1、Topic:Why does a half kilo of milks price is lower than a bottle of mineral water?,一斤奶为何卖不过一瓶矿泉水?-By Betty,New Words,Banded : 杀鸡取卵 Peru : 秘鲁 stragglers : 散兵游勇 monopolize : 垄断 enterprise : 企业,Recently, the media exposure in shuangyashan, Heilongjiang wandashan company has been purchasing milk at low
2、prices, resulting in many dairy farmers living beyond their means, forced to kill cattle or sell. Cattle operators said local a pound of milks price is less than a bottle of mineral water. (April 8 China Youth Daily) 近日,媒体曝光黑龙江双鸭山完达山公司一直以低价收购鲜奶,导致很多奶户入不敷出,被迫杀牛或者卖牛。有养牛户表示,现在当地一斤奶价钱卖不过一瓶矿泉水。(4月8日中国青年报
3、),Voice of China “News Coverage,“ reported, “a pound of fresh milk is only 1.4 yuan, not as good as a bottle of 500 ml of mineral waters worth on market . “ talking by a dairy farmers in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province. According to introduction, the Wandashan Corporation acquisition of mar
4、ket monopoly of local fresh milk has been acquired in the region to less than the provisions of Heilongjiang Province, the protection price of raw milk, resulting in a lot of dairy farmers to living beyond their means.据中国之声新闻纵横报道,“一斤鲜奶才1.4元,还不如市场上一瓶500毫升矿泉水值钱!“说话的是黑龙江省双鸭山市的一位奶农。据介绍,垄断当地生鲜乳收购市场的完达山股份
5、有限公司一直以低于黑龙江省规定的保护价在这一地区收购生鲜奶,导致很多奶户入不敷出。,奶站的显示屏朝着收奶人员,奶农看不见 这是奶站收奶人员用“八舍九入”法处理过的POSS机上的鲜奶数量,1.Question: why do dairy farmers will choose kill cows to avoid disaster?,问题:奶农为何选择“砍牛”的方式避险?,Answer: on the face of it, is because the monopoly regional fresh milk acquisition of dairy enterprises, leading
6、to unbalanced inputs and outputs of farmers, in the case of no profit or even a loss, they had to make a so helpless choice. But in essence, forcing dairy farmers to cut cattle hedge should be the responsibility of local government to negative, because local governments lack the necessary sense of r
7、esponsibility, which makes the local dairy farming industry in todays predicament.答:表面上看,是因为乳品企业垄断区域鲜奶收购,导致奶农的投入与产出失衡,在看不到利润甚至亏本的情况下,不得不做出如此无奈的选择。但实质上,迫使奶农“砍牛”避险的责任应是当地政府来负,正是因为地方政府缺乏必要的责任心,才使得当地奶牛养殖产业出现今日的困局。,2. “Milks prices lower than the prices of mineral water, dairy farmers kill cows “whose fa
8、ult?,奶价低于矿泉水价 奶农杀牛谁之过?,There is no doubt due to dereliction of duty on the local government supervision and services, making the dairy companies had the monopoly business of the lung, making dairy farmers breeding cows and milk transactions completely lost the right to speak, which had kill the cows
9、 to avoid suffered greater losses and emite their anger. It is therefore imperative to the performance of their duties of poor persons responsible be severely accountability in order to forced the government to enhance the performance of their duties and sense of responsibility, and promote the heal
10、thy development of the dairy farming industry.毫无疑问,正是由于地方政府监管和服务上的失职,使得乳品企业有了垄断经营的底气,更使得奶农在养殖奶牛和鲜奶交易中彻底丧失了话语权,从而不得不以“砍牛”来避免遭受更大损失和宣泄心中的愤懑。因此,当务之急,就是要对履职不力的相关责任人予以严厉问责,以此倒逼政府增强履职意识和责任意识,推动奶牛养殖产业的健康发展。,Aspect Comment: the high price, no one buy it ,the milk has gone bad, have to dumping the milk; low
11、price, living beyond their means, rather than killing the cows to eat beef Milk is Cheap than water, in the final analysis, it is compelled to milk the monopoly. Milk buy one dairy enterprise monopoly is simply because the local government to ensure that the tax revenue of the dairy processing plant
12、, to take various measures to make the milk farmers only sold to one dairy company, which led to the milk farmers complete loss of bargaining with the dairy enterprise capacity.纵横点评:价格高,无人收,牛奶变质、倾倒;价格低,入不敷出,不如杀牛吃肉。牛奶贱于水,归根到底,是被奶商垄断所逼。奶源被一家乳品企业垄断,无非是因为地方政府为保证乳品加工厂的税收,采取各种措施使奶户只卖给一家乳品企业,这导致奶户完全丧失与乳品企业
13、的议价能力。,3. Do dairy farmers should take the form of killing cattle of risk aversion?,奶农杀牛避险“应该吗?,“Kill cow” phenomenon also occurred in other countries. It was reported that the Dairy Farmers Association of Peru has killed more than 80 cows, to protest against the national milk price was too low .Shu
14、angyashan citys situation is similar to 5 years ago in Peru . The difference is, in shuangyashan, Heilongjiang province is individual victims, while in Peru is a Dairy Farmers Association will have organizing protests, collective effort of much larger than the stragglers,“砍牛”的现象,也曾发生在别的国家。据相关报道,秘鲁奶农
15、协会曾宰杀了80多头奶牛,以抗议本国的牛奶收购价格过低. 双鸭山市的情况,与5年前秘鲁的“砍牛”同出一辙。所不同的是,在黑龙江双鸭山市是散户们受害,而在秘鲁是奶农协会有组织的抗议,集体的力量肯定要比散兵游勇要大得多。,The helplessness of the dairy farmers in one fell swoop let us again focus on the development of Chinas dairy industry , the saying goes, this solid to graft. Milk production of the stable, d
16、airy development is luxuriant.The telationship between dairy farmers and dairy companies should be the relationship between fish and water ,the emergence of such large-scale dairy enterprises monopolize regional milk acquisition, resulting in a certain area dairy farmers to use such an extreme way t
17、o deal with ,we have to say that is a vicious cycle just like Banded .奶农的无奈一举让我们再一次聚焦我国乳业的发展,正所谓,本固才能枝荣。原奶的生产的本要稳固了,乳业的发展才会枝繁叶茂。乳品公司跟奶农的关系应该是鱼和水的关系,而出现现在这种由于大型乳品企业垄断区域鲜奶收购,导致某一地区奶农要用这种极端的方式应对,不得不说是杀鸡取卵的恶性循环。,So I think this way should not be taken,Do you think how to solve this problem ?,solution :
18、free competition and break monopoly,the local government shoud support and guide transformation and upgrade of dairy farmers. The introduction of competition, do not break a company to monopolize the milk of a regional situation, the phenomenon of the farmers kill cows to eat meat would not be improved.解决之道:引入竞争打破垄断 扶持、引导奶农转型升级.不引入竞争,不打破一家企业垄断一个地区奶源的局面,农民杀牛吃肉的现象就不会改善。,goodbye,