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1、MAX-MALL OFFICEP1-2 空P3前所未有,只因超越所有Unprecedented, only because surmounted allP4涤纶纸P5-6MAX-MALL 创 新一体化商业模式之写字楼The office building我们不仅是这个时代潮流的跟随者,我们同时也在引领这个时代在闵行,MAX-MALL,正在填补一项空白,创造一种商业模式一切,源于我们对上海、对闵行,对您的商务需求的深入洞察缔造高端商务新概念MAX-MALL 与您一起,诠释新型办公理念。In whole plan design performance history, MAX-MALL throu

2、ghout key annotation new work idea. In order to high pursue standard, the omni-directional commercial space, accurate armor, EOD all sorts of 21st century internationalization office popular classical commerce pattern, effective introduction MAX-MALL. Except boosts the Minhang area the commercial do

3、main development, but also will initiate the broad in scale enterprise commerce innovation movement.P7-8势成大事业者,必因势而动Because of the trend the alternant person can succeedP9-10大势600 百万白领,而且数字还在增加,上海,需要多少商务空间?The economy in Shanghai上海经济持续增长,写字楼市场不断上扬,2008 奥运、2010 世博,后 WTO 时代来临,上海经济在新的市场环境中依然持久稳步发展,吸引到越

4、来越多的跨国公司在上海设立地区总部。相应的第三产业如法律、咨询、金融等现代服务业迅速发展,服务商品增多,形成了“总部经济”和“楼宇经济” 。这两大经济体系被各区政府所重视,CBD 建设提上政府重点规划内容。与之对应,上海的中高档写字楼供应整体规模仍然偏小,传统 CBD 区域接近饱和,寸土寸金。两大因素直接碰撞,引导上海写字楼市场的持续升温。越来越多的国内外企业需求,催生写字楼市场空间不断上扬。2,008 Olympic Games, 2,010 th are abundant, the latter WTO time approaches. The Shanghai economy still

5、 lasting with steady steps develops in the new market environment. Corresponding modern service industry rapid development and so on tertiary industry like law, consultation, finance, the service commodity increased, has formed “the headquarters economy“ and “the building economy“. We believed the S

6、hanghai economy the development tendency wont slow down in very long period of time, the more and more many domestic and foreign enterprises demand, will stimulate to movement the office market space to rise unceasingly.浦东有陆家嘴,长宁有虹桥,黄浦有南京路,闵行,理应也有!Minhang manufacture blue print随着近年市区人口向近郊大量迁移,人口总量急速

7、增长使闵行逐渐显现副城市的地位。由于南上海的龙头徐汇区,正在努力将徐家汇商务区升级为 CBD,与其相邻的闵行也受到大潮推动,预备在中高端商务领域发展。应对区域发展的态势,政府制订了生态闵行、人文闵行、科技闵行的远景规划。目前区域拥有18 个公园、24 块绿地,已经打下生态环境基础。上海交通大学、华东师范大学两所高校积淀悠久人文,为闵行营造特色商业氛围;INTEL 与 MICROSOFT 先后入驻,IT 巨头奠基科技闵行。生态、人文、科技的外部环境初步形成,未来的中高端商务区已在酝酿,将造就一个不断增长的海量写字楼市场。Xu Hui District is upgrading its busin

8、ess district to become another of Shanghais CBD while its neighbor Min Hang District, under Xu Huis influence, is ready for its own up division commercial affair development. Min Hangs local government, according to the current situation of its local development, schemed a whole set of measures to f

9、orm the ecological cornerstone. Higher Education contributes to the specialty of the local commercial atmosphere. Intel, Microsoft and other IT powerhouses set up the technical foundation. The settlement of the local ecological, humanistic and technical environment will establish an exponentially in

10、creasing market for office buildings.P11-12趋势与其寸土必争,不如另辟天地 The outer circle market heat由于市中心写字楼容纳量日趋饱和,办公成本居高不下,中心城区外沿写字楼市场开始升温。在外资增加注入,大量企业纷纷谋求在上海一席之地的同时,市中心土地紧张、供小于求的矛盾也日益突出,带来的结果就是市中心甲级写字楼租金日益高涨。上海中心城区商务成本过高的压力,传导到了企业运作的层面,便成为跨国公司分流,大量企业由市中心迁往郊区。联合利华、飞利浦、阿尔卡特等多家全球知名企业都将其制造业部分从原先的中心城区迁往远郊。这一系列迁徙运动

