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1、全国高师学生英语教师职业 技能竞赛决赛,说课评价标准,教师基本素质 (20%) 教学设计 (20%) 教学过程的呈现(30%) 预期的教学效果(15%) 假设的教学反思(15%),教师基本素质,教态、仪表、表情、感染力等 英语知识能力(语音语调、词汇和语法) 外语教学理论和教学基本功,教学设计,教学目标明确,符合学生学习阶段和学习水平 教材应用得当 教学设计合理,难度适中 学用比例平衡 教学方法得当 适当使用教学资源,教学过程的呈现,预习、准备、讲解、练习、结束等步骤顺畅、自然 引导学生积极参与(包括认知参与、行为参与和情感参与) 教学辅助手段 评价手段的选用 课堂教学组织形式合理,课堂管理有

2、序,预期的教学效果,各类学生均学有所得 学生的专项知识、技能和综合能力得到一定的发展 教学策略与学习策略能互相促进 时间利用合理,学生能基本完成教学活动,假设的教学反思,教学设计与实施过程的反差进行反思 学生的活动设计以及调动学生积极性方面进行反思 自己的教学策略是否适应学生的学习需要进行反思 实施的评价手段进行反思 正确回答评委提出的问题,Teaching Presentation,The similarities and differences between teaching presentation and teaching plan and demo class 说课与教案、试讲的相

3、同点和不同点,说课的对象是其他教师或者教研人员,试讲的对象是学生; 说课是解释具体教学设想和相关教学理念,教案是呈现教学设计,可以说前者是对后者的更具体详细的解释说明,特别是对每个教学设计环节的意图和作用的说明(这一点一般无需在教案中体现)。,注意,不要把要对学生说的话全文当成说课的内容; T: S: 可以在对某个环节的简单叙述后插进教师对学生的指令语或者一些作为示范性的片段对话;在书面上,一般教学叙述和直接引用分段来呈现;,比赛要求,要求选手结合外语教学理论分析所使用教材,分析学生接受情况,按说课类型设计教学方案。说明本课的教学目标、课重难点、所采取的教学方法、教学手段、评价手段、教学过程呈

4、现方式、预期达到的教学效果和假设的教学反思等,并在说课后回答评委提出的问题。,A formal plan,Title Date & Day Teacher/ Instructor Class (No. & level) Length Lesson type period Teaching content (简略) Teaching Aims/objectives Important points Difficult points (anticipated problems),Teaching methods/Teaching approaches Teaching aids Teaching

5、Procedure Allotted time (usu. in procedure) Homework (consolidation and preparation for next lesson) (embedded in teaching procedure) Attachment: Blackboard design Reflection on teaching,说教材 Analysis of teaching materials,说教法/教学策略 Analysis of teaching methods,说教学过程 Analysis of teaching procedure,说板书

6、设计 Analysis of board design,说预期教学效果和教学反思 Analysis of Teaching Reflection,介绍引入 Basic information,说教学目标 Analysis of teaching aims,说教学重难点 Analysis of important points and difficult points,Self-introduction,I am going to say Today we are going to learn I am going to talk about some of my teaching ideas

7、I would like to share with you some of my teaching ideas I am a teacher from ,Introduction,I am going to say Today we are going to learn I am going to talk about my teaching ideas, the topic is Sample:Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen/dear judges. My name is . I am from Guangdong Polytech

8、nic Normal University (No. 1). Thank you for giving me this opportunity to present my teaching plan here. Today, my presentation is based on Lesson , Unit of Book .,Self-introduction,问候:Good morning/afternoon, (ladies and gentlemen/dear judges). 自我介绍:My name is . Im from Guangdong Polytechnic Normal

9、 University. 感谢:Thank you for giving me this opportunity (to present my teaching here). 主题: Today, I am going to talk about Lesson , Unit of Book ./ Today, my presentation is based on Lesson , Unit of Book ./ Today, I am going to present my teaching of Lesson , + Altogether there are parts.,说课稿的基本要素

10、,说教材 说学生 说教学目标 说教学重点和难点 说教学策略 说教学程序 说板书设计 说预期教学效果和教学反思,Part 1 Analysis of (the) teaching material,Alternatives: Analysis of the teaching material Teaching material Talking about the teaching material About the teaching material,说教材 Analysis of the Teaching Material,教学内容 (标题title,主题topic,主要功能或目的,主要学习

11、内容,如词句和用法等) 教材的地位及其作用 (在教材中的位置,与上下的联系,课内课外的联系),This is the sixth unit of Book 1 used for Grade Eight in junior middle school. ,说教材 Analysis of the Teaching Material,Part 1 Analysis of (the) teaching material Content,Title The title of this unit/module/lesson is Topic Its mainly about Key words The k

