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1、 第 1页 共 48页 XXXX Vehicle Safety Systems Co., Ltd.主控文件以电子版本保存并提供给全体成员使用 主控文件的打印拷贝仅作参考管理手册Management Manual目 录 目 录 -1 批 准 页 - 使用指南 - 3 1 公司简介 -4 2 质量 Ltd located at No.XXX#XXXRoad ,XXXIndustrial District ,Shanghai. 4.1 总则 General 4.1.1 质量体系文件 Quality management sy stem documentation 本公司按 ISO/TS16949:2

2、002 标准要求,建立文件化的管理体系并进行实施、维护和持续改进其有效性,以: XXXX has established, documented and implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2002. The system is maintained and continually improved on effectiveness . a)明确质量管理体系所需的过程及其在公司中的应用; b) 确定这些过程的顺序和相互作用; c)确定所

3、需的准则和方法,以确保这些过程的有效运行和控制; d) 确保可获得必要的资源和信息,以支持这些过程的运行和监控; e) 监视、测量和分析这些过程; f) 采取必要的措施,以实现这些过程策划的结果和对这些过程的持续改进; g)上述质量管理体系所需的过程包括与管理活动、资源提供、产品实现和测量有关的过程,控制整个来自外包的过程并不能免除本公司符合所有顾客要求的职责。 In designing and implementing the QMS XXXX has: 第8 页 共48页 XXXX Vehicle Safety Systems Co., Ltd.主控文件以电子版本保存并提供给全体成员使用

4、主控文件的打印拷贝仅作参考管理手册Management Manuala) Identified the processes needed for the QMS and their application throughout the organization. b)Determined the sequence and interaction of these processes,. c)Determined criteria and methods needed to ensure that the operation and control of the processes are ef

5、fective. d)Ensured the continuing availability of resources and information necessary to Achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes; e)Established systems to monitor, measure and analyze these processes, and f)Established processes to identify and implement actions necessar

6、y to Achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes. g)The above process needed for QMS includes management activities ,resources provision ,product realization and measurement . Control of outsourcing processes does not absolve XXXXs responsibility to conform to customer requi

7、rements. 4.1.2 环境管理体系文件 Environment management system a) 环境体系的建立和运行,由本管理手册表述和规定,并由环境体系文件来保证。 b) 环境体系的建立和选用,既根据自身具体情况,又符合国际标准提出的要求。 c) 管理手册是阐述公司环境方针、建立和实施环境体系的主要文件,旨在规范本公司的环境管理体系,使产品、服务与活动等皆符合 ISO14001 标准的要求及环保法规的规定。 d) 环境控制程序文件是规定实施环境活动方法的文件,有关环境的活动必须按程序文件来实施。 a)The establishment and implementation

8、of environment management system is stated and defined in the management manual ,and assured by EMS documents. b)The establishment and adoption of management system is applicable for XXXX and is in compliance with the requirements of international standard. c)The management manual is the main docume

9、nt of environment policy description and EMS establishment ,implementation and standardization ,for the compliance of organizations product ,service and activities with ISO14001 standard. d)The environment control procedure describes the method of EMS implementation. Any activities related to enviro

10、nment shall be performed in compliance with the procedures. 4.1.3 职业健康安全管理体系文件 OHS management system document a) 本管理手册对 OHSAS18001:1999 的要素及其相互之间的关系进行了描述,并对公司如何满足标准要求进行了描述。 b 体系文件的建立,既要符合标准的要求,又要根据自身具体情况,但为了效率,我们鼓励尽量少的文件。 c) 本管理手册是阐述公司方针、建立和实施体系的主要文件,它为公司的职业健康安全管理体系文件提供了索引。 d) 文件可采用纸面、电子媒体或其它任何形式。 a

11、)The management manual describes the elements of OHSAS18001 : 1999 and the relationship between the elements, and the way in which how the normative requirements are met. b)The established management system is applicable for XXXX and is in compliance with the requirements of the international standa

12、rd. For consideration of efficiency ,it is recommended 第9 页 共48页 XXXX Vehicle Safety Systems Co., Ltd.主控文件以电子版本保存并提供给全体成员使用 主控文件的打印拷贝仅作参考管理手册Management Manualthat less procedures be prepared. c) The management manual is the main document of policy description and systems establishment, implementatio

