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全国大学生英语竞赛参考词汇表(官方版)_解密 - 副本.pdf

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1、 全国大学生英语竞赛参考词汇表 注:全国大学生英语竞赛参考词汇表根据大学英语课程教学要求中对三个不同教学层次所规定的词汇量而制订,共收录单词 7676(内含积极词汇 2364 个) ,词组 1870 条。具体分配情况如下: 一般要求 4794 个单词(含中学已学词汇),表中不设标记; 较高要求 1601 个单词,表中标记为; 更高要求 1281 个单词,表中标记为。 大学英语四级词汇大纲规定应达到大学英语课程教学要求一般要求,大学英语六级词汇大纲规定应达到大学英语课程教学要求较高要求。a/an abandon abbey abbreviation abduct abide ability ab

2、le abnormal aboard abolish abort abortion abound about above abreast abroad abrupt absence absent absolute absorb absorbed abstain abstract absurd abundance abundant abuse abusive academic academician academy accelerate accent accept acceptable acceptance access accessible accession accessory accide

3、nt accidental acclaim accommodate accommodation accompany accomplice accomplish accord accordance according to accordingly account accountability accountable accountancy accountant accounting accumulate accuracy accurate accusation accuse accustom accustomed ace ache achieve achievement acid acknowl

4、edge acoustic acquaint acquaintance acquire acquisition acquit acre across act action activate active activist activity actor actress actual actuality acupuncture acute adapt add addict addicted addictive addition additional additive address adept adequate adhere adherence adhesive adjacent adjectiv

5、e adjoin adjourn adjust administer administrate administration administrative admiral admire admission admit admittance admittedly adolescence adolescent adopt adore adorn adult advance advanced advancement advantage advantageous advent adventure adventurer adventurous adverb adversary adverse adver

6、sity advertise advertisement/ad advice advisable advise advisory advocate aerial aerospace aesthetic aesthetics affair affect affection affiliate affiliation affinity affirm affirmative affix afflict affluent afford affordable afloat afraid afresh after aftermath afternoon afterward afterwards again

7、 against age agency agenda agent aggravate aggregate aggressive agitate ago agony agree agreeable agreement agriculture ahead aid aide AIDS ailment aim air airborne air-conditioning aircraft airhostess airline airplane/aeroplane airport airstrike airway aisle akin alarm album alcohol alcoholic ale a

8、lert algebra alien alienate align alike alive all allegation allege allegedly allegiance allergic allergy alleviate alley alliance allocate allot allotment allow allowance alloy allude allure ally almighty almost aloft alone along alongside aloud alphabet already also alter alternate alternative alt

9、hough altitude altogether alumin(i)um always amass amateur amaze amazing ambassador ambiguity ambiguous ambition ambitious ambulance ambush amend amiable amid ammunition among/amongst amount ample amplify amuse amusement amusing analogue analogy analysis analyst analytical analyze/-yse anarchist anc

10、estor ancestry anchor ancient and anecdote anew angel anger angle angry anguish animal animate animated ankle annex anniversary announce annoy annoyance annual anonymity anonymous another answer ant antagonism antagonist antenna anthropologist antibiotic anticipate antimissile antique antiquity anto

11、nym anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment/apt. ape apologize/-ise apology appal(l) appalling apparatus apparent appeal appealing appear appearance appease appendix appetite applaud applause apple appliance applicable applicant application applied apply ap

12、point appointment appraisal appraise appreciate apprehend apprentice approach appropriate appropriation approval approve approximate approximately April apron apt aptitude arbitrary arbitration arc arch arch(a)eology archaeologist architect architecture archive ardent arduous area arena argue argume

13、nt arid arise aristocrat arithmetic arm armament armo(u)r army around arouse arrange arrangement array arrest arrival arrive arrogance arrogant arrow arsenal arson art artery artful article articulate artifact artificial artillery artist artistic artwork as ascend ascertain ascribe ash ashamed ashor

14、e aside ask asleep aspect aspiration aspire ass assassin assassinate assassination assault assemble assembly assert assertive assess asset assign assignment assimilate assist assistance assistant associate association assorted assume assumption assurance assure asthma astonish astray astronaut astro

