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类型修辞学: simile and metaphor.ppt

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    修辞学: simile and metaphor.ppt

    1、Chapter 2,Simile and metaphor,生动形象的明喻,My love is like a red, red rose Thats newly sprung in June; My love is like a melody Thats sweetly played in tune(Robert Burns) 啊,我爱人象红红的玫瑰, 在六月里苞放; 啊,我爱人象一支乐曲, 乐声美妙、悠扬。,I wondered lonely as a cloud我像一朵浮云独自漫游。 (William Wordsworth) Shall I compare thee to a summe

    2、rs day?我能把你比作夏日吗? (William Shakespeare) My heart is like a singing bird 我的心就象正在唱歌的小鸟。,明喻,Simile is a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another, in such a way as to clarify and enhance an image. It is an explicit comparison recognizable by the use of the words “like “ or “ as”.A dicti

    3、onary of Literary Terms 明喻是一事物被比作另一事物的修辞格。说得通俗一点,也就是打比方,即把要描述的事物本体(A)用比喻词与另一种具有鲜明的同一特征的事物喻体(B)联系起来。,明喻,明喻包括 本体( Primary term 或tenor) 喻体( Secondary term或vehicle)比喻词(simile marker)/comparative words or acknowledging words 本体指被比喻的对象 喻体指用来做比喻的对象 比喻词在本体和喻体之间起连接作用 一个完整的比喻通常由这三部分组成。它的基本表达方式:A像B;明白无误地表示出本体和

    4、喻体的比喻关系。,任何明喻必须具备以下条件:,(1)本体和喻体分属不同性质的事物并同时出现在句中;猫的眼睛像老虎的眼睛。The tiger is as brave as the lion.It is not a simile, because the things compared have too many points of resemblance. (2) 主体和喻体必须在某一点上(声色、形状、性质、 功能等)相似,即有所谓的相似点;(similarity)The diamond is as blue as the great sea.,常用比喻词有:,(3) 用比喻词之类的引导方式引导

    5、。I wondered lonely as a cloud. 常见的比喻词: like; unlike; it was a bit like; can be likened to ; as ; as if ; as though; as it were; as comparable to ; may be compared to ; similar to; akin to ; be analogous to ; etc.,examples,Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。,Life has often been li

    6、kened to a journey.人生常被喻为一段旅程。,She was the fattest woman I have ever seen in my life sitting in a small stool. It was as if a sack of grain was supported by a matchbox.,她是我平生所见过的最胖的女人,坐在一把直背椅子上打瞌睡,那简直就像一口袋粮食放在一个火柴盒上。,As if/ as though 引导的启发型明喻,其特点是通过暗示性的联想引发人们洞察深层的内涵,所设的比喻或许不一定能直接理解,但是一经思索,必达豁然,因此这一比

    7、喻有言近意远的效果。,The woman made him fetch and carry just as if he was a great Newfoundland dog.,这个女人叫他做这做那,简直把他当作一条纽芬兰的大狗。,The ruby shall be redder than a red rose, And the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea. (O. Wilde) 红宝石将比红玖瑰还要红, 蓝宝石像大海一样蓝。,Asas, more than句型与形容词同级比较、 比较级的比较在语法和结构上是一致的,但它们不是简单的比

    8、较,而是属于两类不同性质事物之间的比较,在形容同级和比较级的结构中,虽然也用as as 或more than把二者联系起来,但它只是一种简单的比较,而不是比喻。 He is as tall as his father. He us taller than his father.,不太常见的比喻词,1. 用A is to B what C is to D表示比喻关系在这个结构中,what作连接词,是just as(恰似、好比、正如)的意思, to是介词,有“对于”的意思。 前后呼应起来就是“A对于B正如C对于D一样”。特点是通过简单具体的形象说明复杂抽象的概念或过程。 The pen is to

    9、 a writer what the gun is to a fighter. Etiquette etiket to society is what apparel (prl 衣服, 服装) is to the individual礼节之于社会,犹如衣服之于个人。,上面的句型还可以作如下的替换:What C is to D, that A is to B或者As C is to D, so A is to B. What sculpture sklpt is to a block of marblem:bl,(that) education is to the soul教育之于心灵,犹如雕刻

