1、Disease Prevention in Algeria,阿尔及利亚疾病预防,arthropodborne diseases (由寄生虫引发的疾病)Filariasis 丝虫病 Malaria 疟疾 Relapsing fever 回归热病Rift Valley fever 裂谷热裂谷热(Rift Valley Fever),又名绵羊和牛传染性地方流行性肝炎,是非洲流行的一种致命的传染病,通过蚊子叮咬传染人类和牲畜,主要症状是急性腹泻和发高烧,进而严重损害人和牲畜的肝和肾,部分病人还会因血管破裂而死亡.这是一种重要的人畜共患病。,Rift Valley fever 裂谷热(Rift Vall
2、ey Fever),又名绵羊和牛传染性地方流行性肝炎,是非洲流行的一种致命的传染病,通过蚊子叮咬传染人类和牲畜,主要症状是急性腹泻和发高烧,进而严重损害人和牲畜的肝和肾,部分病人还会因血管破裂而死亡.这是一种重要的人畜共患病。,West Nile fever,西尼罗河病,又称西尼罗河热 是由西尼罗河病毒 感染引起的一种急性传染病,由于在西尼罗河地区分离出,故命名为西尼罗河病毒。,Water- or foodborne diseases 饮食引发的疾病,Amoebiasis 阿米巴病. Diarrhoae 腹泻 Hepatitis A 甲肝 Typhoid fever 伤寒 Cholera 霍乱
3、 Schistosomiasis 血吸虫病,Vaccination recommendation 注射疫苗建议,Hepatitis A 甲肝 Hepatitis B 乙肝 Yellow fever 黄热病. 黄热病毒引起的急性传染病。病人常出现黄疸伴发热故名。主要症状有发热头痛黄疸和出血等 Typhoid fever - if staying in remote areas 伤寒 Rabies - if risk for contact with animals 狂犬病,How to prevent illness,1.Wash hands thoroughly with soap and w
4、ater.用肥皂彻底洗手2.Drink only water from cans or boiled water 饮用瓶装水,或开水3.Avoid using ice or drinking untreated water 不要食用冰块,别喝生水,4.Wash and/or peel all raw vegetables and fruits before eating. 蔬菜水果吃前要削皮5.Use uncontaminated water to wash all food that is to be eaten raw. 用开水或瓶装水清洗即食的食物6.Avoid eating uncoo
5、ked foods - Remember: boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it; 食物一定要烧开,煮熟,削皮,否则就别吃7.Avoid swimming in fresh water 不要下水游泳,8.Traffic accidents are the most common cause of injuries so be careful 交通事故很多,请当心9.Avoid traveling at night and use safety belts when available 晚上别出门,开车系好安全带10.To prevent fungal and parasitic infections, keep feet clean and dry, and do not go barefoot. 为避免寄生虫感染,保持脚部干燥清洁,不要打赤脚,Wish you all good health in Algeria,