1、1Lesson 1VocabularyALook up the following words and phrasesSelect the meaning that best suits the sentence in which each appears1the state of being human2harmless or trivial lie,espone told in order to avoid hurting sb3person regarded as a disgrace or a failure by other members of his family or grou
2、p4to defeat5stating sthas truth firmly and forcefully6to make the greatest possible effort7mistaken8lack of9rallying callExplain the following in your own words,bringing out any implied meanings1It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no
3、 importance to see that they are humans,the same as any other people2If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists,if you really respectyourself,thinking that you are a Man,equal to anyone else,you will be able to take part inthe struggle against racial discrimination3The lib
4、eration of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himselfherselfOnly when heshe is fully convinced that heshe is a Man Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can heshe throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free4Power in the best form of function is the carrying out of the demands o
5、f justice with love andjustice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way oflove with power5At that time,the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was was to see howmuch money he had made(or how wealthy he was)6A person was poor because he was laz
6、y and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right andwrong7This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done.because they are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to be fed and clothed8when the unfair practice of judging human value
7、 by the amount of money a person has is done away with9Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of GodOnly 2those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven10Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwilling or reluc
8、tant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discriminationKey to Translation1一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。2为了挫败各种蓄意培植的低人一等的心态,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。3黑人必须以一种竭尽全力自尊自重的精神,大胆抛弃自我克制的枷锁。4必须懂得没有爱的权力是毫无节制、易被滥用的,而没有权利的爱则是多愁善感、脆弱无力的。5正是这种邪恶的权力和没有权势的道义的冲突构成了我们时代的主要危机。6在本世纪之初,这种建议会受到嘲笑和遣责,认为它对主动性和责任感起负面作用。7事实上,
9、人们从事改善人类处境的工作,从事传播知识、增强实力、丰富文学财富以及升华思想 的工作并不是为了谋生。8它能够花费几十亿美元帮助上帝的孩子自立于这个世界。9除非主张暴力的少数人得到大多数人的同情与支持,不和他们对抗,否则,暴力革命很少或者 说几乎没有成功的。10我们要懂得道义的苍穹长又长,但它终将落向正义。Lesson 2Vocabulary1. a woman ballet dancer2. control panelbutton on the TV set3. to be interested in4. to fascinate5. to use the right rhythm and s
10、peed6. imagination 7. a first show in public8. to turn round and round 9. to move with high steps10. untidy mixture11. sign at the end of line in music indicating a parts to be repeated12. to fasten, cannot move13. complete failure14. performance15. the man who adjusts the strings of a musical instr
11、ument16. treated chemically so as to resist the attacks from mothsExplain the following in your own words,bringing out any implied meanings1. I imagined myself as different types of prodigy, trying to find out which one suited me the best. 2. I had new thoughts, which were filled with a strong spiri
12、t of disobedience and rebellion. 3. The girl was Shirley Temple-like, slightly rude but in an amusing way. 34. When I said those words, I felt that some very nasty thoughts had got out of my chest, and so I felt scared. But at the same time I felt good, relieved, because those nasty things had been
13、suppressed in my heart for some time and they had got out at last. 5. I could feel that her anger had reached the point where her self-control would collapse, and I wanted to see what my mother would do when she lost complete control of herself. 6. When the lid to the piano was closed, it shut out t
14、he dust and also put an end to my misery and her dreams. Key to Translation1.我的头发没有做出我要的大卷花,而是给我弄成一头乱蓬蓬的黑色小卷毛。2.在她告诉我答案前,她对了对手中的杂志,看看赫尔辛基是否能这样发音。3.她似乎被这音乐吸引住了。这钢琴曲不长,但有点狂乱,有着迷人的特点,乐曲一开始是快节奏的接着是欢快跳动的节拍,然后又回到嬉戏的部分。4.如果她的才气和脾气一样大的话,她早就出名了。5.我最喜欢练习的部分是花哨的谢幕行礼动作:先出右脚,脚尖点在地毯上的玫瑰图案上,身子侧摆,左腿弯曲,抬头,微笑。6.一股凉气从
15、头顶开始,然后一点点传到全身。但我却不能停止演奏,双手好像着了魔似的。我不停地想,我的手指会调整好,就像火车会被扳到正确的轨道上。7.她的脸部失去了表情,嘴巴紧闭,双臂无力地垂下。她退出了房间,神色惊异,好像一小片枯黄的树叶被风吹走那样单薄、脆弱、毫无生气。8.我第一次,或好像感觉是第一次,注意到右边的乐曲。它的名称是“心满意足”。我也试着弹这首曲子。它的曲调比较轻松,但节奏同样流畅,不是很难。 “祈求的孩子”较短、较慢,而“ 心满意足”更长、更快一些。在我弹了几遍后,我意识到,原来这两个曲子是同一首歌的两个组成部分。Lesson 4Vocabulary A.1. the theater, d
