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1、null 2011 Mnull null 425 2 JaJou rnal ofA cad em y of Arm ored Force Eng ineering Apr. 2011Vo.l 25 No. 2nullnull nullcI|: 1672null1497( 2011) 02null0085null0345j j ; /董世运1, 张晓东1, 2, 徐滨士1, 王志坚1, 闫世兴1( 1. Ja !/ S S/ L i,100072;2.W:v S, CW:150001 )Knull1:j X?1oq, bVC 7j r5b;/ LC Xj /b ,s n , LC V e;Hn

2、, H Jb4j ?, j b/j dF + j1 p, pF , d J,pArHV 700 750, j m !91 pb1oM:; ;j ;/ms |: TH 17null null nullDS : ALaserCladdingRemanufacturing of45 SteelCamshaftWorn CamDONG Sh inullyun1, ZHANG X iaonulldong1, 2, XU B innullshi1, WANG Zhinulljian1, YAN Sh inullxing1( 1. NationalD efen se K ey Laboratory for

3、Rem anu factu ring Technology, A cadem y of Arm ored Force Eng ineering, Beijing 100072, Ch in a;2. S chool ofM ateria lS cien ce and C hem ical Engin eering, H arb in E ngineering U n iversity, H arb in 150001, Ch ina)Abstract: Cam shaft is a key com ponent of tank engine, and its service process d

4、ue to w earing oversize ofnullten leads to cam failure. In th is paper, laser cladding technology is em ployed to rem anufacture the worntank cam shaf.t The cladding coating thickness control is achieved by ad justing scanning velocity in segnullm en.t Edge com pensation m ethod is used to prevent t

5、he edge from collapsing. The cam cladd ing path isproposed to shape a d im ension w ith h igh accuracy. The cladded cam after m illing m eets the requirem entsof geom etrical size. M icrostructure of the cladd ing is densew ithout cracks and pores defects. The m icronullhardness of laser cladd ing l

6、ayer is up tp HV 700 750, satisfying the design requirem en ts of tank camnullshaf.tKey words: laser cladd ing; cam shaf;t rem anufacturel : 2010null11null12 “:SE1 S “( 50975287);SEnull 973null9 “( 207CB607601)Te: W( 1973- ), 3,p Vbnull nullj X?1o ,q,j 1 a j , P BTQ M# H 7,i 6bj s Wu 7 ,yN ,j %U j r

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8、 Xj ?, j b; /j dF+ j !9j1 pb3)j !B 45b Xj ; /ZE, LC j Xj j, ; /j b ?YV O k L IB_b b ? 1 p, * ; / |LCj j j ?r m b ID: 1 null. ?/M .: Y, 2007: 176. 2 null ,!,.Mj ; ? J.V / , 2003, 32 ( 6): 48- 50. 3 null V. !/ / M .:S,uZ , !,. 45j V ; - J.?, 1996 ( 5 ): 51 -54. 5 null NavasC, Conde A, Fernandez B J, e

9、t a.l Laser Coatings to ImnullproveW ear Resistance ofM ou ld S teel J. Surface and C oatingsTechnology, 2005, 194: 136- 142. 6 null Dong S Y, Xu B S, W ang Z J, et a.l Laser Rem anu facturingTechnology and ItsApp lications C nullDeng S S, M atsunaw a A,Zhu X. Lasers in Material Processing and M anu

10、factu ringnull. B einulljing: Proc of SPIE, 2007: 6825IN. 1 - 6. 7 null ZhongM L, Liu W J, N ing G Q, et a.l Laser D irectM anufacturnulling of Tungsten N ick el C ollim ation C om ponen t J. M aterialsProcessing Technology, 2001, 147: 167- 173. 8 null Shepeleva L, M edres B, Kaplan W D, et a.l Laser C ladd ing ofTu rb in e B lades J. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2000,125: 45- 48.(3 I : d )102


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