    10、术之于大理石。 As the lion is king of beasts,so is the eagle king of birds本体是the eagle, 喻体是the lion,鹰为百鸟之王,正如狮为百 兽之王一样。,2. 用It is inwithas inwith表示比喻关系 It is in life as in a journey人生好比旅行。,读书和吃饭一样,得益的是实际在吃的人,而不是在一旁观望的人。,It is in studying as in eating;he who does it gets the benefits,and not he who sees it

    11、done,3. 用maymight as wellas表示比喻关系(正如不能也不能一样) You might as well throw your money away as spend it in gambling你把钱花在赌博上,还不如丢掉的好。 You might as well expect a river to flow backward as hope to move me你不能动摇我的心,正如不能使河水倒流一样。,4. 用no morelessthan或notany more than表示比喻关系(和/正如一样) Our village is no less beautiful

    12、than this picture我们的乡村同这幅画一样美丽。 There is no more dependence to be placed on his words than there is on the wind他的话不可信就像一阵风吹过,消失殆尽。 A home without love is no more a home than a body without soul is a man一个没有爱的家庭不能称之为家庭,正如一个没有灵魂的躯体不能称之为人一样。,5. 用and结构表示比喻关系(用于谚语中)A word and a stone let go cannot be cal

    13、led back 一言既出,如同抛石,无法收回. The strong man and the waterfall channel their own path 强者像瀑布,总是自辟蹊径。 Truth and oil are ever above真理如油一样,总是要占上方的。 Time and tide wait for no man 时光如流水,岁月不饶人。 Fish and visitors stink in three days 鱼肉易臭,访客难久.,注意:,习语:固定的,严肃的 注意英汉表达上的不同,文化上的差异。 As-as 句型:(喻体相同) As black as coal As

    14、 cunning as a fox As light as a feather As hard as a stone As handsome as a paint As graceful as a swan As cold as an ice,As rich as a Jew 富比犹太人 As poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 As plentiful as blackberries多如牛毛 as cool as cucumber 泰然自若 as stubborn as a mule犟得像牛as drunk as a rat烂醉如泥 as stupid as a goos

    15、e 愚蠢如猪 as soft as butter 像黄油一样软 as black as a cow 黑如乌鸦 as proud as a peacock 傲如孔雀,喻体不同,英语中的明喻是修辞研究中的主要内容之一。了解明喻的表现形式、修辞作用及其展现的丰富内涵和多姿的艺术魅力,有助于我们更好地表达思想,传情达意,拓宽文化视野,提高鉴赏力。,It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather

    16、than stated. For example, The world is a stage. 暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作浓缩了的明喻(a compressed simile)。它直接把一种事物名称用在另一事物上,即不在句中明确告诉读者A像B,而是简捷地说A是B,从而更生动、更深刻地说明事理,增强语言的表现力。,metaphor,A is like B in respect of C. A is the tenor (本体), B is the vehicle(喻体), and C is the ground (the likeness)(喻底) .,主体(思想对象),A,B,

    17、喻体(另一事物),Z,相似点,隐喻是用一个事物来表达另一事物,是一种“由此及彼”的转换。换言之,隐喻涉及两种事物,一个是出发点(tenor),一个为目的地(vehicle)。 隐喻在日常生活中比比皆是,我们用来思考和行动的常规概念系统本质上是以隐喻为基础的;隐喻是人类用来组织其概念系统的不可缺少的认知工具,是通过甲事物来理解乙事物的重要手段。隐喻给人类以观察世界的新方法和看待事物的新视角,是通向真实的一种途径。,隐喻与最相似的明喻(Simile)相比,它的寓意更深刻,内涵更丰富,更能发人深思,引人入胜。明喻直接指出两种不同事物的共同点;而隐喻则不然,它留有余地让读者去琢磨。如: He is l