16、rama, or acting as a profession2. in a good repute; having a good reputation; well-thought-of; respectable3. ghostly image or figure; ghost4. a messenger of God; a person regarded as being as beautiful, good, innocent, etc. as an angel, esp. said of women or children5. a current of air in a room6. 1
17、 ) ability, skill or application of a skill; 2) (pl) sly, cunning tricks fine skill or aptitude in creating or expressing what is beautiful, esp. in visual form7. praise; approval for an act; abiliy or a quality8. (pl) the money or profit derived from a sale, business venture, etc.9. (fml) to cause
18、a particular physical condition10. to look closely and inquisitively11. a state in which you behave as if you were asleep but are still able to hear and understand what is said to you, similar to the unconscious state412. in name onlyExplain the following in your own words, bring out any implied mea
19、nings.1. If you want to be a musician or a painter, you must own a piano or hire models, and you have to visit or even live in cultural centers like Paris, Vienna and Berlin. And also you have to be taught by masters and mistresses. However, if you want to be a writer, you dont need all this.2. Thos
20、e conventional attitudes would have taken away the most important part of my writing, the essence of my writing.3. Thus, whenever I felt the influence of the Victorian attitudes on my writing, I fought back with all my power.4. It was a sensible thing for men to give themselves great freedom to talk
21、 about the body and their passions. But if women want to have the same freedom, men condemn such freedom in women. And I do not believe that they realize how severely they condemn such freedom in women, nor do I believe that they can control their extremely severe condemnation of such freedom in wom
22、en.5It will take a long time for women to rid themselves of false values and attitudes and to overcome the obstacle to telling the truth about their body and passions.6. Even when the path is open to women in name only, when outwardly there is nothing to prevent a woman from being a doctor, a lawyer
23、, a civil servant, inwardly there are still false ideas and obstacles impeding a womans progress.7. (Through fighting against the Angel in the House, through great labor and effort, ) you have gained a position or certain freedom in a society Which has been up to now dominated by men.Translate the f
24、ollowing into Chinese.APhrases1指导我向前走 2家庭财力/经济 3扼住她的喉咙4在无意识的最深层 5不用修辞手段、直截了当地说6男性极端的因循守旧 7以什么为条件/在什么样的条件下BSentences1就是她,在我写评论时,总是在我和我的写作之间制造麻烦。2下面我要说说多少是我自己决定做的一件事情,当然做此事的功劳主要还应归功于我那了不起的祖先,是他们给我留下了一笔财产比如说每年 500 英镑吧这样我就不必完全靠女人的魅力去谋生了。3我相信,只有妇女在人类知识所涉及的全部文艺艺术和专业领域中用创造形式表达自己的情感后,她们才知道什么是妇女。4他希望在他写作时,每天
25、见的人、读的书、做的事都是相同的,这样任何事物都不会打破他生活的幻想,也不会扰乱他的四处探求以及对那令人难以捉摸的东西即想像力的突然发现。5尽管如此,我请你们想像我在迷睡的状态中写小说。6她意识到男人们会如何议论一个敢讲有关激情真话的女人,这使她从艺术家的无意识状态了。7从内心精神方面看,情况颇为不同。妇女还要与许多鬼怪展开斗争,还有许多偏见需要克服。8讨论和界定这些障碍是十分重要的,因为只有如此我们才能共同努力克服困5难。9那些目的是什么,对这个问题我们不能想当然,而要不断地提出疑问和进行审视。Lesson 5Vocabulary A1. (colloq) a long time 2. to
26、 offer as an opinion; to suggest; to propose 3. the action of fleeing or running away from (Here it means the narrator suddenly stopped. ) 4. conforming to the current fashions, or active in the main current of affairs 5. (American colloquialism) designating a girl whose sexual attractiveness makes
27、her a subject for the kind of pictures often pinned up on walls 6. the word applies to posture, specifically stresses the physical aspects of a persons bearing, e.g. an erect carriage 7. (American slang) good, fine, excellent, etc., a general term of approval8. to lessen the force of; to weaken, as
28、by euphemism 9. (American colloquialism or slang) a pleasure 10. (formal and humorous)to put, lay or set down 11. a concise statement of the main points of a law case, usu. field by counsel for the information of the court 12. (American slang) an exclamation of disgust, scorn, disappointment, refusa
29、l, etc. 13. stopping; relaxing 14. (American slang) rich, prosperous Explain the following in your own words, bringing out any implied meanings; 1. I believe following passing crazes shows a complete lack of sound judgment. 2. One afternoon, when I went back to my dorm, Petey was lying on his bed. H
30、e wore such a depressed look that I came to the conclusion at once that he was suffering from appendicitis. 3. My brain, which is as precise as a chemists scales, began to work at high speed. 4. She was beautiful and attractive enough to arouse the desires and passions of men, but 1 would not let fe
