1、药理学名解整理(Pharmacological name resolution)subscribeRSSZuiiuz | exit | post | reply | searchForum on the heart: the basic course: pharmacologyPharmacological name resolution (with interpretation)You _ blue 2009-01-01 00:25 landlordPharmacological name resolution (with interpretation)In fact, that is th
2、e name of my dear friend reference solution, anyway you want to print out on the hair up, but for a few. Not so much.1. pharmacological pharmacology: is the study of interaction between drugs and organism and the role of the discipline, it is the research mechanism of drugs on the body function and
3、role, namely pharmacodynatics, also known as pharmacodynamic changes and rules; also study drug occurred in the collective under the influence of the pharmacokinetics, also called pharmacokinetics.2. medicaments: the substance that can change or ascertain the physiological function and pathological
4、state of the body, and can be used to prevent, diagnose and treat disease.3. drug action drug action: the initial effect of drugs on the organism is the cause.4. pharmacological effects pharmacologicaleffect: the expression of the body response to drug action.5. adverse reactions adverse reaction: a
5、ny reaction that is not related to the purpose of the drug and brings discomfort or pain to the patient is collectively referred to as adverse drug reactions.6. side effects side raction: because of its low selectivity, pharmacological effects involve multiple organs, and when other effects are used
6、 as therapeutic targets, other effects become side effects.7. toxicity toxic reaction: in the excessive dose or drug accumulation in the body for too long, the incidence of dangerous reactions are generally more serious.8. residual effect residual effect: the residual pharmacological effect of serum
7、 concentration has dropped below threshold concentration after drug withdrawal.9. withdrawal reaction withdrawal reaction: sudden withdrawal, the original disease exacerbated, also known as back reaction.10. idiosyncratic reaction: a few specific idiosyncratic reaction to some drugs, patient physiqu
8、e is very sensitive reaction severity is proportional to dose, pharmacological antagonist treatment may be effective.11. dose effect relationship dose-effect relationship: pharmacological effects are proportional to the dose in a certain range.12. dose effect curve dose-effect curve: using effect in
9、tensity as ordinate, drug dose or drug concentration as abscissa mapping, then.13. dose reaction graded response: the strength of the effect shows a continuous change or change, which can be expressed as a specific quantity or a percentage of the maximum reaction.14. substance reaction quantal, resp
10、onse, or, all-or-none, response: the pharmacological effect is not changed continuously with the increase or decrease of the dosage or concentration of the drug, but the change of the reaction property is called the qualitative reaction.15. minimum effective dose minimal, dose, effective: the minimu
11、m dose or minimum drug concentration that can cause effects.16. the maximum effect of maximal effect, Emax: with the increase of dose or concentration, the effect also increases, when the effect is increased to a certain extent, if continue to increase the drug concentration or dose and its effect w
