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类型盖髓材料 Dycal.doc

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    盖髓材料 Dycal.doc

    1、盖髓材料: Dycal本贴收到 6 朵鲜花用于盖髓的材料主要是氢氧化钙制剂。登士柏公司的产品有 Dycal,Prisma Dycal VLC(光固化型), 当然,最好的直接盖髓的材料是 ProRoot MTA。国内市场目前只有自凝的 Dycal。在这里对 Dycal 作一介绍 Dycal 说明书下载:http:/www.dentsply.co.uk/msds_cosh/downloads/dycal.pdfDIRECTIONS FORDycal? Radiopaque Calcium Hydroxide CompositionCaution:U.S. Federal Law Restricts

    2、 This Device To Sale By Or On The Order Of A Dentist.DYCAL? calcium hydroxide composition is a rigid, self-setting material useful in pulp capping and as a protective base-liner under dental filling materials, cements, and other base materials. It will not inhibit the polymerization of acrylic and c

    3、omposite restorations.使用说明产品全名:Dycal 放射线阻射氢氧化钙复合物 注意事项:Dycal 氢氧化钙复合物是一种坚硬的、自凝材料,主要用于盖髓和保护性垫底,置于各种牙科充填材料、水门汀、或其它垫底材料下层。它不会抑制丙烯酸树脂和其它复合修复材料的聚合。PROTECTIVE ACTIONS - It serves as a protective barrier between the dentin and pulp and acid containing cements and restorative materials. It may be used as a p

    4、ulp capping agent.保护作用:它作为保护屏障,把牙本质和牙髓与含酸性成分的水门汀和修复材料隔离开来,起到保护作用。Dycal 可被用作盖髓剂。DIRECTIONS - Dispense equal volume (1.17 to 1.00 by wt.) of base and catalyst paste on the parchment paper pad provided. Stir immediately using a DYCAL? applicator. Stir or mix thoroughly until a uniform color is achieved

    5、.使用方法:从软管中挤出等体积的基底糊剂和催化剂(质量 1.17 克:1.00 克)于调板(随产品一并提供)上,立即用 Dycal 涂药器进行调拌,直至颜色均匀一致。不要过度搅拌。通常情况下,为提供最大的工作时间,您需要在 10 秒中内完成调拌。Do not overspatulate. As a general rule, to provide maximum working time, you should complete mixing of the two pastes within 10 seconds. Then by quickly applying the mixed mate

    6、rial into the cavity you take advantage of the essential flowability of the mass for efficient placement before setting starts. The cavity preparation should be dry.Do not attempt to control setting time by increasing or decreasing the amount of catalyst dispensed.The product is regulated to provide

    7、 a constant working time in spite of such variations.接着迅速将调好的材料放放已备好的窝洞中,在材料开始凝固前,它具有很好的流动性,使您能将其方便地放置至目标位置。窝洞应保持干燥。不要试图通过增加或减少催化剂的用量来控制产品的凝固时间。本品已经过适当调节,能提供恒定的工作时间而不受催化剂多少的影响。翻译和编辑:杨二The ball-pointed instrument is an effective applicator for placing the mix in the cavity and spreading it over the f

    8、loor to the desired depth.将混合料放置于窝洞中并在期望的深度上进行铺展时,球形尖端工具(如 Dycal 涂药器)是最有效的工具。Avoid touching the margins of the cavity and avoid placing a large bulk of material.避免接触制洞的边缘。避免置入过多材料。The mixed material will set in 2-3 minutes on the mixing pad under normal room conditions (70oF with 50% relative humidi

    9、ty). The set time is shorter in the mouth due to moisture and temperature.Remove any excess from retention areas or margins with a sharp spoon excavator or bur. 调好的材料在室内(温度:23,相对湿度:50%)条件下,通常会在 2 到 3 分钟内凝固。由于湿度和温度的影响,其在口内的凝固时间要短一些。用锐匙挖器或球钻除去固位区或边缘的多余材料。PRECAUTIONS - The solubility and essentially ba

    10、sic nature of the DYCAL? composition requires that it be used only in situations where it can be protected adequately from the intraoral environment.小心:需要在与口内环境充分隔离的条件下,Dycal 的溶解性和基本特性才能充分发挥。After the DYCAL? has completely set, use cavity varnish under amalgam restorations. 在 Dycal 完全凝固后,如用银汞合金充填,需要

    11、涂布洞衬剂后再进行充填。It should not be used as a temporary filling or luting cement.Dycal 不能用作暂时充填材料或封闭水门汀。Studies have shown it to be adequately strong to resist the packing pressures upon amalgams during placement by usual procedures. Avoid use of excessively small pluggers and/or high packing pressures whi

    12、ch might cause fracture of the material. It should be covered by a rigid cement base prior to condensation of gold foil restorations. The correct ratio and complete mixing of base and catalyst components are important factors affecting the radiopacity, strength, and durability of the material.研究表明,在

    13、通常的银汞充填过程中,Dycal 的强度足以对抗充填压力。过细的充填器和过高的充填压力会导致材料断裂,因此应注意避免。在用银汞合金加压充填前,需要在使用 Dycal 后,垫一层坚硬的水门汀垫底材料。正确的基础材料和催化剂的比例和充分的调拌很重要,会影响到材料的 X 线阻射性能、强度、耐磨性能。Greater concentrations of catalyst provide additional quantities of calycium hydroxide but adversely affect radiopacity and strength. Deliberate departur

    14、es from the recommended ratio of base to catalyst are therefore to be avoided. Tooth size, shape, dentinal radiopacity and exposure conditions are additional variables which affect the ability to radiographically detect the material.加入更多的催化剂能提供更多的氢氧化钙,但也会影响到材料的 X 线阻射性能笔强度。因此,应避免刻意的改变基础糊剂和催化剂的比例。牙齿的大

    15、小、形态、牙本质的 X 线阻射性能和曝光条件是另外一些影响材料的 X 线阻射性能的变量。PACKAGING - DYCAL? Base and Catalyst pastes are supplied in collapsible tin tubes equipped with an integral plastic spout and nozzle. Storing the tubes near mercury may cause amalgamation and pinholing of the tubes.包装:一盒有基础糊剂和催化剂各一支,分别为 3g 和 1g(体积一样) 。避免把与

    16、汞一起存放,会导致“汞齐化” ,并导致管壁穿孔。STORAGE AND USE CONDITION - Store at normal room temperature or below. Separation of solid and liquid phases of the base component is accelerated at elevated temperatures. Maximum shelf life is attained when stored at reduced temperatures, in a refrigerator. Allow the materia

    17、l to return to normal room termperature before using.Work time and set time are influenced by humidity and temperature changes. Increased humidity and elevated temperature will reduce available work time and set time. Conversely, decreased humidity and lower temperatures will increase available work time and set time.保存和使用条件:存放温度应不高于室温。基料中固相和液相的分离随温度升高而加速。如果用冰箱存放在低于室温的环境下,能使存放时间延长,在使用之前应让其事先恢复至正常室温。湿度和温度增加将使可得的工作时间和凝固时间缩短。相反,湿度和温度降低将使可得的工作时间和凝固时间增长。

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