    18、azy like a pig (他像猪一样懒。) 这是明喻,把lazy与pig直接连系起来,人们一看就明其意。 He is a bag of wind。 All his fingers are thumbs。,上面两句话,大家就要动脑筋去思考,探其寓意了。从字面上看,前句是说他是个充满气体的袋子,其实是说这个人只说不做。后句从字面上看是说他所有的手指都是大拇指,其实是讽刺这个人笨手笨脚,不会干活。,这样的比喻当然要比明喻深刻生动得多。就算一些比较生动的明喻也难收到隐喻深遂神韵的效果。 She is forty, and as tough and as sour as this bit of l

    19、emon peel 她年已四十,而倔强和乖张像这块柠檬皮一样。 这句运用了明喻手法,把这个女人的性格与柠檬皮相比,的确维妙维俏,使人忍俊不禁,但这毕竞是明摆的比喻,留给人们思考的余地就不多了。,Comparison,simile The news is as a dagger to his heart. Joe fought like a lion.The gossip was like a net that strangled her. Happiness is like sunshine: it is made up of very little beams.,metaphor The n

    20、ews is a dagger to his heart. Joe was a lion in the battle. She was strangled in the net of gossip. The sunshine of life is made of very little beams.,Difference between Simile and Metaphor,1)明喻常用“像,如,宛如,似”之类的比喻词,而隐喻则绝不用这一类词 。 2)明喻中的主体与喻体一定同时出现在句子中,而隐喻中的主体与喻体在句中却会有三种情况:或同时出现在句子中(visible);或句子只出现喻体,主体

    21、隐去;或句子中只有主体,喻体隐去(invisible)。 A:Would you buy her, that you inquire after her? B:Can the world buy such a jewel? 在这个例子中本体和比喻词都没有,直接由喻体jewel代替本体her.,Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested. 一些书浅尝即可,另一些书却要囫囵吞下,只有少数的书才值得咀嚼和消化。 此句的本体是book,喻体无疑应该是food,因为只

    22、有食物才能被“浅尝”、“吞下”等,但是作喻体的food却没有出现。喻体之意折射在有关进食的几个动词之中。,在隐喻中,本体与喻体的关系更密切,明喻是相类的关系,隐喻却是相合的关系。在隐喻中相似点经常没有陈述出来。 明喻表达直截了当,隐喻则隐晦含蓄。 Jim was a fox. (Jim was cunning, so was a fox),Money is the lens in a camera. (similar in what way? Unclear) more difficult to understand, more challenging, more concise and in

    23、teresting. (金钱是照相机的镜头。照相机的镜头反映出人的不同面貌,金钱则能检验出一个人的不同品质。),下面就英语的隐喻的相似性和表现形式及作一些粗略的介绍。 一.英语隐喻的相似点(similarity)隐喻是英语最重要的修辞手法之一。它把比喻的关系暗藏在句中。用作本体和喻体的词,在特征、事物或概念之间,有着相似性-即本体和喻体之间的相似点。,1.事物间的形状、形式、位置上的相似,小女孩像鸭子那样一摇一摆地走在妈妈的身后。,The baby daughter came waddling after her Mom.,See-sawing between partly good and

    24、faintly ominous, the news for the four weeks was never distinct.,在那以后的四个星期,消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断交替出现,一直没有明朗化。,2. 事物之间的功能相似 The root of the present international convulsive situation lies in the hegemony of the two superpowers.,目前国际动乱局势的根源在于两个超级大国的霸权主义。,在句中,root是一种比喻的说法,喻指一个物种或一种形势的起源,暗示着这一起源对物种的

    25、进行,对形势的发展有着非常重要的影响。作者把霸权主义比作滋生茎叶的根, 到处制造事端,干涉他国内政,使世界局势动荡不安。,They have been innocent sweethearts at the German University but their romance withered when they came back to England. 他们在德国大学读书时是天真无邪的恋人,但是,回到英国时,他们的浪漫关系就渐渐淡化了。 Wither指鲜花或植物由于缺乏水分而萎缩、干枯直至死亡。现用来比喻某事物变得越来越虚弱直到它完全无效或消亡。句中作者把他们的爱情的变故比作凋零的花朵。