12、ill no longer continue to increase, the ultimate pharmacological effect is called the maximum effect, also known as performance.17. drug potency strength potency: the relative concentration or dose that can cause an equivalent reaction, and the smaller the value, the greater the intensity.18. half e
13、ffective dose median, effective, dose, ED 50: can cause 50% of the experimental animals when the positive reaction dose of the drug.19. half lethal dose median, lethao, dose, LD 50: can cause 50% of the experimental animals at the time of the death of the drug dose.20. treatment index therapeutic, i
14、ndex, TI: usually the ratio of LD 50 / ED 50 is called therapeutic index.21.: receptor is a functional receptor protein mediated cellular signal to the class, can identify some trace chemical substances in the surrounding environment, and combined with the first, and through the intermediary informa
15、tion amplification system, triggering subsequent physiological responses or pharmacological effects.22. intrinsic activity intrinsic activity: the ability to produce effects after binding of drugs to receptors.23. agonist agonist: drugs that are both affinity and intrinsically active, they bind to r
16、eceptors and activate receptors to produce effectiveness.The 24. part, agonist partial agonist: has strong affinity, but its internal activity is not strong.25. antagonist antagonist: a drug that combines with the receptor and has strong affinity without intrinsic activity.26. competitive antagonist
17、, competitive antagonist, can compete with agonists for the same receptor, whose binding is reversible.27.: when the agonist antagonist parameter pA2 and antagonist drugs, if the effect is 2 times the concentration of agonist antagonist did not join is exactly equal to the agonist caused by the mola
18、r concentration of the added antagonists of negative value for pA2.28。非竞争性拮抗药非竞争性拮抗剂:能与激动药竞争相同受体,其结合是不可逆的。29。受体脱敏受体脱敏:在长期使用一种激动药后,组织或细胞对激动药的敏感性和反应性下降的现象。30。受体增敏受体增敏:与受体脱敏相反的一种现象,可因受体激动药水平降低或长期应用拮抗药而造成。31。离子障离子捕获:离子状态的药物极性高,不易通过细胞膜的脂质层的现象。32。吸收吸收:药物自用药部位进入血液循环的过程。33。首过消除首过消除:从胃肠道吸收入门静脉系统的药物在到达全身血循环前必
19、先通过肝脏,如果肝脏对其代谢能力很强,或由胆汁排泄的量大,则使进入全身血循环的有效药物量明显减少。34。分布分布:药物吸收后从血循环到达机体各个部位和组织的过程。35。肝肠循环肝肠循环:被分泌到胆汁内的药物及其代谢产物经由胆道及胆总管进入肠腔,然后随粪便排泄出去,经胆汁排入肠腔的药物部分可再经小肠上皮细胞吸收经肝脏进入血液循环,这种肝脏、胆汁、小肠中的循环称肠肝循环。36。半衰期半条命:是血浆药物浓度下降一半所需要的时间。37。曲线下面积曲线下面积 AUC:是药-时曲线下所覆盖的面积。其大小反映药物进入血循环的总量。38。生物利用度 bioabailability:经任何给药途径给予一定剂量的
20、药物后到达全身血循环内药物的百分率称生物利用度。39。一级消除动力学一级消除动力学:是体内药物在单位时间内消除的药物百分率不变,也就是单位时间内消除的药物量与血浆药物浓度成正比,血浆药物浓度高,单位时间内消除的药物多,血浆药物浓度降低时,单位时间内消除的药物也相应降低。40。零级消除动力学零级消除动力学:是药物在体内以恒定的速率消除,即不论血浆药物浓度高低,单位时间内消除的药物量不变。41。清除率间隙,CL:是机体消除器官在单位时间内清除药物的血浆容积,也就是单位时间内有多少毫升血浆中所含药物被机体清除。42。表观分布容积、表观分布容积 Vd:当血浆和组织内药物分布达到平衡后,体内药物按此时的
21、血浆药物浓度在体内分布时所需体液容积称表观分布容积。43。神经摄取神经元摄取:那被摄取回神经末梢,储存于囊泡中称摄取- 1。44。非神经摄取非神经元摄取:许多非神经组织如心肌、血管、肠道平滑肌也可摄取 Na,称摄取- 2。45。调节痉挛:动眼神经兴奋时或毛果芸香碱作用后环状肌向瞳孔中心方向收缩,造成悬韧带放松,晶状体由于本身弹性变凸,屈光度增加,此时只适合于视近物,而难以看清远物。这种作用叫调节痉挛。46。调节麻痹:阿托品能使睫状肌松弛而退向外缘,使悬韧带拉紧,晶状体变为扁平,其折光度减低,只适合看远物,而不能将近物清晰地成像于视网膜上,造成视近物模糊不清,此即为调节麻痹。47。抗菌药物抗菌药
