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1、Lecture Four Diction in translation,遣词用字,Definition of diction,By “diction” we mean the proper choice of words and phrases in the target language on the basis of accurate comprehension of the source language text.,英汉词汇含义比较 每一个词所表达的概念的外延各有其广度。假如某一个英文词A可以同某一个中文词B建立某种相应的关系,那么,这种关系就有以下四种可能性。,A B,1)A=B (

2、一一对应) (见课本p.13),More Examplesgeophysics 地球物理学ecology 生态学carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Venus 金星 silistor 可变电阻helicopter 直升机,但要注意区分假朋友。(见课本p.13),A,B,2) AB(一对多关系)(见课本p.14),More Examples 1. Operate 操作Atomic cells can operate without being recharged for decades.原子电池可连续使用几十年不需充电。This company operates only domestical

3、ly.这家公司只经营国内业务。,Energy will operate some changes under this temperature. 在这一温度下,能量会引起某些变化。Computers can operate only according to instructions. 计算机只能根据指令计算。,Storage cells can be used to operate automobiles.蓄电池可用来发动汽车。After X-raying the patient, the doctor decided to operate on him immediately.病人透视后,

4、医生决定立即给他动手术。The old workers teach the students to operate machines.老工人教学生操作机器。,Straight 笔直Put your room straight. 把你的房间整理好。He is a straight thinker.他的思路很有条理。to give a straight answer 给以坦率的回答The accounts are straight. 账目清楚。She keeps straight. 他品行端正。to vote the straight ticket 投清一色的选票to set the record

5、 straight 打开天窗说亮话,Heavy 重 Heavy weather 恶劣的天气 heavy weathering 严重风化 Heavy crops 丰收 Heavy artillery 重炮 Heavy soil 难耕的土地 Heavy sky 阴郁的天空 Heavy bombardment 密集轰炸 Heavy storm 大风暴,Heavy ice 厚冰 Heavy road 泥泞的道路 Heavy fire 猛烈的炮火 Heavy heart 沉重的心情 Heavy rain 暴雨 Heavy food 难消化的食物 Heavy sea 汹涌的大海 Heavy hand 严厉

6、的手段 Heavy applause 热烈的鼓掌 Heavy look 忧心忡忡的神态,Heavy tongue 笨拙的口才 Heavy undertaking 艰巨的事业 Heavy snow 鹅毛般大雪 Heavy money 大笔款项 Heavy scene 尴尬的场面 Heavy drinking 狂饮 Heavy fighting 恶战 Heavy market 萧条的市场 Heavy sound 低沉的声音,Heavy bread 发酵不充分的面包 Heavy offensive 大规模的进攻 Heavy news 坏消息 Heavy wick 粗绳 Heavy grade 陡坡

7、Heavy reading 枯燥乏味的读物 Heavy line 黑线,heavy current 强电流 heavy cut 深挖方heavy industry 重工业 heavy line 粗线heavy mortar 稠浆 heavy rain 大雨heavy traffic 交通拥挤,Broken破a broken man (在精神等方面)潦倒的人 a broken soldier 伤兵 broken time 零星时间 broken money 零钱 broken English 不标准的英语 a broken promise 未践之约 a broken road 凹凸不平的路,Go

8、od好 1) It was a girl with good manners. 这是一位举止得体的姑娘。 2)These were all labeled as good eggs. 这些都被标为新鲜的鸡蛋。 3) Dogs are often regarded as mans good friends.狗经常被认为是人们的忠实朋友。,Dry干 1) I want my martini dry. 我的马丁尼酒不要甜的。(not sweet) 2) There are still some dry states in the United States.在美国尚有几州禁酒。 3) She pre

9、fers dry bread. 她喜欢无奶油的面包。(without butter) 4) He cows are dry. 这些母牛缺奶。(not supplying milk) 5) He gave us a dry lecture yesterday. 昨天他给我们作了一个枯燥无味的讲演。(dull) 6) I am sure what he presented was a dry fact. 我确信,他所列举的是铁一般的事实. (plain),Go走 Here is a pretty go! 这件事真难办!(difficult affairs) 2) He is itching to

