1、62 3 2 0 1 0 M8 Non ferrousM etals Vol162, N o13A ug. 2 0 1 0P507-P204协同萃取分离镍钴王 胜1 a, 1b,王玉棉1a, 1b,赵燕春1 a, 1b,郭鹏成2( 11兰州理工大学 a甘肃省有色金属新材料省部共建国家重点实验室b有色金属合金及加工教育部重点实验室,兰州 730050;21核工业北京化工冶金研究院, 北京 101149)K 1: Y |4P507-P204xY |s b xYKDHq:M0 q70% 75% ,0 HW15m in;MF30% Y |4( VP507 BVP2044B1) + 65% + 5% T
2、BP;M1( VO /VA )2 /1; HW15m in; MpH2bNHq/,B)Y | q87162%b1oM:8/ ; s ;xY |; Y |4; 4Y |ms |: TF80412; TF815; TF816 DS M : A cI|: 1001- 0211 ( 2010 ) 03- 0065 - 04l : 2008- 03- 21Te: ;( 1971 - ), 3, g , =, V,1VY%x8 ! A / Z b“a Fa nb AcB ,7 s / 45,Y-Es 4 Aba M,1| s O KlrZE 4Y |b M , “ 4Y |/ 2- 6Y | ! 7- 8
3、?Z,Y |Es A?Zb“ -S = ; 8“s a 4Y |,v, =,1 P204- Cyanex923 4Y | J., 2000, 179( 4): 401- 404. 15 , DZ1S 8 M .:8, 2000: 611- 617. 16f 18s SM .: S, 2004: 38- 65. 17 1Y | 0M .:8, 2005: 16- 83.Extracting Separation ofCobalt from Nickelwith SynergisticExtractionWANG Sheng1a, 1b, WANG Yu-m ian1a, 1b, ZHAO Yan
4、-chun1a, 1b, GUO Peng-cheng2( 11a StateKey Laboratory of GansuAdvanced Non-ferrousM etalM aterials, bK ey Laboratory of Non-ferrousM etalA lloys and Processing, TheM inistry of Education, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China;21Beijing Research Institute of ChemicalEngineering and
5、M etallurgy, Beijing 101149, China)AbstractThe separation process of cobalt from n ickel w ith P507-P204 com pound solvent extraction system isinvestigated by using therm ostatic shaker1 The optim al param eters of synergistic extraction con firm ed by experim entresu lts are VP507 BVP204 = 4B1, VO /VA = 2 /1, retention tim e 15m in, pH = 21 The cobalt extraction rate ach ieved w ithoptim al condition is 87162%.Keywords: m etallurgical technology; separation of N i and Co; synergistic extraction; com pound extractor;solvent extraction68 62