22、物:由各种微生物(包括细菌、真菌、放线菌属)产生的,能杀灭或抑制其他微生物的物质。48。抑菌药抑菌药物:指仅具有抑制细菌生长繁殖而无杀灭细菌作用的抗菌药物,如四环素类、红霉素类、磺胺类等。49。杀菌药杀菌药物:具有杀灭细菌作用的抗菌药物,如青霉素类、头孢菌素类、氨基糖苷类。50。抗菌谱抗菌谱:抗菌药物的抗菌范围。51。化学治疗化疗:对所有病原体,包括微生物、寄生虫,甚至肿瘤细胞所致疾病的药物治疗统称为化学治疗。52。化疗指数化疗指数 CI:是评价化学治疗药物有效性与安全性的指标,The median lethal dose of chemotherapeutic agents, LD50, i
23、s often expressed by a ratio of half effective dose of ED50 to infected animals, or by 5% of the lethal dose of LD5 and 95% of the effective dose of ED95. The greater the index of chemotherapy, the smaller the toxicity of the drug, the higher the clinical value.53. bacterial resistance bacterial res
24、istance: bacteria producing antibiotics that are not sensitive to the cause of bacteria is a special manifestation of bacteria in their own survival process.54. check mechanism of trapping mechanism: beta lactamase and some enzyme resistance to beta lactam antibiotics combined with rapid, the drug s
25、hould stay in the cytoplasm outside the gap, can not reach the target of PBPs exert antimicrobial effects. The drug resistance of this non hydrolytic mechanism is also known as “trap mechanism“ or “containment mechanism“.55. adrenaline reversal adrenaline reversal: alpha receptor blockers can select
26、ively combined with alpha adrenergic receptor, which in itself is not excited or excited weak adrenergic receptor can interfere with adrenergic receptor agonists combined with alpha receptor, causing resistance to adrenaline, it will flip the pressor effect of adrenaline antihypertensive effect.56.
27、intrinsic quasi sympathetic activity intrinsic, sympathomimetic, activity, ISA: some beta adrenergic receptor blocking agents bind to beta receptors, blocking the receptor in vitro and partly stimulating beta receptors.57. sedative-hypnotics: the sedative hypnotic is a kind of drugs have inhibitory
28、effect on the function of central nervous system. A small dose can cause a quiet or drowsy state and become a sedative; greater doses induce hypnotic activity similar to those of physiological stimuli.58. withdrawal / abstinence syndrome withdrawal symptoms: repeated medication, prompting the body t
29、o adjust the level of physical activity in The new supersedes the old., under the action of exogenous substances to adapt, maintain the basic function of the body, which is called adaptive. Once the withdrawal, the metabolic activity changes, physiological function disorder, appear a series of unbea
30、rable symptoms, such as excitement, insomnia, runny nose, sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness or even collapse, etc59. aspirin asthma: some asthmatics use aspirin or other antipyretic analgesics to induce asthma, which is associated with impaired PG synthesis.60.Reye syndrome in chil
31、dren infected with viral diseases such as influenza, chickenpox, measles, mumps and other aspirin fever, even can cause acute hepatic steatosis - encephalopathy syndrome in patients with liver failure and encephalopathy are prominent, although it is rare, but the prognosis is bad.61. cinchonism reac
32、tion: the headache, dizziness, tinnitus, diarrhea, nausea, blurred vision and so on caused by long time application of quinidine.62. extrapyramidal reactions: large doses of chlorpromazine and chlorpromazine due to blocking of D2 like receptors in nigrostriatal pathway, the striatum DA function, Ach