    26、,3.事物之间的褒贬相似 What a dull speech! Hes merely parroting when many other have said.,多么枯燥的讲话!他只是鹦鹉学舌,重复许多人说过的话而已。,The row of penguins at the dinner table nodded approval as he sat down.,当他就座时,餐桌上的那批食客在像企鹅一样不停地点头哈腰表示赞同。,4.事物之间的特征和性质相似 There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the im

    27、perialists.帝国主义者的性情既残暴又狡猾。,Kissinger has always been a political chameleon, able on the coloration of his environment.,基辛格向来就是一条变色龙,善于随机应变。,二. 英语隐喻的表现形式,隐喻既然是一种比喻,也就有本体和喻体之分,联系本体和喻体的表达形式主要有以下几种: 1. 喻体直陈式 用to be 来连接本体和喻体,喻体一般体现在句子的表语部分。这是metaphor最基本的结构形式。,Mark Twain is a mirror of America.,句中突出本体和喻体的

    28、相似点。把马克 吐温比作一面镜子,暗示他的作品真实地反映了现实,揭示了美国社会中种种弊端,对现实社会的无情批判。,The face is the index of a man. 心中有事,必形于色。 “face”被比作作“index”,这一比喻把常人的喜怒哀乐的情感通过面部表情一一显露。生动形象,言简意赅。,2. 由词义的折射表示比喻关系 由于语言的不断发展,在英语中,特别是在现代英语中,有许多词可用于转义或引申为隐喻。这种且有隐喻意义的词可分为两种。,1)喻体半隐式,喻体半隐半现,此式中的喻体词语通常是由名词转化而来的动词,通过这个动词对动作或状态的描述,来发现这个名词所具有的喻体的特征。实

    29、际上这个动词的名词形式就是喻体。,Now for me life is coming to bud again as if in eternal spring. 现在,我的生命宛如花蕾在永恒的春天里又再次含苞欲放。,bud原指种子,此处用于转义,指发芽,长出花蕾,隐喻生命再次诞生,重新唤起作者对美好生活的渴望。,His plan to reduce the number of the workers boomeranged on him, and he lost his own job.,Boomerang原为澳大利亚等地土著人用作武器的一种飞镖,如果不能击中目标就能飞回原处。现boomera

    30、ng转义为“起反作用,人自食其果”。 Boomerang在句中运用具有讽刺的意味。他提出的裁减工人的建议,竟成了“一支回飞镖”到头来连自己的饭碗都没保住,自食其果。,A heavy silence blanketed the room. 整个房间沉浸在一片静默中。,They stormed the speaker with questions.,他们猛烈质问演讲者。,另一种是喻体并未出现,实际上比喻却暗含其中,即以适用于喻体的词语来充当喻体。由于喻体全部隐去,比喻则显得更为复杂,这就需要读者根据语境和词语的内在联系进行分析,由表及里,寻找出真正的喻体,从而深入地理解隐喻的内涵。,2)喻体全隐式

    31、,The one place not have dictionaries is in a sitting room or at a dinning table. Look the thing up the next morning, but not in the middle of the conversation. Otherwise one will bind the conversation, one will not let it flow freely here and there.,有一个地方不应该带字典,那就是客厅或餐桌上。你可以次日早晨再查,但不要在说话中去查字典,否则你全把说

    32、话捆住,使它不能自由舒畅。,此处将“说话中查字典”比作“绳子(a string)”,但是,string并出现,而是以描写string 的动词bind来充当喻体,bind的运用着墨经济,形象逼真,耐人寻味。,3. 主体隐去,只有喻体出现 The sunshine of life is made of very little beams.,生活的阳光由非常细小的光束构成。,Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested 一些书浅尝即可,另一些书却要囫囵吞下,只有少数

    33、的书才值得咀嚼和消化,More examples,1)动词构成的隐喻 A bright idea suddenly struck him. 把a bright idea比喻为一种东西。 Her hostility melted. 把人的“敌意”当作“冰霜”来描写。 His present hunger awoke and gnawed at him. 把“饥饿”比喻为一种凶狠的动物。,2)形容词构成的隐喻(本体和喻体的关系表现为修辞语和中心词的关系) His clothes are loud. 他的衣服太花哨了。 Her answer was cold. 她回答冷冰冰的。 He has the

