想要三个孩子 两男一女 I always wanted three kids. two boys and a girl.敏迪却想要两女一男 Mindy wanted two girls and a boy.我俩的意见从没统一过 We never could agree on anything.我 她 Well, I. She.她上周生了第一个宝宝 She had her first child last week.是个女孩 A girl.是她 她的新任老公的 With. with her. with her new husband.

    17、妈的 Fuck!感谢上帝啊 Thank God, you know.我真为她高兴 Im glad for her.这是她应得的 Because she deserves.请大家感谢托马斯分享他的故事 Everyone, lets thank Thomas for sharing himself with us.谢谢你 托马斯 Thank you, Thomas.环视这房间 我看到了各位的勇气 I look around this room, and I see a lot of courage.这勇气给予了我力量 And that gives me strength.我们相互给予着力量 We

    18、give each other strength.现在是一对一时间 Its time for the one-on-ones.就让我们像托马斯那样 So lets all of us follow向对方敞开心扉吧 Thomass good example and really open ourselves up.请大家自行寻找搭档 Could you find your partner?我就这样认识了大咪咪 And this is how I met the big moosie.他早已热泪盈眶 His eyes already shrink-wrapped in tears.膝盖摩挲 踱着小

    19、碎步向我走来 Knees together. Those awkward little steps.-我叫鲍勃 -鲍勃 - My name is Bob. - Bob?4鲍勃曾是位健美冠军 Bob had been a champion bodybuilder.你看过午夜电视里播的健胸节目吗 You know that chest expansion programme on late-night TV?就是他提的主意 That was his idea.我曾经用过禁药 I was a juicer.我服用过类固醇 You know, using steroids?戴伯诺和威斯特骆 Diabo

    20、nal and wisterol.上帝啊 那本来是给赛马用的 Oh, they use that on racehorses, for Christ sakes.现在我破产了 离婚了 And now Im bankrupt. Im divorced.我的两个孩子都不肯接我电话 My two grown kids wont even return my phone calls.一个陌生人如此坦诚相待 Strangers with this kind of honesty让我突然有些不知所措 make me go a big, rubbery one.到你了 科尼利厄斯 Go ahead. Cor

    21、nelius.想哭就哭吧 You can cry.然后 奇迹发生了 我哭出来了 And then. something happened. I let go.这样很不错 Thats really good.迷失在虚无中 Lost in oblivion.在黑暗与宁静中找到自我 Dark and silent and complete.我找到了自由 摒弃一切希望便得自由 I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.没关系 Its OK.婴儿都没我睡得沉 Babies dont sleep this well.然后我就上瘾了 I became addi

    22、cted.我一言不发的话 If I didnt say anything别人总会对我的情况作最坏的猜测 people always assumed the worst.他们哭得越凶 我就哭得越凶 They cried harder, then I cried harder.现在来打开那扇绿门 打开你内心的脉轮Now were going to open the green door, the heart chakra.我并非真的不久人世 I wasnt really dying.我没有癌症 也没寄生虫 I wasnt host to cancer or parasites.世界在我周围喧嚣 I

    23、 was the warm little center我内心无比温暖 that the life of this world crowded around.将你所遭的病痛想象成一道治疗你的白光Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light.那光束在你身上游移 治愈着你 It moves over your body, healing you.继续冥想 深呼吸 Now keep this going. Remember to breathe,现在走出后门 and step forward through the back door of th

    24、e room.它将通向何方呢 Where does it lead?通到你的山洞 To your cave.迈进你的山洞里 Step forward into your cave.就是这样 Thats right.慢慢向山洞的深处前行 Youre going deeper into your cave.你将在那发现 And youre going to find你的灵魂动物 your power animal.滑呀 Slide.5每个傍晚 我都会死去 Every evening I died.每个傍晚 我又会重生 And every evening I was born again.脱胎换骨

    25、Resurrected.鲍勃以为我也切除了睾丸 所以总和我搭伴Bob loved me because he thought my testicles were removed too.来到互助会 倚在他奶子上 Being there, pressed against his tits,准备痛哭一场 ready to cry.简直像休假一样 This was my vacation.而她的到来毁了这一切 And she ruined everything.是癌症互助会吧 This is cancer, right?这个妞 玛拉辛格 This chick, Marla Singer,根本没有睾丸

    26、癌 did not have testicular cancer.她就是个骗子 She was a liar.她根本什么病都没有 She had no diseases at all.我在周四的“远离疾病“ I had seen her at Free And Clear,血液寄生虫患者互助会里见过她 my blood parasites group, Thursdays.还有“希望“镰状细胞贫血症互助会 Then at Hope, my bimonthly sickle-cell circle.以及周五晚的“把握当下“肺结核互助会 And again, at Seize The Day, m

    27、y tuberculosis, Friday night.玛拉 Marla,这个观光客 the big tourist.她的谎言揭穿了我的谎言 Her lie reflected my lie.我突然失去了之前的感觉 And suddenly, I felt nothing.我哭不出来了 所以又一次 I couldnt cry. So once again,我失眠了 I couldnt sleep.下次互助会 引导冥想结束 Next group, after guided meditation,敞开脉轮之后 开始拥抱的时候 after we open our heart chakras, wh

