1、对外经济贸易大学University of International Business and Economics毕业论文从刮痧看中美情感/理性趋向及儿童独立人格学号 姓名 学院 英语学院专业 英 语导师 时间 2011 年 3 月 25 日论文编号_号:_小初黑体加重二号黑体加重三号黑体。后面线上的文字要居中统一写“英语” ,居中日期都统一写好直接写导师姓名,居中对外经济贸易大学University of International Business and EconomicsGraduation Thesis A Comparison of Sensibility/Sense-tende
2、ncy and Childrens Dependence/Independencein China and the USA from The Gua Sha TreatmentStudent ID No. Student Name School Name School of International StudiesMajor Field English Advisor XXX Date: March 25, 2011 No._Times New Roman 小初。下空一行。Times New Roman 二号加重重。Times New Roman 三号加重,后面线上的英文要求“左对齐”毕业论
3、文(设计)诚信声明书本人声明:我所提交的毕业论文(设计) 是我在指导教师指导下独立研究、写作的成果,论文中所引用他人的无论以何种方式发布的文字、研究成果,均在论文中加以说明;有关教师、同学和其他人员对本文的写作、修订提出过并为我在论文中加以采纳的意见、建议,均已在我的致谢辞中加以说明并深致谢意。论文作者 (签字) 时间: 2011 年 月 日指导教师已阅 (签字) 时间: 2011 年 月 日毕业论文(设计)版权使用授权书本毕业论文 是本人在校期间所完成学业的组成部分,是在对外经济贸易大学教师的指导下完成的,因此,本人特授权对外经济贸易大学可将本毕业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关书籍、数据库保存
4、,可采用复制、印刷、网页制作等方式将论文文本和经过编辑、批注等处理的论文文本提供给读者查阅、参考,可向有关学术部门和国家有关教育主管部门呈送复印件和电子文档。本毕业论文无论做何种处理,必须尊重本人的著作权,署明本人姓名。论文作者 (签字) 时间: 2011 年 月 日指导教师已阅 (签字) 时间: 2011 年 月 日I从刮痧对比中美情感/理性趋向及儿童独立人格*(姓名)摘要该论文将以电影刮痧作为案例,结合相关文献,对片中两个中美文化差异进行详细地研究分析,其分别为:对比中国人民情感取向与美国人民理性取向,对比中国人与美国人对儿童独立性格的理解,以使读者能够更加深入地了解中美文化差异。分析显示
5、, 中美文化差异与中美两国传统思想,传统思维与判断模式有关。最后,该论文将通过归纳改进已提出的三种解决中美文化差异的理论,分别为:相似相溶理论,和而不同原则,形成具有适应性的第三种文化理论,提出五步解决法,以缓和文化冲突,具体为:认识共同点;尊重不同点;感情层面上,相信文化冲突可以缓和;认识层面上,形成对文化差异的初步理解;实践层面上,验证并修正认识,以期对读者有所启示。关键词: 刮痧 中美文化差异 解决策略论文题目,小三号黑体,居中小三号宋体,上下各空一行。标题与摘要正文隔行。标题小三号黑体,与论文题目隔一行论文中文摘要正文一般不超过 300 字。宋体小四,行距1.5 行。关键词不多于三个,
6、与论文题目对应。IIA Comparison of Sensibility/Sense-tendency and Childrens Dependence/Independencein China and the USA from The Gua Sha TreatmentZhao LiABSTRACTBased on the film, The Gua Sha Treatment and relevant literature, this thesis will analyze two of the cultural differences in detail, which are the
7、comparison of the Chinese sensibility-tendency and the American sense-tendency, and the comparison of the Chinese and the American views on childrens qualification as independent human being, making people understand the Chinese and American cultural differences in deeper sense. The result shows tha
8、t, the Chinese and American cultural differences root in the different Chinese and American traditional thoughts, and traditional modes of thinking and judgment. Finally, the thesis analyzes three theories on the solution to the cultural collision, which are the theory of Similar-Dissolve-Mutually,
9、the principle of Consistence Tolerating Difference, and the theory of Forming an Adaptive Third Culture C. And then it shapes Five-Step Solution on easing the cultural conflicts, namely, first, realizing the similarities among different cultures; second, respecting the parts that other cultures are
10、different from ours; third, on the emotional level, believing that cultural collision can be eased; fourth, on the cognitive level, reaching primary understanding of the cultural differences, fifth, on the verbal and behavioral level, checking up, correcting and increasing the understanding of the c
11、ultural differences. It is expected that the findings of the thesis can provide useful information for the readers.Key words: The Gua Sha Treatment Chinese and American cultural differences Solution to the cultural collision中英文摘要均不能超过一页18 号加重小三 论文外文摘要,一般为300-450 字。标题为Times New Roman16 号加重。行距 16 号 1
12、倍。论文外文摘要正文为Times New Roman 小四号,行距 1.5 倍。IIIAcknowledgementsI owe debts of gratitude to Professor *, my mentor, who guides me to read academic works and urges me to clarify my thoughts. Without her support and encouragement, this thesis would not have taken the shape as it is now. Besides, the teachi