31、elings or emotions get the upper hand of reason or good sense. 5. She was not yet fully developed like pin-up girls but 1 felt st, re that, given time, she would fill up and become just as glamorous. 6. In fact, she went in the opposite direction. This is a sarcastic way of saying that she was rathe
32、r stupid. 7. If youre no longer involved with her (if you stop dating her) others would be free to compete for her friendship. 8. His head turned hack and forth (looking at the coat then looking away from the coat). Every time he looked, his desire for the coat grew stronger and his resolution not t
33、o give away Polly became weaker. 9. To teach her to think appeared to be a very big task, and at first I even thought of giving her back to Petey. 610. There is a limit to what any human being can bear. VI. Translate the following into Chinese: A. phrases: Key to Translation1. 像查尔斯兰姆这样快乐和富有创新精神的人物并不
34、常见,他写了古瓷和梦中的孩子两篇文章,这两篇文章可以说解放了散文。2. 那么,就读读下面这篇文章吧,它将向我们展示逻辑并不是一门枯燥乏味、迂腐不堪的学科;恰恰相反,逻辑是一个活生生的事物,充满美丽、激情和心灵的创伤。3. 我的头脑和发电机一样的强大,和药剂师的天平一样精确,和手术刀一样锐利。4. 她亭亭玉立、体态优雅,这一切表明她出身高贵。5. 我一下子打开了手提箱,露出气味刺鼻的一团毛乎乎的东西。6. 这么可爱的人可不容易找。7. 我要是意志不坚定,我就不是我了。8. 我皱了一下眉头,但鼓足勇气地继续往下讲。9. 也许, 在她死火山般的脑袋里,还有一点余火仍在闪烁冒烟。10. 这回菠莉该动心
35、了(应该能达到我的目的了) ,我双臂交叉在胸前,想道。Lesson 10Vocabulary A 1a particular kind of red, green,blueetc ; 2(degree or depth)of color any source of benefit 3sth taken by force in war 4program of things to be done 5to show as by facial expression6general attitude tO life and the world becoming more strict and deter
36、mined and less sympathetic 7to weaken or give up(oneS principles,ideals ,etc)as for reasons of expediency 8the physical location of certain states,their access to and from the sea,control over sea and land transportation routes and the availability of natural resources 9to calculate the size,amount,
37、or rate of sthas it will be in the future, using the information one has 10any other commodity used as a medium of exchange Explain the following in your own words, bring out any implied meanings.1 In our memory , the pre-September 11 world was peaceful ,happy and safe (overlooking the fact that thi
38、s was not the case) and we will talk about those days with a feeling of deep respect and love which can only be found in talking about dead people.2 In order to win the way, we might have to give up some of the basic values and liberties we treasure most. This might be the cost we have to pay.3 They
39、 are planning to carry out the plan of expanding the power of law enforcement agencies at home and of striking at the “axis of evil ” abroad so as to 7extend American domination into areas originally beyond American reach ,such as Central Asia .Hence ,the colonization of the future .4 Which takes fo
40、r granted that people think in a simple and uniform way while actually the feelings, thoughts and views of the American people are as varied as America itself?5 The terrorist attacks put us at the bottom of the hierarchy of human needs, trying hard to reestablish our confidence in physical safety, t
41、he lowest type of safety.6 We are used to thinking that Western democracies practice rule of law and individual rights and freedom are protected by law. Violation of individual rights and suppression of dissenting voices can only be found in repressive regimes.7 People began to put less emphasis on
42、the pursuit of wealth and possession of worldly goods. And the other two dangerous symptoms that went with materialism, that is physical separation from others and irrational behavior as a result of impulse also became less serious .Materialism, together with the accompanying symptoms of separation
43、and compulsion, had been the cause of the ruin of community in this country.8 At a time when it is highly important for Americans to look into ourselves and ask ourselves why “they hate us”, this concept directs our attention and thinking away from such analysis.9 History records many crimes committ
44、ed by human beings which are so horrible that they defy description.10. In spite of the fact that these images are horrible images, images of large-scale atrocity, we still take care to keep alive these images.Key to Translation1. 纽约扬基体育场上空的空域关闭,禁止飞机通过。在体育场的屋顶上,部署了一排狙击手。2. 副总统的保卫人员匆匆地把他从一个地方转移到另外一个地
45、方能够,就像他那难以对付的死敌奥斯马,本拉登可能在世界另一端从一个山洞转移到另一个山洞一样。3. 带着惆怅的心情,我们目送记忆的小筏载着 9.11 前的世界,在一种怀旧的黯淡色彩中漂流而去。4. 为了寻找安慰,整个国家都用国旗裹装起来,就像一个小孩披上超人的斗篷,扮演一个无敌英雄。5. 没有什么地方看不到星条旗。6. 但我们中许多人是用这些个人权利来定义个人安全和民族性的。7. 每次,危及似乎都肯定会产生一种新的模式,使这种暴行永远不会再发生然而暴行又一次发生了。8. “组成这个国家的人民有多强大,这个国家就多强大;人民希望国家如何发展,国家就会如何发展, ”詹姆斯。鲍德温写道。 “我们使我们居住的世界成了这个样子,我们有必要重造这个世界。 ”9. 他和飞机上的其他乘客并没有受卑劣的恐惧心理所左右而不敢行动这就是勇气的真正的含义。10. 当这架注定要摔下来的飞机还在高空飞翔时,恰恰就在这短暂的时间里,美国的民主理想升至顶峰。两者结合在一起真是一种可怕的讽刺。8