1、Better Makes Best,BSC相关计数器以及统计分析,1,2,4,3,4,5,OBJTYPE:是某一类型计数器的集合。每个OBJTYPE包 一套计数 器。比如统计TCH指标的CELTCHF 。 F指全速率 COUNTER: 计数器。比如CELTCHF中统计掉话数目的TFNDROP。 OBJ 统计的个体单元,比如统计的每一个小区名或是切换统 计中的每一个切换关系。 举例说明如下: CELTCHF: 是统计TCH话务的OBJTYPE,它包含系列COUNTER: TFCALLS: 试呼次数; TFNDROP:掉话次数; TFCONGSAS:指配拥塞次数; 等等。,Object and O
2、bject Type Definition,Counters of Overlaid and Underlaid cell 上下层小区计数器的关系:,Dependent: Since the relation is dependent, incrementing the overlaid subcell counter THTRALSUB will lead to incrementing the corresponding underlaid subcell counter THTRALACC at the same time. Disjoint: Since the relation is
3、 disjoint, incrementing the overlaid subcell counter TFV1TCONSUB will not affect the corresponding underlaid subcell counter TFV1TCONGS.,怎样阅读理解有关的内容,每隔5分钟或者15分钟,DB从BSC中的相关应用中获取计数器统计信息.报告程序(Report Programs)在需要产生报告时从DB中获取相关信息报告的产生根据报告形成时间表来进行,统计子系统概述:,怎样定义收集和处理相关的计数器统计,STS Subsystem Overview,CP,APT, A
4、PZ,C o u n t e r s,SP,Counters,STS,Database,Hard disk,Processing,I/O Device,Floppy,X25,BSC Objects and STS Object Types,BSC BSC MS Sessions, Paging LOAS Processor Load, Exchange Statistics BSCMSLOT Multislot Connections,BSC Objects and STS Object Types, Contd 1,CELL CELLCCHDR SDCCH Drops Reasons CEL
5、LCCHHO SDCCH Handovers CELEVENTD Subscriber Initiated Disconnections CELEVENTH Load Sharing, HO due to O&M CELEVENTS Overlaid/Underlaid Handovers CELEVENTI Intracell Handovers CLSDCCH SDCCH Congestion, Drop and Allocation CLSMS SMS, Short Message Service CLTCH Assignments, TCH Traffic CELLSQI Speech
6、 Quality CELLHCS Locating Measurement for HCS,BSC Objects and STS Object Types, Contd 2,CELL CELLCONF Adaptive SDCCH Configuration DOWNTIME Cell Downtime CLTCHDRF TCH/F Drop Reasons CLTCHDRH TCH/H Drop Reasons CELTCHF TCH/F Allocation, Traffic, Drops, Cong(拥塞) CLTCHFV1 TCH/F Speech Version 1/2/3 Sta
7、tistics CLTCHFV2 (Allocation, Traffic, Congestion) CLTCHFV3 CELTCHH TCH/H Allocation, Traffic, Drops, Cong CLTCHHV1 TCH/H Speech Version 1/2/3 Statistics CLTCHHV2 (Allocation, Traffic, Congestion) CLTCHHV3,BSC Objects and STS Object Types, Contd 3,CELL IDLEOTHCF Idle Channel Measurements for TCH IDL
8、EOTHCH Fullrate & Halfrate in Overlaid & Underlaid IDLEUTHCF Subcell IDLEUTHCH RANDOMACC Random Access Statistics,BSC Objects and STS Object Types, Contd 4,CELL RELATIONNCELLREL HO Commands, Successful & Returned HO NECELLREL . for External Relations NICELASS Assignment Handovers NECELASS . for Exte
9、rnal Relations NICELHO Handover decision NECELHO . for External Relations NICELHOEX HO at High handover rate, Fast Moving MS NECELHOEX . for External Relations,Mnemonic for Counter Names,C- SDCCH TF- TCH/F (Full rate) TFV1- TCH/F Speech Version 1 (Normal FR) TFV2- TCH/F Speech Version 2 (EFR) TFV3-
