1、飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004轮胎压力监控系统(TPMS) 应用参考指南Transportation and Standard Products Group系统和应用工程Slide 2飞思卡尔Sem
2、iconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004目标内容飞思卡尔UHF发送器和接收器解决方案TPMS 系统概况飞思卡尔参考平台TPMS 参考解决方案应用注意事项常见客户问题本文将提供更多TPMS平台应用注意事项和指南,从而加快客户
3、设计进度Slide 3飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004接入和远程控制-发送器和接收器RF 接收器MC33594 RF 发送器MC33493微控制器/ 发送器68HC908RF2飞思卡尔链接: 接入和远
4、程控制-发送器和接收器Slide 4飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004MC33594 (TPMS 参考接收器AN1951)(PLL调谐UHF ASK/FSK 接收器,用于数据传输应用。OOK中无数据管理
5、器。)飞思卡尔链接:MC33594 产品小结页面RF 接收器、发送器和MCU+RF 发送器MC33493 PLL 调谐低功率UHF 发送器飞思卡尔链接: MC33493产品小结页面68HC908RF2 (TPMS 参考接收器AN1951)8-位微控制器终端M68HC08系列,成本低、性能高,內置PLL调谐低功率UHF 发送器。飞思卡尔链接:68HC908RF2 产品小结页面Slide 5飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, In
6、c. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS (轮胎气压监控系统)MC33594AndMC68HC908KX8飞思卡尔链接:轮胎气压监控系统(演示平台)TPMS功能芯片集远程传感模块(RSM)压力传感器温度传感器功率控制定时开机器内部时钟生成器计时器低压检测2.1-3.6V电池RKE和TPMS接收器Slide 6飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 a
7、nd the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -发送器传感器:MPXY80x0 也称为Daytona。它是表面经过微机械加工的电容性机电系统(MEMS)压力传感器。Daytona 包括压力变频器、正温度系数集成电阻温度传感器和生产校准的压力和温度8位数字输出所需的全部线路,所
8、有应用均在一个冲模上提供。MPXY8020/8040压力和温度传感器Slide 7飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -发送器MCU+RF: MC68HC908RF2
9、 也称为RF2,由两个蕊片组成。一个是2KB闪存HC08 MCU(与MC68HC908RK2部件号相同);另一个是RF发送器,能在几百米的有效距离内传输数字数据(与MC33493部件号相同,也称为Tango3)。MC68HC908RF2闪存MCU和UHF发送器Slide 8飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of
10、their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -接收器RF 接收器: MC33594也称为Romeo2,是兼容RF2的接收器。Romeo2能够接收并解调Manchester编码数据,并能在普通的串行外围接口(SPI)上输出本数据。MC33594 UHF接收器Slide 9飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All oth
11、er product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -接收器MCU: MC68HC908KX8也称为KX8,该MCU是本演示随机选择的。飞思卡尔提供大量适用于汽车的MCU选项。在生产系统中,MC9S12DP256还可以替代KX8,提供5个控制器局域网(CAN)接口,快速地将TPMS功能转移到次要任务中。MC68HC908KX8闪存MCU(许多飞思卡尔MCU可以替换)Slide 10飞思卡尔Semiconduc
12、tor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -发送器Antenna and matching component Xtal clk & modulator component 天线和匹配组件Xtal c
13、lk和调节器组件图2:TPMS轮胎模块示意图Slide 11飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -发送器Tx示意图特征运行外部组件少; MCU运行不需要晶体,因为RF
14、2包含一个内部时钟生成器(注意管脚21和22都处于打开状态);发送器将晶体用作锁相环(PLL)的参考振荡器; 13.56 MHz 晶体提供运营商级的传输频率(433.92 MHz);已经增加天线的匹配网络。Slide 12飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞
15、思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -发送器天线MC68HC908RF2传感器电池晶体图3:TPMS轮胎模块平面图外缘模块内缘图4:轮胎模块安装位置Slide 13飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思
16、卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004Tx模块实施模块板使用印制天线;所有组件都焊接到模块板一端;Tx板应安装在轮胎内缘;发送器板用3颗螺丝安装在轴承座上;使用硬环氧保护轴承座边缘的安全,使用尼龙带可以提供更好的安全保护。TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -发送器Slide 14飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the