    28、en its time to hug,我要抓住玛拉辛格那贱人大喊 Im gonna grab that bitch, Marla Singer, and scream.玛拉 你个大骗子观光客 我需要这个 快滚Marla, you liar! You big tourist, I need this! Now, get out!我已经四天没合眼了 I hadnt slept in four days.我们等它风干之后 Well just let that dry.患上失眠症 就没法真正入睡 When you have insomnia, youre never really asleep.但也不

    29、曾真正清醒 And youre never really awake.作为今天的开场白 To begin tonights communion,克洛伊想对大家说几句 Chloe would like to say a few words.对了 克洛伊 Oh, yeah. Chloe.克洛伊看起来就像是一具 Chloe looked the way Meryl Streeps skeleton would look会动会笑的梅丽尔斯特里普的骨架 if you made it smile and walk around the party,对每个人都非常和善 being extra nice to

    30、 everybody.我还活着 Well, Im still here.虽然不知道还能活多久 But I dont know for how long.也没人能给我个准确的答案 Thats as much certainty as anyone can give me.6但我也有一些好消息 But Ive got some good news.我再也不畏惧死亡了 I no longer have any fear of death.可是 我现在好寂寞 But. I am in a pretty lonely place.没人愿意和我上床 No-one will have sex with me

    31、.我就快死了 Im so close to the end,我只希望最后做一次爱 and all I want is to get laid for the last time.我在家准备了色情电影 I have pornographic movies in my apartment,-还有润滑剂和春药 -谢谢你 克洛伊 - and lubricants and amyl nitrite. - Thank you, Chloe.请大家感谢克洛伊的发言 Everyone, lets thank Chloe.谢谢你 克洛伊 Thank you, Chloe.现在 准备跟我进入冥想 Now, let

    32、s ready ourselves for guided meditation.你正站在你山洞的入口处 Youre standing at the entrance of your cave.你踏入山洞 缓步向前 You step inside your cave and you walk.如果真得了肿瘤 我就叫它玛拉 If I did have a tumor, Id name it Marla.玛拉 Marla.就像那种长在你嘴边的溃疡一样 The little scratch on the roof of your mouth只要忍住不舔就能愈合 that would heal if y

    33、ou could stop tonguing it.可你就是忍不住 But you cant.慢慢向深处前行 Deeper into your cave as you walk.你会感到一股治愈的能量环绕着你 You feel a healing energy in this place all around you.现在找到你的灵魂动物 Now find your power animal.滑啊 Slide.好了 该分组了 OK. Lets partner up.选一个你心目中特别的人吧 Pick someone special to you tonight.-我们得谈谈 -好的 - We

    34、need to talk. - Sure.-我知道你的事 -什么 - Im onto you. - What?你就是个骗子 根本不会死 Yeah. Youre a faker. Youre not dying.什么 Sorry?按照藏传佛法 In the Tibetan-philosophy,或是希尔维亚普拉斯诗人的理论 人终有一死Sylvia-Plath sense of the word, I know were all dying.-但你不像克洛伊那样生命垂危 -所以呢 - But youre not dying the way Chloe back theres dying. - So

    35、?你就是个观光客 我见过你 So youre a tourist. Ive seen you.在黑素瘤互助会和肺结核互助会都见过 I saw you at melanoma, I saw you at tuberculosis.甚至在睾丸癌互助会也见过你 I saw you at testicular cancer!你之前练过了吧 I saw you practising this.-练什么 -数落我这一大段 - Practising what? - Telling me off.效果和你预期的一样吗 鲁珀特 Is it going as well as you hoped, Rupert?我

    36、要去揭发你 Ill expose you.请便 我也会揭发你 Go ahead. Ill expose you.拥抱彼此 哭出来吧 All right. Come together. Let yourselves cry.天哪 你为什么要这么做 Oh, God. Why are you doing this?来这比看电影便宜 还有免费咖啡喝 Its cheaper than a movie and theres free coffee.7听着 这对我很重要 这是我的互助组 Look, this is important. These are my groups.我已经在这待了一年多了 Ive

    37、been coming for over a year.-你又是为什么来这 -不知道 - Why do you do it? - I dont know.别人以为你快死时 才会用心听你 而非When people think youre dying, they listen to you instead of just.而非充耳不闻 只等着轮到自己发言 Instead of just waiting for their turn to speak.没错 没错 Yeah. Yeah.毫无保留地打开心扉吧 Share yourself, completely.听着 继续下去你会后悔的 Look,

    38、you dont want to get into this.-这会让你上瘾的 -真的吗 - It becomes an addiction. - Really?我没开玩笑 如果还有个骗子 Im not kidding. I cant cry我是哭不出来的 而我需要这个 if another faker is present, and I need this.你换个地方消遣吧 So you gotta find somewhere else to go.自己去癌症病房当志愿陪聊呗 Candy-stripe a cancer ward.你哭不哭关我屁事 Its not my problem.等一

