2、身晚霞的小卓玛。卓玛也勇敢地迎接他的灼热目光,面颊绯红,举起手中的皮鞭,轻轻地打在这个 28 岁的汉族青年身上,然后转过身去,依依不舍地走了。王洛宾痴痴地望着消失在晚霞中的卓玛,轻轻抚摸着被卓玛鞭打过的地方。这个妩媚动人而又奔放多情的姑娘,在他身上留下了终生不忘鞭痕,也在他心中留下了永难磨灭的印象。 几天后,摄制组要离去了,千户长全家欢送他们,小卓玛更是单独送行,两眼含泪送了很远,很远,王洛宾三步一回头,直到看不见小卓玛的影子忽然,一段优美的旋律从他的心田留过,伴随着旋律在骆驼背上哼出一句句仿佛在他心弦流动的歌词:“我愿做一只小羊,跟在她身旁我愿她拿着细细的皮鞭,不断轻轻地打在我身上”这支歌唱
3、遍了神州大地,唱彻了五十年悠悠岁月,余音袅袅,一曲难忘。 A Song to RememberIn 1941 Zheng Junli went to Xining as the director of “Long Live our Motherland“ and invited Wang Luobin, a young composer, to go to the shooting location, triangle city, where the Tibetans lived. The stong-dpon feasted the visitors with a banquet and m
4、ade his three pretty daughters as the company. Further more, the little daughter, Little Zhoima, about 16 years old, was the most beautiful. After the banquet the host and guests enjoyed themselves around the bonfire and Wang Luobin was invited to dance with little Zhoima. In the bonfire the pretty
5、girl was attractive and charming. The director Zheng was touched deeply, and decided to add one more scene at once, which described the the pure love of shepherds, little Zhoima and Wang Luobin acting as the lead roles.At one dusk, little Zhoima still was exciting after work, and she asked Wang to r
6、ide with her. Because of nervous, Wang held the girl tightly as the natural behaviour. After a long time, little Zhoima gave the whip to Wang, and fell into his arms.One dusk Wang fixed his eyes on the pretty girl who just returned from herding, and little Zhoima took the hot sight bravely with her
7、face flushing and then beat the young guy lightly, who was 28 years old and belonged to the Han ethnic group. Then turned behind and left reluctantly. Wang looked at little Zhoima fascinatedly who was disappearing in the dusk gradually, and put his finger on the place beat by little girl. The charmi
8、ng and outburst of enthusiasm girl left an unforgettable chip scar on his body. Whats more, the girl gave him the expression which would never disappear.Several days later, the crew was going to leave, and sent off by the whole family of the stong-dpon. Especially, little Zhoima went a long way with
9、 her eyes full of tears. On the other hand, Wang turned round to take another look until Zhoima totally disappeared. All of a sudden, a beautiful melody floated across his mind. On the back of camel he hummed out the lyrics, as fowling in his mind, accompanied with the melody. “I am willing to be a lamb, and pad along next to her. Id like that she takes a thin whip and beat me gently again and again.“This song was widely sung in the Divine Land, and gave us a deep expression of the 50 years history. The melody is still lingering about long.