13、n and standardization. It provides the list and index of OHS management documents. d) The documentation can be in any form or type of media such as hard copy, e-media etc. 4.1.4 三个体系整合的思路 Integration of 3 management systems 以质量管理体系的要素(管理职责、资源管理、产品实现和测量、分析和改进)为母体,将ISO14001 及 OHSAS18001 标准要素打散,按照要素加成(

14、相似、相近要素合并)、流程整合的方式进行整合。 The integrated management system is structured according to the form of quality management system including the sections such as management responsibility, product realization, measurement, analysis and improvement. The similar normative elements of ISO14001 Select the castof

15、f disposition organization and trace the way of disposition (8)有关环境& 职业健康安全要求的外包厂商、原材料供应商等的选择; Selection of outsourced &materials supplier relating to Environment and OHS requirements . (9) 负责包装物的管理; Package goods management. (10) 油类、化学品的运输、入库、保管、发放等管理;仓库的安全、消防管理; Oil/chemicals transportation, stora

16、ge ,distribution ,warehouse safety ,fire-protection management. (11) 对相关方宣传本公司的环境及职业健康安全方针等,与外部共享环境及职业健康信息。 Publicize to interested parties the EHS policy and share the EHS information. 财务部 financial department (1) 负责公司财务收支工作; Income and expense management (2) 负责提供质量成本; quality cost provisio

17、n (3) 负责财务票证的管理。 Financial receipt management . (4) 环保与安全成本核算; Environment and safety cost accounting (5) 环境与安全改进资金筹措。 Fund provision for environment and safety improvement. XXXX 的职责参见XXXX 职责手册 XXXX see XXXX Responsibility Manual 各部门通用职责 Common responsibility of all department (1) 本

18、部门环境和危险因素识别; Identifying the environment and danger factors of respective department. (2) 遵守已确认适用的法律、法规及其他要求; Observing the defined appropriate regulatory and other requirements. (3) 本部门目标、指标和管理方案的制定与实施; Ensuring that respective objectives ,indicators and management plan are set and fulfilled. (4) 负

19、责相应业务范围内的外部信息和本部门的信息交流,并配合环境& 职业健康安全管理人员做好信息交流、传递和处理工作; external and internal Communication about related business and responsibility , assistance of 第21页 共48页 XXXX Vehicle Safety Systems Co., Ltd.主控文件以电子版本保存并提供给全体成员使用 主控文件的打印拷贝仅作参考管理手册Management Manualcommunication ,transfer and disposition for env

20、ironment and OHS management personnel. (5) 实施相关的体系文件; Implementation of related system procedures. (6) 对本部门潜在环境& 职业健康安全事故和紧急情况的确定并进行控制,负责组织本部门的应急准备与响应以及事故的消除工作; Determination and control of potential environmental and OHS accident and contingency of respective department , contingency plan ,response

21、 and elimination. (7) 负责本部门运行情况的日常和定期监测; Daily and periodical monitoring to operation of respective department. (8) 对不符合现象进行调查,分析原因,提出并实施纠正与预防措施; Investigation ,cause analysis ,corrective and preventive actions to non-compliance . (9) 做好本部门的环境和安全记录并按规定保存; Record of environment and security and recor

22、d retention . (10)配合工厂进行内部审核; Assist in the internal audit. (11)确保工厂环境& 职业健康安全管理体系的正常运行。 Ensuring the normal operation of environment & OHS management system. 5.5.2 客户代表 Customer Representative 公司指定专人,在陈述质量要求时代表顾客需求,如选择特殊特性,确定质量目标、培训、纠正和预防措施,产品设计和开发等方面的要求。 Company designates personnel with responsib

23、ility and authority to ensure that customers requirements are addressed . This includes selection of special characteristics ,setting quality objectives ,related training, corrective and preventive actions , product design and development. 5.5.3 内部交流 Internal communication 公司应建立适当的沟通过程,如质量/ 环境/ 安全例会

24、、生产例会等,确定员工代表,以确保管理体系及其有效性在相关部门间得到沟通。具体参见公司信息管理控制程序。 Some appropriate communication processes are established e.g. Quality/Environment/Safety/Production meeting, employee representative designation within the company and to ensure that communication takes places regarding the effectiveness of the ma

25、nagement system, See details in Company Communication Management Control Precedure. 5.6 管理评审 Management Review 5.6.1 总则 总经理按照规定的时间间隔进行管理评审,以确保其持续的适宜性、充分性和有效性。评审频次每年至少一次,当出现重大管理体系问题或顾客/ 相关方严重抱怨或总经理认为必要时,可以适当增加评审次数。评审应包括评价管理体系改进的机会和变更的需要,包括: GM reviews the companys management ,at planned intervals, to