11、表明,跨国公司的郊区化运动已经开始。受其带动,也有越来越多的中小企业和服务业出于运营成本的考虑,将目光对准了具有商务发展潜质的郊区。闵行现有的配套和毗邻徐汇、卢湾的地缘优势正好匹配中心城区外沿的特性,区域写字楼市场正在快速升温。Pours into in the foreign capital increase, the massive enterprise seeks while Shanghai small space, the town center land tense, for the contradiction which is smaller than asks also day

12、 by day is prominent, the result which brings is in abundance the town center a-grade office rent grows to ever greater heights. Minhang existing forms a complete set and adjoins Xuhui, the Lu Wan geography superiority just right match city Chinese and foreign along the market characteristic, the re

13、gion office market fast is elevating temperature.MAX-MALL,让闵行高档写字楼不再缺席 Upscale office building与适合的区域环境和迅速升温的写字楼市场相比,闵行现有的商务项目供应仍然较为落后。整体办公形态以“住宅式办公、工厂式办公”为主,区域高端商务市场尚为一片空白。MAX-MALL 准甲写字楼,在整个闵行都在为提升商务形象而努力的时候,耀世而出。带来的不仅仅是填补空白的魔方,而是必将掀起一股高端商务的浪潮,将闵行区域陈旧的、落后的办公体制席卷而去。为企业带来更人性化、更有效率、更具竞争力的企业形象。MAX-MALL

14、将引发大规模企业入驻闵行的运动,使闵行商务版图全面升级。Compares with the suitable region environment and the rapid elevation of temperature office market, the Minhang existing commerce project supply was still backward Will be able to manifest humanity, to have the efficiency, can promote the enterprise competitive power and

15、the enterprise image, MAX-MALL initiates the large-scale enterprise to enter in Minhangs movement, will cause the MinhangP13-14天然中心商务区潜质,银都路渐成新亮点 The center business area potential在闵行区域的商务版图中,我们找到了未来发展的关键点。银都路横挑闵行西部的莘庄工业区和东部的新浦江城;莲花南路贯穿北部虹桥地区和南部紫竹高科技园区。两条要道交会点辐射两大高校、紫竹科技园区、Intel、Microsoft 软件园,坐拥八大住宅

16、板块。在梅陇未来规划中,将融入集金融、制造、信息、文化及行政于一体的政务中心,为八大住宅板块提供工作生活的整合服务。该区域完美的规划、生态环境、便捷交通网络、一应俱全的商务生活配套,有形成中心商务区的天然条件。MAX-MALL 坐落于莲花南路银都路,愈积愈浓的商务氛围,对任何一个企业来说都是一个发展的新平台,是全面提升企业竞争力不可或缺的机会。In in the Minhang region commercial domain, we had found the key point which the future will develop. In Meilong in the future

17、plan, including the collection finance, the manufacture, the information, the culture and the administration in body government affairs center place, will be eight big housing tectonic plates provides the work life the conformity service. Because recovers the product thicker commerce atmosphere is t

18、he enterprise comprehensively promotes the indispensable condition, will obtain the infinite development opportunity in here.高教、高科,开拓未来商务的无限空间 University, high technology在项目辐射范围内坐落的上海交通大学、华东师范大学两所高校,除了以悠久人文渲染商务氛围之外,还是科技创业的孵化器。随着政策支持和高校鼓励自主创业,越来越多的师生走出校园开创事业,巨大的商务需求浮出水面。同时项目二级辐射圈中包含的紫竹科技园区、Intel 园区、M

19、icrosoft 软件园等,驻有大量收入水平较高的技术人员。在带来大量消费的同时,相关的咨询、制造、贸易等公司也应运而生,形成一个巨量的商务需求市场。MAX-MALL 是区域内距离最近,也是现阶段唯一的高端商务场所,因应未来趋势,市场空间无限拓展。In project radiation scope Shanghai Jiaotong University, the East China normal university two universities. Encourage along with the policy support and the university independe

20、ntly to start an undertaking, more and more many teachers and students go out the campus to found the enterprise, the huge commercial demand floats the water surface. MAX-MALL is in the region is away from recent, also is the present stage only high end commerce place, in accordance to future tenden

21、cy, market space infinite development.P15-16利高性价比商务运营方案,无往不利The business that the high performance price compare Circulate projectP17-18上海腹地,西南门户闵行 Southwest gate in Shanghai作为上海西南腹地的闵行区,扼守着上海通往浙江的大部分干道。在外流交通方面,320 国道串连松江、金山区直达浙江;沪杭、沪甬两条高速公路始于闵行,沪杭磁悬浮是高速抵达杭州、宁波的最佳路线。也正因为这几条交通要道的存在,由西南方向进入上海市区,闵行成为到上

