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1、Temperate Forest 温带森林,课程老师:雷耘,小组成员:胡婵娟(15) 李翠微(17) 何亚丹(14) 胡雪梅(16) ppt制作:胡婵娟,何为温带森林?,Old-growth temperate forest offers Homo sapiens an alternative measure (fig. 2.27). 原始温带森林为人类提供了一个判断的标准。 The largest living organisms on earth, perhaps the largest that have ever lived, the sequoias of western North

2、 America and the giant Eucalyptus trees of southern Australia, live in temperate forests. 地球上最大的生物,估计是至今还存在于温带森林中的北美西部的最大的红杉和澳大利亚南部的巨型桉树。,北美西部的老龄红杉森林。红杉是世界上最高大的树,有些树高达100m。,澳大利亚巨型桉树是世界上最大的开花植物和阔叶树,也是继红杉之后的世界第二高树种。,The temperate forests of eastern North America, Europe, and Asia still harbor ancient

3、trees that are no less impressive. 北美东部、欧洲和亚洲的温带森林中仍然生长着让人印象深刻的古老树种。,吉林长白山的红松阔叶混交林景观,进入这个凉爽、潮湿、光线柔和的地方,随处可见蘑菇和腐烂树叶,你会觉得在这个巨大的生物圈中自己是多么渺小。,Enter the subdued light of this cool, moist realm,this world of mushrooms and decaying leaves, and feelyourself shrink before the giants of the biosphere.,At dusk

4、, in the heart of old-growth forest, it is easy to understand how cultures around the earth came to make the temperate forest the haunt of diverse mythical creatures such as the nymphs and elves of European folk tales. 黄昏时分,置身于原始森林的中心,你就不难明白温带森林是如何成为世界各地神话人物的聚居地,比如仙女和欧洲民间传说中的精灵。,If you can, visit on

5、e of the remaining stands of old-growth temperate forest. There, among giant and ancient trees, you may find a fresh perspective on yourself and life. 如果可以的话,去看看任意一个原始温带森林。在那里,置身于巨大的古树林间,你或许能对自己、对生活有全新的认识。,Geography 地理,Temperate forest can be found between 30 and 55 latitude. 温带森林的纬度在30至55之间。 Howeve

6、r, the majority of this biome lies between 40and 50(fig. 2.28). 但是大部分的生物群系分布在纬度40至50之间。,In Asia, temperate forest originally covered much of Japan, eastern China, Korea, and eastern Siberia. 在亚洲,温带森林原本分布在 日本大部分地区、中国东部、朝鲜和西伯利亚东部(俄罗斯)。,In western Europe, temperate forests extended from southern Scandi

7、navia to northwestern Iberia and from the British Isles through eastern Europe. 在西欧,温带森林分布从斯堪的纳维亚南部(在地理上是指斯堪的纳维亚半岛,包括挪威和瑞典,文化与政治上则包含丹麦。)到伊比利亚西北部(南欧的伊比利亚半岛上有:西班牙、葡萄牙、安道尔和英属直布罗陀。),以及从不列颠诸岛(分为英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士三部分,以及周围一些小岛,目前为英国控制。)横跨东欧。,North American temperate forests are found from the Atlantic sea coast t

8、o the Great Plains and reappear on the West Coast as temperate coniferous forests that extend from northern California through southeastern Alaska. 北美的温带森林从大西洋海岸到 大平原(北美洲)都有分布,具体为西海岸的加利福尼亚北 部到阿拉斯加州东南部的温带针叶林。,In the Southern Hemisphere, temperate forests arefound in southern Chile, New Zealand, and s

9、outhern Australia.在南半球,温带森林在智利南部、新西兰和澳 大利亚南部也有分布。,Climate气候,Temperate forests, which may be either coniferous or deciduous, occur where temperatures are not extreme and where annual precipitation averages anywhere from about 650 mm to over 3,000 mm (fig. 2.28). 温带森林包括温带针叶林和温带落叶阔叶林,它们所分布的地区温度适中,年平均降水

10、量大约在650毫米到3000多毫米(如图2.28)。,These forests generally receive more winter precipitation than temperate grasslands.通常温带森林的冬季降雨量比温带草原多。 Deciduous tree s usually dominate temperate forests, where the growing season is moist and at least 4 months long. 温带森林里的“主力军”是阔叶树木,它们生长的时期气候比较潮湿,并且至少长达四个月。,In deciduous