33、 function enhancement caused by the three kinds of reactions: the Parkinson syndrome, akathisia acute muscle tension obstacle.63.NASIDS non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, drugs: antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs are a type of antipyretic, analges
34、ic, and most anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs. Because of its anti-inflammatory and glucocorticoid dysfunction, it is known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.64. double infection superinfections: there is a complete micro ecosystem in the mouth, throat and gastrointestinal tract of no
35、rmal people. Long term oral or injectable use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, sensitive bacteria were inhibited, non sensitive bacteria to take the opportunity to multiply, from the original inferior flora into a dominant flora, causing new infections. Double infection or flora alternation.65. gray b
36、aby syndrome gray syndrome: premature infants and neonatal liver deficiency glucuronosyltransferase, renal function is not perfect, the chloramphenicol detoxification ability difference; drug overdose can cause poisoning, manifested as circulatory failure, dyspnea, hypotension and cyanosis, pale ski
37、n, called gray baby syndrome.The 66. flu syndrome: large dose interval use of rifampin can induce fever, chills, headache, muscle pain and other flu like symptoms67. antibacterial effects post, antibiotic, effect, PAE: refers to the short contact of bacteria and antibiotics, the concentration of ant
38、ibiotics drops below MIC, or the growth of bacteria is still sustained inhibition effect.68. cell cycle non-specific drugs Cellcycle, nonspecific, agents, CCNSA: can kill in the proliferation cycle of each phase of the cell, even including G0 phase cell drugs. (alkylating agents, antitumor antibioti
39、cs, platinum complexes, etc.)Sixty-nine细胞周期(时相)特异性药物细胞周期特异性药物性:仅对增殖周期的某些时相敏感而对 G0期细胞不敏感的药物。往往作用较弱。如抗代谢药物、长春碱类药物。70。受体上调和下调了下调:若受体增敏或脱敏只涉及受体密度变化,称为。71。成瘾加法:指身体依赖和精神依赖性。72。协同作用增效:指两个药物和用后的效应大于两药单独应用的和。73。拮抗作用对立:指两个药物和用后的效应几乎与各药单独应用效果相同或减弱。74。翻转使用依赖性逆向使用依赖性:心率快时,药物延长动作电位时程的作用不明显,而当心率慢时,确使动作电位时程明显延长,此作用
40、易诱发尖端扭转型室性心动过速。75。药物滥用滥用药物:与医疗目的无关的反复使用有依赖性的药物。76。首剂效应:表现为严重的直立性低血压、眩晕、晕厥、意识消失等。77。后除极后除极:某些情况下,心肌细胞在一个动作电位后产生一个提前的除极化。78。早后除极早期后除极,EAD:发生在完全复极之前的后除极,常发生在 2、3 相复极中,APD 过度延长时易发生。79。滞后除极延迟后除极,爸爸:是细胞内钙超载时发生在动作电位完全或接近完全复极时的一种短暂的震荡性除极。80。允许作用允许作用:糖皮质激素对某些组织细胞虽无直接活性,但可给其他激素发挥作用创造条件。eg.gcs 可增强 CA的血管收缩作用和胰高
41、血糖素的血糖升高作用等。81。甲状腺危象甲状腺危象:感染、外伤、手术、情绪激动等诱因,可致大量甲状腺激素突然入血,使患者发生高热、虚脱、心衰、肺水肿、水和电解质紊乱等,严重时可致死。82。折返再入:一次冲动下传后,又顺着另一环形通路折回再次兴奋原已兴奋过的心肌,是引发快速型心律失常的重要机制之一。83。水杨酸反应:阿司匹林剂量过大时,可出现头痛、眩晕、恶心、呕吐、耳鸣、视、听力减退,总称为水杨酸反应。雅-赫氏反应肾上腺危象肝药酶胆碱危象回复引用一死鱼 00:27 1楼楼主好敬业新年快乐回复引用氺_藍一 00:30 2楼呵呵,关键是自己抄书抄得手疼,不如打印算了大家觉得有什么少了的也发上来一下吧
42、 回复引用一外方内圆 3楼 19:09好人呐回复引用4楼树干一 20:26不是好人是好多啊回复引用一春华秋实 5楼 23:01好人啊我正愁这个呢我先看看咋送送花弄回了的话就送一朵吧我花也不多阿担待担待回复引用一春华秋实 6楼 23:05送花还要有等级?我咋送不出去?回复引用兰泊卫浴一 7楼 23:05楼主真赛!顶一个,虽然学完了早回复引用eightleo 2009-01-07 22:15 8楼好人啊,正需要呢回复引用氺_藍 2009-01-10 12:01 9楼引用6一引用第楼春华秋实于 23:05发表的?:送花还要有等级?我咋送不出去?呵呵,谢谢哈100贴以上的才能送花咧貌似是要发回复引用10楼 daisy_577 2009-01-10 19:05有没有英文的?回复引用锌的 HTML 11楼 19:30辛苦了回复引用12楼木头的人 2009-07-22 11:33路过到处转转回复引用hjkd15866697 2010-09-08 18:20 13楼,太赞了回复引用发新帖回复短消息快速回复主题回复:药理学名解整理(带解释)内容选择附件:从网盘上传发表回复退出论坛模式