15、nomer astronomy asylum at athlete athletic atlas atmosphere atmospheric atom atomic atrocity attach attack attain attempt attend attendance attendant attention attic attitude attorney attract attraction attractive attributable attribute auction audience audio audit auditor auditorium auditory augmen

16、t august aunt austere authentic authenticity author authoritative authority authorize/-ise auto autobiography automate automatic automation automobile autonomous autonomy autumn auxiliary avail availability available avenge avenue average avert aviation avoid avoidance await awake award aware awaren

17、ess away awe awesome awful awkward ax(e) axis baby bachelor back background backup backward backwards bacon bacteria bad badge badly badminton baffle bag baggage bail bait bake bakery balance balcony bald bale ball ballet balloon ballot bamboo ban banana band bandage bandit bang banish bank1 bank2 b

18、anknote bankrupt bankruptcy banner banquet baptize bar barbecue barber bare barely bargain barge bark barley barn barometer barrack barrel barren barricade barrier base baseball basement basic basically basin basis basket basketball bass bastard bat batch bath bathe bathroom battalion batter battery

19、 battle bay be beach bead beak beam bean bear1 bear2 beard bearing beast beat beautiful beauty because beckon become bed bee beef beer beetle before beforehand beg beggar begin beginning behalf behave behavio(u) r behavio(u) ral behind being belief believe bell bellow belly belong belongings beloved

20、 below belt bench benchmark bend beneath beneficial beneficiary benefit benevolence benevolent benign beset beside besides besiege best bestow best-seller bet betray better between beverage beware bewilder beyond bias bible bibliography bid big bike/bicycle bilateral bilingual bill billboard billiar

21、d billion billionaire billow bin bind binder bingo binoculars biochemistry biography biology biomedical bird birth birthday birthright biscuit bishop bit bitch bite bitter bizarre black blackboard blackmail blacksmith bladder blade blame bland blank blanket blast blaze bleach bleak bleed blend bless

22、 blight blind blink bliss blister bloc block blockade blog blonde blood bloodshed bloody bloom blossom blot blouse blow blue blueprint bluff blunder blunt blur blurt blush board boast boastful boat bodily body bog boil boiler bold bolster bolt bomb bond bondage bone bonus book booklet bookmark boom

23、boost boot booth border bore boring born borough borrow bosom boss botanical botany both bother bottle bottom bottomless bounce bound boundary bounty bouquet bourgeois bout bow bowel bowl bowling box boy boycott boyhood brace bracelet bracket brag brain brake branch brand brandy brass brave brawl br

24、each bread breadth break breakage breakdown breakfast breakthrough breast breath breathe breed breeze brew brewery bribe bribery brick bride bridge brief briefcase briefing brigade bright brighten brilliant brim bring brink brisk bristle brittle broad broadband broadcast broaden brochure broken brok

25、er brokerage bronze brood brook broom brother brotherly brow brown browse browser bruise brunch brush brutal brutality bubble buck bucket buckle bud Buddhism Buddhist budget budgetary buff buffalo buffer buffet bug build building bulb bulge bulk bull bullet bulletin bully bump bumper bun bunch bundl

26、e bungalow bunk burden burdensome bureau bureaucracy bureaucrat bureaucratic burglar burial burn burrow burst bury bus bush business bust bustle busy but butcher butt butter butterfly button buy buzz by bypass bystander cab cabbage cabin cabinet cable cafe cafeteria caffeine cage cake calamity calci

27、um calculate calculation calculator calendar calf call calling calm calorie camel camera camp campaign campus can1 can2 canal cancel cancer candidate candle candy cane cannon canoe canteen canvas canyon cap capable capacity cape Capital1 capital2 capitalism capitalize capsule captain caption captive

28、 capture car caravan carbohydrate carbon carcass card cardboard cardinal care career carefree careful careless caress caretaker cargo caring carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot carry cart carton cartoon cartridge carve case cash cashier casino cassette cast castle casual casualty cat catalog(ue

