1、=J6L:I:8=CDAD:H8D#!AI9#华为视觉识别手册=jVlZKhjVaYZciinI:8=CDAD:H8D#!AI9#lll#jVlZ#Xdb=J6L:I:8=CDAD:H8D#!AI9#On the Move!=jVlZ=H9E6Hdajidc=jVlZ=H9E6“ciViZcZlZgVdLgZaZhh7gdVYWVcYlll#jVlZ#Xdblll#jVlZ#Xdb6ccjVaGZedgi%+=J6L:I:8=CDAD:H8D#AI9#6XZkcIdZiZgAdgZbehjbYdadghiVbZi!XdchZXiZijZgVYehXcZai!hZYYVbcdcjbbncW#ll
5、eZmZVXdbbdYdXdchZfjVi#lll#jVlZ#XdbIhiZmigZegZhZcihVZVYacZdgViiaZ#6XZkcIdZiZg9ViZ/,#DXidWZg%*LZaXdbZid=jVlZegZhZciVidcI=HH67AC986EIDCVISUAL IDENTITY SYSTEM视觉识别系统;gjiZgVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmno华为专用 字体是 黑体系列7gVcYHcVijgZ 品牌标 识Xdc 标识图形8dgedgViZIneZVXZ 公司 专用 字体8dgedgViZ8dadgh 公司颜色bVZh 图 片9Zhc:aZbZcih 设计元素HeZX
6、XineZVXZ专有字体Key Design Elements关键设计元素3.2The Key Design Elements of the HuaweiVisual Identity System include:Brand SignatureA brand specific typeface and a unique icon combine together to form the Huawei Brand Signature.Corporate TypefacesAll Huawei applications in English are to be executed using th
7、e FrutigerNext font family.All Huawei applications in Chinese are to be executed using the Hei font family.Corporate ColorThe Corporate color of Huawei Brand is Corpo-rate Red, Corporate Black and Corporate Grey.Design ElementsThe Huawei Design Elements are constructed using the uniquely designed re
8、lationship of a rectangular and arc shape.ImageryDynamic imagery can clearly express the distinctive Huawei brand personality.华为视觉识别系统的关键设计元素包括:品牌标志品牌独特的字体与图标相结合,构成华为品牌标志。公司字体所有英文版的华为应用项目全部采用FrutigerNext系列字体,所有中文版的华为应用项目全部采用黑体系列字体。公司色华为公司色为公司红、公司黑和公司灰。设计元素华为设计元素是由精心设计的长方形和弧线组成的图形。图片生动的图片有助于表现华为独特的品牌
9、个性。VISUAL IDENTITY SYSTEM视觉识别系统AZi6gZV左区域9kYZg6gX分割曲线Gi6gZV右区域Design Element设计元素3.3The Design Element is based upon a cropped section of the Huawei Brand Signature. It is an integral graphic device that helps deliver the com-munication message of an application in a clear and concise manner. The Des
10、ign Element is defined by three distinct shapes - the left area, right area and the white space known as the divider arc. The left and right areas can be extended proportionally to enhance its function as a graphic device as shown in the grid example below. The close relationship between the left an
11、d right areas act as a metaphor for the Huawei commitment to excellent service and co-opera-tion with all its clients. The Design Element also defines Huawei as a company with confidence and stability, with its foundation in responsive abilities and world class products.The art work for the Design E
12、lement is provided as an easy-to-use template. Please note that the three elements of the template are grouped. We recommend leaving the elements grouped while working with the template.公司设计元素源自华为品牌标志的一组紧凑对称的曲线。应用设计中使用该元素可以清晰简洁地传播品牌。设计元素由三个部分组成,包括左区域、右区域和白色分割曲线。设计元素的左右区域可以如下图所示按比例延伸,从而强化其在图形设计中的作用。左
13、右区域紧密相连相互呼应,象征华为向客户提供出色的服务与密切的合作。设计元素表现了华为在通讯行业中拥有的强大产品开发能力和稳定可靠的产品质量。附件提供的设计元素完稿模板简便易用。请注意模板中的三个要素是集合成组的。建议在使用模板时保持元素的群组状态。The three areas of the Design Element设计元素模板的三个组成元素The left and right areas can be extended proportionally设计元素可以左右延伸Creation of the Design Element设计元素的由来VISUAL IDENTITY SYSTEM视觉
14、识别系统Step 4步骤 4Design Element: Configuring The Design Element设计元素:应用设计元素3.4The example on this page demonstrates how to place a Design Element from the artwork template.Step 1: Import Design Element artwork template.Step 2: Position the art work on the page.Step 3: Proportionately scale the artwork t
15、o the required width.Step 4: If necessary, slide artwork to place the divider arc in its desired position.Step 5: Extending the left and right side of the Design Element to fit the required area should always be done in two stages. First extend the edge of the left hand side of the Design Element, t
16、hen extend the edge of the right hand side of the Design Element to complete the process. Note: Do not stretch the artwork under any circumstances. This is applicable to all Huawei material featuring the Design Element.本页中的图例显示如何在电子文件模版中应用设计元素。步骤 1:导入电子文件模版。步骤 2:将设计元素移至页面中。步骤 3:按比例放大设计元素至所需的宽度。步骤 4:
17、根据需要,移动设计元素至适当的位置。步骤 5:分两步来延伸设计元素的左右两边至所需的位置,先延伸左边线,然后延伸右边线。注意 :在任何使用设计元素的应用项目中,请勿以拖拽的方式改变电子文件比例。Step 1步骤 1Step 2步骤 2Step 3步骤 3Step 5步骤 5VISUAL IDENTITY SYSTEM视觉识别系统Design Element: Positioning The Design Element设计元素:放置设计元素3.5Please pay careful attention to the regulations when positioning the Design
18、 Element in an artwork document. The configurations shown here have been chosen for design application purposes and aesthetic appeal.Figure 1When positioning the Design Element further to the left, the right hand section should never cross over the halfway point of the artwork. Figure 2When position
19、ing the Design Element further to the right, the right hand side of the Design Element should always be positioned in a balanced manner. Never crop the right side of the element off the artwork.Figure 3When positioning the Design Element in a billboard or subway poster format, please ensure that it
20、bleeds to the edge of the artwork at all times as shown. A balanced position of the Design Element must be obtained as shown.请特别注意有关如何在电子文件中放置设计元素的相关规定。本页所展示的图例适用于各种设计应用目的,并符合审美标准。图示 1当需要把设计元素靠近左边界时,注意不要使设计元素的右区域越过页面的纵轴中线。图示 2当需要把设计元素靠近右边界时,注意维持设计元素右区域的平衡,切记不要破坏设计元素右区域的完整。图示 3当需要在广告牌或地铁海报格式中应用设计元素时,
21、注意让设计元素延伸至画面的每条边界,如图所示将设计元素放置在平衡的位置中。Figure 2图示 2Figure 1图示 1Figure 3图示 3VISUAL IDENTITY SYSTEM视觉识别系统Design Element: Configuration and Placement设计元素:结构和位置3.6The Huawei Design Element is essential in enhancing the visual identity system. These examples illustrate the various applications of the Desig
22、n Element in different circumstances. Please ensure that the Design Element extends to the edge of the page in all instances. The examples also show how the Design Element fits in a grid when placed in a vertical page. Please refer to the related section in this visual identity manual to find more i
23、n-depth application examples, and follow according to the guide-lines. The configurations shown here have been chosen for design application purposes and aesthetic appeal.华为品牌标志的设计元素对于强化视觉识别系统至关重要。本页中的图例展示在不同情况下如何应用设计元素。请确保任何情况下设计元素都延伸至页面的边界。这些图例还展示在纵向页面中如何使设计元素与网格线相匹配。更详细的应用图例请参阅本视觉识别手册中的其它相关部分说明及规
24、定。本页所展示的图例适用于各种设计应用目的,并符合审美标准。8dgedgViZ7gdXjgZ 6ccjVaGZedgi公司宣传册=J6L:EZdeaZ 华为人杂志年报EgZhh“gZaZVhZ 新闻发布稿VISUAL IDENTITY SYSTEM视觉识别系统Design Element: Configuration and Placement设计元素:结构和位置3.7These examples also show how the Design Element fits into both a vertical and horizontal page format for advertisi
25、ng applications. Please ensure that the Design Element extends to the edge of the page in all instances. Please refer to the related section in this visual identity manual to find more in-depth application examples, and follow according to the guidelines. The configu-rations shown here have been cho
26、sen for design application purposes and aesthetic appeal.本页中的图例展示在横向和纵向的广告中如何应用设计元素。请确保任何情况下设计元素都延伸至页面的边界。更详细的应用图例请参阅本视觉识别手册中的其它相关部分说明及规定。本页所展示的图例适用于各种设计应用目的,并符合审美标准。BVVocZIneZ6CZlheVeZgKZgiXVaIneZ6报纸广告(竖版)版式 6CZlheVeZgKZgiXVaIneZ7报纸广告(竖版)版式 7杂志广告 版式 6 BVVocZIneZ7 杂志广告 版式 7CZlheVeZg=dgodciVaIneZ6 报纸
27、广告(横版)版式 6CZlheVeZg=dgodciVaIneZ7 报纸广告(横版)版式 7VISUAL IDENTITY SYSTEM视觉识别系统Design Element: Configuration And Placement设计元素:结构和位置3.8Here are more examples showing the diversity in the configuration and placement of the Design Element. An essential tool in the Huawei Visual Identity System, consistent
28、use will strengthen the Huawei brand image. These configurations have been chosen for design application purposes and aesthetic appeal. For a more detailed view of the examples shown, please refer to the relevant section in this guide book. 本页中的图例展示设计元素的不同结构和位置的设计应用。作为华为视觉识别系统中的重要部分,持续的应用设计元素可以强化华为的
29、品牌形象。本页所展示的图例适用于各种设计应用目的,并符合审美标准。更详细的应用图例请参阅本视觉识别手册中的其它相关部分说明。=J6L:I:8=CDAD:H8D#!AI9#=jVlZLgZaZhhHdajidc=H9E6“ciViZcZlZgVdLgZaZhh7gdVYWVcYlll#jVlZ#Xdb=J6L:I:8=CDAD:H8D#!AI9#=jVlZcYjhigVa7VhZ7VciVcAdcVcHZcoZc*&-&.!E#G#8cVlll#jVlZ#Xdb=J6L:I:8=CDAD:H8D#!AI9#=jVlZLgZaZhhHdajidc=H9E6“ciViZcZlZgVdLgZaZhh7gdVYWVcYlll#jVlZ#Xdb=J6L: I:8=CDAD:H8D#!AI9#=jVlZcYjhigVa7VhZ7VciVcAdcVcHZcoZc*&-&.!E#G#8cVlll#jVlZ#Xdbmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm -m-m%#*m%#*m