13、ng of many teachers including *in the School of International Studies, the help to refine the language from my dear American friends Robin Crew, Ryan Wedeking, and Ben Stewart, and the resources of schools laboratory are all indispensable for the completion of the thesis and the author would like to
14、 extend the heartfelt thanks here.Times New Roman 小三号。下空一行。Times New Roman小四号。行距 1.5。IVContents Abstract(Chinese) .IAbstract.IIAcknowledgements.IIIChapter 1 Introduction 1Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1 本节主要写国外研究综述2.2 本节主要写国内研究综述Chapter 3 Comparison of the Chinese Sensibility-tendency and the America
15、n Sense-tendency5第三章主要写研究方法、重点及假设,研究方法有分析文章、数据、问卷调查等Chapter 4 Comparison of the Chinese and the American Views on Children Qualification as Independent Human Being .153.1 Reasons for the Formation of the Chinese View on Childrens Qualification as Dependent Human Being3.2 Reasons for the Formation of
16、 the American View on Children Qualification as Independent Human BeingChapter 5 Solutions to the Cultural Collision.184.1 Introduction to Three Relevant Theories4.2 Introduction to Five-Step Solution第四、第五章主要写分析及结果,可采用定性、定量分析、用图或表作出报告结果,结果是文字描述的需解释原因并作分析Chapter6 Conclusion.21 本章写结论,指出现有研究的不足之处,及对未来研
17、究的展望,还可以加上研究的现实意义及实际应用Bibliography .22Times New Roman 小四、行距1.5,仅列两级标与 下 面 目 录正 文 间 空 一行 。VAppendix 1 Two English Texts 23Appendix 2 Translated Texts (Chinese) .331Chapter 1 IntroductionThe Gua Sha Treatment, shown in 2000, follows the story of a young Chinese couple who encounters the wrongful accus
18、ation of child abuse caused by both this couple and American peoples incomprehension of cultural values of the other side. This film, highly appraised by the public, was awardedBecause of little systematical analysis of two Chinese and American cultural differences which are shown in The Gua Sha Tre
19、atment at present in China, this thesis intends to be a systematic study on them, which are in order to provide useful information for people to understand well the Chinese and American cultural valuesFor this purpose, part of the Chinese and English literature related with the topic of the thesis h
20、as been collected and studied, including the research on the study on the roots of the Chinese sensibility-tendency and the American sense-tendency, the Chinese and the American views on childrens qualification as independent human being, and the theories on the solution to the cultural collision. H
21、owever, some of the problems are not solved completely in the literature, as we will explain in the following text. According to the scholars view, the roots of Chinese sensibility-tendency are composed of two partsThis thesis is divided into the following four parts标题为 Times New Roman 三号加重。正文为 Time
22、s New Roman小四号。行距 1.5 倍。页边距:上 3 厘米,下 3.4 厘米,左 3.5 厘米,右 3.2 厘米2Chapter2 Literature ReviewComment 中中中中1: 引用中文原文译成英文的,请按此格式操作;如果引用超过 3行,请另起一段;Comment 中中中中2: 引用不超 3行的,同此操作,采用文中注3Chapter 3 Comparison of the Chinese Sensibility-tendency and the American Sense-tendencyIn the film, The Gua Sha Treatment, wh
23、en Xu Datong is asked who leaves the scar on his son, Dennis back, he unhesitatingly admits that he uses the Gua Sha to cure his sons disease, which is in fact done by his father. Obviously, Xus behavior is illegal. However, he still does it, which may prove that Chinese people are inclined to be se
24、nsibility-tendency, in contrast with American people, who tend to be sense-tendency. The formation of these two different trends depends on different Chinese and American traditional modes of thinking and judgment, which are shown in detail as follows.1.1Reasons for the Formation of the Chinese Sens