26、 ensure its continuing suitability ,adequacy and effectiveness .The reviews shall be carried out at least once each year .reviews can be conducted more frequently if any serious problems of management system or serious complaints from customer or interested party occurs ,or GM think if necessary. Th

27、is reviews shall include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes 第22页 共48页 XXXX Vehicle Safety Systems Co., Ltd.主控文件以电子版本保存并提供给全体成员使用 主控文件的打印拷贝仅作参考管理手册Management Manualto the management ,including: a)质量 &环境 &职业健康安全方针、管理体系、质量/ 环境 /职业健康安全目标的适宜性及有效性的评价; b)质量/ 环境/ 职业健康安全目标的达成状况;

28、 c)内部审核结果以及管理体系全部要素的表现趋势; d)持续改进,质量成本的常规报告及有效性评审; e)顾客满意度,顾客抱怨的处理及纠正预防措施的处理结果; f) 相关方抱怨。 a) assessing suitability and effectiveness of policy &objectives of QEHS system and the management system. b) achievements of QEHS objectives. c) results of internal audit ,performance trends of all elements of

29、management system d) continuous improvement ,quality cost report and effectiveness reviews. e) customer satisfaction ,corrective and preventive actions carried out to customer complaints . f) complaints from interested parties. 5.6.2 评审输入 Review input 管理评审的输入包括以下内容:the input to management review inc

30、ludes information on : a)管理体系、过程审核结果; b)顾客/ 相关方反馈; c)过程的业绩、安全业绩和产品的符合性; d)预防和纠正措施的状况; e)上一次管理评审的跟踪措施; f)可能影响管理体系的变化; g)改进建议; h)已出现及潜在的现场失效及其对质量、安全或环境影响的分析。 a) results of audits b) complaints from customer or interested parties c) process/safety performance and product conformity. d) status of preven

31、tive and corrective actions. e) follow-up actions from previous management reviews. f) changes that could affect the management system. g) recommendation for improvement. h) analysis of actual and potential field failures and their impact quality ,safety or the environment. 5.6.3 评审输出 Review output

32、管理评审输出应包括与以下内容相关的措施: a)管理体系及其过程有效性的改进; b)与顾客要求有关的产品的改进; c)资源需求; d)相关方要求; e)有关环境/ 职业健康安全改进。 第23页 共48页 XXXX Vehicle Safety Systems Co., Ltd.主控文件以电子版本保存并提供给全体成员使用 主控文件的打印拷贝仅作参考管理手册Management ManualThe output from the management review includes any decisions and actions related to : a) improvement of th

33、e effectiveness of the management system and its process. b) improvement of product related to customer requirements c) resources needs. d) requirements from interested parties e) improvement of environment and OHS. 5.7 支持性文件 Supportive documents 5.7.1服务控制程序Service Control Procedure 5.7.2业务计划控制程序Bus

34、iness Plan Control Plan 5.7.3管理评审控制程序 Management Review Control Procedure 5.7.4质量成本控制程序Quality Cost Control Procedure 5.7.5环境因素识别与评价控制程序 Environment Factor Identification and Evaluation Control Procedure 5.7.6法律法规及其他要求控制程序 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Control Procedure 5.7.7公司信息管理控制程序Compan

35、y Communication Management Control Procedure 5.7.8危害识别及风险评估控制程序Hazard Identification and Risk Evaluation Control Procedure 第24页 共48页 XXXX Vehicle Safety Systems Co., Ltd.主控文件以电子版本保存并提供给全体成员使用 主控文件的打印拷贝仅作参考管理手册Management Manual资源管理 Resource management 6.0 目的与范围 Goal and scope 本章节覆盖了:质量管理体系的 6(资源管理)条款

36、;环境管理体系的 4.4.2(能力、培训和意识) 、 4.4.7(应急准备和响应)条款;职业健康安全管理体系标准的 4.4.1(组织结构和职责)、 4.4.2(培训、意识和能力)条款。确保公司能充分提供资源,并进行有效管理。适用于公司的所有资源,包括人力资源、设施和工作环境等。 This chapter contains : Quality management system: Clause 6 : Resource management Environment management system : Clause 4.4.2: Competence ,awareness and traini

37、ng Clause 4.4.7: Contingency plan and response Occupational health & security management system Clause 4.4.1: Organization and responsibility Clause 4.4.2: training ,awareness and competence This section is prepared to ensure that the company has determined and provided and manage the resources incl