10、TCH/F Speech Version 3 TH- TCH/H (Half rate ) THV1- TCH/H Speech Version 1 THV2- TCH/H Speech Version 2 THV3- TCH/H Speech Version 3 -SUB Overlaid Subcell -UL- Up Link -DL- Down Link -BL- Both Links (Uplink and Downlink),BTS基站相关统计(DOWNTIME),Type Counter name Description PC TDWNACC Cell downtime accu
11、mulator PC TDWNSCAN Number of accumulations of Cell downtime accumulator,the cell downtime accumulator (TDWNACC) is stepped every tenth second when the cell state is ACTIVE and there are no TCHs in IDLE or BUSY state in that cell.,BSC TCHDATA COUNTER,TNUCHCNT:定义的信道数; (包括在celtchf里的counter) TAVAACC:每1
12、0秒扫描一次可用信道数,之后累积到TAVAACC; TAVASCAN:整个统计时间总的TCH信道扫描总次数;如整个统计时间内无信道损坏,TAVAACC=TNUCHCNT*TAVASCAN; 可用信道=TAVACC/TAVASCAN,当出现小数时说明统计期间有部分信道短时间内不可用。 TASSCAL:忙时话音信道试呼总次数(不含切换)。是指所有占用SDCCH后对TCH的试呼次数。试呼包括主叫和被叫试图建立通话的情况,包括非常早分配时指派TCH信道用做SDCCH的情况,不包括各种切换情况。统计的为“Assignment Request”消息。,TASSATT:TCH指配偿试次数,含切换指配。 TC
13、HSIG:在TCH上立即指配成功次数;TCH当SDCCH用;在启动TCH上的立即指配后,即CHAP=1的情况下才会出现; TFNDROP:TCH异常释放次数,即掉话次数;统计的为“CLEAR REQUEST”消息。 TFMSESTB:是指忙时主叫或被叫呼叫指派话音信道成功的总次数。统计的为“Connect”消息。移动台成功占用TCH次数。,BSC TCHDATA COUNTER,TFCALLS:TCH分配偿试次数,包括TCH作为SDCCH用,指配,切换; TFTCONGS:TCH拥塞时间计数器;当最后一个空闲的TCH分配后,又有新的TCH分配请求到来时,TFTCONGS就每秒加一直到有空闲的T
14、CH。 TFTRALACC:全速率信道的话务量累积器; TFNSCAN:全速率信道话务量累积次数。,BSC TCHDATA COUNTER,TFCONGSAS:在分配时的TCH拥塞计数器;由于无空闲的可用信道引起在分配或立即指配时分配失败,此时计数器加一。 TFCONGSHO:在切换时的TCH拥塞计数器;由于无空闲的可用信道引起在切换指配失败,此计数器加一。 TFNRELCONG:由于无线资源拥塞引起的掉线计数器。当TCH连接作为信令连接,而立即指配的结果是由于无线资源拥塞而释放连接,即TRA资源拥塞。在BSC间的越局切换存在资源拥塞的情况也会使计数器增加。,BSC TCHDATA COUNT
15、ER,TFDISQA:质差掉话计数器;有TFDISQAUL(上行)、TFDISQADL(下行)、TFDISQABL(上下行); TFDISTA:由于TA值太大引起的掉话计数器;TA大于TALIM; TFDISSS1、TFDISSS2、TFDISS3、TFDISSS4、TFDISSS5:由于信号强度低引起的掉话计数器,其中数字1、2、3、4、5是指不同CLASSMARK的手机; TFSUDLOS:非上述三种情况下引起的掉话归为突然性掉话,此计数器就是突然性掉话的计数器;不明原因的掉线是由于未收到MS的测量报告;,BSC TCHDATA COUNTER,HOVERCNT:发送至邻区的切换命令数目;
16、统计的为“HANDOVER COMMAND”。 HOVERSUC:成功切至邻区的次数;当收到来自MSC的由于切换成功的“CLEAR COMMAND”或“HANDOVER PERFORMED”或“ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE”发送至MSC时,计数器加一; HORTTOCH:由于切换至邻区的切换偿试失败而返回旧信道的次数;-回切次数;,BSC TCHDATA COUNTER,CCALLS:SDCCH分配偿试次数,包括成功与失败的分配; CCONGS:SDCCH拥塞计数器;由于无可用的空闲SDCCH信道引起的分配失败次数; CTCONGS:SDCCH拥塞时间计数器;当最后一个空闲的SDCC
17、H分配后,由于无空闲的信道引起新的SDCCH分配请求失败,此时启动CTCONGS计数器,每一秒计数器加一,直到有空闲信道为止; CTRALACC:SDCCH的总话务量,话务量累积器;计算在每小区上信道占用的次数;当信道从IDLE变为SEIZED时,计数器加一,当信道从SEIZED变为IDLE或BLOCK时,计数器减一;计数器每2秒扫描一次该小区内的所有SDCCH,把计数器结果累积到CTRALACC中;,BSC CCHDATA COUNTER,CNSCAN:统计周期内的扫描次数计数器;忙时SDCCH总话务量=CTRALACC/CNSCAN; CNDROP:SDCCH的掉话计数器; CNUCHCN
20、CFA:随机接入失败计数器;失败原因可能是:TA太大,或“SOFTWARE FILE CONGESTION”。,BSC CCHDATA COUNTER,RAEMCAL:紧急呼叫的随机接入次数;CAUSE VALUE:101X XXXX。CAUSE VALUE中前3比特是建立原因码;5个XXXXX是随机码。以识别同一时间接入的不同MS。(32只) RACALRE:呼叫重建的随机接入计数器。 RAANPAG:寻呼应答的随机接入计数器。 RAOSREQ:其它服务请求的随机接入计数器; RAOTHER:其它原因随机接入计数器;位置更新等。,BSC CCHDATA COUNTER,Type Counte