25、ibility-tendency1.1.1 Influence of the Mode of Thinking by IntuitionThe influence of thinking by intuition is one of the main reasons for the formation of the Chinese sensibility-tendency. Professor Li Zhonghua (1994: 122) points out,the typical Chinese way of thinking is based on the intuition. Com
26、pared with rational and analytic way of thinking, the way of thinking by intuition is direct, holistic and fast, which makes people understand inconsistently, intangibly and instantly, without involving in the complex process of thinking. (中国文化最具有典型直觉思维特征。直觉思维与理论或分析思维相比,显然具有直接性、整体性和快速性的特点。直觉性决定了对事物认
27、识的跳跃性或中断性;整体性则使人是具有模糊性;而快速性则决定了对事物认识的立即完成,不需要任何程序和渐进过程。 )It seems that, intuitional thinking is either logical or illogical. In other words, there is no need to analyze, but it is necessary to acquire a proper understanding or feeling of the situation and make a decision through former experience. T
28、his assumption is supported by Professor Cheng Jiangfeng (2006: 298), who says, “Chinese people always understand by experience and knowledge which are accumulated in the daily life.” (中国传统思维中,人们主要凭借生活积累的经验和知识来领悟认识客体。 )4Chapter 4 Comparison of the Chinese and the American Views on Childrens Qualific
29、ation as Independent Human BeingIn the film, The Gua Sha Treatment, Xu Datong instructs his son to apologize to his boss child, but his child refuses to do it, and then he beats his son in public naturally, which encounters strong criticism from his boss. The misunderstanding of Xu Dongtongs boss ab
30、out Xus way to educate his son can reflect that these two men hold different views on childrens qualification as independent human being. Xu regards children as dependent human being. However, his boss considers children as independent. And this difference primarily springs from the fact that they a
31、re influenced by the different Chinese and American traditional thoughts which will be explained in detail as follows.2.2 Reasons for the Formation of Chinese View on Childrens Qualification as Dependent Human Being2.1.1 Influence of the Sense of HierarchyThe influence of the sense of hierarchy is o
32、ne of the dominating reasons for the formation of Chinese view on Childrens qualification as dependent human being. In Chinese traditional values, father is in a position of authority that has power over managing the family, which reflects the sense of hierarchy in the family system. As to Professor
33、 Li Zhonghua (1994: 79), in Chinese traditional family, father regards his children as private possessions, which must be under his control. With this relationship, due to the domination of the patriarchy, Chinese children always lose their independent characteristic in the family.(父亲对于子女,如对待财产一样,以为
34、是其所有品,必须接受父亲的支配。在这种关系下,由于父权制的统治,家庭中的子女 往往失去独立性。 )5Chapter 5 Solutions to the Cultural CollisionAt present, scholars have brought forward many theories about the means of solving the cultural collision, three of which are the theory of Similar-Dissolve-Mutually, the principle of Consistence Toleratin
35、g Difference, and the theory of Forming an Adaptive Third Culture C. Through the analysis and the improvement on these three solutions to the cultural collision, the thesis puts forward another method6Chapter 6 Conclusion7注意事项:一级标题字数一般不超过 18 字(英文)和 12 个字(中文) ;如果有副标题,副标题字数一般不超过 12 字(英文)和 10 个字(中文) ;外
36、文论文,字数一般为 50006000 词(不含目录、论文摘要、注释、参考文献、附录等)超此范围,由指导教师根据实际情况决定。注释鼓励采用文中注,如有特殊说明性文字,请一律采用脚注;正文中用序号用阿拉伯数字括圆圈右上标注,在脚注中序号回复正常位置。1. 项目编号用阿拉伯数字。2. 必须要有 Introduction,且 IN 要有英文撰写的文献综述。包括文章由来(Origin of Research)等。具体文献综述内容见下。3. 文学类及国别研究类的论文采用采用 MLA 格式行文;须严格按照相应的格式规范进行。4. 其他如语言类、翻译类的论文亦可采用最新的 APA 的格式进行论文撰写工作,具体
37、可网络查询相关最新格式规范。5. 每一自然段空行,开头左对齐。6. 图表按章节编号,在表上方居中。如表 3.1 xxxxxxxxxxxx7. Literature Review 一般应包括如下内容:1)所研究课题国内外现状分析2)本研究的创新之处或贡献 3)本研究所得出的主要结论8Works Cited1. Chinese1 陈江风:观念与中国文化传统 ,桂林,广西师范大学出版社,2006 年版,第297-第 305 页。2 端木义万:美国社会文化透视 ,南京,南京大学出版社,1999 年版,第 52-第55 页。3 胡一:跨文化视野中的交际学研究 ,厦门,厦门大学出版社,2006 年版,第
