1、Eiffel tower Robin Glynn - July 19981 23Crease into thirds Crease into 3rds again to make 9thsCrease into 3rds once more to make 27ths45Form a small box in the centre of the paperRepeat the procedure in step 4 to make thebox taller6Repeat step 5 again to make the box 3 segments tallEiffel tower Robi
2、n Glynn - July 1998Make sharp mountain creases bisecting thefirst flat segment at the base of the tower7Make another step starting half asegment from the tall stack89Make the step 2 segments tall10Add another step11Make this step 2segments tall12Make another 2 segment stepas in steps 10 & 11Eiffel tower13Fold the last step14 Robin Glynn - July 1998Mountain fold a curved archwhile fanning the layersinside the model15View fron underside showing fan16Repeat step 14 on theother 3 sides17Make thetop slightlypointed