    34、 microwave smile that warms another person without heat. 他有一种微波式的微笑,不加热就能使别人温暖。,3.修辞性隐喻,1)用of 连接喻体和本体,这是metaphor的另一结构, of的前面是比喻的喻体,of后面是比喻的本体。喻体对本体起修辞作用。多见于文学作品中。 I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! 我落入生活的荆棘中。我淌血!,He nodded toward the corner to where the giant stood, his thick arms crossed on h

    35、is hogshead of a chest.他朝那彪形大汉站着的墙点了点头。大汉那粗壮的胳膊交叉在他那大桶似的胸前。,an oyster of a man the pain of separation a grain of hope a shower of letter a sea of blood a storm of applause a mountain of a man a mere dot of a child a girl of a boy,沉默寡言的人 分离的痛苦 一线希望 信件如雪片 血流成河 暴风雨般的掌声 一个身材魁梧的人 一个小不点大的孩子 一个羞答答的男孩,4)拟人化

    36、的隐喻,是拿人体的一部分比喻一些无生命的东西的一种隐喻。它们也是由介词来连接两个名词,介词和后面的名词构成介词短语修饰前边的名词。 The village is at the foot of a hill. Lets go to see the mouth of the volcano.,Metaphor的扩展类型,Extended metaphor延喻,Extender metaphor是英语中一种很常见的连续用喻,延喻同一般的明喻、隐喻、类比等复合引串而成。从不同的角度设喻,用几个喻体说明同一个主体,揭示喻体的多方面特征,使语境层层加深,层层扩展。(特点:喻体+延伸体) All the w

    37、orlds a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. (Shakespeare),All the worlds a stage是比喻的核心,后面的比喻都是由此而引申出来的。莎士比亚巧妙地运用延喻的修辞手法对整个世界,对所有的男男女女以及他们的所作所为做了精辟的比喻,成为了醒世绝句。他把大千世界比做舞台(stage)

    38、,把芸芸众生比作这舞台上的演员(players),而人的生死比作登场(entrances)和退场(exits),把人生的所作所为比作各种不同的角色(parts)。全诗构成一个完美的延喻。,Sustained metaphor,博喻 一个本体并列使用两个以上喻体的比喻。为了加强某个事物,给人以深刻印象,表达者从不同角度多方面设喻,说明本体或一个本体的多个侧面。因为常出现在莎士比亚的作品中,所以也称为“莎士比亚”比喻。 Cool was I and logical, keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astuteI was all of the

    39、se. My brain was powerful as a dynamo, as precise as a chemists scales, as penetrating as scalpel. (明喻) 我的大脑像发电机一样效力强大,像化学家的天平一样精确,像手术刀一样锐利。,Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good, A shining gloss that vadeth suddenly; A flower that dies when first it begins to bud; A brittle glass thats broken pres

    40、ently; 美貌只不过是变幻莫测的浮影; 华彩耀目却会突然失去光明; 花儿刚刚绽放转瞬即已枯萎; 玻璃一经敲碎眼前顾失晶莹;,一物数喻,通过a shining glass, a flower, a brittle glass三个喻体的描绘,把“美是浮光掠影,转瞬即逝”的立论鲜明而突出地呈现出来。,Exercises,All the following sentences contain metaphors. Rewrite these sentences, using plain, non-figurative language. 1.He is said to be a rough dia

    41、mond. 2.They are birds of a feather. 3.Your case is a horse of another color. 4. He is a dog in the manger. 5. He is a bag of wind. 6.That remark was a shot at me.,7. You are the backbone of the team. 8. She swallowed his story, hook, line and sinker. 9.His bark is worse than his bite. 10. He needle

    42、d his way through the crowd.,answer,1.He is said to be a man of excellent parts, but lacking social polish. 2.They are people of the same sort. 3.Yours is quite different case. 4. He holds on to a post without doing any work. 5.He talks a lot and does nothing. 6. That remark aimed at me. 7. You are the key member of the team. 8. She believed his story entirely. 9.He is bad-tempered but not so dangerous. 10.He made his way through the crowd.,end,

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