1、5151riddles1. what is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?2. what has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?3. what is big and bright during the day and we cant see it at night?4. i am small. i can fly. i like singing in the sky. what am i?5. which letter is a
2、drink?6. which letter is around an island?7. which letter is an animal?8. which letter is a kind of vegetable?9. which is the longest english word? why?10. which letter is a question?11. which letter is a part of your face?12. i am very big and heavy. i have a long nose and big ears. what am i ?13.
3、i am the tallest animal in the world. what am i ?14. i live in the sea. i am the biggest animal in the sea. what am i ?15. what do you call your fathers fathers only son?16. what is the biggest ant in the world?17. what is in the middle of the world?18. what do you call your father-in-laws only chil
4、ds mother-in-law?19. what is the smallest room in the world?20. teachers write on me with chalk. i cant talk. what am i ?21. you have it. you read it. there are some words and pictures on it. what is it?22. sometimes it looks like a boat. sometimes it looks like a small white sun. what is it?23. you
5、 throw away the outside and cook the inside. then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. what did you eat?24. what goes around the world but stays in a corner?25. give me food, and i will live; give me water, and i will die. what am i?26. what can run but never walks, has a mouth but never t
6、alks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?27. i fly, but i have no wings. i cry, but i have no eyes.28. how many letters are in the alphabet?29. i am always with you. sometimes behind you, sometimes before you, sometimes by your side, but you cant see me in the dark.30. what table
7、 is in the field?31. what table can tell you what to do?32. what changes a pear into a pearl?33. what letter makes a road broad?34. when do 2 and 2 make more than 4?35. i have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. what am i?36. what kind of dog doesnt bite or bark?37. i a
8、m everywhere in the earth. without me, you have to die. what am i ?38. i cant walk. i cant fly. i can swim. what am i ?39. i am green in spring and yellow in autumn. birds like me and people like me. what am i ?40. chicken grows from it. what is it?41. its very small in the sky, but its actually ver
9、y big. what is it?42. its a colourful bridge in the sky. what is it?43. why do lions eat raw meat()44. why is six afraid of seven?45. a woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. how can this be possible?46. i am white. you can drink me. i am in the dairy group. what am i ?47. i am green or red. i
10、 am spicy and hot. i am in the vegetable group. what am i ?48. i am a kind of fruit, green outside and red inside. what am i ?49. i am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds. what am i ?50. i am orange. i am thin and long. rabbits like me very much. what am i ?51. da
11、vid was out for a walk when it started to rain. he did not have an umbrella and he wasnt wearing a hat. his clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. how could this happen?solutions1. blackboard2. a clock3. the sun4. a bird5. t(tea)6. c(sea)7. b(bee)8. p(pea)9. smiles(theres a
12、mile between the first and the last letter.)10. y(why)11. i(eye)12. an elephant13. a giraffe14. the whale15. father/daddy16. an e lephant17. the letter r18. mom19. mushroom20. a blackboard21.a book22. the moon23. chicken24. stamp25. fire26. river27. cloud28. eight29. shadow30. vegetable31.timetable3
13、2. l33. b34. (22)35. a map36. hot dog37. air38. fish39. a tree40. an egg41. a star/ the sun/ the moon 42. a rainbow43. because they cant cook.44. because seven eight(ate) nine.45. because all of her children are boys.46. milk47. pepper48. a watermelon49. a banana50. a carrot51. because hes bald.123s
14、phinx-(oedipus)what goes on four feet, on two feet, and three, but the more feet it goes on, the weaker it will be.man. because he crawls first, then walks on two feet, uses a cane when old.what goes on four legs at dawn, two at noon, and three at dusk? (descriptive riddles)2)what starts with tends
15、with t and full of ta teapotteapot()t(tea)full of t3)the longest word in the world.smilesmile()-2)what is the cheapest way to see the worldbuy an atlas(buy an atlas)(see the world)see the worldwhat goes up and never goes downage why should you never marry a tennis player because love means nothing t
16、o themlove-1) why shouldnt you cry if a cow slips on the ice?because its no use crying over spilt milk.its no use crying over spilt milk.2) whats a sculptors motto?all work and no clay makes jack a dull boy.(sculptor)all work and no clay makes jack a dull boy.()all work and no play makes jack a dull
17、 boy.()1001. its in our classroom. we can write on it. _2. its the tallest animal in the zoo._3. what kind of fruit is purple_4. its afraid of cats. it likes eating all kinds of food._5. you use it to brush your teeth. _6. what kind of food is triangle_7. it is a room. we sleep in it._1. you can put
