1、,Unit one: Advertisement,Welcome to the unit and reading,Can you guess what do they advertise?,Discussion: Can you tell us which advertisements attract you most? Why?,Where do we see these ads?On billboards, on the internet , on TV, in newspapers, in magazines, or in leaflets given out in the street
2、s. Are they good advertisements? Why?Their exiting images , brief languages and creative ideas attract us to buy the product or lead us to do what they tell us.,(1)Who is the girl in the illustration? (2) How do you feel when you see the child in the big eyes? (3) What would you like to do for the c
3、hild after seeing this advertisement? (4) Why does the advertisement say There is hope for all of us? (5) From this poster, do you know what do you think the purpose of Project Hope mean?,There is hope for all of us!,Project Hope!,(1)What do the illustrations mean? (2) What problem do the posters wa
4、nt to highlight? (3)After seeing the two advertisement, what will you do?,(1)What kind of people do you think will buy this kind of things? (2) Do you think this advertisement will successfully persuade people to buy this Shampoo? Why?,Discussion:,(1)Which advertisement do you make you want to buy a
5、 product or service? Why? (2) Which advertisements make you think about problems in society or about people who need help? Why? (3) Do you believe that advertisements tell us the complete truth? Why or why not?,First reading,1) What do advertisements encourage people to do?,2) What does PSAs stand f
6、or?,3) What are PSAs meant to do?,Read the article once more and find the answers to the following questions,1) Where are advertisements most commonly found? 2) What is the difference between commercial advertisements and public service advertisements? 3) Why are some of the advertisements clever ac
7、cording to the article? 4) When did China begin a nationwide public service advertising campaign? 5) Why should we follow the advice in PSAs?,Answer the questions,1) Where are advertisements most commonly found?2) What is the difference between commercial advertisements and public service advertisem
8、ents?,Billboards, newspapers, magazines, the internet, radio and television are the most common places to find advertisements.,A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to promote a product or service. PSAs are often placed for free, and intended to educate people about health, sa
9、fety, or any other issue whichaffects public welfare.,3) Why are some of the advertisement clever according to the article? 4) When did China begin a nationwide public service advertising campaign?5) Why should we follow the advice in PSAs?,Because most advertisements dont tell you the complete trut
10、h even if they dont lie.,In 1996.,Because all of the PSAs are meant to be helpful , and we can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.,Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true or false according to the article,1) Advertisements are found in many places.( ) 2) PSAs a
11、re only found in newspapers. ( ) 3) All advertisements tell the complete truth. ( ) 4) PSAs and commercial ads use some of the same methods. ( ) 5) Commercial ads can often give us some valuable information about how to live our lives.( ) 6) An ad warning people against smoking is an example of a PS
12、A. ( ),T,T,T,F,F,F,What do you think they mean?,1. persuasive a. sending ( children ) to school 2. promote b. able to make someonebelieve something 3. intended c. meant or planned to do 4. be aware of d. killing oneself 5. cures e. help a thing or an idea become popular 6. nationwide f. know or real
13、ize 7. schooling g. makes an ill person betteror solve a problem 8. committing suicide h. happen throughout a country,b,e,c,f,g,h,a,d,Commercial ads,Public service ads,Are they commercial advertisements or PSAs?,1) Make it possible with Canon. 佳能数码相机广告 2) The daily modern 日产(尼桑)汽车广告 3) Planned Paren
14、thood Children by choice, Not by chance 4) Theres no better way to fly. 德国汉莎航空 5) The power of dreams 本田汽车广告 6) Make Poverty History 7) Like no other 索尼产品广告 8) Take TOSHIBA, take the world.,9) One by one they step forward: a nurse, a teacher, a homemaker. And lives are saved.,10) We can beat extreme
15、 poverty, starvation, AIDS. But we need your help 11) The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。百事可乐 12) Ask for more 渴望无限百事流行鞋 13) Impossible made possible 使不可能为可能佳能打印机 14) Were not asking for your money; were asking for your voice. CAs: PSAs:,124578111213,3691014,Reading strategy: reading expository
16、writing,Introduction of subject Supporting details Conclusion,An example from our text,The opinion: Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the complete truth Supporting details: All it says is that it fights it and that is not the same thing at all. The conclusion: We must not fal
17、l for this kind of trick!,Read the passage again and decide the main ideas for each paragraph after discussion.,Para1 Para2 Para3Para4,Advertisements are important and popular in ourdaily life.,We have two types of advertisements in all kinds of media.,We should not believe all the advertisements.,P
18、ublic service ads always tell us the truth.,Discussion,Whats your opinion of advertisements?,Doing business without advertisements is like wink at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does. - Stewart H. Britt做生意没广告犹如在女孩眨眼你知道你在做什么,但没有其 他人知道 布列特,You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.- Norman Douglas从一个国家的广告可以看出这个国家的理想道格拉斯,Homework,Revise the text we studied today and try to retell the passage in your own words. Finish Part F with your partner together. Finish the gap-information exercise in Part E by yourself,