1、- Miniature Size- Wide Capacitance and Voltage Range - Tape 10,000 or 100 whichever is smallerApply the Rated Voltage For 60 120 Sec.3WithstandingVoltageNo Dielectric Breakdown orMechanical BreakdownClass : 300% of the Rated Voltage for 15 sec.Class :250% of the Rated Voltage for 15 sec. is appliedw
2、ith less than 50 current4CapacitanceClassWithin the specified toleranceCapacitance Frequency Voltage1,000 1 10%0.55Vrms1,000 1 10%ClassWithin the specified toleranceCapacitance Frequency Voltage10 1 10% 1.00.2Vrms10 120 20% 0.50.1Vrms5 QClassCapacitance 30 :Q1,0001,000 1 10%6 TanClass1. A/B/X2. FCap
3、acitance Frequency Voltage10 1 10% 1.00.2Vrms10 120 20% 0.50.1VrmsF(Y5V) 6.3V 10V 16V 25V 35V 50V0201(0603) 0.16max. - - - - -0402(1005) 0.16max. 0.125max.0.09max. (C100nF)-0.05max.(C6.8 )0.07max. 0.05max.1812(4532) 0.16max. 0.16max. 0.09max. - - 0.05max.2220(5750) - 0.125max. - - - -4V 6.3V 10V 16V
4、 25V 50V06030.05max,0.10max(C 0.022)0.05max,0.10max(C0.022)0.05 max 0.035max 0.025max 0.025max10050.05max,0.10max(C 0.22)0.05max,0.10max(C0.22)0.05 max 0.035max 0.025max 0.025max16080.05max,0.10max(C 2.2)0.05max,0.10max(C2.2)0.05 max0.10max(C2.2)0.035max0.025max0.1max(C0.47)0.025max20120.05max,0.10m
5、ax(C 4.7)0.05max,0.10max(C4.7)0.05 max0.10max(C4.7)0.035max0.10max(C2.2)0.025max,0.05max(C1)0.025max32160.05max,0.10max(C 10.0)0.05max,0.10max(C10.0)0.05 max0.035max0.10max(C10.0)0.025max0.10max(C10.0)0.025max,0.05max(C1)32250.05max,0.10max(C 22.0)0.05max,0.10max(C22.0)0.05 max0.035max0.05max(C22)0.
6、025max 0.025max45320.05max,0.10max(C 47.0)0.05max,0.10max(C47.0)0.05 max 0.035max 0.025max 0.025max57500.05max,0.10max(C 100.0)0.05max,0.10max(C100.0)0.05 max 0.035max 0.025max 0.025maxRELIABILTY TEST DATAGeneral CapacitorsNO ITEM PERFORMANCE TEST CONDITION7TemperatureCharacteristicsof CapacitanceCl
7、assCapacitance shall be measured by the stepsshown in the following table.(1) Class Temperature Coefficient shall be calculated fromthe formula as below.C1 T 106ppm/ C2 - C1Temp, Coefficient =C1; Capacitance at step 3C2: Capacitance at 85 T: 60 (=85 -25 )(2) CLASS Capacitance Change shall be calcula
8、ted from theformula as below. 100(%)C2 - C1C1 C=C1; Capacitance at step 3C2: Capacitance at step 2 or 4Class8Adhesive Strengthof TerminationNo Indication Of Peeling Shall Occur On TheTerminal Electrode.Apply 500g.f * Pressure for 101sec.* 200g.f for 0201 case size.9BendingStrengthApperance No mechan
9、ical damage shall occur.Bending limit ; 1mmTest speed ; 1.0mm/SEC.Keep the test board at the limit point in 5 sec.,Then measure capacitance.CapacitanceCharacteristics Capacitance ChangeClass IWithin 5% or 0.5 pF whicheveris largerClass IIA(X5R)/B(X7R)/X(X6S)Within 12.5%F(Y5V) Within 30%Characteristi
10、csCapacitance Changewith No BiasA(X5R)/B(X7R)15%X(X6S) 22%F(Y5V) +22% -82%500g.fCharacteristicsTemp. Coefficient(PPM/ )C0G 0 30PH -150 60RH -220 60SH -330 60TH -470 60UL -750 120SL +350 -1000Step Temp.( )1 25 22 Min. operating temp. 23 25 24 Max. operating temp 25 25 250R=340*20451451Bending limitR=
11、230 For 0201 Case size* The initial value of high dielectric constant series shall be measured after the heat treatment of 150 +0/-10 , 1hr and sitting of 48 4hr. at room temperature & humidity.General CapacitorsNO ITEM PERFORMANCE TEST CONDITION10 SolderabilityMore Than 95% of the terminal surface
12、is tobe soldered newly, So metal part does notcome out or dissolve11Resistance toSoldering heatApperance No mechanical damage shall occur. Solder Temperature : 2705Dip Time : 101sec.Each termination shall be fully immersed andpreheated as below :Leave the capacitor in ambient condition forspecified
13、time* before measurementClass :24 2hoursClass :48 4hoursCapacitanceCharacteristics Capacitance ChangeClass Within 2.5% or 0.25 whichever islargerClass A(X5R)/B(X7R)Within 7.5%X(X6S) Within 15%F Within 20%Q(Class )Capacitance 30 :Q 1000Perform the heat treatment at 150 +0/-10 for 1 hr. Then leave the