    39、下 别走 No, wait a second. Hold on.这样吧 我们平分行吗 I tell you, well split up the week, OK?淋巴瘤和肺结核互助会给你 You take lymphoma and tuberculosis.肺结核那个你留着吧 抽着烟不好混过去You take tuberculosis. My smoking doesnt go over at all.好的 那睾丸癌互助会应该没争议 OK. Good. Fine. Testicular cancer should be no contest.理论上说 我比你更有资格去那 Technicall

    40、y, I have more right to be there than you.起码你的蛋蛋都还健在 You still have your balls.-开玩笑吧 -不知道 像吗 - Youre kidding. - I dunno. Am I?不 不 No. No.-你要什么 -我要寄生虫那俩 - What do you want? - Ill take the parasites.你不能两个都要 You cant have both the parasites,不如你去血液寄生虫吧 but why dont you take the blood parasites?我想要脑部寄生虫

    41、I want brain parasites.那血液那个归我 Ill take the blood parasites,我还要器质性脑痴呆 but Im gonna take the organic brain dementia.-那个我要 -和脑子有关的不能都给你吧 - I want that. - You cant have the whole brain.现在你有四个 我只有两个 So far, you have four. I only have two.好吧 寄生虫的都给你 归你了 OK. Take both the parasites. Theyre yours.现在我们都有三个了

    42、 Now we both have three.喂 你衣服掉了一半了都 Hey! You left half your clothes.-什么 你是拿来卖的 -没错 - What, are you selling those? - Yes!我来卖几件衣服 Im selling some clothes!所以一人三个 一共是六个了 So! We each have three. Thats six.那第七天的呢 我要肠癌互助会 What about the seventh day? I want ascending bowel cancer.这个女人下过一番功夫 The girl had don

    43、e her homework.不成 肠癌是我的 No. No. I want bowel cancer.那也是你的最爱哈 Thats your favorite too?8-跟我抢啊 -好吧 我们分了它 - Tried to slip it by me, eh? - Look, well split it.每月第一和第三个周日归你 Take the first and third Sunday of the month.成交 Deal.好像该说再见了 Looks like this is goodbye.千万别小题大做 Lets not make a big thing out of it.看

    44、我这算不算小题大做 Hows this for not making a big thing?玛拉 Hey, Marla!玛拉 Marla!或许我们该留个电话 Maybe we should exchange numbers.有必要吗 Should we?-万一想换换口味呢 -好吧 - We might wanna switch nights. - OK.我就是这样认识玛拉辛格的 This is how I met Marla Singer.玛拉的人生哲学是她随时都可能死掉 Marlas philosophy of life was that she might die at any mome

    45、nt.悲剧之处在于 她一直都没死 The tragedy, she said, was that she didnt.你忘写名字了 你叫什么 科尼利厄斯 鲁珀特It doesnt have your name! Who are you? Cornelius? Rupert?崔维斯 到底是哪个蠢名字 Travis? Any of the stupid names you give each night?你在西雅图机场醒来 You wake up at SeaTac.或是达拉斯沃思堡机场 Dallas Fort Worth.太平洋 山区 或者中部 不断变换时区Pacific. Mountain.

    46、Central. Lose an hour. Gain an hour.您乘坐的航班两小时后 The check-in for that flight doesnt begin才开始办理登机手续 先生 for another two hours, sir.这就是你的生命 正一分一分的消逝 This is your life, and its ending one minute at a time.你在哈柏国际机场凤凰城醒来 You wake up at Air Harbor International.如果在不同时间 于不同地点醒来 If you wake up at a different

    47、time, in a different place,会不会变成不同的人呢 could you wake up as a different person?不论到哪 都尽量从简 Everywhere I travel, tiny life.一次性的砂糖包和奶脂 Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream.一盒黄油 Single pat of butter.微波炉加热的法式航空套餐 The microwave cordon bleu hobby kit.洗发护发旅行包 Shampoo-conditioner combos.试用装牙刷组 小块肥皂 Samp

    48、le-package mouthwash. Tiny bars of soap.飞机上每次遇到的人 The people I meet on each flight,都只是“一次性“的朋友 theyre single-serving friends.在起飞和降落间 我们共享一段时光 Between takeoff and landing, we have our time together.仅此而已 Thats all we get.欢迎 Welcome!假以时日 On a long enough time line,没人能逃过死亡的召唤 the survival rate for every

    49、one drops to zero.我是个召回协调员 我的工作就是套用公式I was a recall coordinator. My job was to apply the formula.婴儿是从挡风玻璃这飞出来的 好个三 The infant went through the windshield. 3 points.9分我公司产的一辆新车 A new car built by my company以 90 公里的速度驶离某个地方 leaves somewhere traveling at 60mph.后差速器突然锁死 The rear differential locks up.有个小孩的牙套卡在了烟灰缸里 The teenagers braces are stuck to the ashtray.拿来当戒烟广告的创意不错 Might make a good anti-smoking ad.撞车后起火 把人都困死在了里面 The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside

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