38、38-第 113 页,第 390-第 402 页。4 贾玉新:跨文化交际学 ,上海,上海外语教育出版社,1997 年版,第 55-第 113页。5 李相成:郧阳师范高等专科学校学报 ,2000 年 8 月第 27 卷第 4 期, 跨文化传播伦理建构的“相似相溶”原理以刮痧为例 。6 李中华:中国文化概论 ,北京,华文出版社,1994 年版,第 77-第 122 页。7 梁镛:跨文化的外语教学与研究 ,上海,上海外语教育出版社,1999 年版,约阿希姆马特斯 “要面子:一项文化准则的跨文化比较” 。8 苏丁:中西文化文学比较研究论集 ,重庆,重庆出版社,1988 年版,第 1-第 57页。(阅读
39、时间:2008 年 1 月)2. EnglishAlderson, J. C. (1984). Reading in a foreign language: A reading problem or a language problem? In J. C. Alderson these references are negligible by the Taiwanese, who concentrate their attention on the climate of the family and its goals and activities essential to its exist
40、ence and obligations. In the American image of family, the role of the mother is the most central. The mother receives the most attention in practically all contexts. This tendency is less heavy in the Chinese groups; in a few instances, the Mainlanders place more weight on the father. These differe
41、nces are influenced by the general American tendency to pay stronger attention to sex-role differences and focus more on females than males in the context of family. A contrasting tendency is observable among the Chinese, particularly the Mainlanders, who emphasize more male roles (males are suppose
42、dly stronger than females in China).Parent-Child Relationship. While Americans think more in terms of the individual 14parent, father and mother, the Chinese tend to think of parents collectively. Also the American students think of parents more in terms of love, care and help received, and the Chin
43、ese stress more the proper attitudes toward parents along such traditional values as esteem, respect, and filial obedience. These same attitudes are emphasized by the Mainland Chinese also in the context of children, thinking more of their upbringing along these values. The Americans view of childre
44、n centers more on young age, age-specific entertainment through play and toys, their cuteness and innocence. In regard to parents, both Chinese groups think of the proper attitudes with focus on such traditional values as esteem, respect, filial obedience. While Americans think more of the special a
45、ge characteristics of young children, the two Chinese groups show more awareness of the age of the parents and express concern with their health, well-being, and their harmonious and happy social climate. These traditional trends are stronger among the Taiwanese, except that the Mainlanders show mor
46、e concern with the grandparents and certain relatives. With regard to children, the above traditional values show similar dominance in the case of both Chinese groups, except that the Mainlander students appear to show stronger interest in children and convey a stronger motivation to have children,
47、while the Taiwanese appear less favorable, more concerned with the associated burden and inconvenience. The Mainlanders think also more of such traditional values as obedience, respect, filial duty, and the obligation of children to take care of their parents.15译文二 形成具有适应性的第三种文化(文化丙) Dodd, Carley H.
48、赵丽 译解决不确定性和焦虑的某种方式,诸如,忽视他人,假装喜欢某人,避免沟通责任,或直接产生敌意,能够导致有缺陷的职能战略的形成。该文目的在于引导读者形成正确的 职能 战略。必要的知识和技能将在全书各章节中阐述。整体而言,这些观念和技能都基于预期成果,学者将其与有效的跨文化交流相结合。我们称其为基于能力的跨文化交流成果。跨文化交流的成功者应用其对文化可变性,文化规则,适应性类型,及对保持积极关系的动机的认识,推动实现有效交流。具有适应性的第三种文化(文化丙) ,由文化甲和文化乙共同创造,在此过程中,参与者不考虑各自文化,以强调双方文化的共同点。当文化发生碰撞时,双方关注于理解共同创造的新文化。
49、二者无需将各自的特性由文化甲融入文化乙,或由文化乙融入文化甲,而是至少在二者需要沟通时,创造一个共同利益的平台。这样,各文化都能维持其特性,并在需要时启用文化丙。前人早已构想出创造第三种文化的设想;如研究员曾一度视融合,共通,或接合等形式为重要战略。该文阐述的模型建立于新文化观念,而且,我们将其与先前的动力和动机结合(二者引导创建了文化丙) ,并进一步探究随之而来并相继产生的知识和技能,其产生于文化丙中的交流互动,此互动允诺将引导实现最终的成功交流。在面对不确定性和焦虑时,几乎每个人都能形成具有适应性的类型或程序。我们认识到文化丙中存在不适应和有缺陷的行为,我们同样识别出其他适应和功能正常的行为,及其与