12、ey words of this lesson includes (罗列) /are mainly words of (归类) Key grammatical structure or item The most important structure is ,Part 1 Analysis of (the) teaching material Position & Function,Position & Function It is the first/second/ period in this unit/module, which is based on/relates to the l

13、earning of in Unit *. (之前) Its closely related to the next unit/module which is about /It helps to lay a foundation for the learning of /It is the first/second/ stage of the study of (之后),说学生 Analysis of the Students,学生的认知心理(年龄阶段和学习阶段的总体特点,跟本单元相关的具体特点) 学生的知识基础(年龄阶段和学习阶段的总体特点,跟本单元相关的知识储备) 学生的思维能力(总体特

14、点,记忆力、想象力、模仿能力、注意力、综合运用能力),Part 2 Analysis of the students,Cognitive psychology curiosity, recognition, evaluation, attitude towards , desire to learn, desire to perform, self-consciousness, Knowledge basis They have learned in . Capability memory, imitation, ability to understand, ability to use ,说

15、教学目标 Analysis of the Objectives,语言知识目标(Objectives of language knowledge) 语言结构,语言功能 语言技能目标(Objectives of language skills) 听,说,读,写 (说整个单元一般包括四技能,但单独一节课一般不会全部包括,根据课型决定) 情感态度目标(Objectives of affect and attitude) 兴趣,乐趣,合作意识等 学习策略目标(Objectives of learning strategies) 认知策略,资源策略,交际策略,跨学科学习 文化意识目标(Objectives

16、 of cultural awareness),Part 3 Analysis of the teaching aims,Language knowledge Words, structures, grammatical items, functions Language skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing Affect Feelings, attitude Learning strategies Learning how to learn Cultural awareness Chinese and other cultures,Part

17、 3 Analysis of the teaching aims,Language knowledge 列出关键词、句型、语法结构、语言功能 Language skills 具体是四项技能里的哪个方面的训练, e.g. listening for gist, listening for details, listening for number, talking about by using , skimming, scanning, writing by using Affect Feelings, attitude (参考“说学生”的“认知心理”部分) Learning strategie

18、s Learning how to learn (参考“说学生”的“思维能力”部分) Cultural awareness Chinese and other cultures,Part 3 Analysis of the teaching aims,Consistency 一致性 用词要一致,以免加大理解负担,如:Aims/objectives; 主语要一致,目标是教师通过教学帮助学生达到的学习目标,主语是学生,选择动词必须考虑主语,混淆的例子如:1. enable; 2. learn;,Part 3 Analysis of the teaching aims,Correct 表达的准确性

19、要采用能够表达能力水平的词语 By the end of the class, students will be able to ; 要选择具体的词语,避免过于笼统,如:know, study, learn, have a concept of, be familiar with等都很难确定一个水平,下面的词语可供参考:recognize in reading/listening, spell, say, use in speaking/writing, use make new sentences, build up confidence, be more in , adopt , appr

20、eciate, ,说教学重点和难点 Analysis of the Important Points and Difficult Points,重点 一般是落在知识和技能上; 难点 一般是重点知识点、技能中的某个 方面;,Part 4 Analysis of the important and difficult points,重难点分开; 不要过多,一般不要超过三个项目; 用名词词组表示; 口头表述: The important points lie in /relate to Its important students understand/use Students may find i

21、t difficult to understand/use/remember ,说教学策略 Analysis of the Teaching Strategies,教法策略分析(教学方法) 学法指导(如何引导学生) 教学手段(教学活动的具体说明,结合教具的使用和功能),Part 5 Analysis of teaching and learning strategies,Teaching strategies 宏观:选择使用何种教学方法(以哪种为主,哪几种为辅), The Grammar Translation Method The Direct Method Situational Lang

22、uage Teaching The Audiolingual Method The Cognitive Approach The Communicative Language Teaching Task-based Language Teaching 微观:采用什么教学手段实现教学目标, Pairwork, teamwork, discussion, role-play, debate, game, 采用这些教学方法和手段的理论依据是什么,Part 5 Analysis of teaching and learning strategies,Learning strategies 说出在本课教

23、学过程中,指导学生学习或学会使用什么学习方法,如五官并用、强化记忆、比较归纳、分析概括规律、循环记忆、分类记忆、联想记忆、发现学习、心口一致等等。要说明结合本课教学培养学生哪种学习能力,如观察力、记忆力、想像力、注意力、创造力、思维能力、反应能力、自学能力等。 说学法可以与说教法结合。,说教学程序 Analysis of the Teaching Procedure,单元: 课时分配 导入设计 新课教学设计 练习设计,一节课: Steps,说教学程序(一节课) Analysis of the Teaching Procedure,最重要的活动要注意在后面加入评价环节,让学生能够清楚地认识到自己