11、 forests, winters last from 3 to 4 months. Though snowfall may be heavy, winters in deciduous forests are relatively mild. Where winters are more severe or the summers drier, conifers are more abundant in temperate forests. 在落叶阔叶林地带,冬季会持续3到4个月。尽管降雪量可能很大,但是对落叶阔叶林而言冬季的气候还是比较温和的。而在冬天更寒冷以及夏天更干燥的温带森林里,针叶

12、树比阔叶树分布要广得多。,The temperate coniferous forests of the Pacific Coast of North America receive most of their precipitation during fall, winter, and spring and are subject to summer drought.北美太平洋海岸的温带针叶林,因为降水主要集中在秋季、冬季和春季,所以夏季常常很干燥。 Summer drought is shown clearly in the climate diagram for the H. J. An

13、drews Forest of Oregon (fig. 2.28).H. J.安德鲁斯俄勒冈州森林的气候图清晰地显示出夏季的干旱。(图表. 2.28)。,The few deciduous trees in these coniferous forests are largely restricted to streamside environments, where water remains abundant during the drought-prone growing season. 少量混杂在这些针叶林中的落叶树木主要受河滨环境的影响,这里在旱季时水量依然充沛。,Soils 土壤

14、,Temperate forest soils are usually fertile. The most fertile soils in this biome develop under deciduous forests, where they are generally neutral or slightly acidic and rich in both organic matter and inorganic nutrients. 温带森林的土壤一般都是肥沃的。落叶阔叶林中的土壤是生物群落中最肥沃的,一般呈中性或弱酸性,而且富含有机和无机养分。,土壤剖面,剖面分化比较明显,自上而下

15、可分为苔藓枯枝落叶层、腐殖质层、漂灰层、淀积层和母质层。,Rich soils may develop under coniferous forests but conifers are also able to grow on poorer, acidic soils. 针叶林中的土壤可能是肥沃的,然而针叶树也能生长在贫瘠、酸性的土壤中。,Nutrient movement between soil and vegetation tends to be slower and more conservative in coniferous forests; nutrient movement

16、within deciduous forests is generally more dynamic. 在针叶林中养分在土壤和植被之间的运输缓慢有序,而在落叶阔叶林中却通常很快速。,For example, each year, temperate deciduous forests recycle about twice the amount of nitrogen recycled by temperate coniferous forests of similar age. 例如,温带落叶阔叶林中每年氮循环总量是年龄相仿的针叶林的两倍。,Biology 生物,While the dive

17、rsity of trees found in temperate forests is lower than that of tropical forests, temperate forest biomass can be as great, or greater. 虽然温带森林的生物多样性不如热带雨林那么多,但温带森林的生物量却可能与热带雨林一样,甚至更多。 Like tropical rain forests, temperate forests are vertically stratified. 与热带雨林一样,温带森林也是垂直分层的结构。,The lowest layer of

18、vegetation, the herb layer, is followed by a layer of shrubs, then shade-tolerant-ant understory trees, and finally the canopy, formed by the largest trees. 最底层植被是草本植物,紧接着是灌木层,然后是喜阴的林下叶层,最后就是由高大乔木构成的林冠层。 The height of this canopy varies from approximately 40 m to over 100 m. 林冠层的树木从40米到100多米不等。,Bird

19、s, mammals, and insects make use of all layers of the forest from beneath the forest floor through the canopy. 鸟类、哺乳动物和昆虫充分利用森林中从枯枝落叶层到树冠层的各层。 Small arboreal mammals such as deer mice, tree squirrels, and flying squirrels use the tree canopy. 栖息在树上的小型哺乳动物,例如波氏白足鼠、松鼠、鼯鼠占据着树冠层。,Other mammals such as d

20、eer, bear, and fox make their livings on the forest floor. 其它的哺乳动物例如鹿、熊还有狐狸生活在地面上。 Still others burrow into the rich forest soil. 还有一些穴居的动物住在肥沃的土壤之下。 But the most important consumers of all are the fungi and bacteria, largely unnoticed members of entirely different kingdoms. 但是最重要的“消费者”却是在生物王国中最不引人注