38、uding human resources ,infrastructure and working environment etc. 6.1 资源提供 Provision of resources 公司应及时确定并提供以下方面所需的资源: a) 建立、实施、保持管理体系并持续改进其有效性; b) 通过满足顾客要求,增强顾客满意。 The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed a) to implement and maintain the quality management system and conti

39、nually improve the effectiveness and b) to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. 6.2 人力资源 Human resources 6.2.1 总则 General 公司应根据员工的教育程度、培训经历、专业技能和资历,委派相关人员承担影响产品质量、对环境及职业健康安全产生重大影响的工作,并确保其能胜任工作。 Personnel performing work affecting product quality shall be competent on basis

40、 of appropriate education ,training ,skills and experience . 6.2.2 培训、意识和能力 competence ,awareness and training 公司制订人力资源控制程序并组织实施,以: a) 确定从事影响产品质量、对环境及职业健康安全产生重大影响的人员所必要的能力; b) 提供适当的培训或采取其它措施以满足这些需求; c) 评价所采取措施的有效性; d) 确保员工认识到所从事活动的相关性和重要性,以及如何为质量、环境、职业健康安全目标作出贡献; e) 保存教育、培训、技能和经验的适当的记录。 A Human Reso

41、urce Control Procedure is implemented to : a) determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting product quality, and EHS . 第25页 共48页 XXXX Vehicle Safety Systems Co., Ltd.主控文件以电子版本保存并提供给全体成员使用 主控文件的打印拷贝仅作参考管理手册Management Manualb)provide training or take other actions to satis

42、fy these needs. c)evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken. d)ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the Achievement of the QEHS policy. e)maintain appropriate records of education ,training ,skills and experience. 6.

43、2.2.1 产品设计技能 Product design skills 参见XXXX 职责手册2.4.1 部分。See section 2.4.1 XXXX Responsibility Manual 培训 Training 公司制订并维护人力资源控制程序,以明确培训需求并对所有从事对质量/ 环境/ 职业健康安全有影响的工作人员都进行培训。 The Human Resources control Procedure is established to identifying training needs and XXXXieving competence of all perso

44、nnel performing activities affecting QEHS . 从事特殊工作的人员必须按所要求的教育、培训和/ 或经历进行资格考核,必须特别重视满足顾客的特殊要求。 Personnel performing specific assigned tasks shall be qualified, based on appropriate education ,training ,skills and experience required ,with particular attention to the satisfaction of customer requirem

45、ents. 公司应对新聘、转岗员工提供上岗培训,这一要求包括合同工和临时工。 The company shall provide on-job training for personnel in any new or modified job including contract or agency personnel. 相关部门必须通知影响质量/ 环境/ 职业健康安全的人员有关不符合质量标准、环境/ 职业健康安全法规等对顾客、相关方以及公司造成的后果。 Personnel whose work can affect QEHS shall be informed about the conse

46、quence to the customer/interested party of nonconformity to QEHS requirements. 人力资源部在制定培训计划时必须考虑来自顾客的特殊要求。 The attention to the specific requirements of customer shall be considered during planning of training. 员工积极性和授权 employee motivation and empowerment 公司鼓励员工达到质量目标和实现持续改进以及创造一个促进革新的环境。这一过

47、程包括整个公司的质量及技术的意识提升。 公司通过员工考核测量员工对于各自活动的关联及重要性的了解程度,以及如何对质量 /环境/ 职业健康安全目标的达成作出贡献。 The company motivates employees to Achieve quality objectives, to make continual improvements, and to create an environment to promote innovation and quality and technological awareness throughout the whole company. The

48、 company measures the extent to which its personnel are aware of relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the Achievement of the QEHS objectives. 6.3 基础设施 Infrastructure 公司应确定、提供、使用和维护为实现产品符合性、环境保护以及员工安全保护所需的基础设施,包括: 第26页 共48页 XXXX Vehicle Safety Systems Co., Ltd.主控文件以

49、电子版本保存并提供给全体成员使用 主控文件的打印拷贝仅作参考管理手册Management Manuala)建筑物、工作场所和相关公用设施; b)过程设备(硬件和软件); c)支持性服务,如运输和通讯等。 The company determines ,provides and maintain the infrastructure needed to Achieve conformity to requirements of product, environment protection and personnel safety .infrastructure includes ,as applicable: a)buildings, workplace and associated u


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