24、完成的质量。,注意,给每个环节加上小标题,以便听着更加清楚这部分的内容,另外,在每个环节结束进入下个步骤之前最后能用一个短句回指总结之前的环节;E.g. Part 2, presentation. Ask the students the above is to present . Then lets come to Part 3, 叙述中多用基数词、序数词和小标题,但不表示在念表格,注意采用过渡语; 每一个步骤要说明教学意图(对学生起到哪方面的作用),Part 6 Teaching Procedure,缺小标题; 小标题的表达不统一(各种词性短语混用,或者与课本的小标题1a, 1b混用);

25、小标题的表达方式不能体现教学过程的完整性; 教学过程的安排不合理,没有突出课型 (时间分配和步骤的多少); 缺作业和学生的自评(最后环节); 语言表达不是单纯记录教师与学生的对话,而是叙述如何组织教学活动,要用叙述性的语言; 没有说明每个步骤设计的意图;,小标题,3P: Presentation Practice Production,Five-step teaching: Revision Presentation Drill Practice Consolidation,小标题,Task: Pre-task (listening, speaking,) While-task Post-ta

26、sk,小标题,如果想说明该环节的具体活动类型,可在小标题中用破折号,先用统一的小标题,之后再解释说明该部分的具体活动,如:Step 1 Warming up Guessing the names of fruit; 如果遇到重复环节,比如先呈现第一层用法,然后练习,再呈现第二层,再练习,可给小标题编号,如:Step 2 Presentation 1, Step 3 Practice 1, Step 4 Presentation 2, Step 5 Practice 2;,说板书 Analysis of Board Design,简单地叙述黑板各部分的内容,一般分为两到三部分。,Step 7 A

27、nalysis of board design,采用画图的形式进行展示,注意,不要把书上已经附有的冗长的语法规则原原本本抄在黑板上,因为用一些简练的公式来表述;,说预期教学效果和教学反思,总结教学方法可能带来的教学效果: 各层次学生的进步 学生的知识、技能等方面的进步 教学反思: 设计与实施实际可能存在的差距 活动设计与积极性的调动 教学策略与学生的学习需要 评价手段是否科学,Step 8 Analysis of teaching effects and teaching reflection,Teaching effects: The achievement of students of d

28、ifferent levels; The improvements in terms of knowledge, skills, ; Teaching reflection: The contrast between the design and reality; The contrast between the design and students interest; The contrast between teaching strategies and students real need; The feasibility of evaluation; ,说课的衔接,七大部分:Part

29、 1, Part 2, 教学过程:Step 1, Step 2, 衔接词:first, second, one, two, next, then, finally, 转入新的部分可对上一部分进行简单的回顾,如:This is about . Next I am going to talk about , thats Part * ,说课的板书,Material Ss Aims I. & D. points T. & L. strategies Procedure Board design,1. Review 2 3 4 5 ,Board Design (画图),Teaching Methods

30、,The Grammar Translation Method The Direct Method Situational Language Teaching The Audiolingual Method The Cognitive Approach The Communicative Language Teaching & Task-based Language Teaching,Six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities,Communicative purpose: real communicative p

31、urpose rather than practising language for its own purpose Information gap Communicative desire: Even if communication is forced on the students, they must feel a real need to communicate Content, not form: students concerning on what they are saying, not how they say it,Six criteria for evaluating

32、communicative classroom activities,Variety of language: provide chances for students to use a variety of language rather than one specific language form No teacher intervention: not involve the teacher correcting or evaluating in the middle, but some evaluation of the final product on the communicat

33、ive purpose, not the correctness No materials control: should not control what language the students should use. Students make the choice.,真正的交际活动应该有三大特点:信息沟、选择性和消息反馈; 信息沟 (information gap) communicative purpose and desire比如说,老师手里拿着一个苹果,问大家:“Is it an apple?”学生回答:“Yes, it is.”大家都知道这是一个苹果,这时是没有信息沟的。但是

34、,如果老师拿着一个不透明的袋子装着一些不同的水果,让一个学生来摸,然后下面的学生提问:“Is it an apple?”摸到水果的同学根据感觉进行回答:“Yes, it is.”或者 “No, it isnt.”这时交流是存在信息沟的。,选择性 (choices) Content, not form, variety of language, no materials control 比如说,老师要求一个学生把一个陈述句转变为问句,他说:“Will you change my sentence into a question? I went home yesterday.”学生回答说:“Did

35、 you go home yesterday?”,这样的对话学生没有选择的自由。但是,如果老师跟大家说:“Yesterday, my mother phoned me saying my aunt was coming to visit us. She wanted me to go back home to have dinner. But I had a lot of work to do yesterday. I was not sure whether I could finish. I (If you want to know what I did later, you can as