22、海的第一印象。根据上海公路的远景规划,上海要与长三角周边地区实现“5 小时沟通” ,形成一个“半日交通圈” 。一方面,届时快速的对外交通将吸引大量江浙企业涌入,闵行凭借西南门户的地理优势,第一批拦截这些企业,把市场迅速拓展到整个长三角;另一方面,发达的交通使商务交流更为便利,出外洽谈省时省力。MAX-MALL 的脉络也会随着发达路网而传扬长三角,使入驻者在尽享商务交流便利的同时博得更高企业形象。Southwest achievement Shanghai the center Minhang area, holds Shanghai to lead to Zhejiang the majori

23、ty of yang or male principles. Because of these key communication line existence, also southwest the direction enters the Shanghai urban district, Minhang becomes to Shanghais first impression. The MAX-MALL vein also can but pass on in a swagger the triangle along with the developed road network, ca

24、uses into in while enjoying commercial exchange convenient to win the slight increase industry image.P19-20路网发达,身随心动,商务无往不利 Citied grain闵行区拥有亚洲第一立交莘庄立交,与外环线、中环线、内环线、延安路高架、沪闵路高架盘桓相连。同时地铁一号线、莘闵轻轨已建成通车,城市交通基本实现网络化、立体化。在这里,30 余条公交、地铁线路纵横无界,约 35 分钟直达人民广场。四通八达的中心交通网络,最短时间内通达市区每个角落,充分确立商务先机地段的优势位置MAX-MALL

25、所在。In here, 30 public transportation, subway lines vertically and horizontally not having, approximately 35 minutes go directly to the peoples square. Extends in all directions the central transportation network, in the shortest time understands urban district each quoin, fully establishes the comme

26、rce to take the initiative the land sector superiority position-MAX-MALL to be at.十字枢纽交通:虹桥高档住宅区莲花南路MAX-MALL紫竹科技园区莘庄工业园区银都路MAX-MALL浦江镇(新浦江城)自架车线路:人民广场:南北高架卢浦大桥济阳路徐浦大桥外环路虹梅路银都路向西至 MAX-MALL 火车站:内环高架沪闵高架莘庄立交莘奉金高速(A4)金都路莲花南路MAX-MALL 徐家汇:沪闵高架莘庄立交莘奉金高速(A4)金都路莲花南路MAX-MALL虹桥:外环莘庄立交莘奉金高速(A4)金都路莲花南路MAX-MALL 公

27、交线路:轨道交通 5 号线起始莘庄,与轨道交通 1 号线衔接,沿沪闵路往南到交通大学,直至闵行开发区,串连了区域中心与科教园区轨道交通 1 号线起始莘庄,路经徐家汇、人民广场两大商务区,为链接闵行与市中心的主要线路;于人民广场转线可由 2 号线直达陆家嘴、张江高科技园区与中山公园区域内徐闵线、703、720 等多路公交抵达徐家汇,757 路连通虹桥,747 路连通卢湾,另有多路公交连接周边,形成网状出行系统P21-22创新一体化商业模式,为写字楼提供商务配套空间 The kit of the businessMAX-MALL 将商铺、酒店为写字楼配套,带来商务休闲一体的全新体验。特有的内循环系

28、统,使商业、办公、餐饮文化娱乐等城市生活功能互动组合,形成一个多功能、高效率的商务体系,为写字楼提供最体贴的商务配套空间。简化商务流程,降低运营费用。对接国际水平,满足高端商务办公的需要。MAX-MALL store, hotel for office necessary, brings a commercial leisure body the brand-new experience. The unique internal recycling system, causes city life function interaction combination and so on the c

29、ommercial, work, dining cultural entertainment, forms multi-purpose, the high efficiency commercial system, provides the commercial necessary space for the office which most sympathizes. The simplification commerce flow, reduces the operation expense. Docks the international standard, satisfies the

30、high end commerce work the need.多元化商业集群网 Diversified business以区域地标姿态聚合的大型商圈,在性质上达到了功能配套一体运作的状态。MAX-MALL 的外部配套不仅是常规意义上的交通、商业、旅游服务,而是更广范围的涵盖多种不同功能要求集酒店、写字楼、购物与休闲一体的商务商业集群网。功能覆盖商务生活的方方面面,极致便利,其多元化的属性使 MAX-MALL 的价值更为凸显。By the region terrestrial reference posture polymerization large-scale business circl