18、 your money and your cards in it. what is it its a _ or a _ .2. if you want to know the time, you can use it. what is it its a_ or a _ .3. if you want to have a cup of tea, you may use it. what is itits a _.4. what do people usually eat at the dragon boat festival theyre _ _ .5. we can put it on the
19、 birthday cake. what is it its a _ .1. a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isnt a cat?2. what is in the center of the water?3. two little brothers,one lives on one side,the other on the other side,they hear what you say,but they do not see each other.4. what can hear you without ears and ca
20、n answer you without a mouth?5. what a room has no walls,no doors,no windows,and no floors?6. what large instrument do you carry in your ears?7. what person tried to make you smile most of the time?8. what has hands but no feet,a face but no eyes,tells but not talk?9. what is black when it is clean
21、and white when it is dirty?10. what has a soft bed but never sleeps,a big mouth but never speaks?11. what is easy to get into but hard to get out of?12. what is higher without a head than with a head?13. what is dark but made by light?.1. what gets largerthe more you take away2. what goes on four le
22、gs in the morningon two at noonand on three in the evening3. what do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon5.can you tell me some thing about the great scientists of the 18th century18 1. what is higher without a head than with a head?2. what is dark but made by light?3. what a room ha
23、s no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?4. what large instrument do you carry in your ears?5. what person tried to make you smile most of the time?6. what has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but not talk?7. what is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?8. what has a
24、soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?9. what is easy to get into but hard to get out of?10. what has two legs but cannt walk?11. from what number can you take half and leave nothing?12. what two word have thousands of letters in them?13. what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take
25、 2 letters away?14. what kind of dog never bite?16.what is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals?17.what number gets bigger when you turn it upside down?1. two little brothersone lives on one sidethe other on the other sidethey hear what you saybut they doe
26、s not see each other2. it is so weakthat a little wind can move itit is so strongthat you can cut it with a knife and leave no trace3. why is a river very rich?4. which four letters are the thief afraid of?5. what part of a clock is always old?6. what is white when it is dirty?7. which letter makes
27、her hear?8. i jump into the water what do i do ?9. what starts with tends with t and full of t10. the longest word in the world.11. what is the cheapest way to see the world12. what goes up and never goes down13. why should you never marry a tennis player14. why shouldnt you cry if a cow slips on th
28、e ice?1. what is smaller than an insectsmouth?2. what season is the most dangerous one?3. whats too much for me,just right for two,butnothing at all for three?4. on what day of a year do soldiers start warsin history?5. how many feet are in a yard?6. what person tries to make others smile most ofthe
29、time?7. from what number can one take half and leavenothing?8. what has hands but no feet, a face but noeyes,tells but does nottalk?9. how many months have 28 days?10. which horses have six legs?11. who isnt your sister and isnt your brother,but is still achild of your mother and father?12. what has
30、 teeth but cant eat?13. what kind of man can raise things withoutlifting them?14. which candle burns longer:a black one or awhiteone?15. why does a cook wear a high,whitehat?16. can you name five days of the week withoutsaying: monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday?17. what kind of dog never can
31、bite andbark?18. what has a soft bed but never sleeps,a bigmouth but neverspeaks?19. four girls have a basket with four apples init.how can you divide the apples so that each girl gets a wholeapple and one still remains in thebasket?20. which eight-letter word has one letter init?keys() 1. anything
32、iteats.2. autumn. because it is alsofall.3. asecret.4. march fourth.when a war breaks out,theyllhave to marchforth.5. it depends on how many people are standing init.6. aphotographer.7.the number8.8.a clock.9.all of them. each month has its 28thday.10.all horses have forelegs (four legs) in frontand
33、 two in back, so they all have six legs.11.you yourselfare.13.a farmer.he can raise pigs, chickens and soon without liftingthem.14.neither.because all candles burnshorter.15.to cover hishead.16.the day before yesterday,yesterday,today,tomorrow, and the day aftertomorrow.17.a hotdog.18.ariver.19.give three girls an apple each,and give thefourth girl her apple in thebasket.20.envelope.137|