36、k questions) ”然后停下来,那么大家这时可能会开始问各种相关的问题,“Did you say yes or no?” “Did you finish your work?” “Did you go home yesterday?” “Did you go home to have dinner with them?”,Task-based Language Teaching,TBLT is a further development of Communicative Language Teaching. It has stressed the importance to combi

37、ne form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching.,Components of a task,Clark, Scarino and Brownell (1994: 40): A purpose A context A process A product,D. Nunan (1989: 11): Goal Input Activities Teacher role and learner role settings,Components of a task,Purpose: communicative purpose; Co

38、ntext: similar to real-life context (meaningful, interesting); Language exposure: sufficient, providing choices; Process: interaction, cooperation; Product: usually measurable; Comment (evaluation specific ): helps improve the performance of the task;,Case analysis,初二学生在学完有关食物的英文名称和表达喜欢或不喜欢的句型后,听关于食

39、物喜好的一段对话,然后教师布置学生做一个小调查,即用英语询问并记录小组中各个同学最喜欢的食物,各小组用统计表的形式表示调查结果,每个小组写几句话来简短回报调查结果。,初二学生在学完有关食物的英文名称和表达喜欢或不喜欢的句型后,听关于食物喜好的一段对话,然后教师布置学生做一个小调查,即用英语询问并记录小组中各个同学最喜欢的食物,各小组用统计表的形式表示调查结果,每个小组写几句话来简短回报调查结果。,目标是什么?是否具有交际性(信息交流)? 以哪个目标为主?(交际目标,教学目标) 构成任务内容的输入材料是什么?来自何处? 构成任务的活动是否与现实世界中的活动类似? 活动强调的是语言形式的获取还是语

40、言技能的使用(意义的表达)? 学生是被动接受知识还是主动获取知识? 教师是知识的传授者还是活动的设计者、参与者? 活动是仅限于课堂教学还是可以延伸到课余学习和生活? 任务的结果如何体现?能否被观察到? 任务的结果是否可测?,Grammar Teaching,Grammar Practice,Mechanical practice Substitution drills smallest lawn, cleanest house, nicest flowers, most beautiful garden Mrs. Green has the largest house in town. Sma

41、ll lawn, clean house, nice flowers, beautiful garden Transformation drills Now he lives in London. (last year, Paris) We have English and maths today. (yesterday, music and P. E.) Repetition drills Twenty questions (yes-no questions) to guess whats in a Ss mind Focus Pros and Cons,Grammar Practice,M

42、eaningful practice usually comes after mechanical practice; e.g. comparatives and superlativesFocus Pros and Cons,Picture prompts present continuous tense,Picture prompts “There be ”,Information sheet as prompts,Key phrases or key words as prompts,How many? Playground Boys dancing Girls playing foot

43、ball Children,Chained phrases for story telling,7 oclock got up had breakfast hurried to school school closed surprised,You are a stranger in this town. You want to buy some fruit. You want to post a letter, and you also want to see a movie at night. Ask about the places.,Created situations,From Gra

44、mmar to Grammaring (Larsen Freeman, 1991),Form How is it formed?,Meaning What does it mean?,Pragmatics When/why is it used?,Vocabulary Teaching,What does it mean to know a word?,A simple answer: pronunciation and stress; spelling and grammatical properties; meaning; how and when the intended meaning

45、;,What does knowing a word involve?,Denotative meaning; Connotative meaning; Collocations and colligation; Synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms; Receptive and productive vocabulary;,Collocation,Frequent co-occurrence depend on, as a matter of fact, prevent from, according to, turn off, as well as, in additi

46、on to, (固定搭配) between (常用相邻搭配) take place (常用相邻或不相邻搭配), between, take place ,“The coup occurred because of all the changes that have taken place, and it failed because of all the changes that have taken place.“ they were either simulated or recorded from the real events that had already taken place,

47、 The exhibition took place at a time during The first partly-free elections took place in 1989. The interviews took place in the Spring term That meeting took place on 10th January 1990.,Colligation,教师可让学生对比taken place出现在句末和took place接介词短语的例子,思考“哪种形式常作从句谓语,哪种常作主句谓语?”在得出前者多为从句谓语,后者多为主句谓语后,教师可提供典型例子,要

48、求学生观察并思考“表述一件发生过的事情与另一件存在关系(常为因果关系)时,哪种形式更合适?叙述一件过去发生的事件时,哪种形式更合适?” 加深学生对易混淆形式的认识。,“The coup occurred because of all the changes that have taken place, and it failed because of all the changes that have taken place.“ they were either simulated or recorded from the real events that had already taken

49、place, After the lambs were born, and the had taken place, came down from what would have happened if some event (which did occur) had not taken place. The exhibition took place at a time during The first partly-free elections took place in 1989. The interviews took place in the Spring term That meeting took place on 10th January 1990.,


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