14、 capacitor inambient condition for 484 hrs. beforemeasurement.Then perform the measurement.1. ClassLeave the capacitor in ambient conditionfor 242 Hrs. before measurementThen perform the measurement.2. Class Perform the heat treatment at 150 +0/-10 for 1 hr. Then leave the capacitor inambient condit
15、ion for 484 hrs. beforemeasurement.Then perform the measurement.CapacitanceCharacteristics Capacitance ChangeClass Within 5.0% or 0.5whichever is largerClass A(X5R)/B(X7R)/X(X6S)Within 12.5%Within 12.5%Within 30%F(Y5V)Within 30%Within +30 40%0201(0603) C0.022F0402(1005) C0.47F0603(1608) C1.0F0805(20
16、12) C4.7F1206(3216) C10.0F1210(3225) C22.0F1812(4532) C47.0FQ(Class )Capacitance 30 :Q 200Capacitance Perform the heat treatment at 150 +0/-10for 1 hr. Then leave the capacitor in ambientcondition for 484 hrs. before measurement.Then perform the measurement.1. ClassLeave the capacitor in ambient con
17、dition for 242 Hrs. before measurementThen perform the measurement.2. Class Perform the heat treatment at 150 +0/-10for 1 hr. Then leave the capacitor in ambientcondition for 484 hrs. before measurement.Then perform the measurement.CapacitanceCharacteristics Capacitance ChangeClass Within 3% or 0.3
18、,Whichever is largerClass A(X5R)/B(X7R)Within 12.5%X(X6S) Within 25%F(Y5V)Within 30%Within +30 40%0201(0603) C0.022F0402(1005) C0.47F0603(1608) C1.0F0805(2012) C4.7F1206(3216) C10.0F1210(3225) C22.0F1812(4532) C47.0FQ(Class )Capacitance 30 :Q 35010 Capacitance 0 0unit : mmGeneral CapacitorsToo muchS
19、olderNot enoughSolderCracks tend to occur dueto large stressWeak holding force maycause bad connections ordetaching of the capacitorGoodsupport pinforcenozzleGeneral Capacitors Bending StressWhen double-sided circuit boards are used, MLCCs first are mounted and soldered onto one side of the board. W
20、hen the MLCCs are mounted onto the other side,it is important to support the board as shown in the illustration. If the circuit board is not supported, the crack occur to the ready-installed MLCCs by the bending stress. Manual SolderingManual soldering can pose a great risk of creating thermal crack
21、s in chip capacitors. The hot soldering iron tip comes into direct contact with the end terminations, and operators carelessness may cause the tip of the soldering iron to come into direct contact with the ceramic body of the capacitor. Therefore the soldering iron must be handled carefully, and clo
22、se attention must be paidto the selection of the soldering iron tip and to temperature control of the tip. Amount of Solder Ti) 1206(3216) and below:150 max.ii) 1210(3225) and over:130 max.Pre-heatingGradual Coolingin the airSolderingTemp. ( )22030 to 50 sec.Pre-heatingTemp. ( )60 sec. min. 60 to 12
23、0 sec.25056 sec. max.Time (sec.)FlowGeneral Capacitors CoolingNatural cooling using air is recommended. If the chips are dipped into solvent for cleaning, the temperature difference( T) must be less than 100 CleaningIf rosin flux is used, cleaning usually is unnecessary. When strongly activated flux
24、 is used, chlorine in the flux may dissolve into some types of cleaning fluids, thereby affecting the chip capacitors. This means that the cleaning fluid must be carefully selected, and should always be new. Notes for Separating Multiple, Shared PC Boards.A multi-PC board is separated into many indi
25、vidual circuit boards after soldering has been completed. If the board is bent or distorted at the time of separation, cracks may occur in the chip capacitors. Carefully choose a separation method that minimizes the bending often circuit board. Recommended Soldering Profile Ti) 1206(3216) andbelow:
26、150 max.Pre-heatingGradual Coolingin the airSolderingTemp. ( )Pre-heatingTemp. ( )120 sec. min.26035 sec. max.Time (sec.)ReflowSoldering IronVariation of Temp.SolderingTemp ( )Pre-heatingTime (Sec)SolderingTime(Sec)CoolingTime(Sec) T130 30010 max 60 4 -Condition of Iron facilitiesWattage Tip Diameter Soldering Time20W Max 3 Max 4SecMax* Caution - Iron Tip Should Not Contact With Ceramic Body Directly.General Capacitorss