1、因为偷懒,作文篇一:最新 2015 年 MBA 小作文偷懒模板(主要四种)2015 年 MBA 小作文精华模板(偷懒版)小作文模板一(适用于求职信、推荐信和辞职信)Dear Mr. Smith/Sir or Madam,I am writing this letter in order to express my interest in the position of 此处可替换) in your company.(此句为求职信第一段内容)I am writing this letter in order to recommend a friend/workmate of mine to (此
2、句为推荐信第一段内容) (此句为辞职信第一段内容)First of all, I have(或此处可替换)for eight years after graduating from university. In addition, I am(或 he/she 此处可替换其他形容词)person, so I am sure I (或 he/she) can perform my(或 his/her) duty well. Therefore, not only do my(或 his/her) qualifications and work experiences make me (或 him/
3、her) a perfect candidate for the job, but also my(或 his/her)personality is well suitable for working as a sales manager. (此段为求职和推( 本文来自:WwW.BdfqY.Com 千叶帆文摘: 因为偷懒,作文) 荐信第二段内容)First of all, I expected my job to be of great challenge, which has turned out to be opposite. In addition, I am not a very 此处
4、可替换)person, so I do not think I can make great contribution to your company. Finally, I find that this job is quite different from my expectation and the salary is far from my personal satisfaction. Therefore, I decide to quit my position after much consideration and mental struggle. (此段为辞职信第二段内容)I
5、would be very appreciated if you can take time from your busy schedule to consider my application/recommendation at your earliest convenience. If you want to know more information about me(或 him/her), please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. I am looking forward to hearing from you very soon. (
6、此段为求职信和推荐信第三段内容)I would be very appreciated if you can take time from your busy schedule to consider my resignation at your earliest convenience. I am deeply sorry in advance for any inconvenience that my leave might bring to you.(此段为辞职信第三段内容 )Yours sincerely, Li Ming小作文模板二(适用于咨询信和请求信)Dear Mr. Smith
7、/ Sir or Madam,第一段 I am writing this letter in order to inquire more knowledge/details about what you have offered. I would be grateful if you can provide me with the following information/help. (此段为咨询信和请求信第一段内容)第二段 The first thing I would like to find out is the price/location of the product/place
8、you have offered/ mentioned. please send me a quotation (或 detailed information about ) it. Another question that is important for me is : when will the products be delivered ? (或 How can I reach the place without any problem?)Last but not least, I am wondering if you could be so kind as toinform me
9、 of the further detail of the products/place. (此段为咨询信和请求信第二段内容)第二段 The first thing I would like you to help me with is: could you please (帮助 1) ,Another favor that is important to me is :could you please (帮助2) ,Last but not least, I am wondering if you could help me to( 帮助 3) . (如果是请求别人帮助的信可换成此段内容)第
10、三段 I would be very appreciated if you could take time from your busy schedule to provide me with the information/details that I want. Thank you very much for taking your time to help me. I am looking forward to your reply very soon.Yours sincerely,Li Ming小作文模板三(适用于邀请信和备忘录,注意不同格式) (以下为邀请信之一供参考,划线部分可替
11、换其他内容)Dear Mr. Smith/Sir or Madam,第一段 distinguished guests for us , we would very much like you to participate in the event (and share our joy).第二段 The celebration party will start at 7:00 in the evening in the Grandwe are honored to invite you to give us And next your will be a very exciting I am s