31、e, reached higher authorities in the nature to the function necessary body operation condition. MAX-MALL exterior necessary not only is in the conventional significance transportation, the trade, the traveling service, but is a broader scope covers the many kinds of different functions request-colle

32、ction hotel, the office, the shopping and a leisure body commercial commercial colony net. The function cover commerce life aspects, the acme is convenient, its multiplex attribute causes MAX-MALL the value more to highlight.周边配套博览:专业卖场:百安居、九百家居、红星美凯龙、春申汽配城、南方物流园大卖场:易买得、春申购物中心酒店:天庭大酒店、MOTEL168 、宸南大酒

33、店通讯:电信局、邮政局银行:多家银行机构,并设有多个 ATM 点P23-24综合商务成本领先 The low cost business circulate梅陇镇新都会写字楼与市中心诸多写字楼相比,品质没有丝毫逊色。令人惊喜的是:这里的车库容量更加巨大,没有在市区寻找停车位的烦恼;综合租用成本大大降低,同样的投入可以获得更大的办公空间;员工的工作生活配套费用也远比市中心要低,无需多加花费便可尽享优质商务生活;同时,项目距离徐家汇仅约 20 分钟、距离人民广场约 35 分钟车程,出行便利尽显时间优势。诸多特点综合考量,综合商务成本的领先直接转换为核心竞争力,为企业发展助力加速。What is p

34、leasantly surprised: Here garage capacity is huger, has not sought the parking spot in the urban district the worry; The synthesis rents the cost to reduce greatly, meant the similar investment may obtain the bigger work space; Staffs work life necessary expense also far must be lower than the town

35、center, does not need to spend then may enjoy the high quality commercial life; At the same time, the project from the Xujiahui only approximately 20 minutes, is away from peoples square approximately 35 minutes driving distance, goes on a journey the convenience to reveal the time superiority. Many

36、 characteristics syntheses consideration, brings extremely Gao Xingjia the ratio commercial operation plan.P25-26区域首席商务场所,非凡品质蕴育非常地位 High-quality, high positionMAX-MALL 以国际化的高瞻视角,打造区域首席的商务办公区。打破闵行“住宅式办公,工厂式办公”的态势,带来专业级别的写字楼服务。专业姿态、中正位置、尽显尊崇,全方位提升企业形象。同时提供完备的条件和手段,以成就财智未来。更有完全人性化的服务方式打理商务细节活动,使企业对外交流

37、体面过人。From its international prospect, Max-Mall is attempting to become the leader in local commercial office district, bring into the classic office building services of professional attitude and proper position, and promoting the image of enterprises from all respects. In addition, Max-Mall provide

38、s the complete conditions and means to accomplish the future successes, and further more, Max-Malls service fashion is completely people-oriented, carefully managing the commercial details in consequence, resulting elegant enterprise-to-enterprise interactions.P27-28筑建筑闵行商务写字楼的新地标Construct new offic

39、e building classic in MinhangP29-30您的商务空间,由美国顶级建筑师绘就 Architectural art建筑由屡获美国建筑师协会大奖的美国 ARQ 建筑师事务所担纲设计,该事务所以风格前卫著称于国际建筑界,20 世纪 80 年代以迈阿密海岸高级公寓而闻名。曾参与美国时代广场威斯汀酒店、香港太古广场、又一城、长峰丽晶酒店、龙之梦广场、BM TOWER、绿地商务大厦、绿地和创大厦、证大大拇指广场等知名楼盘的建筑设计。ARQ 所创作的建筑作品,讲究自然、速度与流线,注重建筑与自然、建筑与城市、建筑与人之间的和谐关系,相互尊重,彼此交融。MAX-MALL 继承并发扬

40、了这一风格,现代化的建筑外观,优雅、明亮、气度不凡。铝板加玻璃幕墙的立面材质,产生独具意味的风格,彰显高贵品质。简洁的直线与优雅弧线相交融,蕴涵真正丰富的设计内涵,立方体与 L 型构造浑然一体的设计展现非凡建筑空间品质。自然拥有万千气派,典雅尊贵,完全国际化风范,匹配企业高端形象。The construction by attains the American architect association big prize the American ARQ architect office to play an important role repeatedly the design, thi

41、s business therefore the style vanguard is famous in the international construction zone, the 1980s but are well-known by the Miami seacoast senior apartment. The aluminum sheet adds the glass curtain wall the vertical surface material quality, has the alone meaning style, reveals the noble quality.

