1、,Self-introduction My English name is Sally.,S: self-disciplined自律的 steady踏实的 A: ambitious有雄心的aggressive有进取心的 l : logical条理分明的 l : loyal忠诚的 Y : youthful有朝气的You can call me Ms. Wu.,To learn English well ! Why? How?,LOREM IPSUM DOLOR,Is learning English easy or difficult? 对很多同学来说,学英语看似很难,因为基础太差或者没有基础,
2、但是来到高中,大家都得改变态度了,英语是最容易拿分的学科。关键是一切从自己做起,重新从音标,语法等学起,大家通过努力都能学好英语。,As far as I am concerned,Its fun to learn English.,1. What letter is an animal ? ( B ) bee 2. What letter is a question? ( Y ) why3. What letter is a part of the head? ( I ) eye4. Which two English letters are the ones that people lik
3、e to listen to most? ( CD )5. Whats the smallest room in the world? ( mushroom )6. What table can be eaten? ( vegetable ),1. What kind of dog never bite? A hot dog. 2. Which can move faster, heat or cold? Heat. Because you can catch a cold. 3. Name five days of the week without saying: Monday, Tuesd
4、ay, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. 4. What question can you never answer yes“ to“ ?Are you asleep?,How to learn English well?,Form good habits! 1. 记笔记并定时整理的习惯(笔记本,错题集) 及时整理笔记,及时复习,不断丰富笔记,随手记忆整理,通过记忆的七次复现达到真正掌握知识 2.朗读与背诵的
5、习惯 对句型、短文充分理解的基础上最大声、最快速、最准确地朗读与背诵 3.随手翻字典的习惯(字典) 英语学习中的大部分问题都可以通过自己翻阅字典解决 4.用小单词本记录生词短语的习惯(生词本) 充分利用零碎时间背单词岂不是美滋滋 5.良好的书写习惯 美观的书写可以为你的作文加5分 6.收集好自己的讲义纸和试卷(燕尾夹,文件袋) 学会收集整理,人生才能高效,而不能将时间都浪费在不断的翻找上。,Remember:,Practice makes perfect.Attitude is everything.Fall in love with losing face!You will improve
6、your English!,Homework,1. Find an English name for yourself.Find an English adjective(形容词) for each letter of your English name. 2. Review the words and phrases in Module 3 book2 and we will have a dictation(听写) tomorrow.,What to do ?,1.课前预习,课后复习 2.上课要“五到”:眼到,耳到,口到,手到,心到。积极主动地参与课堂活动 3. 早读声音要响亮 ,必要时动笔书写 4.准备一套作业本(听写本,课堂练习本,作文本,抄写本)和两本硬面抄(笔记本,纠错本) 5.学习工具必不可少(字典,英文报刊或杂志,英语学习APP) 6.按时独立完成作业 7.每日“三省吾身”:a 我今天背单词了吗? b 我今天完成作业了吗?c 我今天大声朗读了吗? 8.做一名积极提问的学生。,