29、) catastrophe catch category cater cathedral catholic cattle cauliflower cause1 cause2 caution cautious cavalry cave cavern cavity CDROM cease cedar ceiling celebrate celebrity cell cellar cellular cement cemetery censorship censure census cent center/-tre centigrade centimeter/-tre central centrali

30、zation century ceramic cereal ceremony certain certainly certainty certificate certification certify chain chair chairman chalk challenge chamber champagne champion chance chancellor change channel chant chaos chaotic chap chapel chapter character characteristic characterize/ise charcoal charge char

31、itable charity charm chart charter chase chat chatter chauffeur cheap cheat check/cheque checkpoint cheek cheer cheerful cheese chef chemical chemist chemistry cherish chess chest chew chicken chief child childhood childish childlike chill chimney chimpanzee chin china chip chocolate choice choir ch

32、oke cholesterol choose chop chopsticks chord chore chorus Christ Christian Christmas chronic chronicle chrysanthemum chuck chuckle chunk church cigar cigaret(te) cinema circle circuit circular circulate circulation circumstance circus cite citizen citizenship city civic civil civilian civilization/-

33、 isation civilize/-ise claim clamp clan clap clarification clarify clarity clash clasp class classic classical classification classified classify classmate classroom clatter clause claw clay clean cleanse clear clearance clear-cut clearing clement clench clergy clerk clever cliche click client cliff

34、 climate climax climb clinch cling clinic clinical clip cloak clock clockwise clog clone close closet closure cloth clothes clothing cloud cloudy clown club clue clumsy cluster clutch coach coal coalition coarse coast coastal coat coax Coca-Cola cocaine cock cockpit cocktail coconut code coercive co

35、existence coffee cognitive coherent cohesion cohesive coil coin coincide coincidence cold collaboration collapse collar colleague collect collection collective college collide collision colo(u) r colon colonel colonial colonialism colonize colony colossal column columnist coma comb combat combinatio

36、n combine come comedy comet comfort comfortable comic comma command commander commemorate commence commencement commend comment commentary commentator commerce commercial commercialism commission commissioner commit commitment committee commodity common commonplace commonwealth commotion communal co

37、mmunicate communication communique communism communist community commute compact companion companionship company comparable comparative compare comparison compartment compass compassion compassionate compatible compel compensate compensation compete competence competent competition competitive compe

38、titor compile complacent complain complaint complement complementary complete complex complexion complexity compliance complicate complicated complication compliment comply component compose composer composite composition compound comprehend comprehension comprehensive compress compression comprise

39、compromise compulsory compute computer computerize comrade conceal concede conceited conceive concentrate concentration concept conception concern concerning concert concerted concerto concession concise conclude conclusion concrete concurrently condemn condemnation condense condition condolence con

40、dom conducive conduct conductor cone confederation confer conference confess confide confidence confident confidential configuration confine confirm confirmation confiscate conflict conform conformity confront confrontation Confucian Confucianism confuse confusion congratulate congratulation congreg

41、ate congress congressman conjunction connect connection connotation conquer conqueror conquest conscience conscientious conscious consecutive consensus consent consequence consequent consequently conservation conservative conserve consider considerable considerate consideration considering consist c

42、onsistency consistent console consolidate conspicuous conspiracy conspire constant constituency constituent constitute constitution constitutional constrain constraint constrict construct construction construe consul consulate consult consultancy consultant consultative consume consumer consummate c

43、onsumption contact contagious contain container containment contaminate contemplate contemporary contempt contend content1 content2 contented contention contentious contest contestant context continent contingent continual continuance continue continuity continuous contraception contract contradict

44、contradiction contrary contrast contribute contribution contrive control controversial controversy convene convenience convenient convent convention eonventional converge conversation converse conversely conversion convert convertible convey convict conviction convince convoy cook cooker cookie cool

45、 cooperate cooperation cooperative coordinate cop cope copper copy copyright coral cord cordial cordless core cork corn corner cornerstone corporal corporate corporation corps corpse correct correlate correlation correspond correspondence correspondent corresponding corridor corrode corrupt corruption cosmetic cosmic cosmopolitan cost costly costume cottage cotton couch cough could council council(l) or counsel count countdown counter counteract counterclockwise counterfeit counterpart country countryside county coup couple coupon courage coura


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