10、have a go at it. 他跃跃欲试。(try) 3) The old man is still full of go. 这位老人仍然精力充沛。(energy, enthusiasm)4) These brightly colored stockings are all the go this summer. (fashion) 这些颜色鲜明的袜子今夏很流行。,3) AB( 多对一关系),B,A,Great 重大重大问题 vital problem重大损失 heavy losses重大胜利 signal victory重大分歧 major difference重大成就 tremendo

11、us achievements重大意义 great significance,use 用 Verbs: adopt, apply, deploy, employ, exploit, expend, harness, introduce, need, take, use, utilize, administer Phrases: bring into use, draw on, make use of, put into use, take advantage of Prep: by, by means of, for, from, in, on, out of, with,Drugs are

12、often administered to relieve pain associated with an inflammation.往往要用药物减轻炎症引起的疼痛。It is important to apply the results of scientific research to production.把科研成果用到生产中去是很重要的。Many of the natural organic compounds have been synthesized by artificial process.许多天然有机化合物已可用人工方法合成。,Light takes more than 8

13、minutes in reaching us from the sun.阳光传播到地球要用八分多钟。The best way is to chew the tablets before swallowing them with water.最好是先将药片爵碎,然后用水吞服。The device can mimic photosynthesis to produce usable energy from sunlight.这种装置能模拟光合作用,用阳光产生可用能。,他用58秒跑完了全程。 He ran the course in 58 seconds.发电机发出的电力用在电动机上。Electri

14、c power from the generator is utilized in the motor.我们用旧箱子做成了这个工作台。We made this work bench out of an old box.,新机器已经开始用。The new machine has been put into operation.在商业上用这项发明是困难的。It will be difficult to exploit this invention commercially.,4)A or B (零对应)(见课本p.14),A,B,Dumpling - jiaozi steamed buns - m

15、antou dragon (to sow dragons teeth),2. Diction in Translation (翻译中的选词法) *在语境中正确选择词义 (Contextual Meaning) “词本无义,义随文生”。词语的翻译应充分考虑到语境,确定词义时要注意词的搭配,词义的褒贬等方面,表达时可以根据上下文和逻辑关系对词义进行引申,同时还要注意语体。,(1) Collocative meaning(词的搭配) (见课本pp.16-17),Soft soft pillow 软枕 soft music 轻柔的音乐 soft cushion 靠垫 soft wood 软木 soft

16、 money 纸币 soft drink 不含酒精的饮料 soft breeze 和风 soft light 柔光 soft voice 低声 soft fire 文火 soft hat 呢帽 soft words 和蔼的话 soft answer 委婉的回答 soft goods 毛织品 soft heart 慈心 soft water 软水(不含矿 物盐类的水),Book 1Show me the complaint book,please 请把意见簿拿给我看看。 2 Miltions Paradise Lost consists of twelve books 弥尔顿的长诗失乐园共有12

17、卷。 3 Thats all I remember, sir, on the Book 凭圣经起誓,长官,我记得的就是这些。 4He claims to have been graduated from this college;but his name is not on the books 他自称是从本学院毕业的,但注册簿上没有他的名字。,5. He is always painstakingly at his books 他总是埋头苦读。 6 The music was fine but the book was very poor 音乐是出色的,但是歌词很糟。 7. How many

18、names are there on your books? 你们的登记名册上共有多少人? 8 He went out to the village to pay tradesmens books 他到村里的买卖人那儿付账去了。,9In the business college students are taught to keep books 商学院教授学生作簿记。 10 Are you in the book? 电话簿里有你的电话号码吗?,另外,英语中还有一些习惯用法,在翻译中 容易疏忽或错译: 1) The importance of a safe spillway cannot be

