1、 2005年 3月 重庆大学学报(自然科学版) Mar. 2005 第 28卷第 3期 JournalofChongqingUniversity(NturlScienceEdition) Vo.l28 No. 3cI|:1000-582X(2005)03-0102-04 F 1“*胡国忠1,王宏图1,贾剑青1,吴再生2,李开学2,庞 成2(1.重庆大学西南资源开发及环境灾害控制工程教育部重点实验室,重庆 400030;2.重庆工程职业技术学院,重庆 400030)K 1:以川东北飞仙关组的储层和致密层岩石为研究对象,采用弹性波试验和单轴压缩试验相结合的方法,取得相应岩石的各种物理力学参数和声学
2、参数;在此基础上,采用非线性拟合,建立了不同岩性的岩石的动弹性模量与静弹性模量的相关关系,为石油开采中钻孔测井研究提供了基础。研究表明,由于受岩体的完整性和风化破坏程度等影响,岩石试件用动力法求得的动弹性模量和用静力法求得的静弹性模量均存在较大差异,且岩石动静弹性模量的关系呈二次多项式函数关系。1oM:储层;致密层;动弹性模量;静弹性模量ms |:TU45DS M :A“ -, L=r !9,1 F F k, kT N F, !94 I。Y% F y y y ,7 y K VBC F ? 、 74 1il。 k s, “Bt , H, l“M1 LT 7-8 ,Kl=EE5, T E,“、 W
3、=Q Tf 1“,nm2 U。m2 “、 W1“1“ T:E s =- 0. 0104E2d +0. 109 9Ed +0. 231 9 (8)4 结 论1) kTs V, F 18 1,7O k kZE、 F F y 1 。 “、 111%v, O 1vl6 17W。2)YVKl=EE5, T E,“、 M11“ T。3) F、 i vYy “ =i # d。4) L=8 F M M kn H、n +,yNYV F、 W1“, F , F #4 I,| Es1il。5) k kqvl、 kq 、 kqF f F y ksT 3MY。 F kq K, ? F、 WM11“,B。 ID: 1 m
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5、ionship Between Dynam ic and StaticValue ofElasticModulus inRockHU Guo-zhong, WANG Hong-tu, JIA Jian-qing, WU Zai-sheng, LIKai-xue, PANG Chen(1. KeyLaboratory forExploitation ofChinaSouthwesternResources theEnvironmentalDisasterControlEngineeringUnder theStateMinistryofEducation, ChongqingUniversity
6、, Chongqing400030, China;2. ChongqingEngineeringProfessionTechnologyCollege, Chongqing400030, China)Abstract:Taking thedeposited-layer rock and compacted-layer rock asstudy target, byelasticwaveexperimentanduni-axialcompression experiment, thephysicsmechanicsparameters and acousticsparameters of the
7、se rock areworked out;Based on it, by thecorrelativity isestablished betweendynamicand staticvalueofelasticmodulus in rock ofdifferentli-thology takingnonlinear fitting, itoffers reference for thestudyofthe drillandmeasuringwellin theexploitation ofoi.lInfluenced by the integrality andweathering bre
8、akagedegreeofrock, thebiggish different isexisted betweendynamice-lasticmodulusgained bydynamicalmethod and staticelasticmodulusobtainedby staticmethod, and the relationshipbe-tween dynamicand staticvalueofelasticmodulus isapproximatively expressed asa relationshipofquadraticpolynomialfunction.Key w
9、ords:deposited-layer;compacted-layer;dynamicelasticmodulus;staticmodulus(编辑 姚 飞)( 90:)USSD Technology and ItsApplication ofMobile Telecommunication SystemLIZhao-yu1, TANG Ping2, ZENG Xiang-m ing3(1.Communication InformationTechnologyTeachingSectionCUPT, Chongqing400065, China;2. College ofMechanical
10、Engineering, ChongqingUniversity, Chongqing400030, China;3. CollegeofCommunicationEngineering, ChongqingUniversity, Chongqing400030, China)Abstract:Thispaperconcludesthe techniqueand application characterofUSSD, therelated network structureofUSSDplatform, explains thehandleflow ofthe interactive res
11、ponseofUSSD. Byanalyzing theapplication type inmobile com-munication andmarketbenefitofUSSD, combining thefeatureofUSSD serviceplatform, itpresents theinfrastructureofUSSD system and application, including composing of core system, deploymentof application (assignmentof servicecode, suitableapplication type andmarketbenefit), and the influence and change to the existentnetwork.Key words:unstructured supplementary serviceData(USSD);servicekit;clientservice system;mobile telecommuni-cation network(编辑 张 苹)105第 28卷第3期 胡国忠等: 岩石的动静弹性模量的关系