21、意的真菌和细菌。,They, along with a diversity of microscopic invertebrate animals, consume the large quantities of wood stored on the floor of old-growth temperate forest (fig. 2.29). 它们(真菌与细菌)与各种各样的微小的无脊椎动物消耗大量储存于原始森林地表的木材。 The activities of these organisms recycle nutrients, a process upon which the healt

22、h of the entire forest depends. 这些生物体的活动使得营养物质得以循环,而整个森林的稳定又依赖于这一循环过程。,Thus, the temperate forest, realm of the giants of the biosphere, emerges as a partnership of the great and the very small. 因此,温带森林生物圈的巨人王国,促生了大型生物和小型生物之间的相互关系。,human influences 人类影响,What, besides being large cities, do Tokyo, Be

23、ijing, Moscow, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, London, New York, Washington, D.C., Boston, Toronto, Chicago, and Seattle have in common? 东京、北京、莫斯科、华沙、柏林、巴黎、伦敦、纽约、华盛顿、波士顿、多伦多、芝加哥、以及西雅图,它们除了都是大城市之外,还有什么别的共同点吗? They are all built on lands that once supported a temperate forest. (事实上),它们所在的地方曾经都是温带森林,Major popul

24、ation centers have grown up in the temperate forest regions of Europe, eastern China, Japan, and North America. 地球上主要的人群聚居地就是在欧洲、中国东部、日本和北美的温带森林区域发展起来的。 The first human settlements in temperate forests were concentrated along forest margins, usually along streams and rivers. 人类最初的定居点就是集中在森林的边缘,并且通常是

25、沿着溪流和河流。,Eventually, agriculture was practiced in these forest clearings, and animals and plant products were harvested from the surrounding forest. 最终,人类在这些森林的空地上开始了农耕,并且周围的森林给人类提供了大量的动物和丰富的农产品。 This was the circumstance several thousand years ago, in Europe and Asia, and five centuries ago, in Nor

26、th America. 这是几千年前的欧洲和亚洲,以及五百年前的北美的景象。,Since those times, most of the ancient forests have fallen before ax and saw. 从那时起,大部分的古代森林都因为大量砍伐而逐渐消失。,For example, the Black Forest of central Europe, where forest still survives, has been largely replaced by tree plantations. 例如,中欧的黑林山虽然有幸被保存下来了,但是大部分已经被种植园

27、替代。 The true Black Forest, the archetype of wild and tangled brooding nature, lives on only in legends and fairy tales as part of our collective memory. 真正的黑林山是典型的未被人类破坏的大自然,却只能是像传奇和神话般存在于我们共同的记忆中。,在德国南部巴登一符腾堡州的西边,有一片山地名叫黑林山。又称黑森林。黑林山南北绵延160公里,东西宽15-40公里。黑林山西麓与莱茵裂谷相连,山势陡峻;东坡地势比较平缓,欧洲第二大河多瑙河发源于此。黑林山是

28、中德山地的一部分,高度一般在海拔5001000米,开阔的河谷、低山、丘陵和盆地错落相同。,The ancient forests of North America have not fared much better. 北美的原始森林也并没有遇到更好的情况。 Few tracts of the virgin deciduous forest that once covered most of the eastern half of the continent remain, and disparate interests struggle over the fate of the remain

29、ing 1% to 2% of old-growth forests in western North America. 曾经存在于北美东半部的未开发的落叶林很少被留存下来了,即使是剩下的1% 到2% 的美国西北部的原始森林,它们的命运也随着(人类)不同的利益角度而改变。,Fortunately, forests are living, self-renewing systems because now there is nearly as much demand for wild space as for “forestry products. If we are decisive, we can have both. 幸运的是,森林是有生命力而且能自我更新的系统,由于现在对于野外空间和农产品的需求相差无几,只要我们果断抉择,我们就能双赢。,森林是如何影响人类生活的?,总结,地 理:温带森林主要分布在亚洲东部、 欧洲和北美洲北部。气 候:温度适中,降水量比较大。土 壤:十分肥沃。生 物:温带森林是垂直分层的结构,并且有着巨大的生物量。人类影响:温带森林是人类的资源宝库。,谢谢!,


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