19、overemphasized.安全溢洪道的重要性无论怎样强调也不会过分. 2) You cannot pay too much attention to your pronunciation. 你越注意你的发音越好。 3) You can never be too careful in your work. 在工作中你越细心越好。 4) One can scarcely pay too high price for liberty. 人对自由付出的代价再高,也不过分。,(2) Affective meaning (词义的褒贬),An aggressive country is always r

20、eady to start a war. 一个好侵略的国家总是准备挑起战争。 An aggressive young man can go far in this firm. 一个富有进取心的年青人在这家公司前途无量。,We were shocked by his coarse manners. 我们对他的粗暴态度感到震惊。 As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication from his employees. 他是个苛刻的老板,要求手下的人对他忠心耿耿。 Those who do not remember the p

21、ast are condemned to relive it. 凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。,(3) Extended meaning (词义的引申),1) We can make out the meaning of the word from the context. 我们可以从上下文判断出这个词的意思。 2) We should settle the disputes in the context of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. 我们应当在和平共处五项原则的基础上解决这些争端。in the context of = in

22、 the spirit of 3) It is in this context that the tragedy of Sahara was born. 撒哈拉悲剧正是在这种情况下发生的。 in these circumstances,4) We must operate within the context of the Olympic Spirit. 我们必须按照奥林匹克精神办事。(according to) 5) In this context, Ive to call your attention to the fact that the peaceful trend in the I

23、ndo-China Peninsula is essential to peace in the world. 就此而论,我不得不提请大家注意这样一个事实:印度支那半岛局势的稳定对世界和平来说是至关重要的。 in this context= in this connection,You will get no word from him. Hes a regular oyster. 你别想从他嘴里得到一个字,他总是守口如瓶。 He has clean hands during his ten years government. 他为官10年,却两袖清风。,Extend the meaning

24、from the concrete or specific to the abstract or general(词义从具体到抽象,从特殊引向一般,从局部引向概括,从“实”引向“虚”) 1Nowadays a student heading for college may pack a frying pan along with his books 实译:如今上大学的学生除了带他的书上学校以外,还可以带上一个煎烙饼的平底锅了。 虚译:如今大学生在学校里也可以自己做点吃的了。,Extend the meaning from the abstract or general to the concr

25、ete or specific(词义从抽象引向具体,从一般引向特殊,从概括引向局部,从虚”引向“实”) The chauvinism of the bourgeoisie is only a vanity,giving a national cloak to all their own pretensions 虚译:资产阶级沙文主义只不过是一种虚荣,它给资产阶级的种种要求罩上一件民族的外衣。 实译:资产阶级沙文主义只不过是一种虚假的装饰品,它给资产阶级的种种要求罩上一件民族的外衣。,(4)Stylistic meaning (词的文体色彩) (见课本pp.18-19),Compare the

26、following two versions for each and state which one is better.无论是街道、房屋或公园,这个地方都有一种难以描绘的 南国情调。随便走到哪里,我都可以看到新鲜有趣的东西。 All streets, houses and parks here have an indescribable look of the south No matter where I go,lm sure to find things new and interesting The place, with its streets, its houses and it

27、s parks, wears an indescribable air of the southEvery corner brings me into acquaintance with some new interest,退休工人邵劝帮对小儿子在春说,“那时候,干一天活累得连炕都上不去,浑身疼得要命,睡也睡不着.” Shao Quanbang, a retird worker, said to his little son Zaichun,Al that time, I was so fatigued after a days drudgery that l found it very ha

28、rd to mount the Kang My whole frame aching acutely. I couldnt go to sleep however hard I tried” Shao Quanbang, a retired worker, said to his little son Zaichun,“In those days, I was usually so done up after a days hard work that I could hardly get on the Kang As my whole body ached like anything , I simply couldnt get to sleep even I tried to” ”,Assignment Translate the following sentences.,1.She showered us with letters. 2.The government left its policy open to various interpretations. 3.To see his likeness perpetuated in marble is to me today a sad but pleasing sensation.,


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