1、腊梅腊梅( 学名:Chimonanthus praecox )别名然黄梅、黄梅花,科腊梅属。落叶灌木,高 2-4 米左右,单叶对生,叶片椭圆状卵形或卵状披针形,先端渐尖,基部圆形或楔形,长 715 厘米,全缘,表面粗糙;芽具有覆瓦状的鳞片;花为两性花,花梗极短,被黄色,带蜡质,具芳香,故又称蜡梅。花期 12 月到次年 2 月,果期次年6-9 月。我喜欢腊梅,它虽不像春天开的那些桃花、李花那样艳丽,但却敢于和凛冽的寒风、冰冷的大雪抗争,直面险恶的环境,勇敢地面对挑战。它拥有最高尚的品质,默默无闻、自强不息、坚强、刚毅,不向困难低头,不夸耀自己。我们既要学习它们“梅花香自苦寒来”的拼搏精神,又要学
2、习它们“俏也不争春 ,只把春来报”的奉献精神。Winter sweet ( Its scientific name is Chimonanthus praecox) is also named ran huang mei or huang meihua. It belongs to winter sweet division and winter sweet genus, deciduous shrubs. They are usually about 2 to 4 meters tall. Their leaves are simple and opposite, elliptical ov
3、ate or lanceolate oval, apex acuminate, base rounded or cuneate, 7 to 15 cm long, margin entire, rough surface; The buds are with imbricate scales; Flowers are yellow bisexual wax and aromatic, so its also called the wax plum, and the pedicel is very short. Its flowering from December to February of
4、 next year, and fruiting next June to September. I like winter sweet. Although its not so gorgeous as the peach blossom opening in spring, but dare to fight against the cold wind and snow, facing to the dangerous environment and challenges bravely. It has the best quality such as obscure, unyielding, strong ,resolute and doesnt lower its head to difficultly or boast. We should not only learn from them the fighting spirit like “the plum blossom incense from the experience “, but also learn their dedication like “fancy not to Scrambling for spring but to be a harbinger of the spring“ .