42、 The nature has 11,000 styles, elegant is honored, complete internationalization style, match enterprise high end image.立体生态绿化景观,工作是一种愉悦的享受 The view of the ecosystem现代化办公为企业商战提供更完备的条件和手段,同时也应满足企业越来越高的景观环境要求。MAX-MALL 在建筑外植以大量树阵,足量的绿化奠下生态基础。景观排布以直线和圆环组合布局,直线造型与圆环造型相互平衡,钢硬与柔和相互支持,自然材质和人造材质浑然一体,打造出精彩、丰富

43、、现代的生态平衡景观。同时,圆环造型柔和,象征循环,给人和谐顺畅的感觉。在生态上,树阵的循环作用,保证了各个生物链之间的连接关系。两者相互作用,构成一个可持续的良好环境,发展生态活动空间。在建筑规划上的独具匠心,使景观视野的层次更为清晰,最大程度增加舒适度与亲和度;最大限度发挥景观功能,构建高品质的商务办公空间,使在 MAX-MALL 工作更加轻松怡神,加倍效率。The modernized work provides a more complete condition and the method for the enterprise commercial war, at the same

44、time also should satisfy the enterprise more and more high landscape environment request. Meanwhile in construction plan shows originality, causes the landscape field of vision the level to be clearer, thus increase the degree of comfort with kisses with; Maximum limit displays the landscape functio

45、n, constructs the high quality the commercial work space, causes with ease gladdens the heart in the MAX-MALL work, doubles the efficiency.P31-32卓越的商务,当然要有个性的空间艺术 Spatial art生活环境正在越来越个性化,怎能没有特殊的一个办公环境?如果办公环境无法满足个性化的要求,势必影响企业的窗口形象。MAX-MALL 为企业考虑更多,写字楼办公单元的内部隔墙均可敲除,空间自由分割组合,可自助企业独有的个性化空间。不采用中央空调,每户设独立

46、空调机位,在实现建筑节能的同时,更可层层开窗换新风,室内小气候自由掌控。MAX-MALL is the enterprise considered more, the office all units internal partition wall may knock eliminates, the spatial free division combination, may help oneself the personalization space which the enterprise is in sole possession of. During realization const

47、ruction energy conservation, may layer upon layer open the window to trade the new atmosphere, in the room the microclimate free control.规模:20000 平方米共10层,1-2层为大堂、游泳馆、健身房,3-10层为标准层标准层高:3.6 米标准层面积:2460 平方米单元面积:可自由分割成59-130平方米不等(其中公寓式办公单套在57平方左右)得房率:约76大堂面积:240平方米,层高:10.8米电梯:5部客梯,2部消防电梯停车位:地下一层, 488位(规

48、划与商业共用)空调:游泳健身区设中央空调,标准层每户设独立空调机位交 楼标 准公共部分一次装修到位 (仅纯办公部分) :建筑结构:钢筋混凝土框架结构外墙:玻璃窗和铝板幕墙首层大堂:精装修石材地面首层电梯厅:地面为石材标准层电梯厅:精装修标准层公共走廊:地面为地毯公共洗手间:高级墙、地砖;配备高档洁具电梯:上海三菱电梯单元户内:地面为地毯;采用分户轻质隔墙,内墙涂料粉刷;玻璃门;室内顶棚为石膏板吊顶P33-34准甲写字楼,让商务更显尊荣First grade office building玻璃与铝板外墙,现代写字楼外观,简洁高贵彰显国际风范顶级物业管理、人性化服务,提供 24 小时不间断的办公保

49、障写字楼大堂层高 10.8 米,空间极为宽敞,迎来送往华贵体面规划约 488 个地下车位,来往车辆便捷停泊5 部豪华电梯快速上下全楼环保节能设计,太阳能设备等配置,5A 智能系统办公单元隔墙可敲除,空间自由分割组合,自定企业形象凸显个性风范填补地区高端商务业态空白的准甲级写字楼,标志区域高端商务商业时代的开始。The glass and the aluminum sheet outer wall, the modern office outward appearanceThe top estate management, humanity the service, provides 24 hours uninterrupted work safeguardsThe office great hall selects the height 10.8 meters specially, the space is extremely spaciousThe plan 533 berth, communicate the vehicles conveniently to anchor approximatelyAbout 5 luxurious elev


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