1、1,第七章 汉译英的词语处理,2,7.用词特点 表达上 汉 直观性 硬币,短袜,纸币,回形针 (量词) ,一张纸,一把刀,一朵花 英 功能性 具象 蚕食(to nibble),势如破竹,如日中天 抽象 词义上 汉 概括性 车,笔,饭,胡子,专家英 具体 词类转换汉语中动词用得多。连动式动词短语(由若干个动词和与其搭配的其他成分一起组成的,表示若干个动作的言语群)在汉语中较常见,汉译英时,应先缕清动词之间的逻辑关系,把主要动词译成英语的谓语动词,将其他动词译成分词、动名词、动词不定式等非限制性动词,例如:翻译“我们打算取消这次会议。”这句话,原文中的“打算、取消”是连动式动词短语,译成英语时我们
2、这样来处理:将“打算”译成英语的谓语动词,将“取消”译成动词不定式。译文为:We intended to cancel the meeting. 根据英语中名词用得多的特点,汉语动词转译为英语名词也较为常见。有时,也转译为别的词类。同样,其他词类转换也是在汉译英过程中经常使用的技巧。常用的词类转换有以下几种:,3,()汉语动词转译为英语名词1)中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大反响。Chinas successful explosion of its first atom bomb caused tremendous repercussions throughout the wo
3、rld.2)工人们坚持取消旧的规定,建立新的规章制度。 The workers insisted on the abolishment of the old rules and the establishment of new regulations.3)要把控制人口,节约资源,保护环境放在重要的地位上。Population control, the conservation of resources and environmental protection should be put in an important place. 4)振兴科技和繁荣经济,必须坚持教育为本。The vitali
4、ty of science and technology and the prosperity of economy must be based on education.,4,(2) 汉语动词转译为英语介词或介词短语 1)他们不顾一切困难、挫折,坚持战斗。They kept on fighting in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.2)二十五年过去了,市中心变得认不出来了。 After 25 years the town center had changed beyond all recognition. 3)他们发现这地图已完全过时。 Th
5、ey found the map quite out of date. 4)我们不能违反他们的意愿把他们强留在这里。 We could not keep them here against their will.,5,(3)汉语动词转译为英语形容词1)案发时她在房里,此点非常可疑。 Its very suspicious that she was in the house when the crime happened. 2)许多人熟悉他的名字。 His name was familiar to many people. 3)不要难过,一切都会好起来的。 Dont feel bad. Ever
6、ything will be all right. 4)他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想方设法使你一路上顺利舒适。Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable.,6,(4 )汉语动词转译为英语副词1)毫无疑问,你提的论点是站得住的。 Undoubtedly, the point you make is valid. 2)我们落在计划后面了。We are behind in our plan. 3)我不记得他什么时候离开的;那时我失去知
7、觉了。 I dont remember her leaving. I was out cold. 4)我来帮你把衣服穿上。 I will help you on with your coat.,7,(5) 汉语名词转译为英语动词或形容词在翻译过程中,汉语名词一般不改变其词性。但某些汉语名词如“形状”、“地位”、“态度”、“特点”、“印象”、“目的”、“定义”等,在英语译文中,常被译成名词。另外,在较为正式的文体中的汉语名词,在英语中往往用动词来表示。1)本产品的特点是设计独特,质量高,容量大。 The product is characterized by unique designs, hi
8、gh quality and great capacity. 2)他过人的才干给我留下了深刻的印象。I was impressed by his prodigious talent.,8,3)有些词用法很多,难下定义。Some words are hard to define because they have many different uses.4)这次访问的目的是扩大两国之间的关系。The visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries. 有时,汉语名词也可转译为形容词。例如:5)古为今用,洋为中用。Ma
9、ke the old serve the present and foreign serve China. 6)许多病例证明,肺癌并非不治之症。Plenty of cases demonstrate that pulmonary cancer is not incurable.,9,(6) 汉语形容词或副词转译为英语名词1)由于他是土生土长的苏格兰人,口音很难改变。Being a native of Scotland, he can hardly change his accent. 2)我们受到了热情地接待。 We were received with great enthusiasm. 3
10、)他攒了很多钱,以过舒适的生活。He had saved enough money so that he could live in comfort. )我们在河里尽情地游着。We were swimming in the river to our hearts content.,10,当然词类的转换并不仅限于此。在汉译英的过程中还会遇到其他的词类转换,比如,形容词和副词之间的相互转换等等。下面我们来看一个介词词组转换为名词词组的例子: 共产党员应该吃苦在先,享受在后。 Communists should be the first to bear hardships and the last
11、to enjoy comforts.,11,练习: (选自汉英时文翻译实践P56) 通信卫星系统在过去的几十年中取得了很大的成功,已引起了人们对其未来的广泛关注。一些国家正在采用卫星来发展国内的通信,以取代传统的陆地电话线。但是,卫星研制、发射和运转的成本很高,超出一些国家的经济承受能力。尽管如此,通信卫星系统得到越来越多的人的重视和支持。这种技术会在未来更加普及。,12,Communication satellite systems have been quite a success in the past decades, evoking widespread attention to t