12、ure that you will have a pleasure evening and an unforgettable experience.第三段 I will be very appreciated if you could take time from your busy schedule to consider our invitation. Thank you for taking you time to read this, and if you do not have any prior engagement next Saturday evening, we are lo
13、oking forward to the pleasure of your arrival/presence.Yours sincerely,Li Ming(以下为备忘录之一供参考,划线部分可替换其他内容)Date:December 26th, 2015To: All the employeesFrom: Li Ming, personnel managerSubject: On the employees computer training第一段 In order to improve our employeesgoing to hold a training course on from
14、next week. The details about this training course are listed as follows.第二段 First of all, the training will be in the meeting room of our company. It will start from from next week to the end of next January. Secondly, the training course will bewe hope to teach our employees how to use computer sof
15、tware, such as word, excel and PPT so that our employees can use computer technology better at work in the future.第三段 All the employees are required to participate in this computer training course. We are sure that you will benefit a lot from this training. If you have any question or suggestion abo
16、ut this training, please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible.小作文模板四(适用于感谢信和道歉信)(以下为感谢信之一供参考)Dear Mr. Smith/ Sir or Madam,第一段 I am writing this letter in order to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your warm hospitality while I was in American.第二段 When I reached America last week
17、, I felt very nervous because I knew little about American cultures and customs, your generous help made it possible that I had a pleasant stay and a chance to know American cultures better. Besides, I consider it a chance for me to make friends with you and I will cherish the goodwill you showed to
18、 me wherever I go.第三段 I sincerely hope that you will visit me at your earliest convenience so that I can enjoy the opportunity to repay your kindness and strengthen our friendship. I am looking forward to hearing from you very soon.篇二:偷懒的结果“偷懒”的结果汉斯是个德国农民,他因爱动脑筋,常常花费比别人更少的气,而获得更大的受益。当地人都说他是个聪明人。到了土豆
19、收获季节,德国农民就进入了最繁忙的工作时期。他们不仅要把土豆从地里收回来,而且还要把土豆运动到附近的城里去卖。为了卖个好价钱,大家都要先把土豆按个头分成大、中、小三类。这样做,劳动量实在太大了,别人都只有起早摸黑地干,希望快点把土豆运到城里赶早上市。汉斯一家与众不同,他们根本不做分捡土豆的工作,而是直接把土豆装进麻袋里运走。汉斯一家“偷懒 ”的结果是,他家的土豆是最早上市,因此每次他赚的钱自然比别家的多。一个邻居发现了汉斯一家赚的钱比自己多,但是不知道他们是怎么做的。于是就悄悄地跟踪,终于发现了其中的奥妙。原来,汉斯每次向城里送土豆时,没有开车走一般人都经过的平坦公路,而是载着装土豆的麻袋跑一
20、条颠簸不平的山路。二英里路程下来,因车子的不断颠簸,小的土豆就落到麻袋最底部,而大的自然留在了上面。卖时仍然是大小能够分开。由于节省了时间,汉斯的土豆上市最早,自然价钱就能卖得更理想了。【 风行小语】大自然中有许多类似的现象。平时不留意,根本意识不到。但是,如果注意观察,用心分析,巧以利用,就能给生活带来许多便利。农民汉斯这种巧妙利用自然条件进行逻辑想象的方法,看起来并不惊天动地,但却能开启我们的大脑。如果你能够激发自己的逻辑想象能力,就可以在自己的成功过程中做得更好了。【 适用话题】观察 用心 用脑 想像篇三:偷懒的下场偷懒的下场大鹏新区葵涌中心小学 曾佩君有一户人家养了一头牛和一头驴,每天
21、主人都要牵着牛去犁地,而驴却躺在窝里休息。有一天晚上,牛对好吃懒做的驴说:“驴,你看你多懒呀!我多勤劳啊!”驴一点儿也不生气,反而骄傲地说:“干活多累呀!你看看我,每天休息,主人照样给我最鲜嫩的草吃,多好呀!”牛想了想,问到:“那你有什么好办法,让我和你一样?”驴说:“只要明天早上你装着生病,主人就不带你去干活了。 ”牛听了,觉得是个好办法,决定明天早上就装病,看好不好?第二天早上,牛就装病,真像病得很严重,连站也站起来。主人看见了,心痛极了,连忙拿了些鲜嫩的青草给牛吃,也没有带牛去犁地。这时主人看见了一旁的驴,就把驴带去犁地,当沉重的犁拴在驴的身上时,驴一下子摔倒在地上,站也站不起来,主人生气地说:“你吃了那么多青草,却连一点小事都做不好,我为什么要白养你” ,于是,主人把驴给杀了,驴在?a href=“http:/ target=“_blank” class=“keylink”狼跋耄何艺娌挥 酶嫠吲夂冒旆 墒窍衷诤蠡谝丫床患傲恕?/p 听说驴不能干活所以被主人杀了,牛立刻吓得站了起来,也不装病了,免得跟驴一样的下场。于是,牛即使再累也变得精神抖擞,每天跟着主人在地里干活,从不偷懒了。