1、纪检部招新ART SIMPLEC O N T E N T S01ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live 02ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live03ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live 04ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live05ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live 06ADD TITLE HEREJust f
2、or today I will try to live01 部门介绍Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life. 01宗旨团结合作,纪律诚信 02目标培养良好学风 简介国际文化传播纪检部是学院学生会重要部门之一。 国际文化传播学院学生会纪检部是一个以检查学院纪律工作,服务广大学生为主要目的的部门,本部负责监督院风院纪,维护学院形象;与其他部门配合组织大型活动,并对活动现场进行秩序维护。最主要的是本部还要对学院中早练声,早晚自习和课堂情况进行考勤,切实为学院服务,为同学们
3、营造良好的学习环境和氛围 。02 部门成员Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life. 高颜值天团即将来袭SUBTITLESUBTITLECLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR CONTENTSCLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR CONTENTSSUBTITLESUBTITLEADD YOUR TITLE HEREthree ways. I will do somebody a goodturn Just for today I will try to
4、live through this day only and not tackle my whole three ways. I will do somebody a good turnADD YOUR TITLE HEREADD YOUR TITLE HEREthree ways. I will do somebody a goodturn Just for today I will try to live through . three ways. I will do somebody a goodturn Just for today I will try to live through
5、 . ADD YOUR TITLE HEREthree ways. I will do somebody a goodturn Just for today I will try to live through . ADD YOUR TITLE HEREthree ways. I will do somebody a goodturn Just for today I will try to live through . ADD YOUR TITLE HEREthree ways. I will do somebody a goodturn Just for today I will try
6、to live through this day only and not tackle my whole three ways. I will do somebody a good turnADD YOUR TITLE HEREthree ways. I will do somebody a goodturn Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole three ways. I will do somebody a good turnADD YOUR TITLE HEREth
7、ree ways. I will do somebody a goodturn Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole three ways. I will do somebody a good turnADD YOUR TITLE HEREthree ways. I will do somebody a goodturn Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my who
8、le three ways. I will do somebody a good turnADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life once.ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life once.ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live
9、 through this day only and not tackle my whole life once.ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life once.ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life once.ADD TITLE HEREJust for today I will
10、 try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life once.03 部门工作Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life. 1 2 3 4 5检查早晚自习 检查课堂 检查活动 打表 协助学生会A B C DJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole lifeJust for toda
11、y I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole lifeJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole lifeJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life04 部门福利Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life. 令人激动的福利来啦01. 02. 04. 03. 评选优干在学生会所有部门中占比最大纪检部作为学生会核心部门,未来上升前途无穷与辅导员及学工办主任接触 密切, 福利巨多的哦帮助您严于律己,锻炼自我,提升综合 能力。你还不心动吗?做好准备 加入我们吧!我们在纪检部等你THANK YOUART SIMPLE REMO TEMPLATE