21、r name Description PC CNROCNT Number of accepted random accesses PC RAACCFA Failed random access PC RAEMCAL Number of random accesses, Emergency call PC RACALRE Number of random accesses, Call reestablishment PC RAANPAG Number of random accesses, Answer to paging. PC RAOSREQ Number of random accesse
22、s, Other service request. PC RAOTHER Number of random accesses, All other cases. PC RATRHFAEMCAL Number of rejected CHANNEL REQUIRED in TRH with establishment cause Emergency call. PC RATRHFAOTHER Number of rejected CHANNEL REQUIRED in TRH which are not included in RATRHFAEMCAL and RATRHFAREG. PC RA
23、TRHFAREG Number of rejected CHANNEL REQUIRED in TRH with establishment cause Location Update.,Random Access随机接入(RANDOMACC),Random Access随机接入(RANDOMACC),Random Access随机接入(RANDOMACC),TCH Traffic (CELL)Available TCH Channels (CELL)Time Congestion (CELL),Dimensioning of the TCH,TCH Congestion - Counters
24、 1,TCH Congestion - Counters 2,Type Counter name Description PC DP CCALLS Call attempt counter PC DJ CCONGS Congestion counter PC DJ CTCONGS SDCCH congestion time PC DP CTRALACC Traffic level accumulator PC CNSCAN Number of accumulations of SDCCH traffic level counter. PC CNDROP Dropped connections
25、due to failure. ST DP CNUCHCNT Number of defined channels PC DP CAVAACC Available channels accumulator PC CAVASCAN Number of accumulations of available channels counter. PC DP CMSESTAB Successful MS channel establishment on SDCCHs. PC DP CNRELCONG Number of SDCCHs released due to radio resource cong
26、estion.,Traffic Measurement for SDCCH per Cell CLSDCCH,Monitoring Performance, SDCCH,SDCCH Seizure Performance% SDCCH Establishment Performance%SDCCH Dropped Connection Rate%,SDCCH Traffic (CELL)Available SDCCH Channels (CELL)Congestion on SDCCH (CELL),Dimensioning of the SDCCH,Monitoring Performanc
27、e, HO on TCH and SDCCH,Handover Success Rate (CELL RELATION)MS Reversion after Handover (CELL RELATION)MS Lost during Handover (CELL RELATION),Handover Success Rate (CELL)MS Reversion after Handover (CELL)MS Lost during Handover (CELL),Monitoring Performance, Handover on SDCCH,Monitoring Performance
28、, Dropped Calls on TCH,Dropped Calls of Total TCH ConnectionCall Minutes per Drop (CELL)Subscriber Perceived Drop (CELL),More Information concerning Dropped Calls,Dropped TCH/F Connections due to Low Signal Strength of Total Number of Dropped TCH/F Connections%Dropped TCH/F Connections due to Bad Qu
29、ality of Total Number of Dropped TCH/F Connections% Suddenly lost Connections of Total Number of Dropped TCH Connections%,Type Counter name Description PC CDISQA Dropped connections at bad quality down or up link per cell PC CDISSS1 Dropped connections for power class 1 MSs, at low signal strength d
30、own or up link. PC CDISSS2 Dropped connections for power class 2 MSs, at low signal strength down or up link. PC CDISSS3 Dropped connections for power class 3 MSs, at low signal strength down or up link. PC CDISSS4 Dropped connections for power class 4 MSs, at low signal strength down or up link. PC
