1、皮肤真菌病(钱癣)Dermatomycoses (Ringworm) Prepared by: Dr. Terry HuntTranslated by Dr. Yachun Wang病因/发病机理 Cause & Pathogenesis赘疣发癣菌,须毛癣菌及其它革兰氏阳性、需氧型真菌造成的皮肤感染Trichophyton verrucosum, T. mentagrophytes & others gram-positive aerobic fungal skin infection 感染性皮炎,特征为角质化的上皮细胞和毛干细胞侵染Infectious dermatitis characte
2、rized by invasion of keratinized epithelial cells and hair shafts传染人类:公共卫生 Contagious to humans: Public Health危险因素 Risk Factors 舍饲动物,尤其在冬季多发 Housed animals especially in winter 直接、近距离接触的幼小个体 Young animals in close physical contact 机械接触传染 Mechanical contact transmission 临床症状 Clinical Findings 病灶呈环状 R
3、ing like lesions 多病灶性,掉毛 Multi-focal, with hair loss, 起皮,结痂,可能出现象疣病的症状Scaling, crusting and may appear wart like 多发于头部、眼部、颈部和肩部Seen more around head, eyes, neck and shoulders 不痛、不痒 No pain or pruritis 诊断 Diagnosis 既往史以及临床症状 History & clinical signs鉴别诊断 Differential Diagnosis 疥癣 Mange 霉菌性皮炎(嗜皮菌) Myco
4、tic Dermatitis (Dermatophilus) 实验室和病理学诊断 Laboratory and Pathology 菌丝和孢子造成的病灶处皮屑Skin scraping obtained from the periphery of the lesion hyphae & spores 真菌培养 Fungal cultures 治疗 Treatment 一般能在 6-12 周内自行痊愈Usually spontaneous recovery in 6-12 weeks 用硬刷子将痂刮掉,局部擦用碘附溶液Scrap scales off with stiff brush and a
5、pply iodophors solution topically 局部擦用克菌丹软膏,噻苯达唑药膏或佳洁士牙膏Captan ointments, Thibendazole paste or Crest toothpaste topically预后情况 Prognosis 效果好,可自行恢复 Good and clears up on it own预防 Prevention & Control 隔离感染病畜 Isolate infected animals 清洗为牛刷拭身体的器具Wash grooming equipment between animals 销毁牛床的铺垫物 Destroy bedding