1、The Trojan War,Paris The prince of Troy,Powers and Riches,Glory and Renown,The fairest woman for his wife,THE GOLDEN APPLE,Helen The Fairest Woman,Menelaus Helens husband,Agamemnon Menelaus brother,Paris carried Helen to Tory, which annoyed Menelaus. Menelaus and Agamemnon decided to start a war, th
2、is is the famous Trojan War.,Even the gods and the goddesses join in it.,Tory,Greek,In this war, there are two famous heroes Achilles and Hector.,A prince of Tory,Two heroes death,THE END OF THE WAR,By the advice of Odysseus, the Greeks built a wooden horse,And because of the wooden horse, the Greeks win the war which almost lasted for 10 years.,Burn the city,Kill the citizens,Comment,1.Winner of the war2.The heroes behaviors3.Something else about Greek Mythology,