17、property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -接收器PC的RS232接口供电天线及匹配组件MCU & LED显示图5:TPMS接收器模块示意图Slide 15飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property
18、 of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D) -接收器图6:TPMS接收器模块平面图Slide 16飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semic
19、onductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考设计(AN1951D)Slide 17飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004MCURFMC68HC908RF2 (MCU+RF) 详细信息14针相同!MC
20、68HC908RF2闪存MCU和UHF发送器Slide 18飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考应用注意事项: 发送器RF 发送器应用注意事项飞思卡尔链接:(MCU 详细信息) 68HC90
21、8RF2 产品小结页面 MC68HC908RF2.pdf: MC68HC908RF2 MCU数据表飞思卡尔链接:(RF 详细信息) MC33493 产品小结页面 AN2719: 使用Tango3的发送器(提供ISM 波段分步设计) AN2777: 用于MC9S08RG60 MCU的Tango3监控器 AN2783: 使用Tango3 和Romeo2 RF模块的RF 数据链 AN2707: Tango3 RF 发送器和Romeo2 RF 接收器IC软件驱动 AN2195: Tango3 和Romeo2平面设计建议Slide 19飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Pro
22、prietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考应用注意事项: 接收器RF 接收器应用注意事项飞思卡尔链接:(RF 详细信息) MC33594 产品小结页面AN2830: 使用Romeo2的接收器(提供ISM 波段分步设计) AN2818: 用于MC68HC908AP6
23、4 MCU 的Romeo2 监控器AN2783: Tango3 和Romeo2 RF模块的RF数据链AN2707: Tango3 RF 发送器和Romeo2 RF 接收器IC软件驱动AN2610: 为使用Romeo2的RF接收器选择组件AN2611: 短程RF设备的系统注意事项AN2185: 使用Romeo2的MCU接口AN2167: 在接收RF数据的同时,修改Romeo2配置注册器Slide 20飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconduct
24、or, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 参考应用常见问题晶体振荡器Tango3 (MC33493) 振荡器线路与FSK中带串联电阻(小于50 ohm)的晶体一起操作(参见MC33493数据表参数2.44),提供的最大负载电容为12pF(参见Tango3 数据表的NDK技术规范表)。上述参数在整个温度范围内有效。晶体电阻OOK调制FSK调制表4:常见的晶体特征(SMD包)欧姆1018.528损失
25、电阻pF2.461.51.05静态电容fF10.54.43.33动态电容pF121212负载电容单位NDK NX1255GA(用于434MHz和868MHz)NDK NX8045GB/CSJ S1-40125-8050-12(用于434MHz和868MHz)NDKLN-G102-950(用于315MHz)参数Slide 21飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service
26、names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS参考应用常见问题DATACLK 设置时间UHF发送器的DATACLK处理时间明确规定为使用1800次(最大值)(参考MC68HC908RF2电气技术规范)。部分客户源代码已经找到,设置的延迟时间低于上面的值(如200 usec)S1800800-45负载循环f DATACLE 55%DATACLK设置时间tDATACLK设置Slide 22飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思
27、卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS参考应用常见问题DATACLK 设置时间UHF发送器的DATACLK处理时间明确规定为使用1800次(最大值)(参考MC68HC908RF2电气技术规范)。部分客户源代码已经找到,设置的延迟时间低于上面的值(如200 usec)S1800800-45负
28、载循环f DATACLE 55%DATACLK设置时间tDATACLK设置Slide 23飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS参考应用常见问题DATACLK 设置时间UHF发送器的DATACLK处
29、理时间明确规定为使用1800次(最大值)(参考MC68HC908RF2电气技术规范)。部分客户源代码已经找到,设置的延迟时间低于上面的值(如200 usec)S1800800-45负载循环f DATACLE 55%DATACLK设置时间tDATACLK设置Slide 24飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of t
30、heir respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004TPMS 网址若您欲知更多飞思卡尔TPMS信息, 请访问:http:/ 25飞思卡尔Semiconductor Confidential Proprietary. 飞思卡尔 and the 飞思卡尔logo are trademarks of 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. 飞思卡尔Semiconductor, Inc. 2004完谢谢!