1、1,成语-释义-英译,2,编者点评,课件介绍: 本课件可做为幻灯放映部分设计的互动应答练习题。 课件特点: 应用多种功能,如自定义动画、触发器、幻灯片切换、换页图标提示和自由涂抹等。,3,成语-释义-英译,冰冻三尺,非一日之寒比喻事态的严重不是一时所致而是长期形成的The trouble has been brewing for quite some time,4,成语-释义-英译,刻舟求剑比喻拘泥成法,固执不知变通Take measures without attention to the changes in circumstances,5,成语-释义-英译,滥竽充数比喻无本领的冒充有本领
2、,次货冒充好货Be there just to make up the number,6,成语-释义-英译,杯弓蛇影比喻有人疑神疑鬼Extremely suspicious,7,把每个成语与它的英译, 用不同样颜色的自由涂写笔连线。,冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,Take measures without attention to the changes in circumstances,Extremely suspicious,The trouble has been brewing for quite some time,Be there just to make up the number,杯弓
3、蛇影,滥竽充数,刻舟求剑,8,把每个成语与它的英译, 用不同样颜色的自由涂写笔连线。,冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,Take measures without attention to the changes in circumstances,Extremely suspicious,The trouble has been brewing for quite some time,Be there just to make up the number,杯弓蛇影,滥竽充数,刻舟求剑,自由涂写参考答案,9,把每个成语与它的英译, 用触发器功能建立它们之间的关联。,冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,Take measu
4、res without attention to the changes in circumstances,Extremely suspicious,The trouble has been brewing for quite some time,Be there just to make up the number,杯弓蛇影,滥竽充数,刻舟求剑,10,把每个成语与它的英译, 用触发器功能建立它们之间的关联。,冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,Take measures without attention to the changes in circumstances,Extremely suspicio
5、us,The trouble has been brewing for quite some time,Be there just to make up the number,杯弓蛇影,滥竽充数,刻舟求剑,触发器功能参考答案,11,把每个成语与它的英译, 用触发器功能建立它们之间的关联。,冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,Take measures without attention to the changes in circumstances,Extremely suspicious,The trouble has been brewing for quite some time,Be there just to make up the number,杯弓蛇影,滥竽充数,刻舟求剑,触发器功能参考答案,12,把每个成语与它的英译, 用触发器功能建立它们之间的关联。,冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,Take measures without attention to the changes in circumstances,Extremely suspicious,The trouble has been brewing for quite some time,Be there just to make up the number,杯弓蛇影,滥竽充数,刻舟求剑,触发器功能参考答案,