1、1 The 6W Model of Customer Analysis Who are the customers? o Those with the purchasing power? Psychograph y vs. o Those who can influence purchases? Kids, family, parents, etc? o Age group? Where do they live? What do the customers do with the product? o How do they consume the product? Give away? K
2、eep? o How often do they buy? Where do they buy the product? o Channels of distribution What are the implications here? Proximal/distant? o Internet Safety issues o Direct marketing What might be the issues here? When do they buy the product? Can the purpose of buying determine when to buy? AND WHAT
3、 MIGHT THE o Seasonally? o Situational? Why do they buy? o Need satisfaction? o Presence of alternatives? o Power of uncertainty of needs / changing needs And why dont they buy? An understanding of the above (6W) helps to reveal: Customer value Customer needs Customer segments The attractiveness of
4、the identified segments segment size & growth potentials, attractiveness & potential profitability, resources & skills of the organisation, compatibility with the orgs objectives, cost of reaching the market 2 What does value stand for? would mean different things to different people. However genera
5、lly defined as: Perceived Benefits Cost Delineating Benefits & Costs Students to come up with examples Benefits Costs Functional Emotional Image Social Service Experiential Monetary Time & Energy Psychic Expenditure Steps in customer segmentation research students to come up with a business idea / p
6、roduct / service and interrogate In segmenting a market, what questions might we ask? Are they homogeneous or heterogeneous Is the market accessible? Can the customers be identified or measured? in terms of what variables Is the size significant enough to warrant some marketing effort? must we appro
7、ach a simply market because of its size? Segmentation Research Gather raw data from customers o How? Face-face interviews 3 Focus groups Students to discuss merits/demerits Observation o What do you ask? Page 76 Interpret the raw data in terms of customer needs Arrange the needs hierarchically in te
8、rms of major needs and sub needs Establish the relative importance of the needs o Either let the research team decide Or o Redo the search using new set of customers or the old respondents What might be the benefits here? Evaluate the results and steps What must we check out here? What are the benchmarks? Page 78