12、heir future. /(The great success of communication satellite systems in the past decades has evoked widespread attention to their future.) Some countries have been using satellites for domestic communications in place of conventional telephone lines on land. But satellites development, launching and
13、operation are so costly that some countries cant afford./(But satellites development, launching and operation are costlybeyond the means of some countries.) In spite of all this, communication satellites are gaining attention and support from more and more people. The technique seems likely to be mo
14、re widely utilized in the future.,13,7. 34 四字词组的翻译汉语中的词组很多,四字词组是一种常见的语言现象,几乎可见于古今各种文体中,或独自成句,或并列排比,或前后呼应。结构匀称对仗,读起来音韵和美,表达言简意赅,词义丰富,文采华丽,语气连贯,具有极强的修辞效果。四字词组有四个词素组成,通常分为前后两个部分。两部分的语法关系可以是主谓、动宾、偏正或并列关系。因此,四字词组又可分为主谓词组、动宾词组、偏正词组和联合词组。如:市场繁荣(主谓)、发展经济(动宾)、富裕生活(偏正)、改革开放(联合)等。汉语词汇浩如烟海,可以组合和搭配的四字词组难以计数。人们在进
15、行交际活动时,使用四字词组可达到较好的交际效果。因为四字词组大多具有形象生动、琅琅上口的修辞效果,它们不仅可以提高文字的表现力,还能反映作者或言者的文化修养。,14,翻译四字词组时,应力求达到译文与原文在内容和形式上的统一,向英语读者介绍中国的语言文化精华。如四字词组“以卵击石”,它的意思是拿蛋去碰石头,比喻自不量力。在翻译时,究竟是套用含有类似寓意的英语习语“to kick against the pricks”好呢,还是直译成“to throw an egg against a rock(or stones)”,或者意译为“to court defeat by fighting again
16、st overwhelming odds”更恰当呢?众所周知,无论在中国,还是在西方,“用蛋去碰石头”只有落得粉身碎骨的下场。因此,用直译法翻译“以卵击石”不会造成误解,反而会给译文读者带来新鲜感,增加文字的表现力,同时也保留了原文的比喻形象,取得译文与原文在内容和形式上的统一。,15,四字词组的翻译应尽量直译,如果直译不通或有损于原文风格时,可舍弃原文的形式,从内容入手,做到功能相似,发挥原文的交际效果。值得注意的一点是,汉语四字词组往往虚实相生,重在气势和意境;而英语是一种非常理性的语言,最重清楚明白,忌讳逻辑混乱和文字堆砌,所以在翻译中,英语译文多半变得长短不一、参差不齐,这是不可避免的
17、。有关四字成语的译法可参看本书第四章第三部分“英汉成语的文化内涵分析比较及翻译策略”。下面是一些汉语四字词组的英译例子:,16,达成协议 to reach agreement 前景光明 a bright prospect 消除阴影 to lift the shadow 安定团结 stability and unity 繁荣富裕 prosperity and affluence 各界人士 people from all circle 和平统一 peaceful reunification 落到实处 to carry out in practice 明智之举 wise move 求同存异 to s
18、eek common ground while reserving differences,17,一味模仿 imitation without creation 长期亏损 to have long operated at a loss 大力扶持 to support with great efforts 供求平衡 supply balances on demand 竞争择优 to select only the best of the competing offers 外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise 因地制宜 to implement according to l
19、ocal condition 破格提拔 unconventionally promote 一国两制 one country, two systems 文化冲击 culture crash,18,水中捞月 to fish in the air 行贿诈骗 bribery and swindling 鸡皮疙瘩 goose-flesh 轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather 旁观者清 The onlooker sees most of the game。 最大诚信 utmost faith 艳如桃李 as red as rose 胆小如鼠 as timid as a hare泰然自若 a
20、s cool as a cucumber 社会治安 social security 天长地久 as old as the hills,19,挥金如土 to spend money like water 弱不禁风 as weak as water 瞬息之间 in the twinkle of an eye 泪如泉涌 a stream of tears 瓮中之鳖 a rat in a hole 扬眉吐气 to hold ones head high 一针见血 to touch one on the raw 狐假虎威 ass in the lions skin 物以类聚 Birds of a fea
21、ther flock together. 如释重负 to take a load of ones mind,20,练习: 书 籍 孙 犁我同书籍,即将分离。我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,即无可奈何。这些书都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。最初零零碎碎,中间成套成批。有的来自京沪,有的来自苏杭。最初,囊中羞涩,也曾交臂相失。中间也曾一掷千金,稍有豪气。总之,时历三十余年,我同他们,可称故旧。十年浩劫,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们。但它们辗转多处,经受折磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破,终于还是回来了。失去了一些,我有些惋惜,但也不愿意去寻觅它们,因为我失去的东西,比起它们更多也更重要。,21,它们回到寒舍以后,我对它们的情感如故。书无分大小、贵贱、古今、新旧,只要是我想保存的,因之也同我共过患难的,一视同仁。洗尘,安置,抚慰,唏嘘,它们大概是已经体味到了。近几年,又为它们添加了一些新伙伴。当这些新书进入我的书架,我不再打印章,写名字,只是给它们包裹一层新装,记下到此的岁月。这是因为,我意识到,我不久就会同它们告别了。我的命运是注定了的。但它们各自的命运,我是不能预知,也不能担保的。,22,23,24,25,26,