31、 CDISSS5 Dropped connections for power class 5 MSs, at low signal strength down or up link. PC CDISTA Dropped connections at excessive TA PC CDISQASUB Dropped connections at bad quality down or up link per overlaid subcell PC CDISSS Dropped connections at low signal strength down or up link per cell
32、. PC CDISSSSUB Dropped connections at low signal strength down or up link per overlaid subcell.,Measurements For Dropped Connections on SDCCH per Cell SDCCH 掉话统计CELLCCHDR,Traffic Measurement for TCH per Cell(CLTCH),Type Counter name Description ST DP TNUCHCNT Number of defined channels ST DP TNUCHSU
33、B Number of defined channels in overlaid subcell PC DP TAVAACC Available BPCs for traffic channels accumulator PC TAVASCAN Number of accumulations of available BPCs for traffic channels counter PC DP TAVASUB Available BPCs for traffic channels accumulator for overlaid subcell PC TAVASCANSUB Number o
34、f accumulations of available BPCs for traffic channels counter for overlaid subcell PC TASSALL Assignment attempts for all MS power classes. Successful attempts are counted in the target cell and failed attempts are counted in the serving cell. PC NONAVFCH Number of attempts to allocate channels of
35、TCH/F type when no channels of that type are defined. PC NONAVHCH Number of attempts to allocate channels of TCH/H type when no channels of that type are defined. PC TASSATT Number of assignment attempts on TCH Incremented always in the target cell. PC TCHSIG Number of TCH connections for signalling
36、,Type Counter name Description PC DJ TFNDROP Dropped connections due to failure. PC DJ TFCASSALL Assignment complete for all MS power classes PC DP TFMSESTB Successful MS channel establishment on TCHs PC DP TFMSESTBSUB Successful MS channel establishment on TCHs for overlaid subcell PC DP TFCALLS Ca
37、ll attempt counter PC DP TFCALLSSUB Call attempt counter for overlaid subcell PC DJ TFTCONGS TCH congestion time PC DJ TFTCONSUB TCH congestion time for overlaid subcell PC DP TFTRALACC Traffic level accumulator PC TFNSCAN Number of accumulations of traffic level counter PC DP TFTRALSUB TCH traffic
38、level accumulated in overlaid subcell. PC DJ TFNDROPSUB Dropped connections in overlaid subcell due to failure. PC DJ TFCASSALLSUB Assignment complete in overlaid subcell for all MS power classes. PC DJ TFCONGSAS Number of congestion at assignment PC DJ TFCONGSASSUB Number of congestion at assignmen
39、t in overlaid subcell PC DJ TFCONGSHO Number of congestion at handover PC DJ TFCONGSHOSUB Number of congestion at handover in overlaid subcell PC DJ TFNRELCONG Number of released TCH due to radio resource congestion. PC DJ TFNRELCONGSUB Number of released TCH due to radio resource congestion in over
