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6、不是阴山地区历史发展的主流,在漫长的历史发展时期,生活在这一地区各族人民是在融合中和平相处,共同开发祖国的北方边疆,共同创造灿烂的中华文明。关键词:秦汉,隋唐,阴山地区,行政管理,经济管理,军事控制The Control of Yinshan RegionDuring Qinhan Dynasty and Suitang DynastyAbstractYianshan region, the geographic boundary and transition area between thecultivation agriculture in the central plain and no
7、madic life in the northern area, is theimportant region for cultural clash and blending between the northern and thesouthern in the history. Yinshan region has had direct and important effect on theboundary steady and the policies taken in the central plain. Qinhan and SuitangDynasty were very power
8、ful in our Chinese history, and at that time, there existedHuns and Turki power. There were conflicts between the power in central plain andthe power in the northern area. They fought against each other for the rights ofcontrolling this region. In order to get the right to control the region, Qinhan
9、government and Suitang government fought back nomadic group from the northernarea. After that, Qinhan Dynasty and Suitang Dynasty took such effective measures tocontrol this region as: setting up prefectures, and administration branches tostrengthen the central power. The main points were setting up
10、 the same prefectures ininner areas, appointing officials and carrying out rules. They treated well the alliedminorities and set up branches as Five Vassal States, Duliao General, Jimi Mansionand Dudu Mansion in order to supervise and manage effectively. As far as economy isconcerned, they tried to
11、improve the economy and strengthen the boundary steady byimmigrating people, undertaking water conservancy projects, cultivating, improvingagriculture, setting up markets. And they fought on, built great walls and otherobstacles to protect their own regions from being attacked, and furthermore to ke
12、epsteady and peaceful in the central areas.However, because of the cultural differences during Qianhan Dynasty andSuitang Dynasty, they encountered nation problems. While managing Yinshan regionand the northern area, Qinhan Dynasty and Suitang Dynasty had taken some similarmeasures, such as marrying
13、 daughters to minority nationalities because they were notpowerful enough to control them. Once they became powerful enough and had steadygovernment, they would fight bravely against the minority nationalities in northernarea and made them surrender and then took some measures to divide and demorali
14、zetheir power. For improving economy they developed agriculture and did businesses topromote the peaceful relation with minorities in northern area. Qinhan Dynasty andSuitang Dynasty had taken different measures to govern their country based on thedifferent situations at that time. Qihan Dynasty foc
15、used on blocking, for example,building great walls and obstacles, and troops stationing, while Suitang Dynastyfocused on comforting, for example, setting up Jimi mansion to supervise and managethem, which made people there feel more comfortable.Qinhan Dynasty and Suitang Dynasty, the very powerful p
16、eriods then, weresupposed to have achieved a lot in controlling Yinshan region, and contributed a lot tothe development and unifying of nationalities. However, their relationship was notsteady due to the restrictions of that period. The contradictory remained between thepeople from central plain and
17、 the minorities from the northern area because of thepsychological and cultural obstacles caused by inequality, because of the two differentmodes of production between nomadic economy and cultivation agriculture. Weshould still see the positive points that wars and conflicts, lasting for l short tim
18、e,were not the mainstream in Yinshan region, in the long history of our Chinesecivilization, people of all nationalities have been living in the region peacefully andharmoniously to form our glorious Chinese civilization.Key words: Qinhan Dynasty, Suitang Dynasty, Yishan region, adminstraivemanageme
19、nt, economic management ,military control“前 言一、研究范围阴山地区从地理环境上主要指以阴山山脉为中心的地区。位于内蒙古自治区中部,西起杭锦后旗的狼山,中段为乌拉山、大青山、灰腾梁山,东段为坝上高原的大马群山。东西绵延长达 1000 多公里,南北宽达 50-100 公里不等。阴山南麓的雨水较为充沛,适宜发展农业。 阴山山脉自古以来就是农耕区与游牧区的天然分界线。山区本身是农牧交错地带。阴山地区从行政区划上主要包括内蒙古自治区中西部地区,包括乌兰擦布市、呼和浩特市、包头市、鄂尔多斯市、巴彦淖尔市。甚至包括山西北部如大同市等地和河北西北部如张家口等部分地区
21、隋唐这些强大王朝在阴山地区如何加强控制,但从整个阴山地区的历史看,这里始终是北方各族人民生活的家园,北方各族人民才是阴山地区的真正主人。三、研究方法社会控制包括宏观控制和微观控制。“宏观控制就是社会利用政权的力量在总体上加以控制,包括政治、经济、文化、意识形态等方面的控制。宏观控制对稳定社会,促进社会发展意义重大。在宏观的控制中,对经济的控制意义重大。” 微观控制主要是对社会生活的各个具体领域进行控制,如衣、食、住、行、婚、丧、嫁、娶等。”1本文主要是从社会学社会控制理论中宏观控制的角度,论述秦汉和隋唐政权对阴山地区的控制和管理。结合这一地区当时所处的历史地理环境、经济发展水平、社会发展水平和
22、军事斗争尖锐的具体情形,本文首要论述行政设置与管理,其次是经济管理,再次是军事控制。本文是在马克思主义的立场上,站在北方各族人民的角度,审视阴山地区的历史文化。四、研究综述关于秦汉隋唐政权对阴山地区管理和控制的科研成果,积累颇多。这些研究多是从某一具体事件或领域进行研究。如关于直道、秦汉长城、移民、屯田、和亲、行政设置、军事战争、互市及民族融合等问题。兹不一一列举。许多相关问题多放在内蒙古地区的整体历史环境中讲述。如王天顺的河套史、曹永年的1 刘豪兴社会学概论,高等教育出版社,1999 年 12 月版,第 390 页。感谢您试用AnyBizSoft PDF to Word。试用版仅能转换5页文档。要转换全部文档,免费获取注册码请访问http:/