40、laid subcell. PC DJ TFTHARDCONGS Counts the time when all radio resources are occupied (hard congestion) PC DJ TFTHARDCONGSSUB Counts the time when all radio resources are occupied (hard congestion) in the overlaid subcell,Measurements for Traffic Channels for Full Rate and hale Rate Connections Per
41、 Cell(CELTCHF),Measurements for Dropped Connections on TCH per Cell(CLTCHDRH),Type Counter name Description PC TFDISTA Dropped connections at excessive TA PC TFDISSS1 Dropped connections for classmark 1 MSs, at low signal strength downlink or uplink PC TFDISSS2 Dropped connections for classmark 2 MS
42、s, at low signal strength downlink or uplink PC TFDISSS3 Dropped connections for classmark 3 MSs, at low signal strength downlink or uplink PC TFDISSS4 Dropped connections for classmark 4 MSs, at low signal strength downlink or uplink PC TFDISSS5 Dropped connections for classmark 5 MSs, at low signa
43、l strength downlink or uplink PC DJ TFSUDLOS Suddenly lost connections PC DJ TFSUDLOSSUB Suddenly lost connections in overlaid subcell PC DJ TFDISSDL Dropped connections at low signal strength downlink PC DJ TFDISSDLSUB Dropped connections at low signal strength downlink in overlaid subcell PC DJ TF
44、DISSUL Dropped connections at low signal strength uplink PC DJ TFDISSULSUB Dropped connections at low signal strength uplink in overlaid subcell PC DJ TFDISSBL Dropped connections at low signal strength bothlink PC DJ TFDISSBLSUB Dropped connections at low signal strength bothlink in overlaid subcel
45、l PC DJ TFDISQADL Dropped connections at bad quality downlink PC DJ TFDISQADLSUB Dropped connections at bad quality downlink in overlaid subcell PC DJ TFDISQAUL Dropped connections at bad quality uplink PC DJ TFDISQAULSUB Dropped connections at bad quality uplink in overlaid subcell PC DJ TFDISQABL
46、Dropped connections at bad quality bothlink PC DJ TFDISQABLSUB Dropped connections at bad quality bothlink in overlaid subcell,Handover切换统计,正常切换相应计数器变化: HOTOKCL(1B:8F) TFCALLS(B0)HOVERCNT(95) TFMSESTB(25)HOVERSUC(1B:97),切换目标小区拥塞时相应计数器变化:,无线报表,D231:忙时SDCCH可用总数是指本地区交换机连接的所有基站中可以正常指派的SDCCH数目。 OBJECT TY
48、- CCONGS)? 信道损坏率= (CNUCHCNT- CAVAACC/CAVASCAN)/ CNUCHCNT; 弱信号掉线= CDISSS/ CNDROP; 质差掉线= CDISQA/ CNDROP;,CCH表计算公式,申请次数= TFCALLS; 分配次数= TFMSESTB; 话音接通率= TFMSESTB/ TFCALLS; 每线话务量=TFTRALACC/(TFNSCAN*AVCH) AVCH(可用信道数)=TAVAACC/TAVASCAN; 小区话务量=每线话务量*可用信道数 掉话率= TFNDROP/ D123,TCH表计算公式,D123:忙时系统应答总次数 是指该地区交换机接
49、受的各种用户的话音应答总次数。各种用户包括市话用户,模拟移动用户,GSM用户。话音应答次数是指不包括短消息和增值业务,包括呼叫转接的应答次数。久叫不应、系统回放录音通知、呼叫转移不成功不视为应答。统计的消息为“connect”和 ANC消息 D123 = NANSW of (ORGOEX + INT + SOTTE + SOTOEX + IEXTE + TRA) NNBRHBAISDHTOT of (all neighbour MSCs),TCH表计算公式,话务统计与指标处理与分析,IMLCT:SPG=0; SDTDP:RPTID=201,INT=1; END;INT的时间间隔有五种取值: INT=15 15分钟 INT=30 30分钟 INT=1 1个小时 INT=2 2个小时 INT=24 24个小时,直接通过指令实时打印统计报告,Statistics,